of Inverernan, G.C.B., &c.
It gives me much pleasure to
dedicate to you an attempt to place on record the romantic career and
chivalrous character of one of the Forbeses of Skellater. This dedication to
you, who worthily represent the House of Skellater, would, in any case, be
appropriate. It is made still more appropriate by the kind encouragement and
important aid you have given to the preparation of the biography.
With feelings of esteem and
respect, Believe me to be,
Yours very truly,
September, 1902.

WHEN the traveller who
ascends the valley of the Aberdeenshire Don has got into the heart of the
Highland country, and reached a point about 48 miles from Aberdeen, he will
notice on his right hand a house of larger size and more conspicuous
appearance than the farm houses of the neighbourhood. It looks across the
strath into the face of the birch-clad hill of Delhandy, on the south side
of the river. In front of the house lies a field, surrounded with a border
of trees, in single row, and looking as if it had formerly been a small
"policy" or home park. A hill sweeps in a curve behind, and forms a shelter
from the north wind. The house was once the mansion of the lairds of
Skellater, and the hill behind it is the hill of Lonach. To the people of
Strathdon the spot has memories of a stirring kind, for here was the
gathering place of the Strathdon portion of the Clan Forbes, and Lonach, the
name of the hill, was their slogan or war cry.
The lairds of Skellater were
once powerful in the land, and a large part of upper Donside belonged to
them. They were a bold and warlike race, and played an active part in the
stormy history of the country. They first come clearly to the front during
the great civil war, when William Forbes of Skellater led the men of
Strathdon to join Montrose, and fought for the king at the battle of Alford,
on the 2nd of July, 1645. This was a great departure from the politics of
the other families of the Forbes name, who were all, or nearly all,
Covenanters. Between the Forbeses and their neighbours, the Gordons, there
existed a bitter enmity, which showed itself in combats like the battle of
the Craibstanes, fought in the year 1571; in deeds of ferocity like the
massacre of the sons of Gordon of Knock, by Forbes of Strathgirnock, and the
burning of Towie Castle (some say it was Corgarif Castle), with all its
inmates, by Edom o' Gordon, a tragedy immortalised in one of the finest of
our Scottish ballads. Probably the best reason that the Forbeses could give
for supporting the Covenant was that the Gordons stood up for the king. It
was on this occasion that the Skellater family assumed the motto, carved on
the coat of arms over the door of Skellater House, "Solus inter plurimos::-
"Alone among many," and,
because they had taken the remarkable step of casting in their lot with the
Gordons, they were henceforward known as "Gordon-Forbeses." They stood by
their new principles well, and, from the time when they took the field for
Charles I., under Montrose, down to the time when the cause of the Stuarts
was lost forever, that cause always found devoted champions in the Forbeses
of Skellater.
At the period of the '45 the
laird of Skellater was George Forbes. He had married Christian Gordon,
daughter of Gordon of Glenbucket, whose estate and castle lay a few miles
farther east, in the glen of the little river Bucket. As a matter of fact,
Gordon had sold his possessions some years previously, to Baron Duff of
Braco, but he was still called, in popular speech, by his old and familiar
title of "Glen- bucket." He was a great Jacobite, and commanded a regiment
under the Prince. It was he who inspired King George II. with such terror
that he would start from his sleep, exclaiming, in his German English, "De
gread Glenbogged is coming!" Gordon was a brave old warrior, but the king
had got an exaggerated notion of his power and importance. The Glen- bucket
who was such a nightmare to poor George II. was the father- in-law of Forbes
of Skellater.
True to his hereditary
principles, George Forbes joined the rising, and held a Lieutenant-Colonel's
commission in the Prince's army. He was attended by a half-witted man, who
acted as his personal servant or henchman. At Culloden, during the early
stage of the battle, when the Clans were being torn by the fire of
Cumberland's artillery, this follower was holding the laird's pony by the
bridle, the laird himself standing close by. A cannon shot dashed the pony's
head in pieces. Heedless of his own danger, and thinking only of the loss to
his chief, the faithful henchman exclaimed indignantly, as he pointed to the
lifeless carcass, "See, laird, what they've done to your pownie!" After the
battle, Forbes made his way homeward, and lay concealed in the birch wood
that covers the low hill of Deihandy, on the south side of the Don, in full
view of Skellater House. Soon the red coats were at his heels. A party of
Government troops, commanded by Lord Ancrum, came over Lonach Hill, and
marched down upon Skellater. The laird looked on from his hiding-place,
expecting to see his home go up in flames, and his family driven forth as
starving wanderers. The lady of Skellater met the soldiers, leading her
children, and carrying in her hand the keys of the house, which she
presented to Lord Ancrum, in token of submission. His lordship courteously
returned the keys to the lady, and desired her to lead her children back to
the house. He then marched up the strath, to lay siege to Corgarif Castle,
which was held by a party of the rebels.
No proceedings of any kind
were taken by the Government against the family of Skellater, and they
retained their possessions unmolested. But probably the laird himself would
not have been spared had he been captured just then. After lurking for a
time, he escaped to France, where he found himself among comrades in
misfortune, whom he had last seen amidst the smoke of battle on Culloden
Moor. One of these comrades was Lord Ogilvie of Airlie, who, a few months
afterwards, raised among the Jacobite exiles a regiment for the service of
France. In this regiment Forbes obtained a captain's corn- mission.
In France he joined the
Prince and his friends in their plots to get up another and a greater
rising. In December, 1752, the traitor calling himself "Pickle," whom Mr.
Andrew Lang has revealed to the world, informed the English Government that
Skellater, Lochgarry, Dr. Cameron, and other Jacobite leaders were about to
cross over to Scotland and concert measures. with the Highland chiefs at the
great cattle fair at Crieff. Nothing is known of his adventures in this
fruitless expedition. If Skellater did really come over, he escaped capture
and returned safely to France, and the hand of fate fell on Dr. Cameron
alone. After the Act of Indemnity was passed, in 1747, he might have
returned home and lived again as Laird of Skellater, as if nothing had
happened. But he never did so. He was one of those fervent Jacobites whose
devotion to the Stuart cause was a sort of religion, and who lived and died
in exile rather than submit to the House of Hanover. So George Forbes stayed
in France, and died there many years afterwards. We shall have to mention
him again.
The two eldest of his six
children by his marriage with Christian Gordon of Glenbucket were sons,
William and John. The first of these succeeded to the estate of Skellater,
and afterwards sold it to his cousin, William Forbes of Balbithan, on whose
death it passed by purchase into the possession of the family of Forbes of
Newe. After he sold Skellater, William Forbes retired into private life, and
died in Aberdeen, in the year 1819, aged 86. The table tombstone, that bears
an inscription to the memory of himself, his wife, and Nathaniel Forbes, a
younger brother, stands beside the Back Wynd wall of St. Nicholas
Churchyard. William Forbes was the last laird of Skellater, and, but for
that fact, would not require notice here, for he does not seem to have
possessed any of the qualities that distinguish a man above his fellows.
Of a very different temper
was the second brother, John. It was upon him that the mantle of the old
fighting race of Skellater fell, and it is with him that our story is
concerned. During a great part of his life we have only glimpses of him, but
they are glimpses that make us long to see more. Whenever we meet him, it is
in some dramatic situation, from the time when, as a boy of twelve, he stood
behind his mother when she gave up the keys of Skellater House to Lord
Ancrum, with his hunted father looking on from his hiding place, to the time
when, a white haired veteran, he sailed from the port of Lisbon in the midst
of an exiled Court, with the cries and lamentations of an insane Queen
sounding in his ears. He would have delighted the heart of Walter Scott, who
would have seen in him the living image of his own Quentin Durward. His
clansman and collateral descendant, Mr. Urquhart Forbes, fascinated by the
romance of his career, has made him the hero of the tale of "Ian Roy." But
his true story stands in no need of embellishment by the romance writer, and
it is the true story that we shall endeavour to tell.
John Forbes was horn in 1733.
This, at least, is the date fixed by indirect evidence, for there appears to
be no documentary record. He would thus be twelve at the period of the
rebellion. Skellater House has been enlarged and modernised since then, and
when John Forbes played there as a child, it was no doubt what would now be
thought a rather primitive sort of dwelling for a laird. When it was time
for him to go to school he was sent over to Glengairn to attend a teacher
who had a great reputation in that part of the country. Glengairn lies
midway between Donside and Deeside. The upper part of the glen now stands in
mournful silence, almost deserted, but it was then thickly occupied by a
Gaelic-speaking population, mostly Roman Catholic in religion, and intensely
Jacobite in politics. In war they followed the Farquharsons of Braemar.

At Rinettan, near the head of
Glengairn, lived a family, named Macdonald, who belonged to the class of
small gentry or duinewassails that formerly abounded in the Highlands, and
formed the flower of the clans. Their house still stands, in an improved
condition, and tenanted by a gamekeeper. The school was near at hand, a
primitive erection of "dry" stones, thatched with heather. The outline of
the wall is still to be seen. Young Forbes was sent to live with the
Macdonalds and attend the school. He could only have been here a short time,
but it was long enough to show what mettle he was of. The young Macdonalds
and he ate their porridge out of a pot that stood on the earthen floor of
the kitchen, while they squatted around it. It happened that the corn crop,
poor enough at the best of times, was spoiled by frost; meal was scanty, and
the daily porridge was reduced almost to a starvation allowance. One
morning, when breakfast was about to begin, Forbes deliberately spat in the
pot. Hungry as the other young Highlanders were, this was too much for them,
and they left Forbes to finish the contents of the pot alone. Probably it
was no great feat. The hero of this rather unsavoury little anecdote was
clearly a youth of resources, and no one will be surprised to hear that he
afterwards made a figure in the world. What farther schooling he may have
received is not known. We are informed by Mr. Morland Simpson, Rector of the
Aberdeen Grammar School, that the records of the school contain the name of
a John Forbes who was a scholar there at Candlemas (February 2nd), 1748. It
is just possible that this was our John Forbes. If so, he must have left the
Grammar School very soon after Candlemas, for he was far from Aberdeen
before the end of the year.
Among his neighbours in his
native place he soon began to attract attention. Tall, handsome, and
athletic to a striking degree; high-spirited, fearless, and prompt to act,
he seemed marked out by nature for a career of adventure and distinction.
