It has come to our notice,
nor do we think it wholly unbeknown to you, that Captain Thomas Buck, our
subject and servant, a man of high birth, the courage, loyalty, and
success of whose achievements in the recent Livonian war are familiar to
your Excellencies, has been fraudulently cheated by the trickery and
wicked deceit of an inhabitant of your city, Michael Keffin, his
secretary, to whom he had entrusted the management of his accounts in the
treasury of Lithuania. Wherefore, that the same Captain may the more
easily receive satisfaction, we have desired to add to the earnest mandate
of his Most Serene Majesty the King of Poland our friendly intercession;
and this we do with the greater readiness, as we know that your
Excellencies are of your own inclination disposed to administer justice
equitably, and to protect the rights of strangers, and have earned our
thanks in the past. This singular favour which you show toward our
subjects shall be granted to your citizens, should they ever happen to
implore our aid, a favour not only pleasing for us to grant, but also of
no small value to them. And so we commend to the Divine protection your
Excellencies and your state.
Given at our Palace at
To his Most Serene Majesty,
Prince and Lord, SIGISMUND, King of Poland, Grand Duke of Lithuania,
Russia, Prussia, Masovia, Samogitia, Livonia, etc., our most beloved
kinsman, brother, and friend.
Most Serene King, beloved
brother, and kinsman,
We have received the most
complete evidence from men of great repute and the highest character, that
a Scot of noble birth, Thomas Bucke, served under your standard in the
wars concluded not so long ago, and that in every business entrusted to
him he conducted himself with loyalty as well as with courage. We are of
opinion, therefore, that our letter will not be displeasing to your Serene
Majesty, earnestly requesting that the payment which is due to him may be
made without further delay. ‘The labourer is worthy of his hire,’ and one
who was prepared to pour out his life-blood in defence of your honour,
after the great toils which he endured to an end, after the sufferings
which he underwent, if he receives no gratitude, deserves at least from a
liberal hand the pay which is actually his own and belongs to him by
right. This will give us the very greatest pleasure, and we will be ready
always to repay a like favour as occasion may offer.
Given at Royston on the
25th day of October 1614, the twelfth year of our reign over Great
Britain, France, and Ireland.
Your Serene Highness’ loving
JAMES (VI. of Scotland) to
his most Serene Highness JOHN SIGISMUND (Margrave of Brandenburg and Duke
of Prussia).
Whereas we have learned
from our mandatary, Patrick Gordon, that many complaints have often been
lodged with your Excellency by natives against our subjects born in our
kingdom of Scotland, and engaged in trade in Prussia:
Wishing to advance the
interests of both, we have resolved to adopt a plan whereby a fixed
arrangement may be made for removing every ground of complaint, and for
diminishing the number of those who cross over to that country each year,
so that they may not inflict upon their own countrymen trading there and
upon the natives alike annoyances and losses which increase day by day.
But it is not to be thought in the slightest degree consonant with reason
that innocent men should be punished on account of the offences of the
guilty, even though the guilty be punished with them. And yet John Duncan
and Charles Angus, the former a citizen of Neidenburg, the latter of
Marienwerder, who married the daughters of citizens of these towns, and
undertake the same burdens as their fellow-citizens, are being most
unjustly precluded by them (even by those who are Scotsmen) from the
enjoyment of their privileges and liberties. Although they have very often
protested strongly to your Excellency concerning this injury, they have
nevertheless been overwhelmed by the calumnies of evil-wishers and the
influence of stronger men, and have been unable to obtain any justice.
Since, however, they have now had recourse anew as suppliants to our royal
intercession, we most urgently request, in virtue of our firm friendship,
that through your Excellency’s authority these same may be permitted, as
they have received full rights of citizenship, and have no stain on their
life-record, to enjoy the privileges of their cities. Nor do we doubt that
your Excellency, both on account of the justice of their cause and by
reason of our intercession, will ensure that they have no just cause for
complaint in time to come.