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Papers Relating to the Scots in Poland (1576 - 1798)
List of Names (6) Decrees

The First Decree

Done at Lublin in the Ordinary Courts-General of the Tribunal of the Realm, on the Monday after Rogation Sunday, [May 5th] 1687.

The present Ordinary Court-General of the Tribunal of the Realm at Lublin, at the request of the Very Rev. Albert Radomski, Dean of Chodel, Curate of Belzyce, directed that extract of the following Decree between the parties hereinafter named, done as above, be granted from the Register of the Decrees of their court, word for word as it is therein contained, to this effect :—

There compeared in person the Very Rev. Walkowicz, Prosecutor of the Episcopal Court at Cracow, Pursuer; and the Discreet Stanislas Mikolaiewski, Prisoner at the Bar.

The Court, after hearing the statement of the pursuer and the plea in justification set forth by the prisoner, and giving mature consideration to every point and circumstance connected with the charge preferred, having also read and seriously discussed the admissions lodged with the Court by the said Prisoner of his own free will, decrees that he is liable to such punishment as may satisfy the laws of the Realm, since he did dare and wantonly presume to propagate the Calvinistic doctrine damned by laws divine and human, and stringently restrained by the most rigorous penalties sanctioned by a public law regulating the time and place of its profession; and recently to adopt its practice in the private house (the Curia Luezanoff) of the well-born Vladislas Zielinski; and publicly to preach abominable Calvinistic doctrines to a congregation therein assembled on several occasions, with formalities and in circumstances alike forbidden by the laws of the Realm, and to strengthen their damned delusion; and in likewise openly to outrage the laws of the Realm that have stood fast for so many generations, and also to cloak this abominable profession of their sect with the style of Roman Catholic elders, as is clearly evident from the signatures of his hand exhibited by order of the Judge. And although he has merited heavy penalties no less than light, the Court in condescension decrees that in expiation of this his rash presumption, he shall enter the Tower of the Castle of Cracow within one week from now, and there abide for one half year without break, in the place of confinement to be assigned him by the Most Illustrious Ordinary of the place.

Furthermore, in respect of his usurpation of a spiritual title, whereas he ought to bear a temporal, after fulfilling this first term he shall serve a second therein lasting twelve weeks, and shall no more presume to practise an abominable creed restrained by public laws and by usage resulting therefrom; should the prisoner so do, the penalty now decreed is Ban (infamia) and the Pillory (collum), and for the publication thereof a term is prescribed in the same register. Moreover, to remove further scandals and the odious occasions of the same, the Court decrees that certain books containing infamous blasphemy against the Virgin and the Saints, which were seized in the prisoner’s possession, shall be committed to the flames, and burned in the public market-place on the morrow by the public hangman, by reason of this their severe censure and sentence; since it is plain that both the said prisoner and other disciples and administrators of the same sect will not dare to make wrongous use of the style befitting only Roman Catholic elders, in respect to dress as well as usurpation of title (whereas they possess the temporal title only) when they are liable to the foresaid penalty of Ban and the Pillory, to be demanded at the instance of any one soever from the same register, and also to Free Imprisonment (libera captivatio) which may be effected, in case of contravention, by a spiritual Court as well as by the arm of the King, in whatever place the person accused of this offence can be arrested.

But whereas the foresaid Well-born Zielinski, to the utter convulsion of the laws of the Realm, which strictly prohibit the exercise of the said creed, did wantonly presume to admit it within his private house, or rather hall (curia), and permit the said hall to be appointed as a new public temple, publicly declaring himself—as is plainly evident from the authentic document exhibited by order of the Judge—to be its patron, therefore, in execution of the public laws, which permitted exercises of the kind only in the ancient places, the Court decides that the said Zielinski must be cited, and decrees that the pursuer, with the Prosecutor of the present courts, shall cite him to compear within two weeks from now, after this citation, whether obeyed or not, there is prescribed for the parties in the same register a peremptory term of two weeks, the privilege of securing a stay of proceedings being precluded.

