latterly used as barracks, now long a ruin, stands out imposingly,
commanding an old passage over the Spey. The Chartulary of Moray
contains a graphic account of certain great doings at the Standing
Stones of Raite, and within the chapel and the great chamber behind
the hail, in the Castle of Ruthven in October, 1380, connected with
the disputes between Alexander, Seneschal and Lord of Badenoch,
known as the Wolf of Badenoch, on the one hand, and Alexander,
Bishop of Moray, on the other. Reference is made to free "tenants of
Badenoch, and others who owed suit, following, compearance, or
service, attached to the Court of Regality of Badenoch," who were
summoned to attend by John Gray, "Mair" of Badenoch. A translation
into English of what occurred will be found on pages 80, 81, and 82
of Invernessiana, whereby it will be seen that the Bishop was
victorious all along the line.
The Stuarts did not
long maintain possession of Badenoch, which, reverting to the Crown,
was re-granted to the Gordons. In the first half of the seventeenth
century, the Gordons began feuing in Kingussie chiefly to
Macphersons, and the present representative of the Gordons possesses
of the original 60 davochs of Badenoch, only three, namely, the
lands known as North Kinrara in Alvie. The Castle and a few acres
adjoining were either reserved from the original grant to the
Gordons, or afterwards assumed by the Crown for use as a fortified
place to overawe the people and compel obedience. Ruthven in 1746 I
need not advert to, as it is frequently noticed, but soon after
Culloden it fell into disuse, and formed merely an excuse to
maintain some dependent of the Crown as barrack-master, the last
being John Macpherson, styled "of Inverhall."
Dissatisfied with their immense
possessions in Badenoch the Gordons could not endure to see these
few acres in the hands of others ; and there being a question with
the Crown as to Fort-William in the year 1787, they seized their
opportunity. The Fort-William matter having been referred to David
Young of Perth, and Angus Macdonald of Achtriachtan, to fix the
amount payable by the Board of Ordnance, the wily Gordon factor, Tod,
saw a likely way to acquire the Ruthven barrack grounds without
payment. The circumstances are explained by Captain Rudyard's letter
to the Duke of Richmond, Master-General of Ordnance, dated
Edinburgh, the 5th of November, 1787, sending the Fort-William
report. Mr Young, he narrates, by "particular request of Mr Tod,
steward to the Duke of Gordon, went to visit the barracks at Ruthven
of Badenoch, belonging to Government, as Mr Tod considered it highly
probable that the Duke of Gordon, would expect the site of that ruin
in part of the compensation for the grounds to be ceded at
Fort-William, and in order to give your Honours a view of its value,
I have enclosed Mr Young's report as to Ruthven also, and hope his
going there, tho' not directed by me, will for the reasons recited
meet your approbation."
So far Mr Tod had his own way, the next
step being to get the barracks, by this time generally known as "St.
George's Castle," for nothing. The two arbiters declined reporting
on any sum for Fort-William, merely fixing the extent and
boundaries. Their not naming a sum, probably on the astute Tod's
suggestion, left it open to him to ask 40 years' purchase of the
rental. Of course, Government kicked at this figure, when it was
graciously reduced by Mr Tod to 30 years' purchase, on condition
that the barracks should be thrown in, or to use the Duke of
Gordon's own words, 3rd of December, 1787—" I hope your Grace will
not think it unreasonable that I should expect that the barrack hill
of Ruthven shall be restored to my family." So it was ultimately
arranged, and a disposition having been prepared, the Duke of Gordon
was infeft in it on the 31st of October, 1792.
The report of Mr Young, who is described
as "a man of superior judgment and abilities, being an author on
agriculture," is as follows, and is of value as showing the exact
state of matters 109 years ago -
"At the desire of Mr William Tod,
steward to His Grace the Duke of Gordon, I viewed the ruins of the
barracks belonging to His Majesty at Ruthven of Badenoch.
"This was formerly the castle of the
Comyns, then Earls (?) of Badenoch, who had very extensive
possessions in the Highlands, perhaps more than any nobleman since
possessed—which castle after having decayed was taken down and made
into barracks for the military in the year 1727. It was burnt by the
rebels in the year 1745, and is just now a complete ruin.
"This hill upon which the barracks are
built is perhaps as remarkable as any to be met with in Scotland,
being evidently an artificial mount, containing 2 acres and io
falls, raised 40 feet high above the surrounding plain, having only
access to it from the south, by reason of a morass, containing 2
acres 2 roods and 19 falls, which surround it nearly in the form of
a square, which has been intended for a ditch that was to be kept
always full of water in order to strengthen the place. This mount
being surrounded by the morass, damped, as I am informed, the
barracks very much, so that the military stores could not be kept
from rusting, and even their linens would be so damp that they were
obliged to have them conveyed to another place, in order to save
them from rotting. This evil might be remedied by cutting a deep
drain to communicate with the River Spey, which after being partly
filled up with stones and a sluice put on, so as to let the water in
and out at pleasure, might be converted to draw up and down. Upon my
first view of this mount, I considered that it was artificial, and I
was confirmed in my opinion by being afterwards told that after the
military had dug a well forty feet deep for the supply of the
garrison, they met with piles of wood that had been put there to
support the earth. It appears to me that to erect any new building
on this mount would be both difficult and expensive to get a proper
foundation, being so unequal, as it would require a very great
number of piles of wood to be driven in and long planks in order to
make a firm foundation. The present ruins seem to prove this, as
many of the walls are rent from top to bottom.
