Years may pass over the towers of Taymouth, ere its
inhabitants shall be again awakened to sensations such as those
which affected them on the morning of Saturday the 10th of
September, when all were early astir. The sun rose gloriously in a
cloudless sky, but much as every one desired fine weather on the
Queen’s account, the smiling heavens and the joyous features of the
landscape, were but little in harmony with the feelings of the
inmates of the castle, from the Marquess himself and his interesting
Marchioness, down to the humblest of their retainers. The Queen was
this day to depart. She, whose countenance had thrown its own
sunshine so brilliantly over every thing, as to leave no one
sensible that clouds or rain had ever attempted to mar their
happiness—the Queen was to depart, and every soul was sunk in gloom
at the thought that they must again return to the commonplaces of
ordinary life. Sad, sad were their hearts; and it may be surmised
that Her Majesty, too, had so far partaken of the inspiring draught
of romantic feeling, so generally affecting all, as to make her wear
something like a tinge of melancholy. Certain it is, that if the
Royal arrangements had not been so made and settled as to render any
alteration difficult, the Queen would have gladly postponed her
departure from Taymouth until Monday, or even longer. But, as
Sovereign of Britain, she is frequently compelled to sacrifice her
own wishes and desires. The consideration which she manifested for
the delicate health of Lady Breadalbane, and her endeavours upon all
occasions to save her from fatigue— the readiness with which she
entered into any plan formed for the Royal amusement—her kind
expressions of satisfaction with all that was done—and the gracious
cordiality of her manner to all who came into her presence—were
observed and duly appreciated by every one in the castle. It is not
surprising, then, that all these should have made so deep an
impression on the minds of its noble owners, as not only to give the
highest value in their eyes to the visit of the Queen to Taymouth,
as a distinguished honour conferred on them, but also to fill their
hearts with the most delightful recollections of it as a period of
intense enjoyment.
That the Queen was desirous of carrying with her the freshest
reminiscences of this charming place, was evident from the
circumstance, that, amidst all the hurry of preparation for
departure, she escaped from the great gallery, by the iron stair, at
half-past eight o’clock in the morning, and taking Prince Albert’s
arm, she walked along the western approach hanging over the river,
and so gained the grassy slopes leading up to the Dairy. Again were
the damsels of this pretty cottage of milk-white and crystalline
quartz taken by surprise. The view from the terrace on which the
cottage stands, was this day so clear and sunshiny, and the
mountains in the farthest distance were so well defined, that both
the Queen and the Prince were amply repaid for their activity. So
inviting was the scene, that they climbed to the balcony to enjoy
the prospect in still greater perfection, and there indeed it was
exquisitely beautiful, and the Prince entered fully into all Her
Majesty’s admiration of it. The Queen and the Prince returned with
so much expedition from this little morning excursion, that few
people were aware they had ever been out of their apartments.
An occurrence of apparently small moment took place at Taymouth,
which ought not to be forgotten. Mr. John Alston of Glasgow, is well
known as the benefactor of the blind, from his embossed alphabet, in
which he has printed the Bible and other books for their use, which
they now read with great ease, by means of the mere touch of their
finger points. Having also invented a mode of arranging coloured
worsteds of all shades, so that those deprived of sight can take
them out, and work them into patterns where the colours are
introduced with the most delicate gradation, he felt desirous to
bring it under the Royal notice. He accordingly requested Lady
Belhaven to present to Her Majesty a beautiful hassock, made in this
way at the Glasgow Blind Asylum. This her ladyship took an
opportunity of doing; and it pleased the Queen so much, that she
graciously accepted it, and gave orders for four more of the same
kind. Her Majesty, moreover, sent a donation of ten guineas to the
valuable institution, whence the hassock came.
The Marquess naturally felt desirous to have some memorial fixed in
the soil of Taymouth, which should awaken interesting associations
in future ages, with the occurrences of these memorable days. With
this view his lordship made an humble request to the Queen, that she
would plant a tree, to remain as a thriving and ever-increasing
memorial of the Royal visit. He ordered an elegant little spade to
be made of the finest steel, with a mahogany shaft, and having its
handle covered with crimson velvet, which is preserved at the dairy,
with the date, “September 10th, 1842.” This interesting ceremony,
which the Queen undertook with the greatest cheerfulness, still
remained to be carried into effect.