Corrected by Lugowski.
Francis Stoinski, ‘leiiitorial Judge of Lublin (Locus Sigilli)
The Most Illustrious and Reverend Kraiewski, President
The Most Illustrious and Excellent Dambski, Palatine and Marshal.

The Second Decree

Done at Lublin, in the Ordinary Courts General of the Tribunal of the Realm, on Friday the day of the Feast of St. Hedwige [17th October] 1688.

The present Ordinary Court-General of the Tribunal of the Realm at Lublin, at the request of the Very Rev. Albert Radomski, Dean of Chodel, Curate of Belzyce, directed that extract of the following Decree, done as above, be granted from the Acts of their Court, word for word, as it is therein contained, to this effect :—

Accordingly on this day, whereon by virtue of all the premises and the Ordination of the present Courts the term legally appointed falls due, both parties having compeared,—the Very Rev. Wlodek, Curate of Piotrovich, Pursuer, in person, and the Well-born Dambek, also Pursuer, indicting in person; and the successors of the late Well-born Peter and Stanislas Chrzanstowski, and others, cited by the Well-born George Kochowski, and the Well-born Mrs. Broniewski with her son, and also the Court of the Castle of Neocorczyn and others cited by the Well-born John Krinkiewicz, Defenders—the present Ordinary Court-General of the Tribunal of the Realm at Lublin, after hearing the arguments made and brought forward at length by both parties and seriously considering them, that they may dispose of the Remission of the Court of the Castle at Neocorczyn to the present Court, and come to a decision concerning the infringement of a former Tribunitial Decree wherewith different persons are charged, and also concerning an action for damages preferred against the said Court of the Castle at Neocorczyn, in particular as regards the persons of the Well-born Mrs. Broniewski and the said Court, decree that since it is proved that the said Court, although enjoined by statute to furnish sworn testimony from six witnesses of noble birth and landed estate at the first session of the said Court to be held after lapse of six weeks, did fail to inflict upon the infringing party the penalties of their infringement, and postpone the oath, in a case already tried, until the next session, while the other party at the first session produced witnesses only [ • . • .Text corrupt . ] without conforming to the Tribunitial Decree as her interests demanded, and at the following session produced in person the Noble Stanislas Kochlewski, a man convicted of apostasy, whom the said Court wrongfully accepted as a witness, on this account the Court has become liable to penalty for damages, and Mrs. Broniewski for infringement (of the Tribunitial Decree), and sentence the Court, or rather the party representing it, to pay 100 Polish marks as damages to the Pursuers, and half that sum to the present Court, to the Pursuers by the date hereinafter given, but to the Court at this instant; and Mrs. Broniewski, for the infringement of which in that time she was guilty, to pay a Double Captain’s Fine (duplex vadium capitaneale) to the pursuers by the term above given for the production of a witness, and a Single Fine at this instant to the present Court; notwithstanding which, to supplement the sworn testimony of Kochlewski, the Court decrees that the Well-born Mrs. Broniewski shall furnish another witness of noble birth and landed estate before the Court of the Castle at Neocorczyn at their first session for lawsuits to be held after six weeks, that he may give evidence on oath, subject to the penalty hereinafter defined. Furthermore, as concerning the infringement with which the pursuers charge the successors of the late Well-born Chrzanstowskich, since the Well-born John Chrzonstowski in presence of the said Court did furnish, with witnesses, sworn testimony at a stated time as enjoined, therefore the Court makes and pronounces him acquitted from this legal suit and prosecution by the pursuer.

