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Queen Victoria and Prince Albert's Trip to Scotland
Chapter V. Royal Receptions in the Olden Times

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It may not be uninteresting in this place to notice the various receptions given by the City of Edinburgh, in the olden times, to their Monarchs. In looking into the ancient Records of the Town Council, the Registers of the Privy Council of Scotland, and other authorities, some very curious entries will be found. Holinshed says, that Mary Queen of Scots in her way to embark for Scotland,—“was attended on from Paris unto Calis with manie noble men; namelie, hir six uncles, the Dukes of Guise and Daumall, the cardinall of Lorraine and Guise, the grand prior, and the marquesse Dalbeuf, also the Duke de Nemeurs, and other of his friends and kinsmen.” * * * * And farther, that “she arrived at Leith the twentieth day of August, in the year of our Lord 1561.” And, “being thus come out of France, she brought into Scotland manie rich and costlie jewels of golde worke, pretious stones, orient pearls, and such like, as excellent and faire as were to be found within Europe, with rich furniture of houshold, as hangings, carpets, counterpoints, and all other necessaries for the furnishing of hir princclic houses.”

De Brantomc gives the following notice of the landing of Mary.

“Nous allasmcs cntrer ct prendre tcrrc au Petit Luc, [Leith,] ou sondants les principaux dela, ct dc l’Islcbourg, [Edimbourg,] qui n’est qu’a une petite licuc dela, la Keync y alia a chcval, ct scs Dames ct Seigneurs sur les hacquenees guilledincs du pays, tcllcs quellcs, est harnacliees dc mesme. Done, sur tel apparcil, la Pcyne sc mit a plcurer, ct dire quo cc n’cstoicnt pas la les pompes, les magnificences, ni les supcrbcs montures de la France, dont ellc avoit jouy si long-tcmps; mais qu’il falloit prendre patience ; ct qui pis est, lc soir, ainsi qu’cllc sc vouloit couchcr, cstant logec cn-bas cn l’Abbaye de l’lslcbourg, qui est certes un beau bastimcnt, ct nc tient ricn du Pays, vindrent sous la fcncstrc cinq ou six cent marauds de la ville, lui donncr aubadc dc mechants violons ct petits rebecs, dont il n’y cn a faute cn ce Pays la; et se mircnt a chanter Pscaulmcs, tant inal chantez ct si mal accordcz, quc rien plus. He ! quelle musiquc! et quel repos pour sa nuit!”

To provide for the banquet and triumph which they proposed to give on this occasion, the Magistrates “willed ane generall taxt to be rasit of the haill town,” against which the Deacons of the Trades, like true Tribunes of the people, protested, proposing that instead of it, a lease of the common mills belonging to the town, should be sold, to defray the expense, and the deacon of the bakers offered to bear the whole charge, provided such a lease was granted to them for certain years. The tax, however, was carried, and the Treasurer received orders to go on with his preparations. According!}', coats of French black, and other articles, were ordered for “every ane of the twelf scrjands, the javillour and gild scrjants,”—“tymmer, canves, and all uther ncccssaris convenient for the triumphis and farccis” were provided, and ten individuals were ordered to have each of them “ane goun of fine blak velvot, syde to thair feet, lynit with pann velvot, ane eoit of blak velvot, ane douhlat of erammosyne satyne, with velvot bonct and hois eflfeirand thairto ; and thir tuelf to beir the pale abone the Quenis Grace head, and nane utheris. And all the uther nychtbouris that sal he sene upon the gait, to have syde gownis of fync Franche blak sychtit, with pan velvot coittis of velvot and doublettes of sating; and every man to gang in his dew and gude ordour. And the serjandis to ordour the calsay, and to mak rowine for the nobilitic and nychtbouris forsaid. And siclike, that the young men of the toun devise for thameselfis sum braw abulyc-ment of taffatie or other silk, and mak the convoy befoir the eairt triumphant.”