The people of the Highlands have a quick eye for personal appearance, and it
has long been a habit among them to give familiar names, alike to friends
and foes, from some conspicuous bodily feature, often from the colour of the
hair, eyes, or complexion. Anyone who has lived in the Highlands will know
some "Red Peter" or "Black Donald." Young Forbes had red hair, and probably
the blue eyes that commonly go along with it. Accordingly, he was spoken of
as Ian Roy. The words are Gaelic, and signify Red John. In a ballad composed
long afterwards to celebrate his best known exploit, these two lines are put
into his mouth:
I left my country when but
My mother's Ian Roy.
We can picture his mother
giving him the title herself, or adopting it with pride as a pet name for
her handsome son. The Lowland Scotch has, long since then, displaced the
Gaelic in Don- side, and the name by which Forbes is now remembered is "Red
Jock o' Skellater." He is sometimes confused with a certain "Black Jock o'
Skellater," but the swarthy son of Strathdon was quite a different person.
He belonged to an earlier generation of the Skellater family, and became the
first of the Inverernan line of Forbeses. Black Jock was Out in the '15, and
it was to him that the Earl of Mar wrote the famous letter scolding him for
not bringing more Strathdon men to the muster at Castletown of Braemar:
Jocke, ye was in the
right not to come with the hundred men ye sent up to- night, when I
expected four times their numbers. It is a pretty thing-
And so on. And it was Black
Jock who built the bridge over the Don at Poldoolie.
A characteristic anecdote of
our hero at this period is preserved. Probably he was now about fourteen.
One of his grandaunts had married a Grant of Rothiemurchus, and her
grandsons were on a visit to Skellater. The young Grants and Forbeses would
try each others' prowess at putting the stone, and at first the Speyside
champions had the best of it. This was more than Ian Roy could stand, and
all his pride of clanship rose in arms. "No Grant that ever lived on Spey
shall throw over me," cried he, and with a mighty effort he sent the stone
beyond them all: So powerful was the contraction of the muscles of his leg
that the garter of his Highland hose burst in two.
But the time had already come
when he was to take part in larger contests. In 1748 the war of the Austrian
Succession, which had lingered in Europe for several years, was brought to a
close by the siege of the town of Maestricht, in the Netherlands. The town
was defended by the Dutch and Austrian armies, aided by a British force,
under the Duke of Cumberland, of "butcher" memory. It was besieged by the
French under Marshal Saxe. It is at this siege of Maestricht that Ian Roy
next turns up. It is a surprising appearance for a youth from a place so
remote as Strathdon. But his life is a series of surprising appearances.
One of the scattered notices
of him to be found in print —the obituary notice in the Gentleman's Magazine
for September, i 8o8—simply states that he was a lieutenant at the siege of
Maestricht. The meagre and inaccurate scrap in the "Dictionary of National
Biography" says that he served there as a volunteer, at the age of fifteen,
and was successful in winning a commission. And that is all. We are not even
told which of the armies engaged in the siege it was that he entered, though
the writer in the "Dictionary" appears to think it was the British. But
there is no evidence that Forbes ever served in the British army, while the
Dutch and Austrian armies are practically Out of the question. We have seen
that his father was already in France, and showed no inclination to return
home. It is extremely probable that, knowing what spirit his second son was
of, he had sent for the boy to come and join him. There never was much to
keep the younger son of a poor Highland laird at home, and the fortunes of
the Skellater family seem greatly to have decayed by this time. It was
better to seek a career abroad than idle about at home, feasting on porridge
of frosted meal in Glengairn, or throwing the putting stone at Skellater.
How he gained his first commission is not known. Perhaps he did something
that would have won him the Victoria Cross in our day. But it may be assumed
that he went with his father to Maestricht as a volunteer, and held his
lieutenant's commission in his father's regiment. This conjecture is greatly
strengthened by the fact that we know from Father Forbes Leith's learned and
beautiful book, "The Scots Men at Arms and Life Guards in France," that Lord
Ogilvie's regiment took part in the siege of Maestricht. And direct proof
has lately turned up that, six years after the siege, Forbes was serving as
a lieutenant in that regiment.
It is thus practically
certain that he began his military career at the age of fifteen as a
lieutenant in the French Army of Marshal Saxe, at the siege of Maestricht,
in 1748, and that his regiment was the Scottish regiment of Lord Ogilvie. He
would thus be among his own countrymen, and there is a pathetic interest in
recalling the names of some of those who found an asylum in France from the
death on the scaffold that waited them at home. There were the two heroic
Camerons, Donald, "the Gentle Lochiel," who held a Colonel's commission in
the French army, and died in the year that Maestricht was besieged, and his
ill- fated brother, Dr. Archibald Cameron. There was John Roy Stuart; John
of Kincardine-on-Spey, soldier and poet, who has been described as the ideal
Highland officer. There was Macdonald of Lochgarry, who, before he died,
pronounced a solemn curse on any of his family who should ever submit to the
House of Hanover. There was Neil Mackechan or Macdonald, from South Uist,
the father of Napoleon's Marshal Macdonald, Duke of Tarentum. There was Alan
Breck Stewart, who, in our own day has become a personal friend to thousands
of readers of "Kidnapped" and "Catriona." And there was many a one besides.
Young Forbes and his father were in the midst of a group of men as
picturesque in character and career as could be found anywhere. Lochgarry
was one of their brother officers in Lord Ogilvie's regiment; Neil Mackechan
was a lieutenant, and, after the death of his brother, Dr. Cameron was
Six years pass before we see
our hero again, and when he appears it is, as usual, in an unexpected place
and manner. On the 24th of September, 1754, there appeared before Bailie
Inglis, of Edinburgh, two young French officers. They were brought before
the worthy bailie by General Bland, the Governor of Edinburgh Castle. They
had just arrived from France, and had at once waited on the General and
reported themselves. They proved to be young Macdonald of Lochgarry, a
captain in the regiment "commanded by the person commonly called Lord
Ogilvie," as the official record puts it, where his father was lieutenant -
colonel, and John Forbes of Skellater, a lieutenant in the same regiment.
Forbes and Macdonald appear to have been cousins, the mother of Macdonald
being a daughter of Gordon of Glenbucket, and maternal aunt of Forbes. They
had got leave of absence for eight months, and had come over on private
affairs, and to see their friends. They declared that they were not charged
with letters or messages to any person in this country, and were not
recruiting for the French service. The following is the passage in the State
Papers regarding Forbes:-
Compeared also, the
before-mentioned Lieutenant John Forbes, second son to George Forbes of
Skellater, who declares as to the time of his service, the intent of his
coming to this country, and his having no letters to any person
whatever, in the same manner as Captain Macdonald's foregoing
General Bland reported the
circumstance to the Home Secretary, stating that he had taken bail from the
two officers to appear at any time within eight months if called upon, and
that he had ordered a close watch to be kept on their movements during that
time. Entries of the facts were duly made in the archives of the Record
Office in London, where Mr. Murray Rose has discovered them. No doubt Forbes
visited his native Strathdon during his leave, and was joyfully received at
Skellater. Since he was last there he had become a soldier; he had seen the
world, and had faced the enemy on the field of battle. He had been
brightened by mingling in society; he had learned to speak French, and had
become a smart and handsome young officer. No doubt his mother, the Lady of
Skellater, was proud of Ian Roy.
Then follows an interval of
nine years. The only ray of light on this period is the remark in the
Gentleman's Magazine in the short notice already referred to, that Forbes
was through the Seven Years' War. That great struggle began in 1756 and
ended In 1763. It is so closely associated in the minds of most people with
Frederick the Great that it has been assumed that, since Forbes was through
the Seven Years' War, it must have been in the service of Frederick, where
many Scotsmen were. And James Grant, the military novelist, in his "Scottish
Soldiers of Fortune," says expressly that he learned the tactics of
Frederick under Marshal Keith, who was the right-hand man of the great
Prussian commander. But it is practically conclusive against this view that,
at the close of the Seven Years' War, we find Forbes still in the French
army. It must have been with the French that he took part in the great war,
and with his old corps, the regiment of Lord Ogilvie. We learn from Father
Forbes Leith that the regiment was engaged in the campaigns in Flanders from
1758 to 1762. It is no doubt to this passage in his life that the ballad
alludes when Forbes is made to say—
In Flanders, France, and
I did their armies dare.
It is very disappointing that
no account of the adventures of Forbes during the Seven Years' War has been
preserved. But, whatever he may have seen and done, no great measure of
promotion had come to him. In August, 1763, he is a captain in the Royal
Ecossais, the Royal Scots, or 103rd regiment of French infantry. This
regiment must not be confused with the more famous Garde Ecossaise, to which
Quentin Durward and his redoubted uncle, Ludovick Leslie, Ludovick with the
scar, belonged. It was a different and later Scottish corps in the French
army. Just before the above date Forbes had been a captain in the regiment
of Ogilvie, but this corps had lately been disbanded, and he was now in the
Royal Scots. The Seven Years' War was over, and he was quartered in Paris.
Meanwhile, there was going on
in England a strife of parties in the State that roused more bitter passions
than many a contest in the field of actual war. There is only one feature of
the strife that concerns our story, namely, the intense hatred and jealousy
then felt by the English towards the Scots. As Mr. Green, in the "Short
History of the English People," forcibly puts it, "All England went mad in
its hatred of the Scots" In private circles this contemptible feeling found
a boisterous and loud-voiced apostle in Dr. Samuel Johnson, while in the
English press its great mouthpiece was the notorious John Wilkes. In his
journal, the North Briton, he poured out upon the country and people of
Scotland carefully-studied insults of the most venomous description. These
insults reached a climax in No. 45 of the journal, published in April, 1763.
Towards the end of July Wilkes went over to Paris. According to one account
he went to visit his daughter, who was being educated there; according to
another, his object was to prosecute some political scheme, while a third
account says that Wilkes visited Paris "to enjoy himself." Perhaps he
combined these objects. About the begin- fling of September, strange rumours
found their way to London that something had happened to Wilkes. It was said
that he had been publicly caned by an angry Scot, who had taken this way of
avenging his insulted country; that he had been killed in a duel; that he
had been assassinated, and so on.
What had really occurred was
this. Forbes had read No. 45 of the North Briton, and his blood boiled with
anger. An intimate friend of his, named Macdonald, also an officer in the
French service, was equally indignant. This Macdonald may possibly have been
his cousin and brother officer, young Lochgarry, who came over to Scotland
with Forbes in I 754. Great was their joy on hearing that the reviler of
their native country was in Paris, and they resolved to call him to account.