"Notwithstanding these inconveniences
the temptation for building is very great, as it has a very
extensive prospect both of the surrounding hills and plains.
"The whole of the
grounds, belonging to Government, forms an oblong square, containing
5 acres 1 rood and 19 falls, divided as follows:-

householders in the parish in 1679 were as follows James Macpherson
of Ardbrylach, James Mac Neill there, Donald Mac Allister reoch
there, Allister Mac Coil-Chrom in Glengynack, Ewen Mac Coil-Chrom
there, William Mac a Mair there. John Macpherson of Ballachroan,
James Macpherson, his son, there, William Mac Coillie there, John
Mac Gillie dhu there, William Mac Coil there, - Mac lain vic
Conchie, younger, tailor there, Donald roy Mac Willie there, John
Mac Gillie Challum vic Coil there, Murriach reach there, Finlay Mac
Conchie vic Chatter there, Donald Mac Coil-Chrom there, Thomas roy
Mac Challum vic Coil there, John Mac Hamish vic Aonas vic Allister
reach there. Lachlan Macpherson of Pitmain, Donald Mac Allister
there, Paul Mac lain vic Allister vic Homas there, John Mac Allister
dhu vic Allister mor there, Donald Mac Willie there, John Mac Homas
vic Allister there, John ban Mac Andrew vic Clench there. John
Macpherson of Invereshie, John reach Mac a brabiter there, Allister
reach, his son, there, Allister Oig there, Donald Glassich Mac
Ildonich there, James Mac lain vic Hamish vic Aonas there, John Mac-aBhuie
there. Thomas Macpherson, elder of Killyhuntly, Thomas Macpherson,
younger, there, Thomas Mac reach vic a brabiter there, Allister Mac
Coinnich mar there, Malcolm Macpherson of Phoness. Donald Mac lain
Glas in Dallanach, Donald Mac lain mar there, Donald Mac Allister
vic lain reoch there, Donald Mac Allister mor there. Thomas
Macpherson of Etteridge, John Macpherson, his son, there, John
Taillour there. James Macpherson of Invernahaven, William Macpherson
in Corrarnsdale, Donald dim Mac lain vic Iver there, John Macdonald
Mac Shan Gruer there, Duncan Mac Conchie mor there, James roy there,
Angus Mac Ildonich there. Angus Mac lain Oig in Corrarnsdale beg.
Malcolm Macgregor vic Conchie vic Allister in Tomfad, Allister Mac
Conchie vic Allister there, John Macpherson, there, John Mac
intaillor in Contalood, John, his son, there, Allister Mac Ildonich
there, Adam Smith, there, Archibald Macdonald in Farletter, Malcolm
Macpherson there, William Macpherson there, Ewen Mac Durririch (?)
there, William Mac Aonas mor there, John Mac Andrew vic lain buie
there, John Mac Coil vic Shader there, John Mac Allister vic Thomas
there, Donald Mac lain, his son, there. Allister mor Mac ShanTaillor
in Inveruglass, Donald, his son, there, Allister Mac Soirle there,
William Mac Soirle, his brother, there, James Mac lain Oig there,
James Mac Conchie there, James Mac Andrew, miller there, Donald Mac
Soirle Roy there. William Macpherson of Nuide, Finlay Mac Angus ban
there. Allister Mac Hamish ban there, Duncan Clench there. James
Macpherson in Laggan of Kingussie, Donald Mac Vurrich vic Ewen in
Kingussie rnor, James Mackay gald, there, Duncan Miller there, and
John Mac Vurrich vic Ewen there.
The Gordon rental by the set of 1667 was
thus in Scots money :-

The whole public burdens of Badenoch,
including rates, stipends, and salaries, amounted to £331 4s 7d,
whereof payable by the tenants £211 3s 3d, leaving to be paid by the
landlord £120 1s 4d for the three parishes.
The rental of the parish of Kingussie
had increased from £600 in 1667, to £1620 odds in 1829. The rise, in
proportion to Laggan, was not so great, on account of the greater
number of feus in the parish, which of course remained fixed.
I now give a list of some of
Mackintosh's tenants in Kingussie parish in 1635:—Bessie Innes
(widow of the first Borlum), in Benchar; Angus Mackintosh there (one
of her Sons),; John Mac Andrew vic Clench in Clune; John Mac Coil
dhu vic Allister there; Finlay Mac lain Roy there Donald Mac lain
vic Clench there; Donald Roy Mac lain vic Fionlay there ; Duncan Mac
lain vic Clench there George Mac lain mor vic Ewen there.