The pageant itself, is thus described in the Pollock Manuscript:— “Ypoun the xix day of August Lxj, Marie, quene of Scottis, oure souerane ladie, arryvit in the raid of Leith, at sex houris in the mornyng, accumpanyit onlie with tua gallionis; and thair come with hir in cumpany, monsieur Domell, the grand pryour, monsieur marques, [d’Elbeuf,] the said quenes grace modcr broder, togidder with monsieur Danguill, [d’Amville,] second sone to the constable of France, with certane vthcr nobill gentilmen ; and at ten houris the samen day, hir hicnes landit vpoun the schoir of Leith, and remanit in Andro Lambis hous be the space of ane hour, and thairefter wes eonvoyit vp to hir palice of Halyrudhous. Ypoun the xxiiij day of August, quliilk wes Sonday, the Quenes grace causit say mes in hir hicnes chappcll within hir palace of Halyrudhous, quhairat the lordis of the congregatioun wes grittumlie annoyit. Ypoun the last day of August lxj, the toun of Edinburgh maid the banket to monsieur Domell, the grand pryour, marques, and monsieur Danguill, ill ane honourable maner, within the lugeing sumtyme pertenying to the cardinall. “Vpoun the first day of September lxj, the Queues grace maid hir entres in the burgh of Edinburgh, on this maner. Ilir liicness dcpairtit of Halyrudhous, and raid be the lang gait on the north syid of the said burgh, vnto the tymc seho come to the castell, quhcir wes ane get maid to hir, at the quhilks sho, accompanijt with the maist pairt of the nobilitic of Scotland, except my lord duke and his sonc, come in and raid vp the castell bank to the castell, and dynit thairin; and when sho had dynit at tuclf houris, hir hicnes come furth of the said castell towart the said burgh, at quhilk depairting, the artailgeric schot vchemcntlie. And thairefter, quhcn sho was rydand down the castcllhill, thair met hir hicnes anc convoy of the goung mcne of the said burgh, to the nomber of fyftie, or thairby, thair bodcis and thcis coverit with geallow taffateis, thair armes and leggs fra the kne doun bair, cullorit with blak, in maner of Moris, vpon thair heiddes blak liattis, and on thair faces blak visouris, in thair mowthis rings, garnesit with intellable precious staneis, about thair neckkis, leggis, and armes infynit of clienis of gold; togidder with saxtene of the maist honest men of the town, cled in veluot gownis, and veluot honcttis, berand and gangand about the paill wilder the quliilk hir hienes raid ; quhilk pail wes of fyne purpour veluct lynit with reid taffatcis, frein^iet with gold and silk; and efter thame wes ane cart with eertane bairnes, togidder with ane coffer, quhairin wes the copburd and propyne quhilk suld be propynit to hir hienes, and qulien hir grace come fordwart to the butter trone of the said burgh, the nobilitie and convoy foirsaid precedand, at the quhilk butter trone thair was ane port made of tymber in maist honourable maner, cullorit with fyne cullouris, liungin with syndrie armes; vpon the quhilk port wes singand eertane barneis in the maist hevinlie wyis; vnder the quhilk port thair wes ane cloud opynnand with four levis, in the quhilk was put ane bony harne. And qulien the quenes hienes was cumand throw the said port, the said clonde opynnit, and the barne discendit doun as it had bene ane angell, and deliuerit to hir hienes the keyis of the teun, togidder with ane bybill and ane psalme buik, eoverit with fyne purpourit veluot; and efter the said barne had spoken some small speitehes, he deliuerit alsua to hir hienes thre writtingis, the tenor thairof is vncertane. That being done, the barne ascendit in the cloud, and the said elud stekit; and thairefter the quenes grace come doun to the tolbuith, at the quhilk was vpon twa skaffattis, ane abone and ane vnder that; vpone the vnder was situat ane fair wirgin, callit Fortounc, vnder the quhilk was thrie fair virgynnis, all cled in maist precious attyrement, callit Justice, and Policie. And efter ane litell speitche maid thair, the quenis grace come to the croce, quhair thair was standand four fair virgynnis, cled in the maist hevenlie clething, and fra the quhilk croce the wync ran out at the spouttis in grcit abundance ; thair wes the noyiss of pcpill casting the glassis with wyne. This being done, our souerane ladie come to the salt trone, quhair thair avcs sum spekaris ; and efter ane litell speitche, thaj brunt vpon the shaffet maid at the said trone, the maner of ane sacrifice ; and SAva that being done, sho depairtit to the nether bow, quhair thair wes ane vthcr skaffet. maid, havand ane dragoun in the samyn, Avith some spcichcs ; and efter that the dragoun Avas brynt, and the quenis grace hard ane psalme song, hir hienes past to hir abbay of Halyrudhous Avith the said convoy and nobilities ; and thair the bairneis, quhilk Avas in the cairt with the propyne, maid some speitche concernyng the putting away of the mess, and thairefter sang ane psalme ; and this being done, the cart come to Edinburgh, and the said honest men remaynit in hir vtter chalmer, and desyred hir grace to rcssaue the said copeburd, quhilk wes double ourgilt, the price thairof avcs ijM mcrkis; quha ressauit the samyne, and thankit thame thairof. And sua the honest men and convoy came to Edinburgh.”