They took their measures in a businesslike way, and drew "cutts" for the
parts they were respectively to act. It fell to Forbes to fight, and to
Macdonald to be his second. Forbes had never seen Wilkes, and did not even
know whereabout in Paris he was staying. But he had not long to wait. The
affair is best described in the quaint and graphic letter of Forbes to his
father, who had written to him, asking for a precise account of it. The
letter has several times appeared in print. The versions are the same
essentially, but there are verbal differences among them which somewhat
alter the tone and flavour of the letter. We copy it from the version given
in a curious pamphlet, called "An Cluaran Albanach," the Scottish Thistle.
It is there said to he taken from the holograph of Captain Forbes, in the
Skellater archives, and it bears internal evidence of authenticity. The
pamphlet is anonymous, but the editor is believed to have been Alexander
Laing, the antiquary, author of the "Donean Tourist," known in the country
as "Gley'd Laing," from an affection of one of his eyes. The introductory
"Sir," and the opening sentence are wanting in the pamphlet, but we supply
them from other sources, to make the letter complete
I received yours last night, desiring an exact account of what happened
betwixt me and that fellow Wilkes, which I shall relate as it happened.
Coming down Comedie
Street, on the morning of the 17th August, between the hours of ten and
eleven, I met with two English gentlemen, and one of them I took for
John Wilkes, and, although I never saw the man in my life, yet I guessed
by the pictures I had seen of him that I stood before the original. I
then approached him, and asked him if his name was not Wilkes, upon
which he told me that it was. I told him that I wanted to speak to him
apart. Upon this the other gentleman who was with him walked off. I then
told him I was a Scots gentleman, and a captain in the French service,
and that, on account of the scurrilous and ignominous things he had
wrote against my country, I was determined he should fight with me. Upon
which he told me that he could not go along with me then, but if I would
take the trouble to write to him, or to come to his lodgings at the
Hotel de Saxe, Rue Colombier, in the afternoon, that he would then go
along with me. As I thought it would be more heroic to attend at his
lodgings than to write, I therefore went at three of the clock p.m., but
found him not at home. I afterwards returned between the hours of four
and five, but as yet did not find him. I then left my name upon a card,
and returned between the hours of seven and eight in the evening, but as
he was not at home all that day, I desired the Suisse to tell him that I
would have the honour of waiting upon him early next morning. Having
gone to his lodging at six o'clock a.m. on the 18th, I at last found him
at home, and his servant showed me into his salle until he would get up.
In the centre of the salle stood a table, covered with papers and books,
and near it was a chair, on which were two swords, and two gentlemen's
hats. I waited there a full half hour expecting him. At last he
appeared, and, seating himself, asked what Mr. Forbes wanted with him. I
told him that, as I had heard that he was a man of courage, and that I
could hardly believe it, I wanted to put him absolutely to proof. Upon
which he told me that a man of courage he certainly was, and that he had
given proof enough of that in fighting Lord Talbot, and that he would
fight with no man else until he should fight with Lord Egremont. Upon
which I asked him if he came to Paris to fight with Lord Egremont. He
told me he was not to be catechised by anyone, and I then told him very
plainly that I was not to be made a fool of, and that I had now come six
or seven times to his lodgings, and, as I had done so much, he should
fight me, otherwise, the first time ever I should meet him, that I
should treat him as a villain deserved. He told me he was not afraid to
fight all the Scots alive, but that he was too useful -a subject of the
British state to go and risk his life. I told him that I believed the
state would never be a whit the worse for losing such a subject as he,
and as to his not being afraid to fight all Scotsmen alive, that I
thought it was the least thing he could do, since he took the liberty of
writing so many gross and scandalous things against the Scots, to fight
one of them, and that he had never fought a Scotchman in his life. He
then told me that he would fight me, and as such things could not be
done without witnesses, he would come back, and have a friend with him,
and wait me at twelve with his friend. I came, therefore, back at twelve
o'clock, when I told the gentleman who was with me not to come into the
hotel, that he might not have to say that two came upon him.
When I entered the hotel,
he had not yet come down, but I waited a good half hour, talking with
his secretary, in his salle de compagnie (hail for receiving company).
He at last came in, accompanied by two English gentlemen, and when he
came into the room I told him that I wanted to speak with him at the
door. He insisted that I should sit down for a moment, which I did, and,
after their talking a long while together, I at last lost patience, and
told him I wanted to speak one word with him at the door, upon which the
two gentlemen who came in with him rose up and went out. My opinion was
that he would that I should challenge him before these two gentlemen,
that they might stand witnesses against me, but that scheme did not
take, if such was his intention. To come back to the story, there was
nobody then in the salle but he, his secretary, and I. He told, before
his secretary, that it was very hard that he should be challenged and
attacked in the streets by Captain Forbes, without knowing for what.
Upon this I asked him what were his intentions, and he told me his
intentions were not to fight anybody until he should fight Charles, Earl
Egremont, and asked whether I came to him as an assassin or as a
gentleman. Upon which I told him that, as for a gentleman, I was
certainly one as good as he, if not better, and that if he was not in
his room, I would use him as a scoundrel and a rascal as he deserved.
Upon which his secretary, a Frenchman, who spoke very good English, said
to me that if I knew Mr. Wilkes I would not speak so to him; upon which
I told him that I perhaps knew him better than he, and, turning to
Wilkes, I told him that the first time I met him in the streets or
elsewhere, I would give him one hundred strokes with a stick, as he
deserved to be used no more as a gentleman, but as an eternal villain,
and added that, in case he should take a second thought, which I did not
believe, I would leave him my address, which he wrote down. Then I went
out, d--g him for a rascal.
I went away after this
scene to dinner, then to the Tuilleries, and, on my coming home at
night, I had notice that there were orders from the Mareschaux de France
to apprehend me, upon which I thought it most prudent to keep out of the
This letter is a gem. The
artless and truly Celtic way in which Forbes reveals his hot temper, his
touchiness, his little bit of vanity, and his deep knowingness, as he thinks
it, make us love him. He calls on Wilkes in person, "because it would look
more heroic than to write." This is a delightful touch. And though he is
writing to his own father, he does not tell him that he hid from the police
in the house of his friend, Alexander Murray. To speak thus plainly would
have shown a pitiful simplicity and ignorance of the game of life as it
should be played by a cavalier of fortune. So he concludes with the
mysterious remark that he "thought it most prudent to keep out of the way."
Robert Louis Stevenson would have been charmed with the letter, and Allan
Breck Stuart would have acted and written just as Forbes did. The latter
gives the 17th and i8th of August as the days of the encounter. This is a
mistake—the i 5th and i6th were the days. The picture of Wilkes, by which
Forbes recognised him, seems to have been the portrait sketch by Hogarth.
The artist depicts Wilkes seated and dressed in the height of the fashion of
the day. A long staff leans against his shoulder, bearing on the end of it a
cap marked with the word "Liberty" in capital letters. He wears a wig,
carefully curled and powdered. The clean -shaved face is turned a little to
the left. and the squint, the leer, and the grin give the apostle of liberty
the look of a veritable Mephistopheles. After seeing this portrait, it would
be easy to recognise the original.
The gentleman who went with
Forbes to the door of the Hotel de Saxe was, no doubt, his friend Macdonald.
It has hitherto been assumed that it was the Hon. Alexander Murray, whom we
shall have to mention presently, but the researches of Rev. Mr. Michie, of
Dinnet, have brought to light the previous arrangement between Forbes and
Macdonald. The address that Forbes gave Wilkes was the Café de Baptiste, Rue
de Comédie. That he acted prudently in not giving his private address will
soon appear. He called at the café in the afternoon to inquire if there was
any message from Wilkes, and again on his way home in the evening. On the
latter occasion Baptiste, the keeper of the café, took him aside and told
him that Mr. Wilkes was in the care of the police, and that one of that body
had called only a quarter of an hour before to inquire after one Mr. Forbes,
an officer in the Royal Scots. This was a startling piece of news. Forbes
was a French officer. Wilkes was on friendly terms with King Louis, and
challenging to a duel was a capital offence under the laws of France. He
might be sent to the scaffold, or condemned to rot alive in the dungeons of
the Bastille. What had happened was clear enough. Wilkes had put himself
under the protection of the police, and had given them the address of Forbes
that he had written down. Upon hearing what Baptiste told him, Forbes
slipped out by a back door of the café, and, not thinking it wise to go to
his lodgings, slept at the house of a friend. On the 17th he was obliged to
move to another part of the town, to escape the police, who were after him.
Next day, the 19th, Wilkes
was brought before Marshal Noailles, the head of the French police, and
along with him the Hon. Alexander Murray, in whose house Forbes had slept on
the night of the 16th. Murray was a son of the fourth Lord Elibank, and was
a remarkable man, and a red-hot Jacobite. He was the author of the famous "Elibank
plot" to surprise St. James' Palace, and seize the King and the Royal Family
at the same time that another rising was planned to take place in the
Highlands. He had been charged with stirring up an election riot at
Westminster, and was ordered to kneel on his knees to be admonished by the
House of Commons. "Sir," said Murray to the Speaker, "I never kneel but to
God." For this he was committed to Newgate, and on his release he paraded
the streets of London, escorted by an admiring crowd, with a banner before
him bearing the motto, "Murray and Liberty.." He had been outlawed from
England, and was now living in Paris, where he was known as "Count Murray."
His portrait, by Allan Ramsay, the son of the poet, is to be seen in the
Scottish National Portrait Gallery in Edinburgh. Forbes and he appear to
have been great friends. Wilkes, in his own name, and Murray on behalf of
Forbes, undertook that there should be no further encounter, direct or
indirect, between them. They were then both released. As soon as Marshal
Noailles had withdrawn, Wilkes begged Macdonald, who seems to have been
present, to inform Captain Forbes that as soon as the affair with Lord
Egremont was settled he would meet him anywhere in Europe, Asia, Africa, or
America, except on French territory. Two days afterwards Lord Egremont died
suddenly of apoplexy. Then Wilkes, according to his own account, called
repeatedly at the house of Count Murray to inquire for Captain Forbes, but
was not admitted, then he wrote to Murray appointing a meeting at Menin, in
Flanders, on the 21st. He went to Menin, but finding no letter from Forbes
at the post-office, he went on to Dunkirk on the same fruitless quest. From
Dunkirk he returned to London, and arrived there on the 26th.