A portion of the Breadalbane Highland Guard of Honour having been
that morning despatched to the western extremity of Loch Tay, to
receive the Queen on her arrival there, the remainder stood drawn up
opposite the grand entrance, with an air of silent gloom over their
manly countenances. The Queen and Prince Albert now got into their
carriage with Lady Breadalbane, and drove off, under the salutes of
the guards, the fort, and the batteries. They proceeded towards the
flower garden, a beautiful spot near the river to the east of the
castle, where Lord Breadalbane assisted the Queen to alight, and the
interesting operation immediately commenced in presence of the Duke
of Buccleuch, Lords Liverpool, Aberdeen, Morton, and Kinnaird, Sir
Robert Peel, Mr. Fox Maule, and others, who stood around till the
work was finished. Four holes having been already dug, at proper
distances from each other, and the young plants, consisting of two
oaks and two Scottish firs, from four to five feet high, having been
prepared, an oak was put into one of the holes hy the noble Marquess,
assisted by his principal forester, Mr. Dewar. The Queen then took
the neat little spade in her hands, and went about her work with
great grace and alacrity. There was no make-believe in the matter.
Finding herself encumbered hy the parasol that hung to her wrist,
she handed it to the Marquess— put her foot on the spade—shovelled
the earth in very neatly all round—and then trod it firmly about the
stem. The gardener could not have done the work more scientifically
or expertly. After this Her Majesty proceeded to plant a fir tree
with the same care and adroitness. Prince Albert then planted a fir
and an oak, to both of which he did even possible justice. That
these trees were well and carefully planted, is best proved by the
fact, that although the season of the year was not quite that which
old Evelyn, or even more modern writers on arboriculture, have
recommended as the best for any such work, the Royal hands seem to
have shed a blessing on the work, for at this moment the trees are
so perfectly fresh and unchanged in their appearance, even in the
minutest parts of their spray, as to ensure their bursting forth in
full vigour of leaf. Seldom has a more interesting or gratifying
scene been performed by any Royal personage. The surrounding
landscape, too, was exquisitely beautiful,—the level and shaven
turf—the plots of shrubs and flowers—the tall and umbrageous old
sheltering trees in close vicinity, standing as if in the character
of sponsors, solemnly promising to protect these infant children of
royalty from every rude blast. May Heaven prosper these young plants
! and may they long endure, as living emblems of those tender
scions, in whose welfare the great interests of a mighty nation are
so deeply involved.
Lord Breadalbane had been kept in doubt, until an advanced hour in
the morning, as to whether the voyage by water, or the land journey,
ought to be considered as the most advisable for the Queen; but he
had made preparation for either alternative. The Hon. Mrs. Fox
Maule, and his Lordship’s brother-in-law, Mr. Charles Baillie, had
gone off early in a carriage and four, to see that every thing was
properly arranged for the reception of Her Majesty, at the old
family residence of Auchmore, situated on the southern side of the
Dochart, just above its point of junction with the western extremity
of Loch Tay. Their road lay by Kenmore Bridge, and by the north side
of the lake, that being also the Queen’s best route, in the event of
Her Majesty going by land. Had the Queen gone by this way, Her
Majesty would have seen the lake from a great variety of magnificent
points, for it is never lost sight of, until the traveller
approaches Killin, where the road runs at the base of the grand and
most picturesque mountain cliffs of Craigcaillach, and behind and to
the northward of the ruined castle and noble old place of Finlarig,
once a retreat sacred to Druidical worship, and a very ancient seat
of the Breadalbane family, where the importance and beauty of the
site, as estimated bv its barons of old, is proved by the great
growth and antiquity of the trees with which its grounds have been
so carefully and plentifully planted, having among them many of the
finest old Spanish chestnuts any where to be met with. The family
burial-place is here, and that, together with the remains of the
castle, and the tree on which culprits, or those who happened to
“displease the laird,” were wont to be hanged — all stand on a
beautiful wooded knoll, rising out of the plain, through which the
river Lochy, after leaving its own wild and romantic glen, hastens
to join the Dochart. The scenery here is of the highest order of
grandeur. The village of Killin itself is not large, but it is very
picturesquely situated, on the peninsula between the two rivers, in
the midst of an amphitheatre of rocky and wooded steeps. The bridge
over the Dochart affords a fine scene—the broad stream above
breaking over ten thousand rocky points, and inclosing a most
romantic island below, occupied by the ancient burial-place of the
MacNabs. In their anxious hope and anticipation that the Queen would
come their way, the villagers of Killin had bestirred themselves to
ornament their houses, which were whitewashed, and adorned with
wreaths of flowers and heather, flags, and mottoes.