Such was the pageant. But, perhaps, the folloAving sample of the poetry to which her Majesty was treated, will be found no less interesting than the prose in which her progress is told, particularly as it shows that the age had its Scott, as well as that which has so recently gone by.


“Welcum, illustrat Ladyc, and oure Quene;
Welcum oure lyone, with the Flour-de-lyco;
Welcum oure thrissill, wl the Lorauc grene;
Welcum oure rubcnt roiss, vpoun tlie ryce ;
Welcum ourojem and joyfnll gonetryee;
Welcum oure beill of Albion to heir ;
Welcum oure plcsaud Princes, maist of pryce ;
God gif the grace agaiuis this guid ncw-zcir.


“Latt all thy realine bo now in rcddines,
With coistlio clothing to dceoir thy corss ;
Zung gcutilmcn for dansing thamc address,
With courtlio ladyos cuplit in consorss;
Frak ferco gallandis for feild gemis enforss ;
Euarmit knychtis at listis wl schoild and speir,
To feekt in harrowis hay1 on futc and horss,
Agaue thy Grace gctt ane guid-man this zcir.”

This last allusion to the prospect of Queen Mary being speBlily married, is continued in the stanzas that follow,—but the concluding stanza is matchless.

“Fresch, fulgent flurist, fragrant flour, formois,
Lantern to lufe, of ladeis lamp and lot,
Cherie maist chaist, chief charbucle aud chois ;
Smaill swoit smaragde, smelling but smit of smot;
Noblest nator, nurice to nurtour not
This dull indyte, dulce, dowblc dasy dcir,
Send be thy scnipill servand Sanderis Scott,
Gretiug grit God to grant thy Grace gudc zeir.”

The first reception of James VI. in Edinburgh, was in 1571), when he was a boy of thirteen years of age. On the 30th of August the magistrates ordain that “ ane copburde of syluer ourgilt, of wecht vndcrwrittin, be maid and prepaired with diligence, to the Kingis Majesties cuming to Edinburgh, viz.

“Ane basene and ane lawer wcyand sax scoir vnces,—
Twa flaketis of viij pundis wecht,—

“Sax eoupis with eoveris, cverilk anc of four therof, to wev tucnty-aucht vnces, and vthcr twa of tuenty-four vnces the pcce,—Four chandleris of sax seoir vnces,—