It will be observed there are no fewer
than three Clarks in the above list, from one of whom descended Mr
Alexander Clark, the well-known writer in Ruthven, grandfather of my
late lamented friend and early patron, Mrs Robertson, formerly of
Benchar, whose death the other day at a venerable age, without
issue, closed a singularly useful life, also an ancient connection
betwixt the Clarks—an important branch of Clan Chattan—and the
parish of Kingussie.
In 1853 there died at Kingussie
intestate, without father or mother, wife or child, brother or
sister, Mr Eneas Peter Macpherson, the last of the ancient and
honourable house of Phoness. This family had been decaying for some
time before the sale of the estate in 1788, but Eneas Peter
Macpherson, an indolent, weak man, succeeded to considerable
property, after attaining middle age, through an uncle, Peter, who
had long expatriated himself, settling, before the French
Revolution, as a jeweller in Paris, where he died. His nephew and
namesake was not forgotten, and thus it happened that Eneas Peter
Macpherson, who never earned a penny, died in comfortable
circumstances, carefully tended by his attached natural sister, Anne
Macpherson. The
last Phoness was buried with all honour, the funeral being attended
by the 'Gentlemen " of Badenoch in great force, with Cluny at their
head. After the funeral, they met at the Duke of Gordon Hotel, and a
minute, drawn up by the late Mr Donald Macrae, writer, as clerk,
bearing to be of "the gentlemen of Badenoch" was made out and signed
by Cluny as chairman and by the clerk. They were all Macphersons,
and invited to say whether or not they claimed to be minuted as
heirs of Phoness. Amongst others Colonel Gillies Macpherson, son of
the Black Captain of Ballachroan, was mentioned. A poor man, giving
a lengthened pedigree, stated that he was descended of Alexander of
Phoness, who lived 200 years before, in which at least two
Gilliecallums, two Donalds, and other such names appeared. Towards
the close of the meeting, Cluny called for any further claimants,
when, after a pause, the late Major Duncan Macpherson, some time at
Drummond, of the Ralia family, stood up, and stated with much
solemnity, that having heard all that had been said, he was
satisfied that he, and he alone, was the nearest heir to Phoness,
and he intended to make his claim good, sitting down amid applause
and to the consternation of the Gilliecallum claimant, who for the
time collapsed. Who was ultimately declared executor dative, and my
own connection with the case, will be mentioned hereafter.
Lieutenant William Macpherson, father of the above- mentioned Eneas
Peter, and last Laird of Phoness, on one occasion records, with
proper pride of ancestry, but great inaccuracy, that his father "was
the 17th heritor who sat in Phoness," a charming expression, being a
literal translation of an old Gaelic idiom, now in disuse.
The first Phoness of whom I have any
note was Allister Roy, whose son Donald signs the Bond of Union
amongst the Clan Chattan in 1609 for himself and as taking burden
upon him for lain vic William in Invereshie, and for the remanent of
his kin of that race and house. Donald could not write, and it is to
be noted that the Macphersons were divided under three heads—Cluny
for himself, and for Brin and Breackachie; Thomas vic Allister vic
Homas for Pitmean and those of that house; and Phoness as above.
Another Donald Macpherson of Phoness,
probably a grandson of Donald of 1609, is a party to the bond,
titled Band be certain of the name of Clan Chattan to their Chieffe,
i9th November, 1664," and stands fifth on the list, headed by Brin,
with Invereshie coming third. This bond, in favour of Lachlan
Mackintosh of Torcastle, is signed by nine Macphersons, five
Mackintoshes, four Farquharsons, three Macgillivrays, two Macbeans,
two Shaws, one Macqueen, all leading men. At what time Phoness was
acquired in property I have no note of. Even the name of the tenant
is not given in the Gordon rental of 1603, but I am satisfied the
Phoness family had a title at the time of this Donald of 1664. The
extent of the land was a half davoch, and in the time of Alexander,
son of Donald, who is found from 1689 to 1712, the family stood at
its height, for he is found lending considerable sums of money.
The next proprietor was Malcolm, born
about 1690, referred to in 1774 as in his 84th year. He had at least
one brother, named Donald, of whom afterwards.
This Malcolm managed his affairs so
foolishly that he was known as "Callum Gorach," and ran through his
means, which included a wadset of Nessintullich. He entered the
army, and even in his old age served in America and France,
acquiring great popularity. Henry Davidson of Tulloch befriended him
in London more than once. Here follows a letter—Phoness to Tulloch
"Honoured Sir,—You'll please deliver the bearer hereof, Mr Lachlan
Mackintosh, Shanval of Badenoch, or his order, Lieutenant Macpherson
of Captain Ludovick Grant's Independent Company's acceptance of
fifteen pounds sterling. He will deliver you your obligation to me
for the same, as also pay the five guineas advanced to me at
Cromarty. I was in great straits after my coming from Ireland, and
was obliged to take up money from this gentleman for the balance of
this bill, and I am with most respectful compliments to you and
worthy lady, and ye may believe me your poor friend willing to serve
you, (Signed) "MALCOLM MCPHERSON. "Addressed to "Henry Davidson,
Esq. of Tulloch, at his house in London."