Auchmore lies about a mile eastward from Killin. All was in perfect
order there, and ready for Her Majesty. It is an old-fashioned
house, patched at different times, with a good deal of wood rising
towards the southern hill. Within this is a square plot of grass,
with gravelled walks and shrubberies, where the detachment of the
Breadalbane Guard of Honour was posted. The house has one room of
goodly size, with glass doors, and here preparations were made for
Her Majesty’s luncheon. A rich level plain, of mingled enclosure and
plantation, lies between the house and the angle formed by the river
Dochart and the head of Loch Tay. Over this the roebucks are
frequently seen bounding, or feeding carelessly, as if aware that
they have no cause to be afraid of man. Auchmore is a charming
dwelling, of the shooting and fishing-lodge description, and was for
some years the residence of the present Marquess before the death of
the late Lord Breadalbane. It commands a beautiful and extensive
view of the lake, Benlatvers, the passes leading into Glen-Lochy and
Glen-Doehart, the druidical groves of Finlarig, and the rugged and
most picturesque rocks of Craigcaillach, rising from the woods
immediately behind that peaceful and picturesque place of sepulture
of the chieftains of Glenurquhy and the lords of Breadalbane.
The place prepared for the Queen’s landing, was a small boat harbour
in the Dochart, so little way above the head of Loch Tay, that it is
difficult to say whether the water is there river or lake. A
beautiful sod fort is raised close to this haven, which had its guns
all prepared, and a Royal standard ready to be hoisted. A crowd of
people was assembled here, in the hope that the Queen would come by
water. At the upper end of the creek a flight of steps, beautifully
covered with heather, so as to resemble a Persian carpet, gave
access to a rustic building, consisting of a roof with four gables,
supported on pillars, decorated with heath, and Highland myrtle. A
roadway leading to the house, was mown across the grass.
The interesting ceremony of planting the trees being
over, and the weather continuing to be propitious, Lord Breadalbane
hastened on foot to that part of the river Tay where the flotilla of
boats was moored, about an hundred and fifty yards below the bridge
of Kenmore. His Lordship had by this time been informed as to the
Queen’s determination. The terrace runs close along the margin of
the river, having very noble trees on both sides. A flight of
embarkation steps was prepared and covered with crimson cloth. The
flotilla consisted of—1st, The Royal Barge, commanded and steered by
Captain MacDougall, R.N., of Lorne, carvel-built, and for the
occasion, by Mr. M‘Nicholl of Greenock, 32 feet long, 6 feet 10
inches broad, 2 feet 9 inches deep, and eight or ten-oared. This
beautiful craft has a deep gold moulding inside, with stem and
stern-head beautifully carved and gilt, the lining painted in
imitation of the Breadalbane tartan, the inside of the gunwales
having a convex gold moulding in the centre, relieved on each side
by blue and green. The seats for the rowers arc covered with
Breadalbane tartan, of the finest woollen cloth, and the stern seat
cushion? with the same material, fringed with gold. The Ro\al seat
or cushion, in the centre, is of the richest Breadalbane tartan
velvet, surmounted with a beautiful and costly representation of the
hoar’s head the Breadalbane crest, and the Scottish thistle in
tapestry fringed with gold. The footstool is of the richest crimson
velvet, trimmed with gold. The back board is beautifully carved and
gilt, the cushion in the centre being stuffed with the finest down,
and covered with crimson velvet, and the stern platform is laid with
the finest Brussels carpet. The bows are ornamented with the
Breadalbane crest and the coronet of a marquess. The awning or
canopy is of Breadalbane tartan, of the finest spun silk, decorated
in the most tasteful manner with festoons of roses, thistles, and
mountain heather, and the awning rods are ornamented with rich gold
knobs. The timbers are in one piece, finely rounded, and from the
novel manner in which the boat is constructed, no nail-head, point,
or rivet, is discernible throughout the whole interior of the boat.
The row locks are of highly polished brass, and of a swivel
description, adding materially to the general effect of the whole.
There were at least fifty applicants for the honour of rowing the
Queen in this splendid barge, but it was manned by eight picked
boatmen from the slate-quarry island of Easdale, in the far western
part of the Breadalbane territories—all first-rate hands at the oar,
and having bonnets with gold hands, and Jersey frocks of Breadalbane
tartan, with white trowsers, quite in harmony with the decorations
;—it had also the Royal flag and two pipers in the bow. The barge
lay close to the place of embarkation ready to receive the Queen.