“Anc saltfalt of tucnty-four vnees,—Ane truneliour of tucnty vnces,— “Ane dozon of trunchouris at x vnces the pecc,—Summa vj sax scoir vnces.”—And amongst the names of other goldsmiths to whom the work was given to be executed, we find that of “ George Hereot.” Particular dresses were ordered to be worn by the merchants and inhabitants, according to their respective degrees, and that under a fine of “ twenty pundis,” and “ the payne of wairding.” Those “ extented to ten lib. or above, have everilk ane of thame ane goune of fyne blak cliamlott of silk of cierge, barrit with velvous efferand to his substance. And all sic as ar extented aboue saxtene lib. to have thair gounis of the lyke stuff, the breistis thairof lynit with velvous and begaireit thairwith with coitis of velvous dames or satene.” A fine black gown is ordered for the maeer, “ begarcit with twa barris of velvous, and the breists thereof lynit with satene, ane doublet of blak satene, ane pair of blak hois begareit with velvot, and ane taf-fatie hatt or velvot bonett.” And it was ordained, that “ everilk ane of the xiij offieeris have, agane the Kingis Majesties entrie, ane lyvery, viz. thrie elnis of blak Inglis stemmvng, to be thame hois, vj quarteris of Rowane canves, to be their doubletis, ilk ane of them, and threttyne shillings four pennies to furneis pasmentis, together writh ane blak hat, and ane quliyte string.”—Also—“ Ordanis ane Paill of blew velvot of sevintene elnis of purpour, and lynit within writh reid tafatie, and the baillies to tak ordour auent the making therof, agane the Kingis entrie.”—Also—“ Ordanis Androw Stevin-son, thesaurer, to cause wesehe the over and nether, to wyt, his and the laiche eounsall hous, with calk.” Also the appointment of a committee of taste—“ Ordanis Robert Henrison, ehirurgeon, and
Robert Kar, baillie, to speik the Frenche man, using William Stewart for his opinion in devysc of the triumphe agane the Kingis heir cuming.” Clothing is also ordained for the ordinary town officers. Those who were to bear “ the Kingis Majesties paill,” were charged “ to mak and prepair ane goune of fyne blak, barrit with welvous, lynit in the breistis with welvous, or gounis of fyne chamlott of silk, growgranc of silk or cierge, barrit with velvous, velvot coiles, or doubletis of saiten velvot, or dames tafetie hatis, and in sic uther decent apparrell as effeirs.”—And orders were given to “ Androw Stevinson, thesaurer, to by sa mekill calk as will spargan all the tolbuythis.”—And farther,—“ It is statute be the bailies and coun-sall foirsaid, that all manner of persons hawand ony cruves for swvne at thair stairis and syde wallis, foment the hie streit or common vennelis, remove the samyn therof incontinent betwix and Setterday nixt at seven, ilk persoun under the payne of fyve pundis, but favouris.” Thirty shillings is ordered to be given “ to the violeris and sangsteris at the Ivingis entrie above the Over Bow.”

A Manuscript “Historic and Life of King James the Sext,” gives this account of the reception:—“At the West Port of Edinburgh, he was rcssavit be the Magistrats of the toun, under a pompous payle of purple velvot. That port presentit unto him the wisdome of

Solomon, as it is written in the third chapter of the first buik of the Kings: That is to say, King Solomon was representit with the twra tv omen that contendit for the young chylde, and the servant that presentit the sworde to the king, with the chylde; and as
he maid forder progres in the toun in the streat that ascendis to the castell, thair is ane ancient port, at the whilk hang a curious globe, that opnit artificiallie as the King came by, wharin was a young boy that disceiulit craftelie, presenting the kevis of the toun to his Majestic, that war all maid of fvne massie sylvcr, and thais wax’ presentlie x*essavit be ane of his honourable counsall. During tlxis space, Dame Music and hir scollars exercesit hir art with great melodic. Then, in his discence, as he came foment the hous of Justice, thair shew tlxaymeselfis unto him, four gallant verteous ladcyis, to wit, Peace, Justice, Plentie, and Policie, and aither of thayme had an oraison to his Majestic. Tharcftcr, as he came towart the cheif collegiall kirk, tharc Dame Religion shew hirself desyring his presence, wlxilk he then oheyit be entring the kirk, wlxare the cheif preacher for that tyme maid a notable exhortation unto him, for the embraceing of religion, and all her cardinall vertewis, and of all uther morall vertewis. Thareafter he came furtlx, and maid progres to the mercat croce, whare he beheld Bacchus with his inagnifik liberalitie and plexitie, distributing of his liquor to all passingers and belxalders, in sic apperance as was pleasant to see. A litill benetlx is a marcat place of salt; wharupon was erectit the genealogie of the Kings of Scotland, and a nombcr of trumpets sounding xxielodiouslie, and crying with loud voyce, Wealfayre to the King. At the East Port was erectit the conjunction of the planets, as thay war in thair degrcis and places, the tyme of His Majesteis happie nativitie, and the same vivelie representit be assistance of King Ptolonue. Axxd, with all, the haill streits war spred with flowres, and the forelxowsis of the streits be the whilks the King passit, war all hung with magnifik tapestrie, with payntit lxistoreis, and with the effegeis of noble men and women, and thus he past out of the toun of Edinburgh to his palice of Halyruidhous.”