As for the other parties cited, Elizabeth Chrzanstowski by name, one the widow of the Well-born Peter, Vice-captain of the Castle, of Sandec, the other married first to Stanislas and subsequently to John, and the successors of the late Well-born Stanislas,—since the said Chrzanstowskich, though distinctly named in the citations, did not furnish sworn testimony before the said Court of the Castle at Neocorczyn, as directed in the foresaid Tribunitial Decree, the present Court finds them guilty of infringement thereof, and decrees that in atonement therefor, and as amends, for the conviction of their husbands in the year 1670 on a charge not yet refuted, one or other of them pay a Threefold Captain’s Fine to the pursuers when furnishing the sworn testimony, and a like amount to the Court at this instant; also that they declare on oath, before the Court of the Captain of the Castle at Neocorczyn at their first session for lawsuits to be held after six weeks, as enjoined by the former Decree, in the same terms as did the Well-born, Alexander Chrzanstowski, with six witnesses of noble birth and landed estate, ‘that they do not profess the Arian Creed, and in no wise lend complicity to the adherents of that detestable doctrine, and are guiltless of any blasphemy against the Orthodox Roman Catholic faith, and of all the other charges in the indictment,’ the said session being fixed and sustained by the present court as a peremptory term for the Pursuers, that they may demand the oath, and the Defenders, that they may furnish it.

Next, as concerning the Discreet Petroselin, an alleged promoter of the Calvino-Arian Creed, the present Court, holding it proven that he did exert himself to comply with the Tribunitial Decree in presence of the Most Illustrious and Reverend Ordinary of the district, and that it was not by his opposition that the oath was deferred, finds him not guilty of infringement; but nevertheless, in conformance to a former Tribunitial Decree, it decrees that he give assurance concerning his own religion, which he professes with the sanction of the State, and at the same time secure acquittal, in these terms, along with two ministers of the same sect and four noblemen with landed estate, ‘that he promotes the Arian Creed neither secretly nor openly, but acknowledges Deity in the Most Holy Trinity, and the Personality of the Son of God, and the Holy Spirit Co-equal and Co-eternal with God the Father, also the Resurrection of the Son of God by virtue of His Divinity, and the Virginity of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary both before and after His birth, the immortality of souls, and their activity after death; that he has lent no complicity to the adherents of the detestable Arian Creed either himself or by means of subordinates, and is guilty of no blasphemy against the orthodox Roman Catholic faith either himself or by means of his adherents or persons instructed by him, nor of any of the other charges in the indictment.’ This he must testify forthwith before the present court, which presents the Noble Martin Nadoiski, Minister-General of the Realm, that the attestation may be made in the above terms by the party cited, who shall perform the premises subject to a penalty of Ban, hereby decreed by this Court for infringement of this Decree by the Defenders, to rest upon their persons and all their goods, two weeks from now being a peremptory term for its publication from the Register, fixed and sustained in presence of the Tribunitial Court of the Realm at Lublin.

And whereas in conformance to the above Decree the Discreet John Petroselin, Minister of the Temple at Srczepanovich, with witnesses of discretion, namely Daniel Aram, Minister at Piasek, and Paul Nemirecki, Minister at Reiow, and the Well-born Paul Orzechowski and Theodore Suchdodolowski, did furnish sworn testimony before the present court when challenged by Bogulas Rey, Sword-bearer of Chelm, the Very Reverend Wlodek being Pursuer, therefore the present court hereby pronounces the Discreet Petroselin acquitted from this legal suit and prosecution by the said pursuer, imposing upon the parties on this count a perpetual silence.

Finally, whereas the same Pursuer demands that penalty be inflicted for failure to raze to the ground the gymnasia erected near the Temple or Synagogue at Srczepanovich, the present Court, as concerning the Act of Condescension of the foresaid Court of the Castle at Neocorczyn, orders the nearer Heirs of Srczepanovich to attend a sworn inquiry, and decrees that the Well-born Peter and John Chrastowsey shall take a binding oath (medium corporale iuramentum) to this effect, that in conformance to the former Tribunitial Decree the foresaid gymnasia have been completely demolished and razed to the ground, and that after the said Condescension and the demolition consequent thereon no youths have received instruction or training in the study of letters in the buildings or halls (curious) surrounding the Temple; and that they are not liable to penalty for infringement as urged by the pursuer. This they shall do with two witnesses of their own class, within the next four weeks, which peremptory term is fixed and sustained for both parties by the present Court, and by this term the pursuing party shall be bound to ensure that the Well-born Rey, who intercepted the book consigned to the flames for burning by a former Decree, register his report for recognition before the officials of his proper district, the peremptory term for both parties and for the registration being kept as above.

