Compearing in person before
the present session of the Worshipful Council of the city of Old Warsaw,
the Unbelieving Abraham Markowicz, a Jew of Lublin, for himself and in
name of Leuco Iukubowicz, a Jew dwelling in the town of Lenczna, for whose
ratification he gives caution in the fullest legal form and binds himself
on the security of his own estate, with the approval of the present Court
did openly and willingly recognise that he acquits and pronounces free the
Well-famed JAMES CZAMERS (Chalmers) a Scot, citizen of Brody, from
the payment of a sum of 2664 Polish florins secured by a bond bearing the
genuine signature of the foresaid James Czamers, in respect of which total
a servant of the foresaid Czamers, the Honest John Porner, a Scot, had
paid to him at Lublin 825 florins 3 grosz Polish, the amount being entered
on the back of the bond, since the said bond along with other documents
and articles has been forcibly and violently taken from him in the town of
Rozen by certain soldiers commonly called Dragoons; undertaking on the
security of his whole estate, by means of this his own Recognisance with
regard to the premises, to grant warrandice should the said bond be found
in the hands of any other person. (Signature.)—Stara Warszawa (
Warsaw Archives), 1648.
Text of an oath taken by
the Well-famed ALEXANDER CZAMER, member of the Board of Twenty at
Old Warsaw, and presented by him in person to the Council of Old Warsaw
for registration on 14th February 1681.
‘I, Alexander Czamer, of
the Ancient Commune of Warsaw, swear by Almighty God and the Holy Trinity,
being now in a place of trust, to be faithful and obedient to the
Commonwealth at all times when my duties as an elder demand; to preserve
the rights and priviledges of the Ancient Borough of Warsaw, to attend the
meetings as is the custom, and as the good of the Commonwealth may demand,
and to lay all news before the mayor; to keep and not give up the secrets
of the town, no matter what they may be, and to fulfill all my duties with
faithfulness and conscientiousness, and not for gifts from friends, from
fear, hatred, or anger, or other reasons which deter therefrom. So may God
and the Passion of His Son help me.’—(Signed) JAN STANISLAS
WITWICKI, Bishop of Kieff, Czernihoff, etc.
I have taken this oath of the Noble
Alexander Czamer, upon which I set my seal, Stanilas Malachowski, by the
order of His Majesty. This was performed in the Castle of Warsaw on the
14th day of January 1681.—
Warsaw Archives.
On 3rd January 1689, before the
Council of Warsaw, the Noble and Worshipful ALEXANDER CZAMMER, Counsellor
and Treasurer of Warsaw, in the name of the magistrates and the whole
community received from the Noble and Worshipful David Zappio, Councillor
of Warsaw, and lodged with the Trustee of the Court the sum of 1500 Polish
florins, in three sealed coffers, due to them by contract dated 18th
December 1688, in respect of the said Zappio’s occupation of a stone house
in the street called Nowomiejska, the property of the city.—
Warsaw Archives.
Election of the Honourable
ALEXANDER CZAMMER, Assessor of Warsaw, to be Councillor in place of
the Noble and Worshipful Sebastian Szelert, deceased.
The Noble and Worshipful
John Loupia, Mayor; Gerhard Withoff, Advocate; Augustin Herlem, Nicolas
Perott, Thomas Jarkiewicz, Andrew Knable, Albert Bochekowics and Andrew
Minish, Councillors of Warsaw, after conference in the Town Hall thereof,
on 21st August 1689, decided that notwithstanding the absence of two
Councillors, Caspar Walter and John Czorn, on private business, at Grodno
and Cracow respectively, such election would be valid. And although
neither the Advocate, who withdrew after the production of a Letter from
His Eminence the Cardinal Archbishop of Gnesen to the Magistracy on the
said Czammer’s behalf, nor David Zapphio, a Councillor, would attend when
specially summoned, the Council proceeded duly to elect by a majority,
‘one who deserved well of the city,’ the Worshipfu1 Alexander Czammer, who
thereupon took the customary oath and went to the seat appointed for him.—Stara
Warszawa, Liber 46, f. 159.
The Mayor, Councillors,
Advocate, and Board of Twenty, representing the community of Warsaw, make
known that, being desirous of increasing the revenues of the city, and
observing the unproductiveness of a certain piece of land within the city
walls near the gate called Pobocznia, behind the Red Tower, extending as
far as the said walls, and 60 mercantile ells in width, which although the
property of the city had for several years brought in no return, ‘in
consideration of the services rendered on so many occasions to the city by
the Noble and Worshipful ALEXANDER CZAMMER, Councillor of Warsaw,’
they have granted to him and his wife Christina and their successors the
said piece of land in perpetuity for a payment of 20 Polish florins at
Martinmas yearly, with free passage thereto through the foresaid gate, and
immediate entry, undertaking on behalf of their successors never to evict
them from the said piece of land, provided the yearly rent be paid into
the city Treasury by the tenants.