The next fonnal reception is that of King James and his Queen, after their marriage, in 1581). On this occasion, the Magistrates ordered a bonfire to be lighted upon the height of Craigingalt, towards Leith, at the Queexx’s arrival; and a curious arrangement seems to have been made between them and the King, touching the propvne or present which was to he made to Her Majesty) thus recorded by them :—“ Knawand that the toun hes ane Jowell, of the Kings Majesties, quhich is ane taiblett of gold, in ane caise, with ane dyomond, and ane emmerawld, lyand in the hands of Alexander Clerk of Balbyrnie, to the touns behuif, in plege of foure thowsand pund ; as alswa vnderstands, that his Majestic, for to plesure the toun, is content that thai propyne hir Grace with the said Jowell : Thairforc thai haif thocht expedient to reteir the said Jowell furth of the hands of the said Alexander Clark, and he del} uerand the samin to gif ane sufficient discharge thairof. And therafter to propyne the samin to his Majestic; and to repose thameselffs upon his Gracis guid will for the payment of the said sowme, for the quhilk the samin is layet is plege.”

On the 15th of April, furious denunciations are issued against beggars, and bonfires being seen in the streets. On the 21st May it is agreed at the request of the King, to make “ane honorabill banket” for the Danish Ambassadors, and other strangers, together with the King and Queen, to be held “ in Thomas Aitchinsoun master of the cunyie hous lugeing at Todriks wynd fute, upon Sonday at evin next to cum.” For this, four puncheons of wine, four “bwnnis of beir,” four “gang” of ale, and bread, are ordered to he brought in, and “to caus hing the hous with tapestrie, set the huirds, furmis, chandleris, and get flowres” — “To provyde eupbuirds and men to keip thame; and my Lord Provest was content to provyde naiprie, and twa dozen of greit veschell, and to avance ane bunder pund or mair, as thai sail haif ado.”

The King and Queen arrived at Leith on the 1st of May 1590, and were met by the Duke of Lennox, Lord Hamilton, Earl Bothwell, and many of the nobility and burgesses. Their train consisted of 224 persons, many of them, as saith the old manuscript, “in golden
clienyics of gud faschioun.” They were daily banqueted. “Upon the nyntein day of May, the Quenis Grace made entrie in Edinburgh, at the West Poirt, and was ressavit, efter a eertane speiehe in Latine, and delyverie of the keyis, as use is, and wes convoyed throw the haill toun, under a paill, to Halyruidhous. There wes 42 young men, all cled in quhite taffetie, and vissours of black eullour on their faces, lyke Mores, all full of gold chenyies, that dancit befoir hir Grace all the way.”

In a letter from King James to the Scottish Privy Council, written from Newcastle, and dated 15th December 1616, he announces his intention of visiting Scotland, during the ensuing summer. His first reason for so doing shall appear in his own words:—“Wee ar not achamed to confesse that wee have had these many yeiris a great and naturall longing to see our native soyle and place of our birth and breeding, and this salmonlyke instinct of ouris lies restleslie, both when wee wer awake, and manie tymes in our sleip, so stirred up our thoghtis and bended our desyris to make a jornay thither, that wee can never rest satisfied till it sail pleas God that wee may accomplish it: And this we do upoun our honour deelair to be the maine and principall motive of our intended jorney.” The reception of this letter produced a warrant from the Privy Council for the repair of His Majesty’s houses, with instructions as to the details, a “proclamatioun againis the slaying of His Majesties Buekis in Falkland,” and “ a proclamatioun aganis the slaughter of Murefoule.” There appears a certain degree of prudential anxiety on the part of the Privy Council, that, as His Majesty is to be “accompanyit with diuers of his nobilitie and counsall, and with some of the reuerend clergie, besides a grite nomber of all rankis and qualities, from the kingdome of England,” it is extremely necessary that Scotland should make the best possible appearance before the critical eyes of the strangers, who may be on the natch narrowly to remark upon the carriage and conversation of the inhabitants, their entertainment and lodging, and to discover whether their houses, bedding, and napery be clean and neat, and to report of them accordingly ; the Magistrates are at great length instructed how they are to insure that their opinion may be favourable, and amongst others, “ it is heirby recommendit unto the saidis Magistrats to see that the saidis ludgeingis be furnist with honnest and clene bedding, and weele weshin and weele smellit naprie, and otheris lin-ningis.” And further that every one of the Magistrates “ within thair awne boundis, haif a cair, and gif directioun for keeping of thair strettis cleene, and that no beggaris be seene within thair boundis.” A most tremendous act against beggars immediately follows.