Malcolm Macpherson appears to have had a
pension, but his memory giving way it was not regularly uplifted,
hence on a particular occasion Invereshie and Balnespick, junior, as
neighbours and Justices, kindly interfered and signed the following
"These are certifying that Malcolm Macpherson of Phoness, through
the infirmities incident to old age, has been for some years past
incapable to manage his own affairs. This made him neglect to go to
Inverness where Chelsea men were otdered to attend there, by which
means he has been struck off from the list of Chelsea pensioners. As
the poor old man has no means to support him- sell, it would be a
most charitable action to get him reponed to his Chelsea, and as he
is totally unfit himself even to manage that trifle properly, to
order his Chelsea to be paid to a friend upon presenting a
certificate of the old man's being alive. Inneressie, 3rd June,
1776. The above is certified by me,
(Signed) "WILL. MCPHERSON, J.P, And
likewise by me at Invereshie of the same date. (Signed) "LAU.
Malcolm's son Donald had, it appears,
been put in possession of the estate before his father's death. He
seems to have led an idle useless life, though receiving some legal
training in the writing chambers of John Macbean, Sheriff- Clerk of
Inverness-shire, in 1736. Donald married, first, Isobel, daughter of
Ludovick Grant of Knockando, and widow of Donald Macpherson of
Corronach, and secondly, Margaret Macpherson, who, after his death,
married Mr John Stewart. Dying without issue, about 1766, Donald was
succeeded by his brother Angus.
Angus Macpherson, describing himself "of
Phoness, Lieutenant in General Marjoribank's regiment, in the
service of the States of Holland," on the narrative that he was to
join his regiment, nominates as his Commissioners, George and
William Macpherson, elder and younger of Invereshie, and Lieutenant
John Macpherson (Ballachroan), of the Battalion of Highlanders,
lately commanded by Major James Johnston, by deed dated at
Edinburgh, on the 25th of May, 1767. He married Elizabeth, only
daughter of James Macpherson of Killyhuntly, and having returned
home by 1771 writes the following letter to his law-agent at
Inverness :--
Sir,—You'll please without loss of time, serve my wife heir to her
father, James Macpherson of Killyhuntly, and send up the Edict here,
to be published in the Parish Church. Being in haste, I remain your
most obedient servant, (Signed) "ANGUS MACPHERSON.
"Phoness, 20 March, 1771."
"P.S.—Be sure to return the Edict by
this very post, as there is a sum of money in the Exchequer, which
lies there without interest, and cannot be paid until the service is
expede. The money is a balance of debt due by the late Evan
Macpherson of Cluny, to James Macpherson of Killyhuntly. The Barons
is willing to accept a confirmation upon ten pounds of the subject.
To this you'll advert and send the Edict accordingly."
Lieutenant Angus Macpherson died about
1779, survived by his widow, and by at least two sons, the eldest of
whom, Lieutenant William Macpherson, succeeded, and was the last
Macpherson of Phoness.
The estate was sold to Mr James
Macpherson, about 1788, who by this time had also acquired Etteridge
and Invernahaven, east of Spey, Raitts in Alvie, and shortly
afterwards Clune and Benchar, all west of Spey.
Lieutenant William Macpherson had
married a worthy lady, who strove hard to keep up the family's
credit before her husband's death about 1826, and thereafter for her
son's sake. She and her son resided in Brae Laggan, and I have
several of her letters to a rather exacting creditor, John
Macpherson, Gallovie, which do her great credit.
After his mother's (Jean Macpherson)
death Eneas Peter lived in obscurity at Raitts, of little use in the
world while a trouble to no one, until all of a sudden, by the death
of the Paris jeweller, he succeeded to a competency, indeed wealth,
and retired to Kingussie, most carefully looked after by his natural
sister, Anne.
The details of the fight for the Phoness succession in 1853-54 are
too long, and I am hardly the person to give particulars of what
occurred in my professional career. Suffice it to say that an old
man, Mr Donald Ferguson, from Pitlochry, my client, was ultimately
successful. He had not a scrap of writing, merely floating family
tradition, to instruct his claim. Two ladies of the best type of the
old school of Highland gentlewomen, the late Misses Robertson of
Kindrochit, supported Mr Ferguson and through them the late Mr
Robertson of Banchor, their relative, interested himself. The active
opposition was latterly reduced to Colonel Gillies Macpherson of
Ballochroan, who after a lengthened absence re-appeared in Badenoch,
but was ineffective; as though nearly related to the Phoness family
through his mother, the paternal or legal connection was almost as
remote as the Gillie Callum claimant. Having had to make minute and
laborious searches, in this case lasting over several months, my
inclination for antiquarian and genealogic subjects received a great
impetus. By the greatest good fortune I discovered a paper referring
to Donald Macpherson, Mr Ferguson's ancestor, in which Donald was
referred to as "brother to Phoness," in 1737. The late Mr Skene was
examined, amongst others, as to the proper interpretation of the
expression, and ultimately my client was successful. My late
lamented friend, Mrs Robertson, Banchor, with her husband, exerted
themselves greatly, and entertained the Kindrochit ladies at Banchor,
and at Kingussie for several days when they came to give evidence
before the Commissary Depute, Sheriff Colquhoun.
