The Presbyterian Church in the Upper Cape Fear Valley was
organized October 18, 1758, with the signing of a contract with Rev. Campbell by
"Presbyterian Gentlemen" Hector (called "Bluff" Hector) McNeill,
Gilbert Clark, Thomas Gibson, Alexander McAlister, Malcom Smith, Archibald McKay, John
Patterson, Dushie Shaw, Neil McNeill, Archibald Buie, Angus Culbreth and John McPherson
for "the sum of 100 pounds in good & lawful money of North Carolina . . .
yearly." Although the call was effective from June 22, 1758, Rev. Campbell was not
(legally) allowed to preach or perform marriages until January 18, 1759 when he subscribed
to the required oath that he would not oppose the doctrine, discipline, and Liturgy of the
Church of England. Neill McNeill (and his wife Catharine) by deed of February 18, 1761,
conveyed to Hector McNeill and Alexander McAlister, members of the original Session and
both residing on the east side of the Cape Fear River, "one acre of land whereon is
built and erected a Meeting House as the same now stands" on the west side of the
Cape Fear River near Tranthams Creek close to the home of Roger McNeill, son of Neill
McNeill. Called Roger's Meeting House, this building was probably a small log structure
built about 1759 and the first church building in the Upper Cape Fear Valley. Rev.
Campbell served the three churches, now represented by Bluff, Longstreet, and Barbecue
Presbyterian Churches, assisted in the Barbecue area from 1770 by Rev. John MacLeod, until
about 1776 when, threatened about his prayers supporting the Patriot Cause, he moved to
Guilford County. In 1780, Rev. Campbell returned to his home on the west bank of the Cape
Fear River, where he died and was buried in a family graveyard. Bluff church still
preserves two Communion Goblets with the inscription, "For the Presbyterian
Congregations in Cumberland County, under the care of the Rev'd John MacLeod, Apr. 21st
1775." Sometime after 1780, a new meeting house, probably also a log structure,
was built on the east side of the river. Apparently both meeting houses were used until
about 1785 when a frame building was built on the bluff at the east side of the river. On
July 23, 1791, John MacNeill conveyed to Farquard Campbell and Alexander MacAlester, as
trustees of the Bluff Meeting House, two acres near the burying ground "part of 200
acres possessed by sd. MacNeill known by the name of the Bluff where said piece of land
with the Meeting House now standing on the same. . . ." This frame building was
repaired in 1816, the subscription list totaling $112, and used until about 1855, when the
present Bluff church was built.
Rev. Dugald Crawford, who began his ministry in North Carolina in 1783, came from time
to time to preach at the Bluff until he was called as pastor in 1786. He served until
about 1793 when he was followed by the newly immigrated Rev. Angus McDiarmid who served
until 1803. The Bluff was supplied by Rev. Murdock Murphy until November 1810 when Rev.
Allan McDougald took over as regular supply. Rev. McDougald received a regular call on
April 2, 1812, to serve Bluff, Barbecue, and Averasboro in the new Fayetteville
Presbytery. He was followed about 1844 by Rev. Evander McNair who served until 1855 except
for a short period when he was relieved by Rev. Simeon Colton. Rev. Duncan D. McBryde
served from 1855 to 1890, Rev. Joseph B. Mack from 1890 to 1891, and Rev. George A. Hough
from 1891 to 1892.
In 1892, a group of forty-one Bluff church members attending a mission chapel begun by
Rev. McBryde organized and moved their memberships to McMillan Presbyterian Church,
located about four miles to the southeast of the Bluff church site.
Rev. Andrew Morrison Hassell served as stated supply of the Bluff from October 1893
until October 1894 when he was regularly called as pastor. He served until May 1899 when
Rev. James Stedman Black was called.
On August 16, 1903, the congregation met to consider moving the place of worship to a
more accessible location. They voted 31 to 11 to move the church to Godwin where a Sabbath
School had been begun in 1889 and where the manse was located. Objections from the church
members living in the Wade area resulted in a split, the members from Wade keeping the
Bluff church and one hundred members from the Godwin area organizing and moving their
memberships to the Godwin Presbyterian Church in May 1904.
Under the leadership of Rev. Letcher Smith who served the Bluff from 1904 to 1906, a
new frame church was begun at "Wade Station." Under the guidance of Rev. Angus
R. McQueen who replaced Rev. Smith in 1907, the move was made on October 18, 1908, 150
years to the day after the call to Rev. James Campbell
Rev. JAMES CAMPBELL, a native of Campbelltown, Argyleshire, Scotland, rests near this
spot. He died in 1780, in the seventy-fifth year of his age and the fiftieth of his
He was a wise and pure Patriot, a faithful defender of the principles of the
PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, a zealous Preacher of the Gospel, a devout and humble Christian. The
Churches which he founded, and the Presbytery in the bounds of which he labored Twenty two
years, have erected this MONUMENT to honor his name and perpetuate his MEMORY.
Bluff, Long-Street, and Barbecue Churches were organized by Rev. JAMES CAMPBELL,
October 18th, 1758. Hector & Duncan McNeill, Farquard Campbell, and Alexander
McAlister, were the earliest Elders of the Bluff Church.
Malcom Smith, Duncan Ray, and Archibald McKay, were the earliest Elders of Long-Street
Church. and Gilbert Rev. JAMES CAMPBELL, a native of Campbelltown, Argyleshire, Scotland,
rests near this spot. He died in 1780, in the seventy-fifth year of his age and the
fiftieth of his ministry.
He was a wise and pure Patriot, a faithful defender of the principles of the
PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, a zealous Preacher of the Gospel, a devout and humble Christian. The
Churches which he founded, and the Presbytery in the bounds of which he labored Twenty two
years, have erected this MONUMENT to honor his name and perpetuate his MEMORY. (North
Bluff, Long-Street, and Barbecue Churches were organized by Rev. JAMES CAMPBELL,
October 18th, 1758. Hector & Duncan McNeill, Farquard Campbell, and Alexander
McAlister, were the earliest Elders of the Bluff Church. (West face)
Malcom Smith, Duncan Ray, and Archibald McKay, were the earliest Elders of Long-Street
Church. and Gilbert Rev. JAMES CAMPBELL, a native of Campbelltown, Argyleshire, Scotland,
rests near this spot. He died in 1780, in the seventy-fifth year of his age and the
fiftieth of his ministry. (East face)
He was a wise and pure Patriot, a faithful defender of the principles of the
PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, a zealous Preacher of the Gospel, a devout and humble Christian. The
Churches which he founded, and the Presbytery in the bounds of which he labored Twenty two
years, have erected this MONUMENT to honor his name and perpetuate his MEMORY. (North
Bluff, Long-Street, and Barbecue Churches were organized by Rev. JAMES CAMPBELL,
October 18th, 1758. Hector & Duncan McNeill, Farquard Campbell, and Alexander
McAlister, were the earliest Elders of the Bluff Church. (West face)
Malcom Smith, Duncan Ray, and Archibald McKay, were the earliest Elders of Long-Street
Church. and Gilbert Clark, Daniel Cameron, and Archibald Buie, were the earliest Elders of
Barbecue Church.