THIS book might have been fitly
entitled The Life and Times of Dr. Stewart, for it records his
influential share in the enterprises which have made a new world of South
and Central Africa.
Several of the Chapters are occupied
with the great causes which Dr. Stewart espoused; and they present his
chief convictions in the form that seemed most likely to interest the many
circles of young people in Great Britain and America who are now studying
Foreign Missions.
My heartiest thanks are due to many
helpers, foremost among whom are Mrs. Stewart and John Stephen, Esq. I
wish I could thank them all, one by one.
I have drawn freely on the admirable
In Memoriam number of the Christian Express, which was
edited, and to a large extent written, by Dr. Roberts of Lovedale.
The Rev.
J. M.
Sloan, M.A., and Sir. A. R. Simpson, M.D., have revised the proofs and
made many helpful suggestions.
Licensed as a Preacher 1860
Exploring in Central Africa 1861-63
Graduated in Medicine and Married 1866
Began as Missionary at Lovedale 1867
Planted the Gordon Memorial Mission 1870
Founded Blythswood 1873
Originated Livingstonia 1874
In Nyasaland 1876-77
The Expansion of Lovedale 1878-90
Pioneering the East African Mission 1891-92
Lectured on Evangelistic Theology in Scotland
Moderator of the General Assembly 1899-1900
Delivered the Duff Lectures 1902
Presided at First General
Missionary Conference
in South Africa 1904
‘And He Died’ 1905
- Chapter I
The Making of the Missionary -
Chapter II
The University Student -
Chapter III
The Student of Divinity, 1855 - 1859 -
Chapter IV
The Probationer, 1860 - 1865
- Chapter V
The Germ of Livingstonia -
Chapter VI
On the Way -
Chapter VII
Further on the Way
- Chapter VIII
The Companion of Livingstone -
Chapter IX
The Zambesian, 1862-1863 -
Chapter X
The Student of Medicine
- Chapter XI
Stewart of Lovedale, 1867 - 1874
- Chapter XII
The Father of Blythswood, 1873 - 1880
- Chapter XIII
The Founder of Livingstonia, 1874 - 1875
- Chapter XIV
At Livingstonia, 1876 - 1877
- Chapter XV
Livingstonia, Yesterday and To-Day
- Chapter XVI
The Essential Ethiopian
- Chapter XVII
The Missionary
- Chapter XVIII
Preacher and Pastor
- Chapter XIX
The Educationalist
- Chapter XX
The Agriculturalist
- Chapter XXI
The Captain of Industries
- Chapter XXII
The Medical Missionary
- Chapter XXIII
The Pioneer of the East African Mission, 1891-1892
- Chapter XXIV
The Champion of Missions
- Chapter XXV
The Apostle of Civilisation
- Chapter XXVI
The Natives and the Europeans
- Chapter XXVII
- Chapter XXVIII
The Moderator, 1899 - 1900
- Chapter XXIX
The Author
- Chapter XXX
The Converts
- Chapter XXXI
South African By-Products
- Chapter XXXII
At Home -
Chapter XXXIII
Somgzada: The Man of Action
- Chapter XXXIV
The Optimist -
Chapter XXXV
The Closing Years, 1899 - 1905 -
Chapter XXXVI
The Man: His Outer Life
- Chapter XXXVII
The Man: His Inner Life -
- Chapter XXXIX
Lovedale To-Day
- Chapter XL
The Central Native College