On behalf of the successful claimant, I
gave a great dinner in the Duke of Gordon Hotel to the Sheriff, the
agents, witnesses, and all interested or concerned, and, as one
present said, he had not seen such a festive gathering in Kingussie
since the days of the Duke of Gordon's occasional visits at rent
collections. THE
In consequence of the spread of the
burgh of Kingussie, the population in the parish has been increasing
in marked contrast with Laggan and Alvie. The country parts,
excepting Kingussie and Newtonmore, have however become greatly
depopulated, and in especial those parts bordering on the river
Truim. The opening of the railway has neither removed nor checked
the sad state of matters. Mr James Macpherson of Ossianic fame, who
acquired Phoness, Etterish, and Invernahaven, began this wretched
business, and did it so thoroughly that not much remained for his
successors, though they followed his example in doing their little
worst up to the comparatively recent clearings in Glenballoch and
Take the case of Dallanach as an illustration. The very name is now
practically lost. Yet as late as 1763 there were eight well-doing
heads of families, namely, Andrew Macpherson, who lived at Inishlea
of Dallanach. Andrew Clark, Alexander Clark, William Macpherson,
Donald Macpherson, Thomas Macpherson, Donald Macpherson, and Angus
Macpherson, say 50 souls. Every place James Macpherson acquired was
cleared, and he had also a craze for changing and obliterating the
old names. The first attempt, namely, to suppress Phoness, Etteridge,
and Invernahaven, and call the whole Glentruim, was stopped by the
Duke of Gordon, who owned one side of the Truim towards its foot,
and both sides higher up. Another attempt of Mac Ossian's was more
successful—changing Raitts into Belville. This last seems of late
undergoing a further change into Balavil, perhaps to emerge in time,
even in English, into Palaville. Upon this point it may be noticed
that Mac Ossian, in making an entail and calling four of his
numerous bastards in the first instance to the succession, declares
an irritancy if any of the heirs use any other designation than that
of "Macpherson of Belleville."
There is not a single inhabited house, I
rather think, on the estate of Invernahaven at present, but it was
once a rather important place, possessed and occupied by people in
fair circumstances as heritors. Dalwhinnie, as its hill grounds, at
one time pertained to Invernahaven. Captain Alexander Clark, one of
Mac Ossian's nephews, was long tenant of the place. Here is one of
his letters illustrating a gross case of oppression by one of the
"gentlemen" of Badenoch, who, according to the well-known Gaelic
saying, swarmed in every town, and was
Writing from Invernahaven on the 12th of
April, 1808, Captain Clark says—
"Andrew Macpherson, tacksman of
Biallidheg, was on Saturday last served with a summons to the
Sheriff Court of Inverness at the instance of Mr Lachlan Macpherson,
tacksman of Biallidmor, and the nature of the complaint, you as a
Highlander, will easily comprehend. In the beginning of March last
Andrew Macpherson went to Biallidrnor to ask the liberty of
kiln-drying some corn in Mr Macpherson's kiln, and not finding him
at home, sent his grieve or foreman with his compliments to Mrs
Macpherson, requesting the use of the kiln, which Donald Macrae the
grieve, said his mistress granted. That Andrew then had none of his
own horses at home, and finding two of the petitioner's horses at
his door and in his grass, he supposed for the distance he might use
the liberty of sending the little corn he had to the kiln with these
horses. The defender lives on the next farm to the pursuer, besides
you must know that it is a common practice in the Highlands to get
the neighbours and their horses to assist in sending to kiln and
miln. I only regret for the sake of the community how little they
have been troubled in that way this season. That Andrew denies his
having used Mr Macpherson's horses in any bad way, or over-loading
them in the least. That John Macpherson in Crubinbeg, brother of the
pursuer, assisted in loading the horses, and the before- mentioned
Donald Macrae and Donald Mackintosh, two of the pursuer's men
servants, assisted in unloading the horses, and that Mackintosh at
the time said that the cart fitted the pony remarkably well. From
these circumstances it will clearly appear that there was no
intention of using the horses ill. That when Andrew was in the act
of kiln drying his corn, Mr Macpherson came home and locked the door
of the kiln, and would not for the space of three days allow to
proceed with the drying which the corn wanted, neither would he give
him a sack of it for the use of his family. By this interruption the
meal produced from the corn was much injured. Andrew from the very
first offered to submit all he did to the decision of any two
gentlemen in the county, or the Justices of the Peace."
