WHEN it is considered how
much the manufacturing interests of the country and many of the comforts of
life depend upon coal, it becomes easy to understand the anxiety evinced by
political economists as to the results that would probably follow the
exhaustion of the supply of that material. From coal we derive the force
which turns the mill, propels the steamboat, draws the railway train, and
performs a thousand other offices tending to economise time, lessen labour,
and increase and multiply our enjoyments; and even a temporary stoppage of
the supply would be one of the greatest calamities that could befal us. It
is within a comparatively recent period in the history of the country,
however, that coal has risen into importance. Its existence and combustible
qualities were known in very early times; but beyond being regarded as a
curiosity, no attention seems to have been paid to it; and up till about six
centuries ago, no attempt was made to use it as fuel.
Recollections of Scotland's
Past - Coal Mining
The earliest documents in
which it is mentioned are "The Saxon Chronicle of Peterborough," written in
the year 852, and Bishop Pudsey's "Boldon Book," dated 1180. Newcastle coal
is first alluded to in a charter granted to the inhabitants of the town in
1234, conferring the right to dig the mineral. The first mention of coal in
Scotland is found in a charter granted in 1291 to the Abbot and Convent of
Dunfermline, giving them the privilege of digging coal in the lands of
Pittencrieff; but the first workers of the mineral are supposed to have been
the monks of Newbattle Abbey. A vein of coal which crops out on the banks of
the Esk was worked by the latter, not as a mine, but in the fashion of a
quarry. Though the monks appreciated the value of coal thus early, it does
not appear to have found favour with the people generally until several
centuries afterwards. Wood and peat were the materials commonly used as
fuel, and in the houses of the wealthier classes charcoal was burned. It was
only when wood began to get scarce, and, as a consequence, went up in price,
that attention was turned to the "black stones;" but such was the prejudice
against them on account of the disagreeable smoke they gave out, that those
who were disposed to give them a fair trial met with opposition on all
In the beginning of the
fourteenth century, the London brewers and smiths, finding the high price of
wood pressing hardly upon their returns, resolved to make some experiments
with coal; but immediately an outcry was raised against them by persons
living near the breweries and forges, the King was petitioned, and a law was
passed prohibiting the burning of coal within the city. Those who tried it,
however, found the new fuel to be so much superior to wood that they
persisted in its use. But so determined were the Government to suppress what
was regarded as an intolerable nuisance, that a law was passed making the
burning of coal in London a capital offence; and it is recorded that one man
at least was executed under that law. As a contrast to these facts, it may
be mentioned that the London of the present day consumes annually between
six and seven million tons of the once despised and rejected mineral.
It would appear that the
ladies were most bitterly opposed to the use of coal for domestic purposes.
They considered the smoke to be ruinous to their complexions, and would not
attend parties at houses in which the objectionable fuel was used. Some
persons went the length of refusing to eat food of any kind that had been
cooked on a coal fire.
In the account of Scotland
given by Eneas Sylvius, who visited the country in the fourteenth century,
it is stated that the poor people who begged at the church-doors received
for alms "pieces of stone, with which they went away quite contented." "This
species of stone," he adds, "whether with sulphur or whatever inflammable
substance it may be impregnated, they burn in place of wood." A description
of Scotland, written in the beginning of the sixteenth century, says, "There
are black stones also digged out of the ground, which are very good for
firing; and such is their intolerable heat, that they resolve and melt iron,
and therefore are very profitable for smiths and such artificers as deal
with other metals."
The popular prejudice against
coal, and the want of appliances for digging it out of the earth, combined
to prevent its coming into general use as a substitute for wood and turf
until about the close of the sixteenth century, when it was recorded that
"the use of coal beginneth to grow from the forge into the kitchen and halle."
In the early part of last century, coal was suddenly raised into importance
by the invention of the steam-engine; and since then it has been one of the
most valuable agents in spreading civilisation, and in promoting the welfare
of mankind.
The history of coal mining,
like that of most other industrial pursuits, is chiefly a record of
experiments, disappointments, and ultimate successes—a steady contest with
difficulties, and a gradual improvement of appliances to overcome these. The
first miners of coal would find the work easy enough, as they doubtless
confined their attention to the out-croppings in river-banks and valleys. It
would not be until coal began to grow in popular favour, and the superficial
supplies became exhausted, that real difficulties would be encountered.
The first step in the
direction of mining was the driving into the coal-seams of tunnels—called "ingaene'es"
(ingoing eyes) by the miners. Only a small extent of the seams could be
worked in that way, however, while the tunnels were rendered dangerous by
the accumulation of foul air, as well as by the want of mechanical skill in
the workers to protect themselves from the masses of superincumbent strata
which were constantly falling Where the seams dipped downwards, water
accumulated, and no little labour was expended in baling out the workings,
or in the formation of draining levels where these were practicable. The
remains of some of the levels in the earliest known collieries show them to
have been of vast extent, and their construction, with the appliances used
by the pioneers of mining, must have been a most arduous undertaking. A
number of those ancient levels are still in operation in Fife and the
After the mode of working the
coal by means of shafts descending to the seams was adopted, various
contrivances for raising the coal and keeping the pits clear of water came
into use. In some cases, both coal and water were drawn up by a winch worked
by men; in others, horse-gins were employed for hoisting the coal, and
chain-and-bucket engines for the water; while in a few instances the
elevating power was derived from common waterwheels. A steam engine was
first employed to work a coal-pit in England in 1680, and in Scotland in
1762. Few of those early pits were carried beyond a depth of twenty or
thirty fathoms; but even at that depth the difficulty of working them was
enormous. All the collieries are now worked by steam-power, and recently
that agent has been applied to machinery for excavating the coal.
As the depth of the pits was
increased by the miners seeking out and working lower seams of coal, what
was considered to be an almost insurmountable difficulty arose. There were
no means of ventilating the mines, and the accumulations of gas became so
troublesome as to cause operations to be suspended altogether in many cases,
after immense cost had been incurred in sinking shafts to the lower seams.
The want of ventilation, while attended by great danger to the workmen,
threatened ruin to the coal proprietors, and the prospect was anything but
cheering as to the future of the coal-fields. But emergencies of this kind
have rarely occurred without bringing to the front some person fitted to
cope with them, and so in this case a genius was not wanting. A working
smith, employed at one of the Durham collieries, having observed that the
fire in his forge caused a strong current of air to rush in, bethought him
that he would rid the mines of foul air if he could succeed in causing a
draught in them by means of a fire. The first experiments were conducted in
this way: A cylindrical stove, about three feet long and two feet in
diameter, was filled with burning coal and lowered half-way down one of the
shafts of a mine. Immediately there was a rush of air up that shaft and down
the other, and the result was considered to be highly satisfactory. As the
works advanced to some distance from the bottom of the shaft, however, it
was found that the gas again accumulated, and it became necessary to adopt
sonic contrivance for drawing off the gas and injecting fresh air into the
mine. A large furnace was constructed at the mouth of the shaft, and wooden
pipes leading to the furnace were laid through the workings. The furnace
drew its sole supply of air from those pipes, and that, of course, caused a
rush of fresh air down the shaft and to all the points to -which the pipes
extended. This plan, adopted in 1760, was considered to be most effective,
and again the works were pushed forward. Like other inventions which had
been regarded as perfect in their time, however, the pipe system of
ventilation came to be looked upon as being not quite so efficient after
all, and other plans were proposed.