On the 9th of April, the Provost and Magistrates give directions, that a number of the gravest and most ancient burgesses, and of best rank, shall be ready to attend his Majesty,—“all apperellit in blak velvot, the ane half in gownis faiced with blak velvot, and the uther half in partisanis,”—under the penalty of “ane hundreth pundis.” On the 23d April, dresses are also ordered for the town officers, and for the macer, “ane goun of claith, with an stand of claith of figurit satine.” And as his Majesty had declairit, that it is his will and plesour that ane harrang and speache be maid to him at his entrie within this burgh ; thairfor the counsall nominatis and electis Mr. Joline Hay, thair clerk deput, to make the said harrang, and ordainis him to provyde himselfe to that effect.” On the 7th of May, a banqueting-house is ordered to be built “ in the counsall house yaird, for intertening his Majestie and his nobles.” And on the 12th of the same month, they resolve “ to propyne his Majestie at his entrie with ten thousand merkis, in dowble angells of gold, and to by ane gilt baissin of the grittest quantitie can be had, to put the same in.” After all these preparations, his Majesty’s reception, as taken from a volume of the Records of the High Court of Justiciary, was as follows. “ The saxtene day of May 1617, the Kingis Majestie enterit at the Wast Poirt of Edinburgh, quhair the Provest, the foure hailyeis, the haill eounsell of the toun, with ane hundreth honest men and mae, war all assemblit, in blak gownes all lynit uith plane velvet, and thair haill apparrell war plane black velvet; At quhilk tyme first the Proveist, William Nisbet, maid ane harrand, weleuming his Majestie to his awin Citie, Thareafter ane harand was maid be Mr. John Hay, in name of the haill citizens, Ane purse eontening fyve hundreth double angellis laid in a silver basing double overgilt, was propynit to his Majestie, Quha with ane myld and gracious countenance resavit thayme with thair propyne, come tharefter throw the Citie to the kirk, quhair ane sermone was maid be the Arehebishope of St. Androis, Spottiswood ; Tharefter come direetlie doun the streit, towardis his awin palice in Halyrudhous, being eonvoyit be the honest men of the toun, to the corse callit St. Johne’s Croce, quhair be the drawing of ane sword his Majestie knyehtit the Proveist.”

The next Royal visitor was Charles I., who, in a letter of July 14, 1628, announced his coming, to be crowned, and hold a parliament, but who did not arrive till June 1633. In anticipation of this visit, a sum of money is ordered to be raised from the citizens by extent. Mr. John Hay is ordained to write the “ speech or harrang” to his Majesty. Orders are given for “ ane pale to be maid to be carried above his Majesties heid, and to be caryed be the four baillies, deyne of gild and thesaurer.” A proclamation is made against the slaughter of wild fowl, and the sheriff of Edinburgh is ordered to have the highways throughout the county repaired, all of them being particularized in detail. As the time of his Majesty’s coming approaches, all the burghs are called upon to furnish, for the support of his table, a certain number of fed nolt, each according to its importance, as had been done on the occasion of the coming of his Majesty’s father, King James, on which occasion Dundee and Glasgow undertook for 300 each. The city of Brechin, 100—St. Andrews, 60—Dalkeith for 20—Linlithgow, 24—Musselburgh, 12, &c. Lodgings for the King’s train are ordered in all the places where he is likely to be, care being taken “ That thair lodgings be cleane, handsome, and neate ; That the bedding and naperie be cleane and weill smelled ; and that no filth or beggers be seene upon thair streets.” All persons living in any of the King’s palaces are ordered to quit, and a particular proclamation is issued regarding the reservation of lodgings and stabling in the Canongate, for the attendants on the court. On the 14th of March, the Lords of Privy Council, “ in regarde of the solemniteis and showes quhilks ar to be made by the Magistrats at the Westport,” ordain that the heads of some malefactors set up there should be taken down. The Town-Council, on the 5th April 1633, “ finding the hie streettes and publict vennellis of this burgh to abound with all kynd of filth, to the reprotche of the toun, when strangeris does repair to the same,” strong denunciations and large penalties are made against all offenders.