Nevertheless, to remove public scandals and occasions of heresy, the present Court decrees that the foresaid Heirs of Srczepanovich, as also the foresaid Petroselin, minister of the Temple at Srczepanovich, and his successors, shall not presume to rebuild the gymnasia after their demolition, nor to organise any more the schools of letters and train the youth therein either secretly or openly; also that the foresaid Petroselin shall attend to his own religion or sect only, and refrain in every way from administering the sacraments properly belonging to persons of the orthodox Roman Catholic faith, also from burial and sepulture of dead Catholics, and from all Other ecclesiastical services, rites and celebrations which concern true disciples of the Roman Catholic faith; and shall not offer himself in any way for duties of that nature, nor presume to have dealings with foreign persons who are disciples of the same sect. The penalty for contravention of these premises by the Heirs of Srczepanovich and Petroselin, so far as concerns the erection of gymnasia in Srczepanovich and the prosecution of the study of Letters, shall be forfeiture and demolition of the Temple, to be executed at the instance of the curate foresaid, the Most Illustrious and Reverend Ordinary of the place; so far as concerns the other points, it shall be Ban, as hereby decreed by the present Court, affecting both the parties themselves and all their property in general, a peremptory term for the publication thereof from the same register, notwithstanding previous citations before the Court of the Tribunal of the Realm at Lublin, being fixed and sustained.

Corrected by Lugowski.
Francis Stoinski, Territorial Judge at Lublin. (Locus Sigilli.)

The Third Decree

Done at Lublin, in the Ordinary Courts-General of the Tribunal of the Realm, on the Tuesday [November 23rd] after the Feast of the Presentation of the B.V.M., A.D. 1688.

The present Ordinary Court-General of the Tribunal of the Realm at Lublin, at the request of the Reverend Damski, Dean of Chodel, curate of Belzyce, directed that extract of the following Decree between the parties hereinafter named, done as above, be granted from the Acts of their court, word for word, in its entirety, as therein contained, to this effect :—

Accordingly on this day, whereon by virtue of the foresaid Decree and the Ordination of the present Courts the term legally appointed falls due, both parties having compeared,— the Very Reverend Radomski, curate of Belzyce, Pursuer, in person, and the Well-born Boguslas Orzechowski, Defender, compearing in person for himself and in name of others to be cited (excepting the Unbelieving Judas Jerszowicz),—the foresaid Ordinary Court-General of the Tribunal of the Realm at Lublin, after hearing the arguments made and brought forward at length by both parties, and seriously considering them, proceeded to the reading of the evidence elicited in the case; the same having now been read, and every circumstance affecting any person soever having been duly weighed, especially as concerning the Discreet John Bitner, Minister of the Temple at Belzyce, whereas from the evidence elicited he is not proved guilty of the charges comprised in the summons of the pursuer, therefore the present court makes and pronounces him acquitted from this legal suit and prosecution by the Very Reverend Pursuer, as also the Well-born Boguslas Orzechowski from the cause of his citation.

Furthermore, as concerning the citation of Abraham Perstin, Hedwig Nemorecka, Anne Kleparska, and John Bronzki, whereas the Well-born Orzechowski has cited them at this present term, in accordance with a former Tribunitial Decree, and neither is the Discreet Bitner, minister, proved guilty of leading to apostasy, nor Abraham Perstin of apostasy, therefore the present Court frees and acquits them also, on these counts, from the legal suit and prosecution by the Very Reverend Pursuer, but directs that the case against the parties Nemorecka, Kleparska, and Bronzki be proceeded with. But in the prosecution thereof, weighing the facts with regard to the relevant evidence, whereas the foresaid Nemorecka and Kleparska are shown to have been born in the true Catholic faith, and anointed by holy Christian baptism into the Roman Church at --- (as is revealed by poems [?lists] of the baptized produced at the inquiry), while Bronzki is shown to have been seduced from the united Graeco-Ruthenian faith; and although they are shown to be liable to the penalties prescribed by public law nevertheless the present Court, in consideration of their having been led into apostasy in childhood (about the time of the Hungarian raid across the frontiers of the realm against Bardiow) by the late Well-born Mrs. Menczynska, the mother, and at a tender age by the Hon. Orzechowska, the daughter of Bronzki (by whose death their crime has been wiped out), the present Court in its clemency releases them from penalty as premised, thinking it meet that they be restored all three to the bosom of the Holy Roman Church; and it decrees that the foresaid Nemorecka, Kleparska, and Bronzki, with their children of either sex, within one week return to the Holy Orthodox Roman Catholic religion, and renounce in such manner as they may please their Calvinistic delusions, subject to a penalty of the Pillory and Ban hereby decreed for contravention of the premises; they are remitted to the captains of their districts, and to the civil courts, that execution may be taken against their persons at the instance of the Very Reverend Prosecutor, or, failing him, of any one soever.