The lot of the early miners
and coal-bearers in Scotland was rendered hard enough by their having to
work in the face of many dangers and difficulties to the removal of which
science had not then been applied; but their condition was made more
wretched by a system of bondage or serfdom which prevailed. On entering a
coal mine, the workers became bound to labour therein during their whole
lifetime; and in the case of sale or alienation of the ground on which a
colliery was situated, the right to their services passed to the purchaser
without any special grant or agreement. The sons of the collier could not
follow any occupation save that of their father, and could labour only in
the mine to which they were held to be attached by birth. Tramps and
vagabonds, who were not sufficiently wicked to deserve hanging, and on whom
prison accommodation would only be wasted, were sometimes consigned by the
Lords of. Justiciary to life-long service in the collieries and salteries.
Every man thus disposed of had riveted on his neck a collar, on which was
engraved the name of the person to whom he was gifted, together with the
date. The collar was intended as a check upon deserters; and constables were
highly rewarded when they brought back a fugitive.
Though serfdom had a
considerable time previously become extinct, so far as all other classes of
workers were concerned, colliers and salters were not liberated until
towards the close of last century, and the custom of celebrating the
anniversary of their emancipation has not yet died out. The Act which set
them free was passed on the 23d May 1775, and was entitled "An Act for
altering, explaining, and amending several Acts of Parliament of Scotland,
respecting colliers, coal-bearers, and salters, &c." The preamble and
headings of the Act will show its purport. These were as follow:—
"Whereas many colliers,
coal-bearers, and salters in Scotland are in a state of slavery or bondage,
bound to the collieries and salt- works, where they work for life, and are
sold with the mines : be it enacted that
"1. No person shall be bound
to work in them in any way different from common labourers.
"2. It shall be lawful for the owners and lessees of collieries and
salt-works to take apprentices for the legal term in Scotland.
"3. All persons under a given age, now employed in them, to be free after a
given day.
"4. Others of a given age not to he free till they have instructed an
Up till the year 1843,
children of tender years and women were employed to do underground wo
the coal mines of Scotland, as well as in those of England. An inquiry into
the condition of children employed in factories revealed the existence of a
system of mismanagement and mercenary cruelty which excited considerable
surprise and indignation, and a law was passed to put an end to the evil.
Attention was then drawn to the condition of children in other employments,
and Lord Ashley procured the appointment of commissioners for inquiring into
the employment of children generally. In investigating the state of matters
existing in mines and collieries, the commissioners found that, while the
case of the children was extremely bad, that of the women similarly employed
was no less pitiable. The report presented to Parliament by the
commissioners excited a thrill of horror all over the country, and led to
the speedy passing of a measure—brought into the House of Commons by Lord
Ashley, now Earl of Shaftesbury, on 7th June, 1842—prohibiting the
employment of boys under the age of ten years, limiting the period of
apprenticeship, and putting a stop to the employment of women.
From the report of the
commissioners, it would appear that the condition of the women and children
employed in the collieries in the east of Scotland was as bad as existed
anywhere. Many children five or six years of age were employed. In the west
of Scotland, the youngest children in the pits were eight years old; but in
some of the English pits, infants of four years were to be found. In the
east of Scotland pits, women were generally employed, but in the west they
were rarely met with. Before winding apparatus came into use, the labour
assigned to the women and children was to carry the coal on their backs from
the place where it was excavated to the pit-mouth. The journey along the
pit-bottom was bad enough; but the ascent of the wet and slimy wood stairs
leading up the shaft was extremely difficult and perilous, and accidents
were of daily occurrence. The weight of coal carried on each journey by some
of the women was, according to reliable evidence, four and a-half cwts.
After the application of machinery to draw up the coal, the women and
children were solely occupied in dragging the coal from the place where the
miners were at work to the bottom of the shaft. In pits where women were not
employed, the coal was drawn on sledges by ponies. About the beginning of
the present century rails were introduced into the pits, and the coal was
drawn in "burleys," or wheeled boxes, to which boys and girls were yoked by
a rude kind of harness, known as the "girdle and chain." This mode of
harnessing is not yet extinct, but it is used only to a limited extent, and
the drawers are stout lads more fitted for the work than were the puny
children and wretched girls who were formerly employed.
Regarding the places in which
those poor creatures had to work, the report stated that, "in the east of
Scotland, where the side roads do not exceed from twenty-two to twenty-eight
inches in height, the working places are sometimes 100 and 200 yards distant
from the main road; so that females have to crawl backwards and forwards
with their small carts in seams in many cases not exceeding twenty- two to
twenty-eight inches in height. The whole of these places, it appears, are in
a most deplorable state as to ventilation. The evidence of their sufferings,
as given by the young people and the old colliers themselves, is absolutely
hideous. On the main roads of some pits, the coal was carried on the backs
of girls and women; and in one of the pits a sub-commissioner found a girl,
only six years old, carrying half-a-hundredweight of coal, and making
fourteen journeys a-day, each journey being equal to ascending to the top of
St Paul's Cathedral.
The evidence as to the moral
degradation of the women was shocking in the extreme; and on all sides the
necessity for abolishing the employment of females in the pits was forcibly
urged. One old Scotchwoman, Isabel Hogg, said to the commissioners,—"You
must just tell the Queen Victoria that we are quiet, loyal subjects;
women-people here don't mind work, but they object to horse-work; and that
she would have the blessing of all the Scotch coal-women if she would get
them out of the pits and send them to other labour." Not only was the work
degrading and severe, and carried on under circumstances the most adverse to
personal comfort, but the hours of labour were long and irregular. In the
latter respect, the collieries of the east of Scotland were again pointed to
as shameful examples. In them the labour was often continued on alternate
days, at least fifteen and even eighteen hours out of the twenty-four. One
girl, seventeen years of age, said,—"I have repeatedly wrought the
twenty-four hours; and after two hours of rest and my pease-soup, have
returned to the pit and worked other twelve hours." The labour was generally
uninterrupted by any regular time set apart for rest or refreshment; what
food was taken in the pit being eaten while the work went on.
Comrie Colliery: The New Mine
- 1945 Coal Mine Scotland Educational Documentary
In a number of Scotch pits
women and children had never been employed; and before the passing of Lord
Ashley's Bill, some of the coal proprietors, into whose pits such labour had
been introduced, had given orders for its exclusion. The change was not
altogether satisfactory to those affected by it, as one of its results was a
serious reduction in the family earnings. By the introduction of rails for
the hurleys to run upon, and other improvements, the men and boys were
enabled to earn more money; and the ultimate result was a very marked
amendment in the moral and social condition of the mining communities.
Since 1843 there has been
additional legislation regarding mines, embracing—Restrictions as to the
employment of females and boys; wages, and their mode of payment; the
appointment of inspectors, with large powers and onerous duties; rules for
the regulation of coal mines, collieries, and ironstone mines; penalties for
the non-observance of the Acts, &c.
The following "rules and
regulations of the great seam pit-bottom at Newbattle Colliery," in force at
the beginning of the present century, throws some light on the manners of
the miners and female coal-bearers, and their mode of working at that
period. We copy the document as it stands on the official books of the
"1st, It is agried amongest
the men that all Desputs and controvries a rising in the pit Botom shall be
Decided by 2 men who shall be chosen as commites, whos Determination shall
be finiel and binding on all parties.
"2nd, It is agried that every Birer shall keep her own Border or Lair.