The second boat was the Loch Tav, steered by James Campbell of
Dalserf, Lieutenant R.N. It is of the same model and dimensions as
the Royal barge, but is fitted up in a less splendid manner. The
third boat was that sent down by the Admiralty from Woolwich
dockyard, with two Admiralty bargemen, in splendid liveries, for the
purpose of carrying the Queen, but the Clyde boat was preferred from
her superior build and finish. The Admiralty barge was about 30 feet
long, 21 feet broad, and feet deep, with 10 oars, and was
distinguished by one of the plain Breadalbane flags. A story was
current about Kenmore of a Highlander, who asked one of the Thames
men belonging to this boat, whether the Queen was very beautiful.
“Beautiful!” exclaimed the Englishman, “why, as to that you shall
judge for yourself, when you see Her Majesty. But I’ll tell thee
what, friend—there’s not another lady in all England has such a foot
and ankle—no, nor in all Scotland neither!” The fourth was a barge
“the Galley of Lorne,” built in Greenock. The fifth was a Thames
six-pared wherry, employed in towing the boat containing the
regimental band, which so filled it that there vTas no room for
rowers; these were steered by an Admiralty bargeman.
The Queen, Prince Albert, and Lady Breadalbane, left the castle of
Taymouth in the Royal carriage, followed by their suite, amidst the
thunder of the guns of the fort and batteries, and the last sad and
parting salute of the Breadalbane Guard of Honour. As Her Majesty
left the park by the Kenmore gate, there was still some doubt
whether she intended to go by land or water, and all eyes were
anxiously fixed on the carriage, until it arrived at the dubious
point, where the matter was made certain by its turning in at the
gate, and along the terrace leading to the little pier.
How the gallant and brawny men of Easdale, selected for the Royal
barge, were envied by those of the other boats, when they saw that
the Queen was really going by water! Whilst this was supposed to be
very doubtful, they had received an ample supply of gratis and
ironical advice from their kind friends, “ to take care and do their
best, and to row well, and not to splash.” But now that those
friendly advisers saw that so great an honour was really to be
enjoyed by them, they would have been willing to have died at the
west end of the loch, to have been allowed to change places with
them. Captain MacDougall himself was in attendance, dressed in the
full Highland garb.
The Queen’s carriage drove up with its near wheels within three feet
of the carpet laid on the ground, and Captain MacDougall observing
this, applied immediately to Lord Kinnaird, who was standing by, for
the use of a tartan shawl he had in his hand, and instantly spread
it on the ground for Her Majesty to step on. Lord Breadalbane then
handed the Queen from the carriage, at a few minutes before eleven
o’clock, and seated her in the boat, the whole of the crews having
their oars up, the band playing “God Save the Queen,” and a small
detachment of the military presenting arms. Lord Breadalbane
immediately got into the cockswain’s seat behind, but Her Majesty
insisted on his taking his place on her left. The Prince was on her
right, and on his right sat the Duchess of Buccleuch, and on Lord
Breadalbane’s left the Duchess of Norfolk. The Duke and Duchess of
Roxburghe, Sir Robert Peel, Lord Lorne, and two others, took their
places in “the galley of Lorne.” The barge “Loch Tay” received the
Duke of Buccleuch, Lords Liverpool and Morton, Lord and Lady
Belhaven, and Lord and Lady Kinnaird. Lieutenant Campbell, B.X., who
steered the boat, wore his full naval uniform, with a St. Jean
d’Acre medal.
The effect of this most interesting spectacle of the
embarkation, as witnessed from a point a little below the pier, was
extremely fine. The combination of objects forming the scene where
it took place, is beautiful. A large grassy terrace runs along the
southern bank of the river, embowered in magnificent trees, and
within it, nearer the bridge, some picturesque cottages, occupied by
the gardener and others, are seen peeping from between their immense
trunks. The opposite bank of the river is covered with timber of a
similar description. Above it rises Drummond hill, with crags of the
most picturesque character starting from the thick foliage of its
woods. The bridge, about two hundred yards above, is seen uniting
the two banks. On this occasion it was hung with garlands, and
covered with people, and its grand triumphal arch was surmounted by
the Royal banner of England. Beyond its five noble arches, the broad
waters of the lake were seen sparkling like fretted crystal,
together with the wooded island, and the melting distances. The
Royal barge, proud of its precious freight, lay like some gorgeous
bird upon the water, by the margin of the stream. The carriages,
horses, and people were crowded along the green terrace, or half
concealed by the tall steins of the trees. The other barges were
nearing the side, and the boats with the band, scattered over the
surface of the wide river, the whole forming one of the most
beautiful and impressive pictures imaginable.