It was said by the friends of
Forbes that all this eagerness on the part of Wilkes for a meeting with his
formidable antagonist was mere pretence and bluster, and that he
ostentatiously searched for Forbes in places where he well knew that Forbes
was not to be found. Horace Walpole hints that this opinion was not confined
to the friends of Forbes. We saw that the latter took a hasty departure from
Paris on the 18th of August. He appeared in London about the 14th of
September. Where he had been in the interval is not known. Mr. Urquhart
Forbes, in his romance of "Ian Roy," makes him run down to Strathdon and
tell his admiring friends how he had challenged and frightened Jack Wilkes.
This is possible, but not very probable, for travelling was a slow process
in these days. In London he was seen on 'Change, and at coffee houses near
the Royal Exchange. The news of his late adventure had arrived before him,
and he became the lion of the hour. Crowds gathered round him wherever he
went. But a rumour got abroad that he had come to London to hunt John
Wilkes, and Lord Sandwich, then Secretary of State, wrote him an imperative
order to quit London at once that there might be no breach of the peace. So,
on the 27th of September, 1763, Forbes sailed from Bristol in the sloop
"Bastinado," bound for the Island of Grenada, in the West Indies. The
evening before he sailed he wrote a sarcastic invitation to Wilkes to meet
him in Grenada or in the Island of Juan Fernandez, adding that he felt
assured that a person of the high courage of Mr. Wilkes, which all Europe
knew about, would not refuse so small a request. With this contemptuous
farewell to the English demagogue, Forbes again disappears from our view for
a while. The affair, of
which we have given an outline, made a great noise in Paris, in England, and
in Scotland. For some time afterwards the newspapers teemed with letters,
attacking and defending Forbes, Wilkes, and Murray. It excited great
sympathy with Forbes among the Jacobite exiles on the Continent. Sir Robert
Strange wrote from Cento to his brother-in-law, Andrew Lumisden, the
Prince's secretary, on the 22nd of September, 1763 :-
My dear Andrew,
I shall be sorry if Forbes has brought himself into a scrape on account
of Wilkes. From what I have heard of the North Briton, I have often been
surprised that the spirit of our country lay so long asleep.
The news travelled to
Strathdon, and excited great enthusiasm there. It must have been some years
after the event that an unknown local poet composed a ballad, celebrating,
in a strain of triumphant doggerel, the victory of Ian Roy over the vilifier
of Scotland. The ballad was, until lately, well remembered in Don- side, and
was sung to the tune of "Carl an' the King Come." Whoever the author was, he
had a good knowledge of the politics of the period. He adopts the view that
the object of Wilkes's eventful visit to Paris was a political one.
Wilkie is away to France,
What means he to do there?
To see what Louis could advance,
Because he wrote so fair.
What has Wilkie done?
What has Wilkie done?
He caused the English hate the Scots,
Made French and Spaniards fond.
And what does Wilkie crave?
What does Wilkie crave?
He craves that England may be free,
And Scots and Irish slaves.
But will he get that done?
But will he get that done?
He'll swallow first a Cheshire cheese,
And then a cider tun.
Then the encounter is described, with some degree of poetical licence. We
have already spoken of the "picture" of Wilkes, by which Forbes recognised
him. As Wilkie walked up
the street,
Bold Forbes did him stare;
He saw his picture, kenned him by't,
Cried, "Wilkie, are ye there?
"Wilkie, are ye there?
"Liberty and down the Scot,
"Liberty and down the Scot,
Is all your cry and care."
Then Forbes is made to recount his previous
history and exploits, in the high-flown manner of Homer's heroes before they
fight. The ballad here violates the facts of both time and place. Forbes
speaks as if he were at Skellater, and not in Paris, and he alludes to his
doings in Portugal, where he had not yet been. The ballad seems to have been
composed as a welcome to Forbes when he was on a visit to Strathdon, long
after the Wilkes affair, and when he was in the service of Portugal.
"Know ye not, Wilkie, I'm a Scot,
"Whose valour ne'er was blot,
"True Celtic blood runs in my veins,
"Take care while it is hot.
"I left my native land a boy,
And fought on distant shore;
Now, safe returned, I'll stay with joy,
And face their lines no more."
The next verse contains the allusion to his
familiar name that we have already quoted. The last line implies (what we
have reason to believe from other sources) that his family had become
Protestant, although they stood by the old line of kings. It was the parson,
not the priest, that named him John.
"I left my country when but young,
"My mother's Ian Roy.
"I drew my sword on many a field,
"And now return with joy.
"Scotland is my native isle,
"The pleasant banks of Don,
"The ancient seat of Lonach hill,
"The parson named me John.
"In Flanders, France, and Germany,
"I did their armies dare;
"I faced the foe in Portugal—
"My soul delights in war.
"Wilkie, are ye there?
"Wilkie, are ye there?
"You coward sot, to brag a Scot,
"Come, fight me if you dare.
"Your boasted feats are all blown by,
"And deeds on fields of war;
"My tempered steel your proof shall try, "
And end your childish jar."
Then Wilkie grinned, and scratched his sconce,
And chirped like a mouse;
Said, "I must fight Lord Egremont,"
And that was his excuse.
But Forbes boldly did advance,
And said, "It shan't be so;
"I'll put your courage to the proof
"Before I let you go."
Then Wilkie showed his coward nous,
And, in a trembling fit,
Said, "To-morrow, sir, come to my house,
"And there I'll on you wait."
But Wilkie shirked for fear his pauuch
Was ripped up by a Scot.
Then Forbes challenged him to stand,
But Wilkie answered, "No;
"I'm too good a tool for old England,
"I'm too good a tool for old England;
"It shall not lose me so,
"It shall not lose me so."
Then Forbes bursts forth in the following
fashion. Wilkes, in his account of the affair, asserts that the language of
Forbes was perfectly courteous, and called for no resentment on his part.
The friends of Forbes held that Wilkes gave this account as an excuse for
his own cowardice. It certainly does not agree with the ballad, nor with the
story of Forbes as told in the letter to his father, and it is most
improbable. The current tradition in Strathdon says that Forbes actually
chastised Wilkes. This is implied in the last line of the next verse, but,
as we have seen, it was not the fact
"You gourmand wretch, you cider sot!
Are ye made England's tool?
To brag and scandalise the Scot,
"My cane shall comb your wool!"
But Forbes never judged the same,
Wilkie was Louis' friend,
Or he had never challenged him,
Nor struck him with his cane.
Thus Wilkie proved himself a coward
Who did the Scotsman brag,
But dared not face a Scottish sword
For fear his cider bag.
The abuse which is here showered on the devoted
head of "Wilkie" has a certain point and appropriateness in it. Wilkes was
notoriously fond of good living, therefore, he is addressed, with huge
contempt, as "gourmand wretch." The expressions "cider tun," "cider sot,"
"cider bag" appear to refer to a proposed tax on cider, which Wilkes
resisted, partly on the ground that, as no cider was made in Scotland, the
Scots would be free from a tax that the English would have to pay. The
allusion to a Cheshire cheese in the second verse may possibly also have a
special or personal meaning. The Aberdeenshire balladist carefully writes "Wilkie"
as a diminutive of Wilkes, intending thereby to express a contemptuous
familiarity. We have
now followed John Forbes from Strathdon to Maestricht, and from Maestricht
through the Seven Years' War. We have seen how he started into sudden
notoriety in Paris and London, and after he had made both of these great
capitals too hot to hold him, we took leave of him at Bristol, when he
sailed for the West Indies on the 27th of September, 1763.
To make clear what is to follow, it will be
necessary to say a word about certain events of European history. In 1761
the Bourbon dynasties of France and Spain formed the mutual alliance known
as the "Family Compact." The object of this compact was to oppose Great
Britain and her allies on the Continent. One of these allies was Portugal.
That country had been in relations of the closest kind with Great Britain
ever since the formation of the famous Methuen Treaty, early in the i8th
century. The result of that treaty most familiar to us was the introduction
of port wine to this country. Portugal had fallen from her former high place
among the nations, and was sunk in stagnation. The army was in such a state
of decay that the Guards at the Royal Palace begged alms from strangers.
Officers had to work at trades to support themselves and their families,
while their wives took in washing. A captain might be seen working as a
tailor, or carry- ing on his head a basket of linen from the laundry.
Matters were in this condition when Spain, acting under the Family Compact
with France, declared war and invaded Portugal. In their extremity the
Portuguese appealed for help to their powerful ally, Great Britain. The
appeal was listened to, and an auxiliary force was despatched to the aid of
Portugal. This force was commanded by a remarkable man, the Count of
Lippe-Buckeburg. He was the Sovereign of a small German State, but had been
educated in England, and held a commission in the British army. His military
ability was high, his personal habits eccentric, and his character that of a
knight errant of romance. One of his fancies was to dress like Charles XII.
of Sweden. When he went to Portugal those who saw his old- world aspect and
manners asked if Don Quixote had come to life again.
Under this valiant leader, the British and
Portuguese armies successfully resisted the Spanish invasion, and, after a
short campaign, peace was concluded in February, 1763. During the war, the
Count la Lippe had done wonders in bringing the disorganised army of
Portugal into a state of efficiency. But much remained to be done, and when
the auxiliary British force returned home, the Portuguese Government begged
La Lippe to stay and finish the work he had so well begun. The Count
consented, and remained behind to teach the Portuguese soldiers the art of
war. Efficient officers were greatly wanted, and anyone who knew the
business of soldiering, and came from a friendly country, might look for
employment and promotion. The service of Portugal under the Count of
Lippe-Buckeburg was a good field for military adventurers.
The King at this time was Joseph, and his Prime
Minister, who ruled both King and country, was the famous Marquis of Pombal.
With a soldier like La Lippe drilling the army, and a statesman like Pombal
at the head of affairs, a Portuguese patriot might have hoped that the
bright days of his country were about to return.