Whoever shall inchroch on ther nebhour property, so as rise any desturbance,
the commities shall be sent for, & the man or woman that is fownd in the
wrong shall be fined of Is. for every transgison of this kind not to be
"3d, Be it liquis agried that every man shall have his own fair and regular
turn of tubs riding; and if any man or woman shall take ther nebhour turn by
force or frawd or strength against ther nebhour, will the person that took
ther los the tub sent up, it not being ther own fair turn.
"4th, But as the coal is so varible in its nature that sume may have coals
in the morning, others not till afternoon, them that has them in morning
must set them away for to serve the saile; but when ther nebhour who was
behind in the morning & gets his coal through the day he must get up his
turns that he was behind.
"5th, As it is a prevaling custom amang Birers to curse and swear, and call
others vile and scandles reproachfull names without a cans, the person so
offending shall be find of is. starling for every offence of this kind not
to be forgiven.
"6th, And if it can be proven that the pit botom man dos not pay due
attention to these reglations, through fear of sume and through favor to
others, he shall be find of — starling; and he is not keep the gen [gin
horse] stabled upon any account.
"7th, It is agried that if any collier or Birer shall Break any of the above
reglations, and rise a desturbance to that degrie of passion that the Lift
ther hand and strik ther nebhour with ther hand, or foot, or stick or stop
or coal or any other thing that can hurt or ergue one another, the person so
offending shall pay 5s. of a fine not to be forgiven; and, lastly, all those
fines to be lifted from the coal greve by the commities on that day the
offence is commited, and to be keept of the offending person on ther pay
The carboniferous system of
Scotland has received considerable attention from geologists, and its nature
and extent have been frequently described. Though fragmentary strata of coal
occur in the Western Islands and at one or two other points, the great
coal-fields occupy a well-defined position, extending across the country in
the line of the valleys of the Forth and Clyde; and their superficial area
is calculated to be about seventeen hundred and fifty square miles, or
one-seventeenth part of the surface of Scotland. The uppermost of the coal
strata is found at Fisherrow, and between it and the Old Red Sandstone,
which forms the floor of the coal formation, there are three hundred and
thirty-seven alternations of strata, having a thickness in the aggregate of
five thousand feet. In the thickest part there are sixty-two seams of coal,
counting the double seams as one, and about one-half of these are workable.
The depth of strata at Musselburgh is, however, exceptional; and the average
depth is estimated to be about three thousand feet, of which the coal seams
occupy one hundred and twenty-six feet. The thickest bed of coal in the
Lothians field is thirteen feet; but at Johnstone, in Renfrew- shire, there
is a seam one hundred feet in thickness. This latter owes its extraordinary
bulk to the overlapping of the coal strata during some great convulsion in
the locality. The most important of the coal-fields is the Clydesdale, on
which one-half of the entire number of collieries in Scotland are situated.
Thirteen counties lie over or touch upon the coal-fields, and of these
Lanarkshire has by far the largest share of the store. Judging from the
number of collieries possessed by each, Ayrshire, Fifeshire, and
Stirlingshire come next in order. In nearly all the counties, more or less
valuable beds of ironstone, shale, and limestone are intermixed with the
coal. The Scotch cannel or parrot coals are very valuable on account of the
high proportion of gas and oil which they yield. The Boghead variety gives
one hundred and twenty gallons of crude burning oil, or fifteen thousand
cubic feet of gas per ton; and the brown Methil ninety gallons of oil, or
ten thousand cubic feet of gas per ton. The cannel coal found at Wemyss,
Fifeshire, is carved into various articles of a useful and ornamental
character—such as picture-frames, inkstands, brooches, &c.
The deepest coal pit in Scotland is at Nitshill in Renfrewshire, and the
most extensive individual colliery, while at the same time the deepest, is
Mr Dixon's Shawfield pit at Govan. The deepest in the eastern district is
the Emily pit at Arniston, belonging to Mr Christie, who is one of the most
extensive coalmasters in Scotland. It is one hundred and sixty fathoms in
depth—fifteen less than the Nitshill pit.
The Collier Laddie sung by
Alan Reid
Coal mining began in Scotland as early as the 12th century. The development
of the steam engine by James Watt in the 18th century began to increase
demand for coal. Railway development in the 19th century increased demand
for coal further and mines therefore had to be dug deeper. This song was
written before deep pit mining or the Industrialization of Scotland. The
graphics used in this video represent mining from Burns time to the early
twentieth Century. Many Coal miners from Scotland emigrated to the new world
and some like my ancestors settled in the coal and steel region of Western
Pennsylvania. Alan Reid sings the song Collier Laddie a song by Robert Burns
about a young women who loves her coal mining lad.
Alan Reid is a founder member of the Battlefield Band and has been touring
the world with this great Scottish group for over 25 years, also singing on
all the many albums the band have produced over the years. Indeed many of
the songs and tunes that the Battlefield Band have in their repertoire were
composed or written by Alan. Alan recorded this without the band for Linn
As Mr Christie's is a well-appointed colliery, and one which displays the
two modes of working coal, an account of a visit paid to it may be
interesting. The colliery is situated near the line of the North British
Railway, about a mile north from Gorebridge Station, and has three working
shafts, the deepest of the three descending to what is known as the "splint"
seam, at a depth of one hundred and twenty-five fathoms, and to the "parrot"
seam, thirty-five fathoms farther down. The rise and dip shafts are about
seven hundred and thirty yards apart, but the workings with which they
communicate open into each other. After the accident at the Hartley pit a
few years ago, it was made compulsory to have two shafts for each colliery;
but the Arniston colliery, and many others in Scotland, were long before
that time furnished with two outlets.
Before proceeding to visit
the pit, we acted upon good counsel, and donned a capacious suit of pilot
cloth, which, though of most uncouth cut, proved to be quite an aristocratic
costume when brought into contrast with the habiliments of the dusky fellows
below. Under the guidance of one of the managers, we first inspected the
above ground fittings of the Emily pit. These consist of a large engine-
room, containing the winding engines. The drums of these engines, on which
the rope is wound, are ten feet in diameter, and fitted with a powerful
break, which ensures the greatest safety and nicety in raising and lowering
the cages in the shaft. The rope to which the cages are attached is one and
a-half inch in diameter, and composed of wire. It passes over a pair of
immense pulleys fixed about thirty-six feet above the pit mouth, and is
thence led on to the drums of the winding engines in the engine-room. This
apparatus is the most important connected with a colliery, and its
management requires extreme care. Attached to the winding-drums is an index,
which shows the exact position or progress of the cage in the shaft, and by
observing the index the engineman can stop the cage within an inch of any
desired point; and he is able to deposit it on the pit bottom so gently,
that those who occupy it are unconscious of its having come to a stop, and
that, too, after it has passed through the shaft at a rate of something like
twenty-five miles an hour. Close by the winding-engine room is an apartment
containing the pumping-engine —a ponderous piece of mechanism erected over
the compartment of the shaft which contains the pumps. This engine is
400-horse power nominally. The cylinder is eighty inches in diameter, and
the piston has a 12-feet stroke. The cylinder is placed in an inverted
position over the pit, and the piston-rods, of which there are two, are
directly connected with the pump-rods. There are five columns of pumps, the
one discharging into the other, the internal diameter of which increases
from twelve inches at the pit bottom to seventeen inches at the top. Though
the pumps discharge thirty-nine thousand gallons of water per hour from the
bottom of the pit, they have to be kept going almost incessantly in order to
keep the pit clear. With reference to the pumps, a curious fact,
illustrating the extent of one of the difficulties with which miners have to
contend, may be mentioned. When the pit is working at full power, thirty
tons of material are put out per hour; while the quantity of water that has
to be raised in the same time would weigh one hundred and seventy-four tons.