Done in the Town Hall of Warsaw on
3rd July 1690. Gerard Withoff, Mayor; Martin Martinsohn, Chief Assessor;
John Tosacki, Senior Member of the Board of Twenty.—
Warsaw Archives.
Two Assessors of Warsaw, the
Honourable Martin Martensohn and John Hoffman, report to the Council that
they proceeded, as deputed by the Noble and Worshipful Gerhard Withoff,
Mayor of Warsaw, to the piece of land granted to ALEXANDER CZAMMER
and CHRISTINA, his wife, and with due observance of all customary legal
ceremony conferred upon them Right of Entry thereto, when the Honourable
John Zageski, an officer of the Court, ‘had thrice and, exceeding the
requirements of the law, for a fourth time made proclamation in the city
gate called Pobocznia, and all interested had given their
assent.’—Signatures —
Warsaw Archives
On 22nd February 1691 the Well-born
Francis Gryzbowski, Vice captain of the Castle of Warsaw, proceeded to the
Town Hall as deputed by the Illustrious and Noble Lord, John Bonaventure,
Palatine in Krasne Krasinski of the Province of Warsaw, and therein
elected Mayor of Warsaw the Noble and Worshipful ALEXANDER CZAMMER,
Councillor, ‘a man of weight by reason of a judgment both natural and
acquired, and endowed with prudence and skill in the conduct of affairs, a
lover of the public good, for long a defender of the ancient rights and
privileges of the citizens; who by his meritorious administration at the
Treasury for the full period of three years won the commendation of all.’
On being elected, he took the customary oath in presence of Magistrates
and people.-- Warsaw
On 23rd February 1692 the Noble and
Worshipful Magistrates and Councillors of Warsaw elected as Advocate or
Judge Ordinary for the year 1692, by a majority, the Noble and Worshipful
ALEXANDER CZAMER, ‘already distinguished by his administration as
Mayor; whose remarkable energy and skill in the conduct of difficult
business had been of the greatest service to the city.’ On being elected
he took the customary
oath.— Warsaw Archives.
The Eminent Peter Roberson, citizen
and merchant of Cracow, compearing before the Council of Warsaw,
recognizes that he conveys to the Noble and Worshipful ALEXANDER
CZAMER, Councillor of Warsaw, and his successors, his title to the sum of
1306 florins 26 grosz of Prussian silver currency, being a debt contracted
in his favour by the late Well-famed Wilhelm Szmid, an inhabitant
of Przmysl, merchant to the Court at Warsaw (as shown by a parchment bond
dated 26th September 1678) for goods of various kinds, especially Holland
goods, and not yet paid; also the bond itself, in ratification of the said
CZAMER’s claims upon the Recognizor, its deliverance to secure the
Recognizor against further claim from him, even in the event of difficulty
in exacting the said sum.—
Warsaw Archives.
On 20th November 1693 the Noble and
Worshipful Magistrates and Councillors of Warsaw elected by a majority to
the Board of Twenty, out of two candidates presented to them by the said
Board, the well-famed WILLIAM CZAMER, [A son of Alexander Czamer.]
a Patrician of Warsaw, ‘a young man of integrity and excellent
abilities.’ On being elected he took the customary oath.—
Warsaw Archives.
The Noble and Honourable
CHRISTINA CZAMER, widow of the late Noble and Worshipful ALEXANDER CZAMER,
Councillor of Warsaw, compearing in person before the Council of Warsaw
supported by the Noble John Wardynski, her Tutor ad hoc, recognized
that she owes to the Noble Alexander Allan, Captain in the Army of the
Realm, and his successors, the sum of 2787 florins 23 grosz of good
Prussian silver currency (counting 5 greater silver sextones to the
florin, and 18 grosz to the tynfo or octo,) being a debt
contracted in her husband’s lifetime; binding herself and her successors
to make payment by the Feast of St. Bartholomew [24th August.]
of the following year (1708), and giving in mortgage, as security
for the said sum, her entire estate moveable and immoveable, in particular
her stone house at Warsaw in the Street of the Curved Wheel, entry thereto
to be granted in event of failure to pay by the above date, after citation
of the Recognizor and her successors to the present Court, and renouncing
all means of protection from this writ. Krystina Czawerowa. [-owa,
A Polish suffix meaning ‘wife of.’] Jan Wardijnski (as a