One day the daughter of the King sat at a window
of the Royal Palace looking out at the soldiers on parade. One of the
officers, a captain, attracted her notice. He was the sort of man at whom
one looks a second time, and the Princess did look a second time. He was
tall and handsome, and his colour and features showed at once that he was
not a son of Portugal. Who could he be? The more he was looked at the nobler
did he seem, and before the parade was dismissed the daughter of the King of
Portugal was in love with Ian Roy of Skellater. For he, and no other, was
the handsome captain with the red hair. But for the King's daughter to
bestow her affections on a simple captain of unknown origin, was against all
rule and precedent. What would the King and his counsellors say? So she kept
her secret. But concealment, "like a worm the bud," did its work, and the
poor Princess fell ill. The best doctors in Portugal were summoned, but they
could make nothing of the case. At length, one wise old physician, who knew
the world and human nature, undertook the office of Father Confessor, and
persuaded his Royal patient to disclose the true state of matters.
"I fear," said he, "that the King, your father,
will not smile when he hears of this, but we will see what can be done."
Great was the wrath and scorn of His Majesty
when he heard what ailed his daughter. The wise old physician pleaded his
patient's cause, and assured the King that there was only one way to restore
the health, perhaps save the life of the Princess. At length the King
consented that Captain Forbes should be summoned to his presence and
interrogated regarding his antecedents.
"If your Majesty," said Forbes, will write to my
Lord of Aboyne, at Aboyne Castle, in Scotland, he will tell your Majesty who
I am." The King did so,
and Lord Aboyne replied that the family of Captain Forbes was as good as any
in Scotland, but very poor. The King had to be content with this, since
better might not be, and Captain Forbes was informed of the honour in store
for him. "You'll do, my
lassie," said he, when he was presented to the Royal lady whose choice he
was, and whom he had not even seen till then. The remark was not quite a
courtly one, but it was to the point, and served its purpose. So Ian Roy and
the King's daughter of Portugal were wedded, and lived happy ever after.
Such is the romantic tale preserved by tradition
in Strathdon and believed there. And, except in one particular, there is no
reason to doubt the substantial truth of the story. The circumstances are
related minutely, and always in the same way. The remark made by Forbes on
his introduction to the Princess is characteristic, and the reference given
by him to the Earl of Aboyne, and not to Lord Forbes, the chief of his own
name, is just the reference that a Gordon Forbes of Skellater would be
likely to give. But on one point the tradition is certainly in error. The
lady was not of Royal race. Her name was Anna Joaquina d'Almeida, and though
the surname is one of the best in Portugal, it is not princely. The account
given by her granddaughter, the Countess de Born- belles, who was likely to
be well informed, is that she belonged to the family of the Counts of
Almeida, that she was of great beauty, and that Forbes was required to prove
his descent by an appeal to the College of Heralds before the marriage was
allowed. This last statement is not inconsistent with the Strathdon
tradition, that it was the Earl of Aboyne who was appealed to. It is quite
likely that the Heralds and Lord Aboyne were both consulted. At all events,
the tradition that Forbes had to prove his descent has been verified. The
following extract from the Register of the Lyon Office in Edinburgh bears
witness, in heraldic jargon, to the descent and coat of arms of the family
of Skellater:
John Forbes, second son
of George Forbes, of Skellater, Esqre., an ancient family descended of
Forbes of Brux (whose predecessor was a fourth son of the predecessor of
Lord Forbes), and Lieutenant-Colonel in the service of his most faithful
Majesty the King of Portugal, Bears quarterly first and fourth Azure, a
Martlet, betwixt three bears' heads coup'd Argent muzeled Gules within a
border of the last second and third Azure, a chevron betwixt three
Boars' heads Or armed and langued Gules within a border counter compone
of the Second and First Crest a hand holding a dagger erect, on its
point a Bear's head coup'ed, all proper. Motto Solus inter Plurimos.
Matriculated iith November, 1767.
The occasion of the
"matriculation" is not mentioned, but in all probability it was his
marriage. In the History of Portugal, written by Mr. Morse Stephens, it is
stated that the Marquis of Pombal was, by his mother, related to the family
of the Almeidas. It is thus probable that Donna Anna d'Almeida was a
relative of the great Portuguese statesman. Hence would naturally arise the
interest that the king is said to have taken in her, and the close personal
relations established betwen Forbes and the royal family of Portugal, whom
he served with unswerving fidelity, through good report and evil report,
during the greater part of a long life. In the minor point also of the rank
of Forbes at the time of his marriage the Strathdon tradition seems to be
mistaken. The entry in the Register of the Lyon Office makes it probable
that he was a lieutenant-colonel, not a captain.
The date of this romantic marriage is not known,
but all the circumstances point to a tolerably early period in the
Portuguese career of Forbes. In relating in this place the story of his
marriage we have slightly anticipated events, and we must now retrace our
steps and take up Forbes where we left him, on board the "Bastinado," bound
for the Island of Grenada in the West Indies.
Why should Forbes, an adventurous young soldier
with all the world before him, think of going to the remote and obscure
Island of Grenada? An answer to this question will be found in the following
fragment of local history. We learn from Mr. Watt's volume on the history of
Aberdeen and Banff that there existed, during the latter third of the
eighteenth century, an intimate trading connection between Aberdeen and the
West Indies, where many sons of Aberdeenshire found successful careers.
Indeed, two younger brothers of Forbes himself went to Jamaica and died
there. But, besides peaceful trading intercourse, there were transactions of
a warlike nature. The Island of Grenada had been captured from the French by
Admiral Rodney in 1762. The white population of the island were French. They
were, naturally enough, unfriendly to Great Britain, they were in an excited
state, and it seemed not improbable that British power in the island would
have to be established by force of arms. Forbes may have thought that here
was a likely field for his military talents, and in the light of the above
facts, his departure for Grenada becomes intelligible.
One account says that Lord Sandwich, when he
wrote a mandate to Forbes to quit London, ordered him to proceed to Portugal
and join the Count La Lippe in the work of organising the army. But Lord
Sandwich had no power to give such an order to Forbes, who was not a British
officer. No doubt he vent to Portugal of his own accord, knowing that there
were chances in that country for such as he. The world was his oyster, and,
like Ancient Pistol, he would open it with his sword. If he really went to
Grenada he did not stay long. Or his ship may have called at Lisbon or
Oporto and left him there. No doubt he offered himself to La Lippe, who,
seeing in Forbes the sort of man he wanted, at once appointed him to a
captaincy in the foot regiment of Praça de Peniche. From information most
courteously furnished by the Director of the Portuguese National Archives,
we gather that this was in the end of 1763, and it is expressly recorded in
the Archives that he had previously been in the service of His Most
Christian Majesty, the King of France. This disposes of the opinion held by
some, that Forbes entered the Prussian army when he left the French, in
August, 1763. And we have seen that it was hardly possible for him to have
been with the Prussians during the Seven Years' War. The Prussian service of
Forbes may, therefore, be dismissed as a myth. The two countries that he
served were France and Portugal.
The captain's commission, given him by La Lippe
in the regiment of Praça de Peniche, had not been ratified by the king, and
was, therefore, in a manner informal. The regiment was one of the worst then
in Portugal, which meant that it was very bad indeed. Forbes proved himself
so valuable in helping to bring a mere military mob into a state of order
and efficiency that in seven months he was made major. The entry, in the
National Archives, of this, his first regular commission in the Portuguese
army, runs as follows :
I, Dom Joseph, by grace
of God king of Portugal, make known to all who shall see this my Letter
Patent, that having regard to the merits and great parts which meet in
the person of John Forbes, Captain of Grenadiers in the infantry
regiment of Praça de Peniche, of which John M'Donell is colonel, and to
the services he has rendered me with much skill and satisfaction, and
the hope that in every trust he may receive he will serve me much to my
content. For all these considerations I hold it good, and it pleases me
to name him, as I name him by this letter, major of the same regiment, a
post vacant by the promotion of Jose Carlos da Costa to be
lieutenant-colonel of infantry in the regiment of Praca da Campo Major.
Given at Lisbon, 27th August, 1764.
Thus was Forbes fairly
launched on his Portugese career.
Portugal was one of the few countries of Europe
where the Scottish soldier of fortune, a character equally redoiibted in
romance and in true history, was as yet almost unknown. But the war against
Spain in 1762, the bad state of the Portuguese army, and its improvement
under the Count of Lippe-Bückeburg, created tempting openings which Scottish
adventurers were not slow to take advantage of. James Grant, in his
"Scottish Soldiers of Fortune," says that Forbes was the first Scotsman who
can be traced in the Portuguese service, and that his influence drew other
Scotsmen to its ranks. He gives the names of six Scottish officers, who all
attained high rank, as examples. But the statements of Grant are inaccurate.
Forbes was not the first Scotsman to take service under the Portuguese
crown, and the officers named by Grant joined at dates too early to have
been attracted by his influence. One of them, General Maclean, was governor
of Lisbon in 1763; another, 'William Sharp, was governor of Olivenza; and a
third, James Anderson, was colonel of the battalion of Lagos in that year.
But in after years, when Forbes had risen high, there was at least one
Scotsman drawn to Portugal by his influence, namely, his own son-in-law,
General Fraser, of Fraserfield, and probably there were others. It will have
been noticed that, in the letter patent of King Joseph, promoting Forbes to
be major of the regiment of Praça de Peniche, the colonel of that regiment
is called John M'Donell. The regiment appears to have been almost officered
by Scotsmen, and Forbes found himself surrounded by his countrymen almost as
much as in the Royal Scots in the army of the king of France. Colonel
M'Donell had among his officers several relations of his own, and how he and
they and Major John Forbes performed their duty may be learned from the
accounts of the regiment that have been preserved. From being a mere
undisciplined rabble, it soon became one of the best regiments in Portugal,
and was considered to surpass in steadiness even the famous Prussian
infantry. In 1765 it was reviewed by King Joseph, who publicly expressed his
satisfaction, and thanked Colonel M'Donell at the head of the regiment. The
share of Major Forbes in this excellent service was not long in being
rewarded, and in June 1766 he was made lieutenant-colonel of the regiment.
In the following year he was made colonel of the
Second Regiment of Infantry of Elvas. He thus severed his connection with
the regiment of Praça de Peniche, in which he had served for five years, and
which he had done so much to improve. After five years more, carne promotion
to a higher branch of military service, and he was made colonel of the
cavalry regiment of Almeida. Two years later, he was made brigadier of
cavalry. The commission, bearing the signature of King Joseph, is given at
Lisbon on the 8th of June, 1775.
This was rapid promotion. In twelve years, from
being a simple captain in a line regiment of foot, he had become a brigadier
of cavalry. The chief reason for this rapid rise was, no doubt, the
character of Forbes as a soldier and as a man, and the valuable aid he had
given in bringing the army of Portugal into a state of efficiency. There is,
however, another fact that may have had some effect, namely, his marriage.