At the word of command, down went the oars of the Royal barge, and,
as if instantaneously gifted with an intense spirit of life, off she
darted with the swiftness of a dolphin. Her advance, followed by the
other boats, was exceedingly fine ; and as she shot through the
centre arch, and was launched upon the pellucid surface of the lake,
loud cheers arose from the multitudes covering the bridge, and the
gravel beaches, on either side, above it. When their loyal
acclamations died away, a certain air of quiet reigned over the
scene for some time, adding infinitely to its grandeur, and giving
to it the effect of a fairy dream.
After passing the bridge, the boats formed in line on each quarter
of the Royal barge, which now came abreast of the wooded island
where Queen Sybilla, daughter of Henry I., reposes. If her spirit
could have looked upon the passing spectacle, how wonderful to her
would have been the contrast with those of the period in which she
lived! A Royal salute was tired from the batteries, and from the
yachts anchored there, which were all decorated with flag’s. After
these thunders had subsided, the sounds from the bands and the pipes
on board of the flotilla were faintly heard, until they also died
away; yet still it was lovely to look upon that broad and
far-withdrawing lake, its sheet of water glittering with the gay
flotilla, which continued its stead} onward progress, whilst soft
hreezes curled over the surface, vying with the moving shadows in
variety of effect; and perfect stillness prevailed amid the wooded
steeps on either side, the mountains rising blue and majestic over
all. As the leading barge steered more toward the southern side,
remarkable for the wild scenery of the falls of Acharn, the people,
willing to keep their eyes, to the very last, on that speck which
held their Queen, continued to gaze intently until it and the rest
of the flotilla disappeared behind a wooded promontory.
Such was the effect of the scene to the spectators, but to those on
board, especially in the Royal barge, it was most animating. The
Queen seemed to be altogether absorbed in contemplation of the
scenery through which she was so swiftly gliding, and ere the boat
had turned the wooded point, so as to shut out the now distant spot
where, happy herself, she had been for three days the cause of so
much happiness to others, she turned round in her seat, and gave it
one long last look, saying with great pathos of expression, “ dieu,
As the Queen proceeded up the lake, she had the mountains of
Benbreck and Mealghrianan on her left hand, whilst still farther on,
Benlawers and Cairnaclouh were seen upon the right. But grander.
elevations arose in the far perspective, and beyond these Benmore
was always predominant. The sky was so clear, that all the numerous
summits were distinctly visible; and as the sunshine fell on the
sides of the mountains, the broad shadows of the fleecy clouds flew
rapidly across them. The Queen and the Prince fully enjoyed these
changes of effect upon the scenery. Many questions were put by both.
The Queen observing the plaid of the steersman hanging over the
backboard, asked of what tartan it was. Lord Breadalbane told Her
Majesty that it was the MacDougall tartan, and presented the wearer,
at the same time mentioning his profession, and that he bore the
celebrated Brooch of Lorne which belonged to Robert the Bruce. This
led to a conversation on tartans, clans, and chiefs, a subject with
which the Queen appeared to be as familiar, as if she had lived all
her life in the Highlands. Her Majesty’s observations, and those of
the Prince, did not escape the crew. Their ears were all erect to
catch every word uttered. Smiles of delight were interchanged among
them, as they perceived the interest which Her Majesty took in
Highland matters. The Brooch of Lorne has been rendered classical by
Sir Walter Scott in his Lord of the Isles ; but as he never saw it,
he describes it erroneously in his verses, and he gives a very
inaccurate account of its history in his notes. It is not “the
brooch of burning gold,” which his poetical imagination would make
it. It is of silver, of very curious form and ancient workmanship,
and consists of a circular plate, about four inches in diameter,
with a tongue like that of a common buckle on the under side. The
margin of the upper side has a rim rising from it, with hollows cut
in the edge at certain distances, like the embrasures in an
embattled wall. From the circle within this rim, eight very
delicately worked tapering cones start up at regular intervals to
the height of an inch and a quarter, each having a large pearl in
its apex. Concentric with these, there is an inner circle, also
ornamented with carved work, within which there is a raised circular
case occupying the whole disk of the brooch, and slightly
overtopping the cones. The circle exterior to this case projects
into eight semi-cylinders, relieving it from all appearance of
heaviness. The upper part is also very elegantly carved, and the
centre is filled by a very large unpolished gem. Nobody has yet been
able to determine the nature of this central stone. The present
proprietor had it examined some years ago by Messrs. Rundell and
Bridge of London, but they could form no judgment regarding it,
without its being polished, which, of course, he had too much
antiquarian feeling to allow.