This is a good illustration of Biallid's
churlish disposition. Let us take an instance of his violence. Mr
John Macpherson at Cluny Mains, afterwards at Gallovie, writes on
24th January, 1816, transmitting information for "Donald Macpherson,
one of my neighbours, against my neighbour Captain Macpherson,
Biallid. It is a well founded complaint, for upwards of 12 months
since Biallid attempted to lay hands on him on my own farm. In
consequence, the complainer was afraid to attend to his duty near
the march. Biallid is known to be the most turbulent man in the
county, and has within the last few years committed many acts of
violence, so much so that one poor man's life was for a long time
despaired of, and after he summoned Biallid before the Sheriff Court
for redress, his funds failed him, the doctor's fees taking all he
had. He had applied by petition last April to the Justices, at least
to two of them, but l3ialIid had the ear of them, so they refused a
Wrong doings were not confined to the "gentlemen." Ralia writes
wrothfully from Breackachie on the 15th of April, 1794, of another
Macpherson thus—
"This covers a bond of caution by
Captain Charles and myself for the persons complained of in the
Process of Lawburrows. I am such a stranger to legal operations that
I do not know whether it is competent to counteract Letters of
Lawburrows. If such a step is known in law, there never was a better
field for it than the present. The infamous man, who I cannot better
describe, since his discharge from the Duke of Gordon's First
Fencibles, has made it his study to foment quarrels, and form
parties on public and private occasions to attack persons unguarded
from liquor, or alone, ever since. He did so on the occasion for
which he now sues Lawburrows. The persons complained of, who are as
industrious, decent men as any this country produces in their
sphere, came to see the anniversary of their children at
cockfighting annually observed. In the evening with the master of
the school they withdrew to a whiskey house adjacent to take some
refreshment to themselves. This William Macpherson, in his usual
manner, who bore no good will to any of the parties, thrust himself
upon the company after they were something flustered (being fasting)
with liquor, and after being told his company was disagreeable,
withdrew with a confidant of his, who prudently counselled him not
to join the company any more, upon that occasion, as they seemed to
dislike his association, which he then promised. The reverse he
acted. He withheld himself from the company until they became stupid
with the excess of drink, and collected from different farms in the
neighbourhood, a parcel of unwary people. He then came and attacked
them in a state of insensibility, beat and bruised them most
cruelly, broke two ribs in the side of one of the persons complained
of, dislocated the thumb of another, and with his teeth bit a third.
He then withdrew, but terrified that such rascally behaviour would
not be overlooked, took this mode of protecting himself. The persons
concerned being of the first character in this country in their own
line, scorn to apply for a similar defence, yet they and their
friends consider themselves greatly injured."
I turn to a more agreeable subject and
give a really creditable contract of marriage, written by a country
lad, James Macpherson at Coraldie, dated Etterish, the 2nd of
February, 1737. Endorsed on the back is an acknowledgment of the
loan of a book, "Kennet's Roman Antiquities" (much in repute at one
time, but now superseded), indicating considerable erudition on the
part of some of the ancient residenters in the valley of Truim:-
"Etrish, 2nd February, 1737.
"Sir,—Seeing that your sister Margaret
and I by God's assistance resolve to marry again to-morrow, and the
time being so short and the want of stamp paper, that she cannot be
secured effectually in the hundred merks she is to have of my
effects free out of this house in case she did survive me, by and
attour her division as law provides her. I do assure you and promise
by these to grant and give to her my obligations on stamps at or
before my receiving of the bill resting by Duncan Macpherson in
Crubinbeg and John Macpherson his brother, payable for her behoof,
for 270 merks Scots. So that you need not scruple to allow the
marriage to go on. And being a favour done to me who am and resolve
to be your affectionate brother.
"Addressed to Mr John Macpherson, son to
the deceased Thomas Macpherson some time in Garvabeg."
"Nessendullie, November 19th, 1750.