In addition to the winding and pumping engines, there are a donkey- engine
for feeding the boilers, and a steam-crane for hoisting out the pumps when
repairs are necessary. The crane is fitted with a wire rope capable of
bearing a strain of forty tons. The steam for the engines is generated in
six immense boilers. Immediately adjoining are extensive workshops for
engineers, smiths, and carpenters, a large number of whom are employed in
keeping the working gear of the colliery in order.
The inspection of the
machinery and workshops having been concluded, we ascended to the elevated
bank or platform which surrounds the mouth of the shaft; and, while waiting
the arrival of lamps to light us through the pit, had an opportunity of
seeing how the coal was brought out. The shape of the shaft is an oblong
square, with the sides bulged out a little. It measures fifteen feet one way
and nine the other, and is divided into three equal compartments, in two of
which the cages are worked, while the pumps are enclosed in the third. The
cages are simply composed of an iron framework floored with wood, and having
a sheet-iron roof of semi-circular form. Each cage is sufficiently large to
admit of two hurleys or "tubs" being brought up at a time; and the
winding-gear is so adjusted that while one cage is ascending the other is
descending. The cages travel from bottom to top of the shaft in thirty
seconds when laden with coal, but when the freight is a living one the speed
is considerably reduced. As we stood and watched the cages emerge
alternately, slimy and dripping as if they came from the depths of some
subterranean lake, our intention to descend into the dark abyss threatened
to evaporate. But before a resolution to defer the venture was formed, our
guide appeared with a lighted lamp in each hand, and, with a reassuring
smile, invited us to step into the cage. The invitation was accepted, but
not without a certain feeling of dread, as the "situation" brought vividly
to mind the recollection of many a catastrophe which had befallen persons
making a journey similar to that on which we had now entered. Men who work
in or about coal mines may make light of the perils which surround them, but
few persons descend a shaft for the first time without experiencing a very
keen sense of danger.
When we had entered the cage,
and had received a few words of instruction as to holding on and keeping
steady, the word "right" was passed. The first motion of the cage was
upwards for a few inches, to relieve the self-acting stoppers on which the
cage rested at the mouth of the shaft. Then the engine was reversed, and we
were off. A feeling of giddiness was experienced as the cage glided down,
steadily, swiftly, and almost noiselessly; but that wore off ere half the
distance to the pit bottom had been accomplished. The daylight did not
accompany us far, and the black and oozy walls of the shaft absorbed so much
of the light of the lamps that we were left in a dismal gloom. Suddenly
something rushed past and excited a current of air which nearly extinguished
our feeble illuminators. It was the ascending cage; we had now got half way
down, and were some distance under the sea-level. As we sped downwards, the
walls of the shaft became very wet, and big drops of water pattered upon the
iron canopy overhead, while showers of spray entered the cage on all sides.
Gradually the fall of water increased. The drops had grown to streams, and
the spray to little jets, when we became conscious of a slackening of the
speed of the cage. Simultaneously with this, our ears caught a confused
sound of voices, and in another moment we had alighted.
The first objects that met
our eyes were a number of men engaged in various ways about a train of
"tubs" which had just been brought forward from the workings. The besmudged
countenances of the men, seen imperfectly by the light of the lamps which
they carried on their foreheads, well accorded with the surrounding
blackness and gloom. The fellows were cheerful withal, and set about their
work with a will—laughing, "chaffing," and singing, in defiance of the
depressing influences around them. A number of horses are employed in the
pit to draw the "tubs" on the main roads, and are lodged in a stable near
the bottom of the shaft.
The animals do not seem to suffer any bad effect from confinement in the
pit, being as sleek and well-conditioned as those of their kind that are
privileged to roam in green pastures and bask in the sunshine. The roadways
are arched over with brick for some distance, but the roof beyond consists
of rock. The main roads have been excavated to a height sufficient to allow
the horses to pass; but the branch roads are no higher than the thickness of
the coal seam, which is about three feet. The seam is the most valuable in
the field, as it contains the "parrot" or gas coal. The latter is found in a
layer, varying from eight to nine inches in thickness, enclosed between two
layers of good household coal, each of which is about a foot thick. Though
we were now nearly a thousand feet beneath the surface of the earth, and
more than half that depth below the level of the sea, the air was fresh and
the temperature summer-like, and we were assured that all through the twenty
miles of roads and passages in the pit it was the same. We did not advance
into the workings here, as a better opportunity for seeing the miners at
work would be afforded in the "Kailblades" seam, in order to reach which the
Emily shaft had to be ascended, and a descent made by another a few hundred
yards distant; for though, as already stated, there is underground
communication between the shafts, the passage from the one seam to the other
may be made more readily and comfortably by the " overland route."
Leaping through the rushing
shower of big water-drops, which came from the shaft, we were once more in
the cage; and signals having been duly exchanged by the man at the
pit-bottom and the engineman, we began to ascend—slowly, according to
pre-arrangement, in order that a view might be obtained of the pumps and the
entrances into the various seams which have been opened in the pit. When the
cage had ascended above the denser portion of the shaft drippings, a hasty
peep upward was ventured upon. A speck of light no bigger than might be
covered by one's hand was all that was visible, even the huge cable which
supported the cage was lost to view in the distance. After a few brief
pauses, for the purposes above stated, we rapidly glided into daylight.
Inspired with confidence by what had been already accomplished, the descent
of the other shaft was made without any very decided apprehension of danger.
This time we had to go down
about ninety fathoms only, and into a region almost entirely free from
water. There were no horses in the seam, the drawing, or rather "putting,"
of the coal being done by boys or lads. Passing the group of men employed at
the pit bottom we advanced into the workings, preceded by our guide, who
endeavoured to divert attention from the difficulties of the path by
explaining the formation of the coal strata, which glistened on one side of
our path—a roughly-built stone wall forming the other. "So toilsome was the
road to trace," however, that neither geological nor statistical gossip
served to make us unconscious of its disagreeableness and terrors. Our
path—a main roadway, be it recollected—was about four feet in width, and
barely so much in height. The bottom of it was laid with a line of rails,
and the space between the rails was wet and muddy. Overhead, ugly rents
yawned, and fragments of rock protruded in a most threatening way. In order
to protect the head from knocks and the feet from stumbling, a sharp
look-out had to be kept above and below. Progress was frequently interrupted
by the passing of coal-laden hurleys, which were pushed along the rails by
lads carrying lights on their foreheads; and an occasional pause was made to
take advantage of some gaps in the roof, which permitted us to obtain some
rest by standing erect. Roads branched off to right and left at intervals,
and the openings of certain of them were provided with doors, to shut which
after passing is an imperative rule of the pit. The purpose of these doors
is to guide the air-current on its way through the workings, and neglect in
attending to them would destroy the ventilation of the mine. At certain
points, the air-current could be heard sighing along the galleries, or
whistling through the chinks of the doors; and so strong was it at times,
that great care was required to keep the lamps alight. Knowing that by this
time muscles unaccustomed to such difficult pedestrianism would be wearied
and sore, our guide hailed a passing "putter," into whose "tub" we were
right glad to take a seat, and complete the remainder of the journey by
rail. On and on we whirled through the terrible gloom, assured that we had
not far to go, but without seeing any sign to indicate that the desired
goal—the "face" at which the miners were at work—was near. By-and-by a
confused noise began to break on the ear, and a look ahead revealed a number
of lights flickering and moving about as mysteriously as wills-o'-the-wisp.