It may have been to this that he owed the friendly interest taken in him by
the king and the Marquis of Pombal, to whom Donna Anna d'Almeida was
probably related. The Counts of Almeida seem to have taken their title from
the town of that name, on the north-east frontier of Portugal. Was it by
chance that the first cavalry commission held by Forbes was the colonelcy of
the regiment of Almeida?
Soon after his promotion to the rank of
brigadier a curious passage is recorded in the Portuguese national archives.
Forbes petitioned the Government for a special reward for his services in
the shape of a "commend"—that is, the income derived from an ecclesiastical
office by one who does not perform its duties. This seems an odd kind of
reward to give to a soldier, but it was common enough in some countries and
at certain times. In Scotland, just after the Reformation, the offices of
the old Church —bishoprics, abbacies, etc.—were frequently bestowed on
laymen, on warlike barons in many cases, who, of course, did not perform the
duties, but were very particular about drawing the revenues. Such incumbents
were called "commendators." A well-known example is found in the Regent
Murray, who was commendator of St. Andrews. In Portugal the powerful and
wealthy order of Knights Templars had long been suppressed, and the Marquis
of Pombal had lately abolished the Jesuits, who had become not less wealthy
and powerful. The spoils of these bodies went partly to enrich the crown,
and partly as rewards to deserving servants of the crown, whether civil or
military. This, at least, seems to be the meaning of the "commend" that
Brigadier Forbes believed that his services entitled him to.
The petition of Forbes was rejected, on the
ground, chiefly, that he was a foreigner, the kind of reward he claimed not
being given to foreigners. He pleaded that he was married in Portugal, but
was told that a foreigner did not become naturalised by marriage.
In 1787, Queen Maria, who had succeeded King
Joseph on the throne of Portugal, appointed "Brigadier John Forbes de
Skellater to be field-marshal of my armies." He was now Marshal Forbes, and
that is the title he is best known by in this country when he is not
mentioned with affectionate familiarity as "Ian Roy" or "Red Jock." In the
Portuguese army, however, the rank of field-marshal appears to have been
intermediate between brigadier and lieutenant-general, and, as Forbes
afterwards attained the higher office, he is spoken of in this biography as
General, not Marshal, Forbes. In the Royal Order appointing him
field-marshal, he is for the first time called "Forbes de Skellater."
Afterwards the de was dropped, and he became known by the name of "Forbes
Skellater," as if the name of his birthplace was part of his surname. This
circumstance throws a curious and touching light on the intense love for his
native land that characterised Forbes during his whole life. He never
allowed either his Portuguese friends or himself to forget that he was
Forbes of Skellater, and so constant was his insistence on the fact, that he
at last came to be called "Forbes Skellater."
In the same year Forbes seems to have obtained
the kind of reward he had formerly applied for without success, namely, a
commend. At least, this appears to be the meaning of a Royal decree
bestowing on him a pension "from the sale of pious work," which pension was
to descend to his widow and daughters and the survivor of them.
Honours and decorations now came thick upon him,
and his advance in the army was steady. In 1790, Queen Maria issued the
following order from the palace of Our Lady of Ajuda:-"For just reasons
known to me, and worthy of my Royal attention, I hold it good and generous
to give a grant to John Forbes Skellater, field-marshal of my armies of the
Habit of the Order of Christ." The Order of Christ was one of the greatest
Portuguese decorations, something like that of the Bath or the Garter or the
Thistle in this country. It was soon followed by another high honour, the
Order of San Benito de Aviz. In 1791, the Queen, by an order dated from
Lisbon, appointed "Field-Marshal John Forbes Skellater to be
adjutant-general of my armies." The commission was accompanied by an
allowance for four horses for his personal use. In September, 1793, he was
made lieutenant-general by brevet, the commission to be effective at the
first vacancy. These honours and rewards are a striking testimony to the
fidelity and success with which Forbes performed his high military duties.
As a foreigner, he had prejudices and jealousies to contend against, and his
career was not always smooth, nor were his exalted offices always beds of
roses. These years
witnessed the fall and death of the great Marquis of Pombal, and saw
Portugal become a fashionable resort for English tourists and invalids.
Forbes may have shaken hands with Henry Fielding, the novelist, who went to
Portugal for his health and died in Lisbon, and he may have made the
acquaintance of his own countryman, William Julius Mickle, the translator of
the Portuguese national poem, the "Lusiads" of Camoens, when he arrived in
Lisbon as secretary to Commodore Johnson, and was received with enthusiasm
by the Portuguese people. But great events were at hand, in which Forbes had
to play a larger part than he had yet played anywhere, and to these events
we must now turn. The
French Revolution had its effect on Portugal, as on other European
countries. Democratic ideas began to be discussed, and the Prince Regent,
Dom John, like other autocratic rulers, greatly dreaded the advance of these
ideas. Spain was already engaged in war with France, and the prince and his
ministers decided to make an alliance with Spain and join in the war. The
Spanish Government gladly agreed to the proposal. A Portuguese army,
consisting of six regiments of infantry and a brigade of artillery, and
numbering in all about 5,500 men, was fitted out. The command was given to
the Marquis Las Minas, but the Marquis fell into bad health, and was unable
to act. The command was, therefore, given to "Lieutenant- General John
Forbes Skellater, an officer who had been many years in the service of
Portugal. He was Scottish by birth, of illustrious blood, and great merit."
That is how he is described by the Portuguese author, Claudio de Chaby, in
his history of the war. A squadron of ships, carrying the troops, sailed
from the Tagus on the 20th of September, 1793. The squadron was commanded by
Admiral Sarmento, and among the captains of the ships were John Dukes,
William Galway, and Sampson Mitchell, names that suggest Scottish or Irish
adventurers. Several foreign officers accompanied the expedition as
volunteers, and one of these calls for some notice. There was a tradition
among Aberdeenshire antiquaries that the Duke of Northumberland joined the
Portuguese army as aide-de-camp to General Forbes. It was not easy to see
why the Duke of Northumberland should be there at all, and there seems to be
no record of such an event in the archives of the ducal family of
Northumberland. De Chaby, however, expressly states that the Duke of
Northumberland went as a volunteer along with the Marquis of Nice and other
foreign officers. He calls the Duke "commander-in-chief to His Britannic
Majesty," but that must be a mistake.
The squadron sailed down the coast of Portugal,
through the Straits of Gibraltar, up the east coast of Spain, and cast
anchor in the Bay of Rosas, at the foot of the Pyrenees, in the province of
Catalonia, in the north-east corner of Spain. The Spaniards had invaded the
French province of Roussillon, just across the Pyrenees, and the war was
going on there. The Spanish general had his headquarters at Boulou, on the
river Tech, in Roussillon. As soon as the Portuguese army was encamped at
Rosas, General Forbes crossed the Pyrenees to visit the Spanish commander
and learn his plans. The Spanish army being much the larger, and first in
the field, the Spanish general was the supreme director of the campaign. He
was Antonio Ricardos, count of that name, the son of an Irish colonel in the
Spanish service, who had married a Spanish duchess. He had already seen a
number of adventures, including a narrow escape from being burned alive for
heresy by the Inquisition. The Irish Spaniard gave a hearty welcome to the
Portuguese Scot, and they concerted their measures together. Then General.
Forbes re-crossed the mountains and returned to Rosas to bring up his troops
to the scene of war.
During his absence the hardships of the campaign had already begun. Heavy
rains had flooded a river beside which the camp was situated, the tents were
under water, and a serious amount of sickness was the consequence. The
object now was to cross the Pyrenees, join the Spanish army, and give battle
to the French at the town of Ceret, on the river Tech. The French were
commanded by General Dagobert. The infantry crossed the mountains in three
bodies by as many different routes, and the artillery by a fourth route,
easier than the others. The town of Ceret was one of the most important
positions in the Spanish line, and the French commander greatly desired to
capture it. The aim of the allied armies was to effect such a repulse of the
French that Ceret would be safe. The march of General Forbes and his troops
through the passes of the Pyrenees was made under great hardships from
stormy winter weather. The Spanish commander-in-chief entrusted to his
second in command, General La Union, the direction of the Spanish forces in
the operations at Cerat. An important battle was fought on the 26th of
November. The fighting lasted six hours, and in the end the French position
was captured, and General Dagobert retreated, leaving a number of prisoners
and a large quantity of stores and supplies in the hands of the allies.
Among the captured stores was one curious item, a large quantity of wax
which the mountaineers of the Pyrenees had offered as a religious oblation
to St. Ferreol in gratitude for the miracles which he had wrought in their
favour. The wax was, no doubt, intended for candles to burn before the
shrine of the saint. General Forbes commanded a reserve of Portuguese
troops, and contributed greatly to the success of the day. In his official
despatches General La Union twice referred to Forbes. In his second despatch
he says, "I repeat to your excellency the praise I gave in my former
despatch to the skill and courage of the Portuguese commander-in-chief,
which was proved on that day, to the great advantage of the enterprise." The
Spanish commander-in-chief rode over from his headquarters at Boulou to
congratulate General Forbes, and expressed his high satisfaction to him.
Forbes in his own despatches speaks in terms of warm praise of the
Portuguese troops. He commends their officers, and specially mentions the
Duke of Northumberland, who had taken part in the battle, and had shown
skill and courage. This is the second time in the history that the Duke of
Northumberland is expressly mentioned, and either the duke himself or some
representative of the family must have been there to give rise to the
report. The battle of Ceret was the first action that Forbes and his
Portuguese soldiers were engaged in, and their conduct attracted general
attention, and received praise on every hand.
Forbes was thus fighting against his old friends
the French. To be in arms to-day against the friends of yesterday was a
situation in which a soldier of fortune not unfrequently found himself.
Sometimes, when he was not hampered by too fine a conscience, as in the
immortal example of Dugald Dalgetty, it was a situation deliberately
selected for reasons of personal policy: In the case of Forbes, who was one
of the high-minded adventurers, it was the result of circumstances over
which he had no control. Any regret that he may have felt must have been
lessened by the thought that the France of 1793 was not the France that had
sheltered his father, his father's friends, and himself. The old order, with
its august monarch, its brilliant court and proud nobles, had been swept
away by the Revolution, and along with it had been swept away the last
vestiges of the old friendship between Scotland and France. Forbes would
have been no true Scot if he did not "wag a moraleesin' head" and
philosophise on the uncertainty of human affairs.