"There received by me, Donald Macpherson,
son to Ewen Macpherson of Laggan, from Nessendullie, the "Roman
Antiquities" by Kennett, which I oblige myself hereby to return when
I conclude this part by giving the terms
of arrangement of separation between Evan Macpherson, schoolmaster
of Ralia, and Margaret Macpherson his wife, also Isobel Macpherson,
her mother, which has in all seven signatures—
"In presence of Captain John Macpherson
of Ballachroan, Bailie Macpherson in Glentromie, Captain Alexander
Macpherson of Biallid and Captain Alexander Clark in Knappach. We,
Mr Evan Macpherson in Ralia, Isobel Macpherson, his mother-in-law,
and Margaret Macpherson, his spouse, have come to the following
agreement:- That Mr Evan shall yearly from his salary allow five
pounds sterling yearly for the aliment of his mother-in-law and
wife, over and above the annu-il rent of the money in Invernahaven's
hands, which Mr Evan is to make up to fifty pounds sterling. This
settlement to stand from the date hereof till January, 1786. This
principal of fifty pounds to be lodged with Invernahaven is to be
conceived in fee to Mr Grant's children, and in life-rent to his
mother-in-law, and after her demise to his wife. In case the above
designed women do not agree long in one family, we agree that the
foresaid aliment shall be divided equally between us. Moreover, if
Mr Evan's salary is reduced, we promise to suffer our income to be
reduced in proportion. It is to be observed that if Mr Evan cannot
at the first term add what is requisite to make up fifty pounds as
above, in that case he is to be allowed one pound sterling of the
foresaid aliment to help him. If Mr Evan's salary is reduced to very
little and that he cannot spare any, in that case, as the interest
of the fifty pounds cannot support both the women, they shall be
allowed to draw ten pounds from the capital, but the forty pounds
always to remain in fee for the children. In testimony that we are
willing to abide by the above settlement, we subscribe these at
Muirhouse, 29th July, 1785, before and in presence of the above
"D. MCPHERSON, Witness.
"ALEX. CLARK, Witness."
Invertromie, originally feued in 1638 to Donald, son of .Macpherson
of Noidbeg, consisted of a davoch of land. When sold in 1795, it
was, and had for sometime, with that curious perverseness for
changing ancient names, been called Inverhall. The seller, Hugh
Macpherson, became involved, like many in Badenoch, with the Black
Officer of Ballachroan, and though his private debts were
insignificant —only a few hundred pounds—a sale had to be made. The
description, as will be seen, was couched in an inflated style
worthy of Robins. Still it was a beautiful place and a valuable
sporting ground. This is the advertisement which appeared in the
Edinburgh newspapers—
"An Estate in Badenoch, with excellent
shooting quarters, for sale. To be sold, by public voluntary roup,
within the Old Exchange Coffee-house, Edinburgh, on Monday, the i6th
day of June next, between the hours of five and six afternoon,
"All and whole, the Lands and Estate of Inverhall or Invertrommie,
with the whole Sheillings, Pasturages, and Pertinents thereof, lying
in the lordship of Iladenoch, parish of Kingussie, and county of
Inverness. These lands hold feu of the Duke of Gordon, for payment
of 50 merks Scots, with some small customs and services which are
all converted. The yearly rent is at present only £110 sterling,
but, as there are no leases on any of the lands, a very considerable
increase of rent may reasonably be expected, and has indeed been
offered, on granting leases for a moderate endurance.
"There is not perhaps in the Highlands
of Scotland a more beautiful or picturesque spot than that now
offered to sale. It lies in the very heart of Badenoch, along the
banks of the Water of Trommie, and is also bounded by the River
Spey, at the junction of the Trommie with that river. It is
interspersed and skirted with birch and other brushwood; extends
four or five miles from the strath or middle of the country, due
south, up the Glen of Trommie; and the proprietor has a right of
pasturage to the very source of Trommie, several miles farther up.
"In the low part of the estate, or at
Invertrommie, there is a large field of fine arable land, of the
best quality in the country. There is also an extensive meadow or
morass, adjoining to the arable land, along the banks of the Spey,
and yielding great crops of fine natural hay. Trommie and Spey
afford great plenty of salmon, and trout of different kinds, in the
greatest perfection. There are several falls of the waters of
sufficient force to drive mills or machinery of any extent, and
constantly supplied with water. The estate is well supplied with
moss of the best quality. It contains a slate quarry, and it is
believed there is also plenty of lime stone. It is in every respect
capable of the highest improvement.
"In the middle of Glentrommie, there is
a residence which has for several years been occupied as a shooting
quarter, by different gentlemen of rank and fortune, and here the
proprietor has built a substantial house of several apartments,
superior to most shooting quarters. Fancy can scarcely figure a more
pleasant or romantic situation than the place affords. It is close
by the river, surrounded with natural woods of great beauty and
considerable value on both sides. There are large fields of fine
natural grass round the house by the river side. For a sportsman,
there cannot be a more eligible station as, around the residence,
there is a range of four or five miles of the best shooting ground
in the Highlands; the game is in great abundance, and frequently
within twenty yards of the house—and trout and salmon in the river
running past the door. There is also a carriage road to the shooting
quarters, leading from the high road from Edinburgh to Inverness.
The whole estate and particularly the
glen, is also well calculated for a sheep walk, and having the water
on one side of it, and the whole being well supplied with stones,
may easily be enclosed at little expense.
"There is no mansion-house on the
estate, but many delightful situations for building on, particularly
at Invertrommie, where, besides having a view of that part of the
estate, there will also be had a complete view of the country of
Badenoch for many miles up and down, the beauty of which is well
known to every person who has travelled the Highland Road. Belville
House (a new modern and elegant building) immediately fronts this
part of the estate—the ruins of the Barracks of Ruthven, the Parish
Church, the Place of Gordonhall, and many other beautiful objects
are all in the immediate neighbourhood. There is also a view of Loch
Inch, and the River Spey for several miles of its course through
that delightful country. The whole forming one of the finest
landscapes in Scotland.