Human voices pitched to the lowest notes could then be distinguished amid a
chorus of dull thuds; and a few yards further on our carriage was brought to
a stand: we had reached the "face." There, in a series of recesses branching
off the road to the left, were the miners, who, in going to and from their
work, have to traverse the path ,we had just passed over.
Entering one of the recesses,
technically known as a "room," we had a closer view of the miner and his
mode of working. The dimensions of the room would be about twelve feet wide
by twenty long, and the height from floor to ceiling was exactly three feet.
The miner, after cutting a deep niche along the lower part of the seam,
commenced to cut two perpendicular slits about six feet apart. After he had
reached a certain depth, the coal began to crack, and in a moment or two the
mass, detached by its own weight, fell and broke up into fragments with a
noise resembling the breaking of a wave on a pebbly beach. The coal in this
seam is soft, and neither gunpowder nor wedges are required, as in some
cases, to bring it down. The work, nevertheless, is very hard and
irksome—though we were told it was mere child's play when compared with the
labour of excavating the "low seams," the depth of which is only from
twenty-two to twenty-four inches. In a three-feet seam, the miner can kneel
while working; but in thin seams, he has to lie at length on his side, and
in some cases water pours down on him continuously. As the coal is broken
away from the face, it is shovelled aside, and committed to the care of the
"putter," who fills it into his "tub" and wheels it along to the pit bottom.
This is very severe toil for boys, but those engaged in it were stout and
healthy, and appeared to be nowise discontented with their lot.
While seated on the floor of
this room, we were favoured with an explanation of the two systems of
working coal, both of which are followed in the Arniston colliery. The
systems are respectively designated "stoop-and-room" and "long wall." It is
a matter of great importance that the miner should be able to extract as
much as possible of the coal in the various seams; and to enable him to do
that, various plans have been proposed and tried; but of these only the two
we have named have come into favour. The "stoop-and-room" system, which was
followed in the part of the pit in which we were seated, consists in driving
passages or "rooms" through the coal, leaving "stoops" or pillars of coal
between, of sufficient strength to support the roof. The rooms are from
twelve to twenty feet wide, and the pillars or "stoops" ten to twenty yards
square. The pillars are allowed to remain until the limit of the seam is
reached, when the miners turn back and work away the pillars, using wood
props to prevent the roof from falling. This is the most precarious part of
the miner's work, and requires the exercise of great skill and care to
prevent accidents. After a certain proportion of the pillars have been
removed, the wood props are taken out, and the superincumbent strata allowed
to settle down.
The operation of removing the
props has to be performed with great caution, and is intrusted only to
picked men. The noise made, by the beds of rock as they break down, is
described as being peculiar and terrific. Not more than one-tenth of the
coal is lost by this method, whereas by the plan pursued in early times only
one-half was got out. The "long wall" system is considered by mining
engineers to be the most advantageous, as it admits of the coal being worked
out thoroughly at once. According to this plan, the miners work along a
continuous face of the seam, cutting out the coal completely, and allowing
the roof to settle as they advance, care being taken to preserve roads by
throwing up parallel lines of stone and waste, and using wood props
occasionally. As the roof collapses, it is blasted down in the roads, to
keep them sufficiently high for the loaded tubs to pass. This mode of
working is not so perilous as it appears to inexperienced persons; for the
roof does not fall at once. It subsides gradually, and if the miners advance
at a steady rate, they may calculate on being from fifty to eighty yards in
front of the place where the roof comes into contact with the floor. Both
systems are liable to considerable modification, but the above is a rough
statement of their chief features.
Another dismal and
spine-racking journey brought us to the district of the mine which is worked
on the "long wall" system. The strata in the pit, it may be mentioned here,
lie at an angle of about 20° to the horizon, and the miners work upwards on
the slope. The "long wall" workings have been carried forward to a
considerable distance from the main road, and, in order to reach the face,
we had to go through one of the narrow roads kept open amid the fallen rocks
by means of the protection walls already referred to. As the immense weight
of the stone overhead had crushed the walls considerably, and had thrown
them down in some places, the original dimensions of the tunnel were much
reduced, and the average height and width were less than three feet. It was
necessary at some parts to travel on "all fours," a mode of progression
rendered very disagreeable by a thick layer of finely pulverised coal which
covered the floor of the passage. There are a number of similar roads in the
pit, and it is through them that the coal is brought from the "face" to the
main roads. The "putter" fills the coal into a box mounted like a sledge on
iron-shod slides; and as the slope of the road is more than sufficient to
cause the sledge to descend of its own accord, he has to seize it by the
front, and, walking backward, guide it through the tunnel, and prevent it
from travelling too rapidly. After transferring the coal to a hurley, he has
to get into harness, and drag the sledge up to the " face" again. There are
no rails in these narrow roads, and their absence makes the work severe and
hazardous. At intervals in the pit are several self-acting inclines. These
are laid with double lines of rails, and by means of a drum and tackle, the
"tubs" are let down and pulled up with very little labour—the full ones in
their descent causing the empty ones to ascend.
We next visited the air
furnace, an immense brick structure, communicating with a shaft extending to
the surface of the earth. A huge fire is kept almost constantly burning in
the furnace, which causes a strong rush of air from the workings. Before the
air, entering by the working shaft, can reach the furnace, it has to
traverse every part of the mine, and that accounts for the pureness of the
atmosphere in even the remotest nooks. The gas given off by the coal is
diluted and rendered harmless by the current of fresh air; and were it not
for the particles of coal which fly off at every stroke of the pick, the
atmosphere in which the miners work would be as pure as that breathed by the
most favourably-situated workmen above ground.
The miners enter the pit
between five and six o'clock in the morning; but before they do so, an
inspection of the workings is made by the "viewer," in order to ascertain
the state of the ventilation. They remain in the pit until two in the
afternoon, the eight hours' spell of work being relieved by a brief interval
for breakfast. As the pit under notice is free from fire-damp, naked lights
are used. These consist of small tin lamps. The flame is fed with tallow
instead of oil, as the former gives off less smoke than the latter. Very
little trouble is required to keep the lamps in trim, -and though the light
appears dim to unaccustomed eyes, the miners find it sufficient for their
When the miners stop work,
another class of men enter the pit these are the "reddsmen" and "brushers,"
whose duty it is to examine and repair the roads, remove any stones that may
have fallen, and see that the roof is secure throughout the workings. About
500 men and boys are employed in and about the Arniston and other pits
leased by Mr Christie. In addition to the pits visited, he has six others in
operation. Having gleaned the information and experience above recorded, and
satisfied to the utmost a feeling of curiosity as to the nature of the
miner's occupation, we set out for the pit bottom, and in due time emerged
into the sunshine.