On the 12th June, the Privy Council ordain that the Scottish nobles shall ride before the King, and the English immediately after him—that his Majesty shall take his great horse “ at the west end of the long gait, neere to St. Cuthbert’s church.” They also give directions about the carrying of the sword, and the canopy ; and on the 13th June, they ordain “ that no coache enter within his Majesties court with more then foure horsis.” The Provost and Magistrates are commanded “to take doun the gallowes and malefactor hanged thereon at the east end of the linkes.” Sand is provided for covering the streets—and the trumpeters are ordered to meet his Majesty, “ and sound upon the linkes of Leith.” It also appears that a propyne and banquet were, as usual, given upon this occasion. The following is the order for the manner of His Majesty’s entrance :— “ Apud Dalkeith, 14th Jane 1633.—The whilk day the Kings Majestie, with the advice of the Lords of his Seereit Counsell, has thought meit and expedient, concluded and ordained, that, for his Majesties more statclic and ordcrlic entrie within the burgh of Edinburgh, the Lords Spirituall and Tcmporall, and others, who by thair charge and place owes attendance at that action, sail convcin and meit his Majestie upon the long gait, at one of the cloke in the afternoone, where they sail be marishallcd and ranked according to thair dignitie and place, and sail rydc and aeeompanie his Majestic at his entrie within the said burgh, and conduct him to his palace of Halyrudhous, in the manner and order following, to witt, the Marques of Hamilton, as maister of the horses, sail ryde a little behind his Majestie, leading anc horse of state; the Eric of Errol, by his Majesties appointment sail reecave from the Lord Chambcrlanc, ane shethcd sword, which the said Eric sail caric immediatlic before his Majestie, and sail ryde upon the Chamberlane his right hand ; nixt unto thame Lyoun king at armes, and such of his brethren as he sail make ehoise of; then the Ischer before him, the Almoner, and Master of Rcqucists; nixt to thame, the Lords Chancillor and The-saurcr ; then the twa Archbishops; nixt to thame, the Erles and Viscounts, then the Bishops, and last, the Lords. And that the toun of Edinburgh sail have a standing guaird upon either side of the streit, which sail not budge nor remove fra the tyme of his Majesties entering within the West Port, till ho pas furth of the liberties of the said toun, and that the volly to be given be the Castell of Edinburgh sail begin, and be fullie delyvered betwix the tyme of his Majesties entering upon the long gait, and his coming to the place appointed for taking of his great horse, whereupon he is to make his entrie within the said toun.”

The notices in the Eeeords of the Town Council, touching Charles II.’s visit to Edinburgh in 1650, are extremely meagre. From them, however, it appears that it was ordained, that in order to give his Majesty a proper reception, “a certaine soume of money be borrowed,” not to “exeeid fyftie thousand merkisand for perfecting the fortifications of Leith,“ in respeet of the approeh of the Sectarian armie to this kingdome, doe consent to the borrowing of fiften hundreth pund sterling.” And being informed on the 31st July, that his Majesty had come unexpectedly to Leith, they recommend that he should eome for safety to Edinburgh,—they ordain the sum of twenty thousand merks to be given by the Provost to his Majesty at the port, and they make offer of their lives and fortunes for his serviee. And on the 7th August, the treasurer is ordained “ to pay to William Shaw, merehand, four hunder threttie thrie pund sexten shilling aught penyes, for the expensis of the desert bestowed upon his Majestie.”

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