"In short, there can seldom occur an
estate for sale situated like the present, fitted alike to gratify
the pleasures of the sportsman and the roan of taste, who may choose
to reside in the country and, at the same time, affording every
possible encouragement to the purchaser in a mercantile view merely,
as a proper subject for improvement.
"The title-deeds, which are perfectly
clear, are in the hands of James Robertson, writer, Castle-hill,
Edinburgh, to whom intending purchasers may apply for further
information; or to Captain Charles Macpherson, at Gordonhall, near
Ruthven, who will also show the estate, and either of whom have
power to conclude a private bargain."
The first feu of Invertromie was
included in the charter by George, Marquis of Huntly, with consent
of Lady Ann Campbell, his spouse, and George, Lord Gordon, his son,
in favour of Donald Macpherson, eldest lawful son of John Macpherson
of Nuide beg, who also received with it, described as a davoch of
land, the town and lands of Nuide rnor. This charter is dated at
Huntly, the 28th of April, 1638, and confirmed by the Crown on the
5th of March, 1642. Six years later Invertromie belonged to Captain
Thomas Macpherson, from whom it passed to Lachlan, who is found in
1683. Lachlan was succeeded by his son, Duncan Macpherson, found in
1697 and 1698. In 1711 there is notice of Thomas, son of the
deceased Angus, son to the also deceased Lachlan Macpherson of
Invertromie before mentioned. Duncan of Invertroniie, also before
mentioned, was succeeded by his son, Alexander, found in 1723. A
break in my notes here occurs until 1787, when Hugh Macpherson,
described of Inverhall, gets a charter from the Duke of Gordon as
heir of his father, John. This was the Hugh who became involved with
the Black Officer of Ballachroan, and had to sell the estates. They
were advertised in 1794 for public sale, but no sale being effected,
though several were after it, a sale by private bargain was made to
the Duke of Gordon on behalf of his illegitimate son, Major George
Gordon of the 11th Dragoons. Major Gordon was infeft in 1796, and
was well-known as " The Duke's George," so called by the Duchess of
Gordon to distinguish him from "My George"—her son, George, Marquis
of Huntly. Major Gordon was a great sportsman, for whom was also
purchased Dalwhinnie hill grounds, as popular in his own way as his
distinguished brother. Major George Gordon later became Inspector
General of Foreign Corps, and sold Invertromie to George Macpherson
Grant of Invereshie, who was infeft in 1835 in "the davoch town and
lands of Invertromie, with the grazings, sheillings, and pasturages
thereof, and outsetts of the same in Glentromie, called Kinchraggan,
Linacloich, Lynmore, with the sheillings in Riechraggan, parish of
Kingussie." The feu duty originally stipulated remains on the lands,
passing with the Badenoch lands sold to the Baillies.
The earliest proprietor of the davoch of
Etteridge that I have note of was John Macpherson, found in 1627.
The descent I do not propose to trace but merely note the following
names—John found in 1677, Thomas in 1683, Murdo in 1697, another
Murdo found in 1760, who was father of John of Etteridge found in
1781, while in 1787 James Macpherson is infeft by the Duke of
Gordon. The Etteridge family had a grazing on Loch Errocht—west
side, called Catlag-Etterish to distinguish it from Catlag, or
Catlodge-Cluny. The last-mentioned James Macpherson of Etteridge
sold the estate to his namesake, Mac Ossian, whose heir of entail
presently possesses the place.
The Macphersons of Invernahaven long
occupied a creditable position in the parish. The earliest I have
noted was James Macpherson, found in 1679, 1683, and 1711. James
Macpherson was succeeded by his son Alexander, found in 1712; then
there is a break to 1781, when John Macpherson is found proprietor
of Invernahaven. He made a settlement in favour of his son James,
who sold to Mac Ossia n.
In a letter to one of James' creditors, Captain Charles Macpherson
of Gordonhall, on the 15th of September, 1799, writes of him—'He has
for many years been a resident in the West Indies, but is expected
home about Martinmas, when his few creditors who have claims against
his estate will be satisfied." His mother or step-mother was then
living. James Macpherson left no issue—a title to Drumouchter, or
the Dalwhinnie hill lands, all that remained of the Invernahaven
estate, being made up in i8or, by Captain John Maclean of the 93rd,
and Jean Macpherson, his aunt, spouse of Lieutenant John Macpherson
of Blargie, as heirs portioners to John Macpherson of Invernahaven,
their grandfather and father respectively, who on precept by the
Duke of Gordon were infeft 14th August, 1801.
Captain Maclean, arranging with his
aunt, became sole owner, and in 1819, then Colonel Sir John Maclean,
K.C.B., sold Drumouchter to the Marquis of Huntly.
Drumouchter now belongs to Glentruim.
Kingussie and Upper Speyside A Descriptive Guide to the District (1905) (pdf) |