After the battle Forbes established his
headquarters at Ceret. The different divisions in which the Portuguese army
had crossed the Pyrenees had not yet combined. This was much against the
advice of Forbes, and he exerted himself to bring about their combination.
He addressed several representations to General Ricardos, and such was the
high opinion that the latter entertained of the Portuguese army and its
commander that he entrusted the important position of the left of his line
to them. On the 19th of December there were operations against the French,
and the duty of acting against the right side of the enemy was entrusted to
General Forbes. Some tactical movements were performed by him with skill and
success, and with slight loss to his troops, but, as a whole, the operations
of that day do not appear to have been of a decisive character. After this
the French general decided to abandon the campaign for the time, and the
Spanish commander ordered part of his army to go into winter quarters. The
headquarters of the Portuguese army were fixed at the town of Aries, a
little farther up the River Tech than Ceret. Here Forbes and his soldiers
spent the winter. His army was much reduced by losses in battle, and still
more by sickness. The hardships of a winter campaign in the Pyrenees were
dreadful. Forbes was unwearied in his exertions for the good of his men. He
was ably seconded by his medical officers, and with their aid he established
a good hospital at Aries.
In January, 1794, General Ricardos returned to
Madrid to lay plans for a fresh campaign before the Spanish Government. On
his way back to the seat of war he had a cup of chocolate with his friend
Godoy, Duke of Alaudia. He was taken ill just afterwards and died. His death
was said to be due to poison in the chocolate, which had been put there for
the benefit of the duke, and the general had taken the wrong cup. The
Marquis las Amarillas succeeded him in the supreme direction of the
campaign. During the winter the army had been much annoyed by the attacks of
guerillas, and Forbes had effectively used his artillery against these
irregular enemies. An undue share of the hardships and dangers of the war
were being borne by the Portuguese army, and the loss by death and sickness
among them was very great. Forbes sent a strong representation to Portugal
that mediation should be used with the Spanish Government, whereby the
Portuguese should be relieved, to some extent, of the excessive strain, and
their places taken by the Spanish forces, and that opportunity should be
allowed to the Portuguese to recover their health and condition.
Negotiations took place between the two Governments, but the services of
Forbes and his Portuguese soldiers were considered so valuable that they
could not be dispensed with, and they were accordingly left unrelieved. The
compliment was a high one, but it was dearly bought. The following despatch
from Forbes to the Portuguese Foreign Minister gives a vivid picture of the
situation at this time:-
It is with much regret that I must point out to your Excellency how the
gloomy winter and this rainy weather which has set in is adding to the sick
in the hospitals. To-day forty men fell ill. How much the hard service in
the mountains overwhelms and weakens the troops is to be seen in all of
them, by their lean faces and the feebleness they show. With so many of
their officers ill, and without having now even the numbers necessary for
relieving so many posts, the impossibility of the regiments entering into
the campaign is plainly seen, unless they are first sent to some place in
the interior of Spain, where they may rest and recover their strength, that
they may not be entirely lost, as will undoubtedly happen if they are not
allowed to rest for some time. May God preserve your Excellency many years.
Quarters at Aries,
29th March, 1794.
To His Excellency,
Senor Louis Pinto de Sousa Continho.
In the end of April, 1794, the situation of the allied forces became very
critical. The French attacked them and destroyed their right wing, and the
centre of their position was in the greatest danger. This was through no
fault of the Portuguese, who are said to have "done wonders," and the King
of Spain expressed his approval of their conduct to General Forbes in
despatches addressed to him. General Forbes ordered his sick soldiers to be
conveyed to the interior of the country, and the military stores to be
transported across the Pyrenees to the Spanish towns of Figueras and La
Junquera. It was owing to his timely foresight that the stores and
ammunition were saved. A council of war was held, and the advisability of a
retreat into Spain was discussed. Forbes spoke strongly against the retreat,
and proposed a scheme of manauvres which he believed would save the army and
retrieve the situation. But he was supported by only one officer, and it was
decided to retreat. The important and difficult duty of evacuating a strong
post held by the allies was entrusted to Forbes. He carried out the
operations with complete success, and, after a toilsome march through the
passes of the Pyrenees, he arrived with his troops at the factory of S.
Sebastian de la Muga, not far from Figueras in Catalonia.
In the hospital at Aries he left behind a number
of sick soldiers in the charge of an assistant surgeon, to whom he gave a
letter commending them to the generosity of the conquerors. It showed the
excellent discipline of the Portuguese soldiers that, though they were
half-starved when they arrived at La Muga, and found the town unprotected,
not one of them laid hands on anything belonging to the inhabitants. The
headquarters of the allied forces were fixed at Figueras, and the shattered
remains of the army were gathered there. In less than six months the
Portuguese had lost through battle and sickness and hardship more than one
thousand six hundred men. The suffering from sickness was still great, and
General Forbes was untiring in his efforts to give relief to his men. On the
19th and 21st of September there was a conflict with the French, who had
pursued the allies across the Pyrenees, and the hill position of Mintroig
was captured from them. On this occasion fifty Spanish soldiers threw down
their arms and fled. They were tried by court-martial for cowardice, and two
were shot. Three others were sentenced to death, but General Forbes
interceded for them, and at his intercession they were reprieved. Towards
the end of November an unfortunate engagement with the French took place,
and the Castle in Figueras was surrendered to them. This disaster ended the
campaign of 1794, an unfortunate one for the Spaniards and Portuguese. In
December, Don Jose' Urrutia assumed the chief command of the army in
Catalonia. The Portuguese division was established as a reserve corps at
Oliva, along with some Spanish troops.
On an early day of April, 1795 the birth of a
prince in the Royal Family of Portugal was announced to the army by General
Forbes. In honour of the occasion, he ordered a special grand review of the
whole army on Easter Sunday. After the review, he entertained the officers
at a splendid banquet, which, we are told, was made brilliant by the grace
of the Spanish ladies, the wives of the generals.
In the month of May, General Urrutia made an
important tactical movement in which the division commanded by Forbes acted
a conspicuous part, and some success was obtained against the French. Soon
after, the Spanish commander expressed his acknowledgements to the
Portuguese. In July the
Spanish Government made peace with France on its own account, and a treaty
was signed at Basle. This was a deliberate desertion of their Portuguese
allies, who were no longer able to continue the war alone. It was therefore
decided by the Portuguese Government to withdraw their forces. On the 28th
of October, the Portuguese army embarked at Barcelona, the transport ships
being escorted by the Spanish frigate Diana and two brigantines. After
calling at several ports on the way, the squadron containing General Forbes
and his men cast anchor in the Tagus on the 11th of December, 1795.
So ended the war in Roussillon and Catalonia.
The advantage lay completely with the French. The only creditable feature in
the management of the war by the allies was the conduct of General Forbes
and his Portuguese troops. Their valour and their good discipline and
steadiness were universally acknowledged. On the side of the allies, Forbes
was undoubtedly the hero of the war. His generalship, his energy, and his
undaunted courage were conspicuous; and not less conspicuous was his kindly
and humane nature. He was unwearied in his efforts to secure the health and
comfort of his men, and in his solicitude for the sick and wounded. The name
of John Forbes- Skellater became known throughout Europe. It is curious to
see the name of his birthplace among the far-away hills of Strathdon tacked
on to his surname. As a rule, he signs himself in his despatches John
Forbes, but once or twice he accepts the new compound name, and signs John
Forbes-Skellater. An Aberdeenshire tradition says that the Duke of
Northumberland, who has already been twice mentioned, sent General Forbes
from England a gold chain worth £1,500. The King of Spain created Forbes a
General by brevet in the Spanish army, and bestowed on him the decoration of
the Order of Charles III. One version of the Aberdeenshire tradition states
that the gold chain sent to Forbes from England by the Duke of
Northumberland was the Spanish decoration, but this is inexplicable. The
whole story about the presence of the Duke of Northumberland at the war, and
the part he played, is obscure but there must be some truth in it. Either
the Duke himself or some representative of his family must have taken part
in the campaign in order to give rise to the distinct and specific
statements of Claudio de Chaby and the independent tradition in
Aberdeenshire. General
Forbes paid at least one visit to Strathdon after he had become a great man
in Portugal. The familiar English sneer that Scotchmen, though they profess
to be great patriots, are always willing to leave Scotland, and take good
care never to go back, did not apply to him. He brought his eldest daughter
with him, and intended to stay for some time but Skellater did not at all
suit the lady from the South. The sun does not shine in Scotland as he does
in Portugal, and the vine does not grow on Lonach Hill. Oh, no! this country
would break her heart; she could never live here. So the General once more
left Strathdon, - apparently this time for ever.
But short as his visit was it left memories of
him that are yet living. People in Strathdon tell with pride that at the
funeral of a lady of the name of Forbes, a member of the Inverernan family,
when all the country turned out, he stood "head and shouthers abeen them
a'." Any one who has attended the Lonach Gathering will have some idea of
what that means, for the men of Strathdon are not pigmies. And he was so
erect that every drop of rain that fell off the brim of his hat reached the
ground. On Sunday morning he walked to the parish church with an old tenant
of the Skellater family, who lived close at hand. At the church door he
"I must not go in with you,"
he said, "for if I did, the news would be in Portugal before me."
He had lived in Catholic countries ever since he
left home in boyhood, and had embraced the Catholic faith. But his conduct
on the occasion, and the remark he made showed, that the Portuguese general
looked wistfully back to the days when he was Ian Roy of Skellater, went to
Strathdon Church on Sunday, and beat the young Grants from Speyside at
throwing the putting stone.
It was probably at this time that the portrait
in possession of Sir John Forbes of Inverernan was painted. It is a
half-length figure. The dress is a brilliant military uniform, with sash,
star, and medal. He is no longer Ian Roy, for the thick and well-kept hair
is snow white. The face is clean shaved, the features are strikingly
handsome, and the expression is open, cheerful, and bold. It is the picture
of a splendid man, and after seeing it one can understand the story of the
Portuguese princess. Two other portraits of General Forbes are known. One of
these, a painted portrait, is preserved at Castle Forbes; the other, a small
print, appears in the Portuguese history of the war in Roussillon and
Catalonia by Claudio de Chaby. In the Inverernan and Castle Forbes portraits
the general's uniform is scarlet. He looks youngest in the Inverernan
portrait and oldest in the Portuguese. In all three the physiognomy is
strongly Scottish, and in the Portuguese portrait there is a distinct trace
of "pawkiness" in the expression.