After the defeat which Robert Bruce experienced in Perthshire from
Edward I., soon after his coronation at Scone, ho was endeavouring
to make his way towards the West Highlands with a few followers,
when, on the 11th of August 1300, he was encountered at a place,
since called Dalrigh, (the King’s field,) near Tyndrum, on the
border of Argyllshire, by that powerful chief, or rather potentate,
Allaster or Alexander MacDougall of Argyll, the ancestor of Captain
MacDougall of Lorne. This hero was then in alliance with England;
and being united by marriage to the daughter of the Red John Cumin,
whom Bruce had recently slain in the Dominican convent at Dumfries,
a fierce combat ensued between the two parties. Whilst Bruce was
occupied in protecting the retreat of his men, he came into personal
conflict with the great MacDougall, who was struck down by him, and
might have been slain on the spot, had not two of his vassals,
called MacKeoch, rescued him by seizing the monarch’s plaid, and
dragging him from above his adversary. Bruce cut both of them down
with his battle-axe; but he was so closely pressed by the other
followers of Lorne, that he was obliged to abandon his plaid, which
was still clutched in the dying grasp of the MacKeoehs, together
with the brooch that had fastened it. This relic continued in the
MacDougall family till the year 1647, when the castle of Goalen, in
the island of Iverrera, having been taken, sacked, and burned by
General Leslie’s troops, Campbell of Inverawe possessed himself of
the Brooch of Lorne. In that family it remained until about,
thirty-four years ago, when it passed into the hands of a cadet of
that house, who, fully aware of its value, appointed it by his
testament to be sold, and the proceeds divided among his younger
children. It was accordingly sent to Messrs. Rundell and Bridge, to
be exposed for sale, at the price of a thousand pounds. It is said
that the late George IV., then Prince Regent, offered five hundred
pounds for it. This sum was refused, and the brooch withdrawn.
Ultimately, in the year 1825, the late General Campbell of Lochneil,
being anxious to bestow some mark of grateful regard on his esteemed
friend and neighbour MacDougall, purchased the brooch, and presented
it to him through his chief, the late Duke of Argyll, at a social
meeting of the landholders of the county.
The Queen having taken the brooch in her hand, and examined it
fully, asked about the centre stone, and said that “she supposed
these were fresh water pearls,” in which supposition Her Majesty was
correct. The Marquess then produced some that had been found on his
estate, in the streams running into Loch Awe, and the Queen having
admired them, she did him the honour to accept of them. Her Majesty
inquired if the water of the loch was good to drink, on which the
Marquess produced his quach, and the Queen tasted of Loch Tay. She
expressed herself much pleased with the pipe music, and she thus so
touched the hearts of the boatmen, that they smiled with delight,
and stretched with a more powerful bend to their oars. As Her
Majesty remarked upon the different tunes she had heard, she
expressed her preference for the Hullachan, the reel of Tullochgorum,
the Macintoshes’ Lament, and There’s nae luck aboot the boose. The
Duchess of Norfolk then repeated the first verse of the words of the
last mentioned air.
“And are ye sure the news is true? and are ye sure lie’s weel?
Is this a time to talk o’ wark? mak baste! set by your wheel!
Is this a time to talk o’ wark, when Colin’s at the door?
Gie me my clock! I’ll to the quay, and see him come ashore.
For there’s nae luck aboot the hoose, there’s nae luek ava’,
There’s little pleasure in the hoose, when our gudeman’s awa."
The Marquess then asked the Queen if she would be pleased to hear a
Gaelic song, and Her Majesty having assented, the crew were desired
to sing, which they did, one man bearing the burden, and the others
joining in the chorus. 'When they had finished, the Queen commended
their performance, and two other Gaelic songs were afterwards sung
by Her Majesty’s command. One of these may serve as a sample of the
music, as well as of the words.