Moreover, to remove such detestable occasions of apostasy, the present court directs that the Discreet Bitner and his successors shall not presume to take into their service Catholic boys under eighteen years of age, to initiate Catholics in Calvinistic doctrines, to admit apostates in any way to his Temple, nor to forestal the Catholic Church of Belzyce by the ringing of his Calvinistic bell, subject to a penalty of Ban hereby decreed by the present court for contravention of the premises, a peremptory term for the publication thereof from the same register being fixed and sustained by the present court (notwithstanding) previous citation; for the present he shall pay fines of 14 marks Polish to the Pursuer, and the same sum to the present court, the former fine to be doubled in event of failure to pay, the latter to be paid at this instant, subject to penalty of Banishment.

And whereas by the same evidence it has been clearly proved that the Unbelieving Judas Jerszowicz, undeterred by fear of punishment, has been guilty of lustful and adulterous intercourse with the industrious Anna, his servant, of the Catholic persuasion, contrary to its precepts, and the said industrious Anna, his servant, of shameful and adulterous pollution with Jewish offspring, therefore the Court sentences them, as by law and their deed disgraced, and on proof convicted, to suffer the criminal penalties, namely capital punishment, and decrees that the Well-born Orzechowski shall cause the said Adulterer, Judas Jerszowicz, to appear before the Heirs . . . and the present Court within the next six weeks, and in presence of the officers of the Castle of Lublin a peremptory term is fixed and sustained by the present Court.

Moreover, since the past investigations have shown the Jews of Belzyce to be guilty of transgressing the laws of the Realm by their illegal use of women as servants, by the year and by the week, and of committing scandalous offences, and of infringing the laws of the Heirs [?] by their connivance, therefore the present Court decrees that they, or rather the Well-born Orzechowski, shall pay for such perpetrations on their part a Quadruple Captain’s Fine to the Pursuer before the officers of the Castle at Lublin within four weeks, and the same amount, but at this instant, to the present Court. None the less it directs that the Well-born Orzechowski shall remove his establishment (familia) of either sex within two weeks from the Jews of Belzyce and allow no Catholic person to serve them; and, finally, that when the Very Reverend Curate of Belzyce marches with the sacred (emblems) to visit the sick, or in procession, he shall remove the said Jews and compel them to withdraw, and to refrain from witnessing such spectacles, and stringently prohibit all preparations whatsoever on Feast days before the ninth hour failing compliance with the premises, the Well-horn Orzechowski shall be liable to perpetual Banishment, the Jews to Ban, which penalties for contravention by the parties cited are hereby decreed, a peremptory term for the publication thereof being fixed by the present Court for the next session of the Court of the Castle at Lublin for the settlement of suits; for the present they shall pay fines of 14 marks Polish to the Pursuer, and the same sum to the present Court, the former fine to be doubled in event of failure to pay, the latter to be paid at this instant, subject to penalty of Banishment.

Corrected by Lugowski.
Francis Stoinski, Territorial Judge at Lublin. (Locus sigilli.)
The Very Reverend and Illustrious Lipski, President.
The Most Illustrious and Excellent Pieniazek, Palatine of Siradz, Marshal.

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