Perhaps this is the best place to say a word
about his family. A Portuguese journal, the Gazeta de Lisboa, of 1st April,
1797, thus records the death of his wife: "Donna Anna d'Almeida Forbes, wife
of his Excellency Lieutenant General John Forbes of Skellater, died in this
city, on the 29th of of last month, aged 51 years." His family consisted of
three daughters, Donna Maria Christina Forbes d'Almeida, Donna Joanna
Victoria Forbes d'Almeida, and Donna Anna Benedicta Forbes d'Almeida. It was
the eldest of these who accompanied her father to Skellater, and shortened
his visit by her impatient contempt of Donside. But the proud Donna Maria
Christina did not disdain a Donside husband. In 1800 she married
Brigadier-General Henry David Fraser, of Fraserfield, now Balgownie, on the
Don, near Old Aberdeen. General Fraser entered the Portuguese army, no doubt
through the influence and example of his father-in-law. He is said to have
received the same high distinctions from Portugal and Spain that his
father-in-law enjoyed, and to have been, at his death, Governor of Rio de
Janeiro, as his father-in-law was. We are not aware upon what authority
these statements rest. In the cathedral of Old Aberdeen there is a mural
tablet to the memory of General Fraser, placed there by his widow. The
inscription on the tablet states that he is interred near the spot, but no
mention is made of special honours and distinctions, nor of his having been
Governor of Rio de Janeiro. The eldest daughter of General Fraser and his
wife, Donna Maria Christina Forbes d'Almeida, married the Austrian Count de
Bombelles, and their descendants are still among the Austrian nobility. The
eldest son of General Fraser became a colonel in the Russian service. The
second son was a Secretary of Legation in the service of Great Britain. In
that capacity he went to Rio de Janeiro, and brought home a French
translation of the inscription on his grandfather's tomb. The second
daughter married the Marquis de Gargallo. The third daughter appears to have
died unmarried. The
second daughter of General Forbes married the Portuguese Duc d'Albuquerque,
and the third Don Joas de Mello, a member of an old and illustrious family
of Portugal. We have no information regarding the children of these two
manages, if there were any.
But events of a momentous kind were thickening
in Europe. In 1799, Napoleon Bonaparte became ruler of France, a fact of
evil omen for Portugal. Napoleon regarded that country as an appendage of
Great Britain. He saw what a convenient base it offered for the operation of
British armies, and he determined that Portugal should be crushed.
Accordingly he sent his brother Lucien to Madrid, with instructions to
co-operate with Spain, and offer to Portugal terms which he knew could not
be accepted. Driven thus into a corner, the Prince Regent of Portugal
rejected the terms, and declared war on Spain, in February, 1801.
General Forbes was made Commander-in-Chief of
the forces entrusted with the defence of the territory south of the river
Douro —that is, of the greater part of Portugal. The war was short and
unfortunate. The active operations took place on the south-eastern frontier,
where the Spaniards captured several towns and defeated the Portuguese in
two actions. Whether Forbes was present at these disasters does not appear,
but they took place within the territory defended by his troops. The
campaign lasted four months, and in June peace was made between Spain and
Portugal. In October,
1803, Forbes was made a Councillor of the Council of War, and soon after he
was appointed General of Cavalry, retaining the post of Inspector-General of
Infantry, to which he had previously been appointed. This completes the long
list of offices and honours which four successive sovereigns of Portugal had
bestowed on John Forbes. He was well provided for in the way of the world,
for several of his honours carried with them substantial pensions which
descended to his family after him. He might now have reasonably hoped to
rest from the dangers and toils of a soldier's life, and spend a happy and
honoured old age in his adopted country, with troops of friends around him.
But this was not to be.
After defeating the armies of Austria, Prussia,
and Russia, Napoleon again turned his attention to Portugal. That country
was to be conquered by the united armies of France and Spain, and then
partitioned out in a manner that had been agreed upon. Action was taken at
once, and before the Portuguese had realised that war was near, Marshal
Junot, with a French army, was at the gates of Lisbon. The Prince Regent,
Dom John, was completely unnerved by the tidings, and could do nothing. A
squadron of British ships lay in the Tagus, and the commander, Sir Sidney
Smith, urgently advised the Prince to depart at once for Brazil, and leave
the defence of Portugal to the British power. The Regent saw no other course
open to him, and hastily named a Council of Regency to conduct affairs
during his absence. Then he embarked in one of the British ships with his
wife, his large family, and the Court. In the midst of this forlorn band of
exiled royalties, two figures were conspicuous. One was the unhappy mother
of the Regent, the insane Queen Maria F'rancisca. Her darkened mind only
imperfectly understood What was passing, and she resisted the embarkation
with cries and entreaties. The other was General Forbes, whose erect form,
with the fine face and snow-white hair, towered among them like Saul among
the people. He was going to seek another home in the company of the Royal
Family who trusted him. He had served them for forty-four years, through
good fortune and evil fortune, and he would not forsake them now in their
distress. His heart must have been sad, for the occasion was a sad one for
his best friends, for his adopted country, and for himself. He was old, and
he was alone in the world, for his wife was dead, and his daughters were
married. Neither in his native Scotland, nor in France, nor in Portugal was
there a resting-place for him, and he was going to seek one across the
Atlantic. Hardly had the ship set sail when Marshal Junot entered Lisbon at
the head of the French army. This was on the 3oth of November, 1807.
In due course the exiles arrived at Rio de
Janeiro. The Prince Regent appointed General Forbes military governor of the
city and of the province of Brazil, of which Rio de Janeiro is the capital.
Nothing is known of the events, if there were any in particular, that marked
his short tenure of this high office. He was seized with an illness which
soon proved fatal, and died on the 8th of April, 1808, in the seventy-sixth
year of his age. A few days previously, when he felt his end approaching,
the general had made his will, and it was opened on the day of his death. It
begins with these words:-
In the first place I
commit my soul to God our Lord, who created it and redeemed it with His
precious blood, also to His Holy Mother, our Lady, and to my Guardian
Angel and to the Saint of my name, that they may intercede with the
Almighty for my eternal salvation.
He goes on to declare who he
is, the country of his birth, and the names of his wife and children. Then
comes this remarkable clause :-
It is my desire that
this, my Will, be wholly regulated by the municipal right and laws of
England and Scotland, my countries, of which I am a subject and a
He had left his native land
sixty years before; he had lived for fifteen years in France and forty-five
in Portugal, where he had married and prospered and risen high. And he had
adopted the religion of these countries. But he still considered himself a
British subject, and his heart was still in the Highlands.
He names for his sole heiress his eldest
daughter, because she was burdened with a numerous family, and did not
possess much property by her marriage, as did her two sisters.
And I hope that they will
be willing not to oppose this, my Will, but will cede any right they may
have for the benefit of their said sister, my daughter, Donna Maria, and
I have full confidence in their generosity, such as is to be expected
from the good education I have given them, and from the paternal love
with which I have always treated them.
He bequeaths legacies to
servants, names executors, and gives directions about his place of burial.
The body of the general was embalmed, and on the
ioth day of the month it was conveyed to the convent of St. Anthony,
belonging to the Franciscan Friars. He was interred in a tomb in the wall of
the Chapter House, and there the epitaph in the Portuguese language is to be
seen, having in the centre the coat of arms of the Forbeses of Skellater
with their motto, Solus inter plurimos. And there the Strathdon man rests,
far from Skellater, in a land of strangers, alone among many. The following
is a translation of the Portuguese epitaph :-

Here lie the ashes of the Most Illustrious and
Excellent John Forbes Skellater, a native of Scotland and a descendant of
the ancient and famous family of Forbes, who, entering the military service
of the August Monarchs of Portugal, was, by his moral virtues, valour,
fidelity, and high military talents, found worthy to occupy the posts of
General of Cavalry, Inspector-General of Infantry, Adjutant-General of the
Army, and Councillor of War.
And His Royal Highness, the Prince our Master,
having conferred upon him the command of the Portuguese Auxiliary Army which
passed into Catalonia, and triumphed at Ceret, Collieure, &c., he obtained
the Grand Cross of the Order of Avis, and the decoration of the Spanish
Order of Charles III. He crowned his fidelity by accompanying His Royal
Highness to Rio de Janeiro, where he was promoted Military Governor, the
duties of which office he was unable to perform, as he died in his
seventy-sixth year, on the VIII. day of April, MDCCCVIII.
He was buried with full military honours, and
the funeral was attended by a large concourse of the people of Rio de
Janeiro, whose regard he had already won. The Prince Regent wept over him.
When we read of this we are reminded of another notable son of
Aberdeenshire, Patrick Gordon of Auchleuchries, over whose remains Peter the
Great of Russia shed tears.
To the Portuguese epitaph in the Convent of St.
Anthony at Rio de Janeiro may be added the eloquent tribute to the memory of
General Forbes contained in the short obituary notice in the Gentleman's
Magazine for September, 1808.
During a period of nearly
fifty years he distinguished himself in Portugal by his activity, his
zeal, and his incorruptible fidelity, to which last circumstance it was
perhaps owing that he enjoyed uninterruptedly the favour of four
successive sovereigns. The tears and unfeigned sorrow of the present
reigning prince were the most affecting testimonials of his attachment
to the General, as the public and sincere regrets of the people were, of
his real worth. Indeed, he was a virtuous and honourable man, and as a
soldier possessed undaunted courage, indefatigable activity,
promptitude, and decision. He will hereafter be classed among those who
have added to the respectability of the British character among
To say of a soldier of
fortune that he has raised the character of his countrymen among the people
whom he served is the finest praise that could be given to him, and it has
been given to the soldier of fortune whose career we have followed. He had
been sixty years away from his native land, yet the first fact recorded of
him by the grateful sovereign and people who raised his tomb was that he was
Scottish by birth. It is a far cry from Strathdon to Maestricht, and a
farther to Rio de Janeiro. From the porridge pot on the kitchen floor of
Rinettan to the leadership of European armies and the Governor's chair of
Rio de Janeiro is a great rise. It is a good record, and, among the many
Quentin Durwards whom Scotland has sent forth, a worthy place is due to Ian
Roy of Skellater.