The miner's avocation is a
very perilous one. From the moment he sets his foot in the cage to descend
to his work, he is in constant danger of a violent death, or of injury that
may render life a burden to him. The winding gear may give way, and dash his
body into fragments on the pit bottom; or, after he arrives safe at the
"face," a mass of rock may descend from the treacherous roof, and crush out
his life. He is in danger of being suffocated by foul air, and of being
scorched to death by the ignition of the fearful fire-damp. These and other
risks he has to encounter daily; and when he is deposited safe at bank after
his toil is over, one may fancy that, if he has any feeling at all, it will
be something akin to that of the soldier who at the close of a battle finds
his head upon his shoulders and his limbs unfractured. The mining statistics
for 1866 show that in the collieries of England, Wales, and Scotland, no
fewer than 1484 lives were in that year lost by accident. The total number
of miners employed was 320,663, so that one person was killed out of every
216 employed. The year was an unusually fatal one, however, the explosions
at the Oaks and Talk o' the Hill collieries—the one involving a loss of 361
lives, and the other of 91 lives—having occurred during its course. In 1865
the number of lives lost was 984, or 500 fewer than in 1866. In proportion
to the quantity of coal raised in Scotland, the loss of life is considerably
less than in England or Wales. The total quantity of coal raised in Britain
in 1866 was 100,728,881 tons; and as the number of lives lost was 1484, we
find that one life was sacrificed for every 67,877 tons of coal. In
Scotland, 12,034,638 tons were raised, and 77 lives lost, so that for each
person killed, 161,252 tons were got.
For the purposes of the Mines
Inspection Act, Scotland is divided into two districts. The eastern district
includes the Lothians, Fife- shire, Clackmannanshire, Kinross-shire, part of
Perthshire, the eastern division of Stirlingshire, and the upper division of
Lanarkshire. The western district embraces the lower division of
Lanarkshire, the western division of Stirlingshire, and the counties of Ayr,
Dumbarton, Renfrew, Dumfries, and Argyle. The proportion of lives lost to
the quantity of coal raised in the year 1866 in Scotland was:—
The difference of death-rate
in favour of Scotch mines is owing chiefly to their comparative ireeciom
from lire-clamp. Of the deaths in Scotland, 7 only (or 9 per cent.) are
attributed to the explosion of that dangerous gas; while in England about 45
per cent. of the deaths in 1867 were caused by it, and in the preceding year
about 18 per cent. The 77 deaths in Scotch mines are thus classified :¬By
explosions, 7; falls of coal and roof, 38; in shafts, 21; miscellaneous, 7;
above ground, 4. The ages of the persons killed ranged from thirteen to
seventy years; and though the cause of death in most cases was such that no
care or foresight could avert it, yet it is evident that in several
instances death was the result of neglecting the most ordinary precautions
for ensuring safety. Previous to the passing of the Mines and Collieries
Act, which came into operation in 1843, and made it illegal to intrust the
winding machinery to any person under fifteen years of age, it was no
unusual thing to find the engines in charge of mere children—boys of twelve,
eleven, and even nine years, and many lives were lost in consequence. During
the inquiry which was instituted before the passing of the Act referred to,
the chief constable of Oldham stated that he was not aware of a single case
in which children were not employed as engineers. He mentioned an instance
in which four boys were killed in consequence of the neglect of an engineer
nine years of age, who, while the engine was winding up his companions, was
attracted from his post by a mouse on the hearth. By the statute of 1861, at
every colliery there must be established certain general rules to be
observed by the owner and agent, and also special rules for the conduct and
guidance of the person acting in the management of such colliery, and of all
persons employed in and about the same, as under the particular
circumstances of such colliery may appear best calculated to prevent
dangerous accidents. These general and special rules, and improved
machinery, have gone far to lessen the fatality of the mines, but the perils
of those who work in them must always be great.
The miner holds an humble
position in the industrial ranks. His occupation does not require much
skill, nor has it any tendency to incite him to intellectual pursuits. Where
his own interests are not directly concerned, he rarely intrudes; and the
great body of society beyond the coal fields would become almost unconscious
of his existence, had it not an occasional reminder in the records of the
terrible disasters which sometimes overtake him. His intercourse with the
rest of mankind is limited, and often the circle of his intimate
acquaintance does not extend beyond the little community attached to the pit
in which he works. His occupation is peculiar, and quite distinct from that
of any other class of workmen, one of its effects being the creation in him
of a desire for exciting amusements; and the means taken to gratify that
desire have something to do with the low position he occupies in the social
scale. He long had an unhappy notoriety—of which he has not yet got
completely rid— for drinking, poaching, and other irregularities; and his
neighbours of other occupations were prone to regard him as a rough sort of
fellow. Even when he lived in a town, he failed somehow to get absorbed into
the great industrial body. Within late years, however, a change has been
coming over him, and his old manners and habits are yielding to the
influence of education. Still, there appears to be a want of sympathy
between him and the mason, the carpenter, the tailor, the shoemaker, and
other tradesmen, and they rarely associate. Were his social position to be
regulated by the amount of his earnings, the miner would stand above a large
proportion of the working classes; but he appears to be indifferent to rank,
provided he is allowed to enjoy life according to his own notions. It is but
ninety years since he was a slave—or, strictly speaking, only sixty-eight
years, because the Act of 1775 was hampered with restrictions which
prevented him from obtaining full freedom, and his emancipation was not
completed till 1799, when a new Act was passed, and it was not until a
considerable time after he was set free that he began to raise himself in
the social scale. Indeed, the work of reformation can scarcely be said to
have begun until the passing of Lord Ashley's Bill in 1843 for the abolition
of female labour in the pits. It is not to be wondered, then, that traces of
old habits, superstitions, and prejudices, are still discernible, especially
among the aged people.
The rapid development of the
coal and iron trades in the west of Scotland led to an immense influx of
Irish labourers between 1830 and 1850; and as they were generally very
ignorant, they retarded for a time the general progress of improvement. The
liberality, however, of the employers, in establishing schools at every
colliery, is daily effecting a change; and with the advent of another
generation the traces of degradation will probably disappear, and there is
evidence to lead to a hope that the miner will come to occupy a much
improved position in society. In the Lothians, where the relations between
master and servant have been little disturbed by strikes or fluctuations in
trade, the miners are superior in every respect to the same class in
Lanarkshire and the West of Scotland generally; and the same may be said of
the Fife men. This arises chiefly from the fact that, while the eastern
miners are almost without exception Scotsmen, whose forefathers for several
generations have followed the same avocation in the same locality, a great
proportion of those in the west are Irishmen, mostly of a very rough type.
As a rule, the sons of miners
follow the occupation of their fathers, and begin to work when they reach
twelve years of age—by which time they are now fairly proficient in reading,
writing, and arithmetic. After they commence to work, however, they are
encouraged to make further progress in education, and for that purpose
evening classes are taught at most of the schools. The period of
apprenticeship is four years, and the father and sons generally work in
partnership. The daughters of the miners find employment on the farms, or at
the brickworks and factories in the vicinity of their homes, and an
increasing proportion of them go into domestic service. The sons live under
the parental roof until they reach eighteen or twenty years of age, when
they take wives and begin housekeeping for themselves. Intermarriage with
members of other classes was formerly a thing almost unknown, but now such
marriages are not infrequent in certain districts. Ignorance of domestic
economy, and a want of care for domestic comfort on the part of their wives,
have been the means of keeping back many well-disposed men among the miners;
but now that women who have had some experience of domestic service are to
be had for wives, a better state of things is beginning to prevail.
