The year 1778 is memorable in the North for the
number of new regiments raised there, besides a very considerable
number of soldiers recruited for the old regiments of the line. The 73d,
of two battalions, the 74th, 76th, 77th, 78th, and 81st, regiments of
the line, and the Argyle Regiment of Fencibles—in all
nine battalions, of ten companies each were
embodied and completed in less than five months.
In December 1777 the Honourable Colonel William
Gordon, brother of the Earl of Aberdeen, received orders to raise
a regiment of Highlanders. Although the estate and influence of the
Aberdeen family lay in the Lowland districts of Aberdeenshire, it was
from the Highlands that Colonel Gordon expected to fill his ranks; and
as an inducement to the young men to enter more readily, the Highland
garb, to which they were then extremely partial, although prohibited by
severe penalties, was to be the regimental uniform.
It would appear that the expectation entertained of
the ready enlistment of the Highlanders was well founded. Of 980 men
then embodied, about 650 were from the mountains. Major Ross was
followed by so many of his own clan and name, that he had nine men of
the name of John Ross. In a body of men so intimately connected as these
were, it may be supposed that their character and conduct must either be
very good or very indifferent, as example, of whatever tendency, would
more readily spread among a community so much knit together by the ties
of kindred, country, and early intimacy.
In this regiment the current took a favourable turn,
and its conduct and character were excellent throughout; but, unluckily,
like their neighbours the Athole Highlanders, they had not an
opportunity of proving in what manner they would acquit themselves
before an enemy, and realize the expectations grounded on the steadiness
of their general conduct.
The regiment was marched to Stirling, and passed from
thence to Ireland, where it was stationed three years, always sustaining
a character approved by the general officers in command, and by the
people of the country. In the end of 1782 they
crossed over to England, and, in March 1783, were
embarked at Portsmouth, with an intention of sending them to the
East Indies, immediately after the preliminaries of peace were signed,
although the terms on which the regiment had enlisted were, that they
should be discharged in three years, or at the conclusion of
hostilities. The men, however, made no objections or complaint, and
embarking very cheerfully, remained quietly on board, waiting the orders
for sailing, and apparently overlooking or indifferent about the
conditions of their engagements.
At length, however, a very opposite feeling evinced
itself, when it was known that the Athole Highlanders had insisted on
the performance of the terms of their agreement, and they refused to
embark. The example, as might have been expected, spread rapidly, and
the Aberdeenshire regiment, following that of the Athole Highlanders,
called for the fulfilment of their agreement, and requested to be
disembodied, and marched back to their own country, to be there
discharged. This request being conceded, the regiment marched to
Scotland, and was disbanded in Edinburgh in April 1783.