Both music and words may appear rude enough when
placed on the desk of a grand pianoforte ; but it must be borne in
mind, that to do them justice they require to be performed with a
yet grander accompaniment than any such instrument can afford—the
boat—and the sinewy Highlanders stretching their oars till they make
her quiver throughout all her timbers as she dances over the wide
surface of the lake—and the surrounding features of nature on a
scale, and in a key and tone altogether harmonizing with these
native notes of the untaught mountaineer. Every thing is good is its
place, and although these notes and words may be considered unfit
for polished circles, it is very questionable whether any music
savouring of the drawing-room, would be so well adapted to an
excursion on a Highland loch, as that of which a specimen is here
During the course of the voyage up Loch Tay, which is in itself
fifteen miles long, the flotilla frequently crossed and recrossed
the lake, for the purpose of enabling the Queen more perfectly to
enjoy certain parts of the lovely shores, where the richness of
cultivation is everywhere blended with the most romantic wildness of
nature ; as well as to catch better views of the different hills and
waterfalls, and of particular portions of local scenery, with all
which Her Majesty was extremely delighted. At one time it became
rather chill, and Lord Breadalbane suggested to the Queen the
propriety of putting on a cloak, but this she declined as
unnecessary; and although upwards of three hours on the water, she
did not seem to he in the least fatigued.
The grandeur of the mountains surrounding the upper part of the
lake, seemed to make a strong impression on the Queen. She inquired
as to the position of Auchmore, and very much admired the fine
combination of Highland features that made up the scene.
For some time before the flotilla entered the mouth of the river
Dochart, a flag was seen waving in the midst of the rich flat
ground, forming the immediate western boundary of the sheet of
water. It was close on the south side of the Dochart, and crowds of
people were descried around it. As the fleet drew nearer, a
momentary flash appeared, and then came the boom of the first gun
from the battery, which had begun to fire its Royal salute thus
early, that the smoke might have time fully to dissipate before the
Queen should reach the landing-place. The crew stretched to their
oars, and gave good way, in order to bring Her Majesty handsomely up
the Dochart to a point where a multitude of eyes were on the stretch
to behold her—most, if not all of them, for the first time in their
lives. At length the landing-place was neared, and as they were
hauling in the boat, Lord Breadalbane expressed his anxiety to have
it placed as close as possible, upon which the Queen showed her
nautical experience, by saying “Oh, she is far enough a-head!”
Opposite the Fort lay the Earl of Sefton in his boat, with his
Countess, Earl Craven, and some others on board, and there were
various other boats containing persons of distinction. The people
collected around the landing-place behaved themselves with a
remarkable degree of decorum. Anxious as they all were to see the
Queen, there was no crushing, or pushing forward.
When the Royal barge came alongside, Her Majesty wras
received by Lady Breadalbane, who had arrived some time before, by
the same route that Mrs. Maule had taken in the morning. The Queen
and Prince Albert on landing, got immediately into one of the Royal
carriages in waiting for them, and Lady Breadalbane took her place
with them. Her Majesty observing that there was a delay in starting,
was led to ask “Why do we stop?” One of the attendants instantly
replied, “For His Royal Highness’s cloak.” On which the Queen said,
“Oh! wait for that.” When the Prince’s cloak came, the carriage
drove off to Auchmore, attended by an escort of the Carabineers.
The Royal party remained somewhat less than an hour at Auchmore, and
had luncheon, to which no less than thirty persons sat down at the
Queen’s table. Her Majesty and the Prince seemed surprised at the
magnificence of the entertainment produced before them in this
remote place. His Royal Highness remarked, that it seemed as if they
could go nowhere without being followed by the hospitalities of
Taymouth. The scene in front of the house when the Queen took her
departure was very striking and picturesque. The space was small,
and the Breadalbane Guard of Honour, drawn up in martial array, with
the pipes playing the salute, had an imposing effect. The crowd of
spectators was likewise very considerable. When the carriages drove
to the door, the Queen and the Prince bidding a most cordial
farewell to their noble hostess, took their places, and the band
striking up “God Save the Queen,” and the detachment of the
Breadalbane Guard of Honour having given their last salute, they
drove away towards Killin, amidst the enthusiastic cheering of all
present, leaving sadness behind them. The Marquess of Breadalbane
immediately mounted, and rode off to escort the Queen to the
boundary of his property. |