The wages of miners, which
are paid according to piecework, vary considerably in different districts,
and are liable to considerable fluctuation. In some cases the quantity of
coal a man may put out in a day is limited by mutual consent, or in
accordance with a rule of the Union; in others, the working hours are
limited, each man being allowed to put out as much as he can in the stated
time; and again, there are collieries at which there is no limitation as to
time or quantity. Exactly a century ago the wages paid to the men, all
serfs, who worked at Newbattle Colliery, were as follow:—Grieve, 7s. a-week;
oversman, 10s.; banksman, 6s. 7d.; bottom-man, 6s. 7d.; miners, from 7s. to
8s. 4d. The miners used candles in those days, and these were supplied
without charge. The average wage at the same colliery is at present 4s. 6d.
a-day. What a miner gets for his labour cannot always be stated in shillings
and pence, however, as he sometimes enjoys special advantages in the way of
a free house, cheap education for his children, and the like. Thus, the
average wage at Dalkeith Colliery is 3s. 6d. a-day; but the miners are
provided with good houses rent-free, and have in addition other privileges.
In the east of Scotland wages have not fluctuated so much as in other
quarters. An understanding seems to prevail between the men and their
employers, which allows the work to go on steadily, no matter what the state
of the coal market may be. In 1851 the average wage of miners in Scotland,
according to a statement published by a Glasgow firm, was 2s. 6d. a-day; in
1854, it was 5s. A gradual fall then took place; and in 1858 the average was
3s.; below which sum it has not fallen, the figures for the six succeeding
years being respectively 3s. 6d., 4s., 4s. 6d., 5s. 6d., and 4s. 9d. From
these sums about 3d. a-day falls to be deducted for light, sharpening tools,
&c. The wages are paid fortnightly, and that period embraces ten working
days in some districts, eleven in others.
When a boy of twelve years
enters a coal pit, he is attached to his father or some other man, and
becomes what is known technically as a "quarter-man." The miner with whom he
works is entitled to put out one-fourth more coal than if he worked without
assistance; and from the price received for the extra quantity he pays the
boy, whose duty it is to fill the coal into the " tubs " and convey it to
the pit bottom. At fourteen, the boy becomes a "half-man;" at sixteen, a
"three-quarter-man;" and at eighteen, he assumes the title of miner,
performs a man's work, and draws a man's pay. When the boy ranks as a
"quarter-man," he usually receives 1s. a-day; when a "half-man," 2s.; and
when a "three-quarter-man," 3s. These rates are, however, subject to
variation according to the amount of wages received by the men. From this it
will be seen that, when the miner's family includes two or three sons able
to go into the pits, the total earnings must amount to a considerable sum.
As a class, the miners could
afford to live pretty comfortably, but the great body of them have yet to
acquire provident habits. They are to a large extent victims of the
pass-book system, and are rarely out of debt to the provision-dealer; while
many of them draw their wages in advance, thereby incurring considerable
loss, in the shape of a heavy percentage which is charged by some of the
employers. It will scarcely be credited, but it is a fact, that many
coalmasters in Lanarkshire take most unmerciful advantage of the improvident
habits of the colliers, by charging 5 per cent. for all money advanced
between pay-days. Thus—if it be advanced the day after the pay, 5 per cent.,
or 125 per cent. per annum, is charged; if advanced only two days before it
is due, the same 5 per cent., or 900 per cent. per annum, is charged. This
is a crying shame. If the masters who charge such ruinous rates of interest
(some of them under pretence of discouraging the practice of lifting money
in advance), were to establish savings' banks among their men, they would
soon enable them to save as much as would carry them from one pay-day to the
next. It is needless to say that the practice has a demoralising tendency.
Though few miners are to be found among depositors in savings' banks,
numerous friendly and benefit societies exist among them. The advantages of
such societies seem to be fully appreciated, though the treasurers have not
always been faithful.
Co-operative stores have been
opened at several places; but, except in a few cases, the success of these
is yet doubtful. A number of miners in the west of Scotland are connected
with the Free Colliers' and Free Gardeners' Lodges. In some parts, so-called
yearly or half- yearly benefit societies are got up by small tradesmen, who
collect fees from the members on every pay-day, undertaking, of course, to
give a certain amount of sick or funeral money when such is needed. On the
average, a very small sum is required to meet such contingencies. Instead,
however, of dividing the balance of the funds among the members, as in
ordinary cases, the promoter of the society compels them to take goods from
him to the amount of their respective dividends—reserving to himself, of
course, a certain sum in consideration of his trouble and risk. When the
miner and his wife, excited by the jingle of money in their pockets at the
fortnight's end, drop into the shops of the promoters of such societies,
there is generally not much difficulty in prevailing upon them to join; but
the wary keep aloof At a number of collieries and iron-works in the west,
stores are kept by the proprietors, from which the men are required—or at
least expected, which is pretty much the same thing—to purchase all their
provisions, &c. It has been found difficult to legislate for the suppression
of such stores, and the matter is at present left to be dealt with according
to the ideas of fair-play and liberty which exist among the owners of them.
The Truck Act was aimed at their extermination, but the spirit of the Act is
evaded while its letter is complied with. In the year 1860 a committee of
the Social Science Association on Trades' Societies and Strikes, received
the following statement on the truck system from the representative of the
Scottish Miners' Association:—
"Of the mining counties in
Scotland, there is in Clackmannan no truck shop, in Mid and East Lothians
one, in Fifeshire three, in Stirlingshire a few, in Renfrewshire they are
beginning to be established, in Linlithgowshire there is a truck shop to
nearly every colliery. The truck shops provide all articles of subsistence
and clothing, with one exception, drink. The Truck Act renders it necessary
for the masters to have a separate pay-office. But this office they take
care shall be close to the truck shop; sometimes it is separated only by a
partition. They pay the men at the long interval of a fortnight, or even of
a month, and in the meantime allow them, upon application, subsistence-money
from day to day, or even on the half-day. This subsistence-money the miner
is practically compelled by penalties to carry to the truck shop; for, if
not, the subsistence allowance is stopped, and he must wait for his pay till
the end of the fortnight or month; or he is shifted to a less favourable
part of the mine, or he is altogether dismissed. Dismissal has, indeed,
become more common under the new system of employment, which has substituted
for a contract of fourteen days a contract terminable at a day's notice. To
such an extent is truck carried, that even if the truck shop has not in
store the articles required, the miner is not supplied with cash, which he
might lay out where he would, but with tokens which certain shopkeepers in
the town will recognise, and on receiving them supply articles to the extent
of the value of the tokens. These tokens, however, have afterwards to be
returned by the shopkeepers to the truck shop to be exchanged into cash, and
the rate of exchange is a deduction of 3s. in every 20s., in favour of the
truck shop. This loss, amounting to 15 per cent., the shopkeeper has, of
course, taken care has already fallen upon the miner."
In the main, the above
statement still holds good; but we learn that some employers have shown
that, in establishing stores at their works, they have no selfish motive,
since they supply a quality of goods superior to what can be obtained for
the same money at the village shops in their neighbourhood, while the
workmen are free to choose where or how they shall spend their money.
As already stated, the
relations between the east of Scotland miners and their employers have been
little disturbed by disputes as to work or wages. In the west the case has
been different—strikes being of frequent occurrence; and it is remarkable
that all the strikes have been for wages, none of them to get rid of any
grievance in respect of bad management or bad ventilation. In 1832 the
Lanarkshire miners were out on strike for four months; and, instead of
getting the advance they demanded, had to return to work for less wages than
they had when they went out. Three years afterwards the first Union of the
Scotch miners was established. In 1837 a reduction was made from 5s. to 4s.
in the daily wage of the miners, and a general strike took place. Four
months of idleness and privation were spent without result, the Union was
dissolved, and the men returned to work at the terms offered. Wages
gradually declined until, in 1842, they reached so low as 2s. 6d., and even
is. 8d. a-day. The Union was then resuscitated, and the men went out on
strike. An increased demand for coal and iron sprang up in the meantime, and
prices advanced to such an extent, that the masters were enabled to grant to
the miners an advance of from is. to 2s. 6d. a-day. During the strike,
affairs in Lanarkshire wore such a threatening appearance that a military
force was held in readiness at Coatbridge. After this success the Union was
again allowed to decline, and in the course of two years wages had undergone
a considerable reduction. The Union lever was once more applied, with
apparent success, for at the end of three months the masters yielded; but it
was evident that the men could not have held out much longer, for they had
worked only a few weeks at the advanced rate, when the masters, who found
that the prices they were receiving would not enable them to pay their men
so much, intimated that a reduction was to be made to the previous rate, and
to that reduction the men submitted quietly. In 1847 there was a great
strike, in which the men, after standing out fourteen weeks for 5s. a-day
for the "darg," or minimum quantity of coal put out daily, accepted the
masters' terms of 3s. a-day, and in a few weeks afterwards submitted to a
reduction to 2s. a-day. In 1852 the Scottish Miners' Association was formed,
"for the protection of miners' rights and privileges, by providing funds for
the support of members out of work." The Association is composed of local
societies, each holding its own money, and remitting: only what may be
required to cover the necessary expenses of the general Association. The
entry-money is sixpence, and each member has to contribute one penny a-week
for the purposes of the society. There is a central board, consisting of
three persons, who summon a conference of delegates from district societies
when any matter of general interest comes up for consideration. A year after
the Association was established another strike for an advance of wages took
place. But some of the men considered that they had endured quite enough of
needless privation on previous occasions, and refused to join in the
contest. They were accordingly subjected to abuse, and military, yeomanry,
and police were called out to protect them. Hundreds of men who had never
been in a pit were found willing to take employment as colliers; and when,
at the end of four months' idleness, the men gave in, they in many instances
found their places occupied. The result of the turn-out was a considerable
reduction in the value of labour. Any commotion in the coal trade generally
tells on the iron trade, and vice verse; and in the year of the strike
referred to, the quantity of pig-iron made in Scotland was 80" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/c1tfILp0YpA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>arch 1856; and after from 30,000 to
40,000 men had been idle for sixteen weeks, and had inflicted enormous loss
upon their masters and the public, and great suffering upon themselves and
their families, the event proved that they were again wrong, for they
resumed work at their masters' terms." In 1860 a strike of a most disastrous
nature took place in Lanarkshire—the loss to the district being estimated at
L.200,000. Frequent disputes have since occurred, chiefly in the west.
For the most part miners
reside in houses specially built for their accommodation in the vicinity of
the collieries. In the early days of coal mining the houses were of the most
wretched description; and even yet a large proportion of them are deficient
in the ordinary requisites of human habitations. To convey some idea of the
present condition of the houses of the mining population, we shall give some
account of what came under observation in a journey through the Mid-Lothian
and Lanarkshire collieries, in both of which the best and worst classes of
miners' houses may be seen. In Mid- Lothian there are a number of mining
villages of the old type. These were built when people's notions of personal
comfort were not quite so refined as in the present day, and probably the
first occupiers of them were content; but the case has come to be different.
No working man is likely to be less particular than the miner as to the mere
stone-and-lime comforts of his home, since it must be a poor place indeed
that will not look comfortable in contrast with the damp and gloomy recesses
of the mine; but even he has come to think that something is due to him in
the way of providing a better lodging for himself, his wife, and little
ones. For a number of years improvements have been in progress. Old houses
have in some cases been patched, altered, and provided with coal-sheds, &c.,
and others have been removed to make way for more commodious structures.
Where the opening of new pits has necessitated the erection of new houses,
these have been built on an improved plan.
A bit of ground is attached
to all the houses; but hitherto the miners' horticultural taste and skill
have been almost entirely devoted to the rearing of cabbages and leeks.
Flowers are rarely met with near the old houses, and their cultivation
seldom gets beyond the range of a dilapidated tea-pot on the window-sill;
but some of the plots in front of the new cottages are nicely laid out. It
is still possible to find not a few specimens of the old domiciles
displaying all their primitive unhealthiness and ugliness. Their mean
masonry, founded on the surface without any excavation, rises to a height of
little over five feet, and they are roofed with tiles, though we were
informed that the first covering was a combination of turf and straw. The
floor is composed of native earth, and its uneven surface has by constant
treading been rendered almost as compact as stone. In front of the
fire-place a brick or two has been let into the floor, and the vicinity of
the doorway is similarly strengthened against the wear of frequent feet. The
walls have never been plastered, but successive coats of whitewash have made
them air-tight, if not beautiful. The window—some of the houses have two,
however—is about two feet square. There is no ceiling beneath the tiles, but
the want of it has to some extent been supplied by nailing mats upon the
rafters, and overlaying them with a thick coat of whiting—an arrangement
which, while it may improve the appearance of the interior, certainly
detracts from its healthiness, or rather increases its unhealthiness.
Strictly speaking, the houses consist of only one apartment measuring twelve
feet by fifteen; but by a peculiar arrangement of the furniture a small
closet is formed, in which a bed is fitted up. Occasionally a house of this
kind may be found occupied by a miner, his wife, and four, six, or even
eight of a family. Neither ash-pit nor drain is provided, and the
surroundings of the dwellings are consequently in a most insalubrious
condition. Notwithstanding these unfavourable circumstances, a creditable
effort at cleanliness and tidiness is sometimes observable in even the
meanest of the hovels.
The houses provided by the Duke of Buccleuch for the men employed in the
Dalkeith Colliery, though built a considerable time ago, have few equals.
They are well constructed and commodious, and are of various sizes, to suit
the requirements of different families. All have two or more apartments, and
are supplied with water and water-closets. Large spaces of ground are
attached to the houses, and may be used for drying clothes or as a
playground for the children. No rent is charged, and the people appear to be
well cared for and contented. His grace makes liberal provision for men
incapacitated for work; and widows receive fortnightly pensions, and are
provided with houses, coal, &c., free of charge. Invalids are supplied with
wine, beef, soup, &c., from Dalkeith House. The effect of this kindness is
visible upon all engaged about the colliery. They are generally more regular
in their habits than people connected with some of the other collieries in
the county, and rarely leave the employment of their own accord.
The Marquis of Lothian owns
two hundred and sixty miners' houses, among which are to be found some of
the best of the kind in Scotland, together with some of the worst. The
Newbattle Colliery, with which they are connected, is one of the oldest in
the county, and has never been leased, the successive Marquises keeping the
working of it in their own hands. The earlier houses of the miners were
miserable thatched hovels; but all the houses built within the past thirty
or forty years are of a superior description. The present Marquis, who takes
much interest in the welfare of his work-people, commenced a few years ago
to work extensive reform in the houses. Only a few cottages of the very old
type remain, and the dwellings by which they are being superseded are very
comfortable and commodious, some of them containing four or five apartments.
The rooms, though small, are lofty and well ventilated. The walls are of
brick, the floors of glazed tiles, and the roofs of slate. They are well
planned, and externally have some architectural pretensions. All things
considered, the houses are well furnished; and it is a noteworthy fact that,
though most of the people, while living in the old houses, appeared to be
careless as to the quality or condition of their furniture, they were no
sooner removed into one of those new roomy domiciles than they displayed
quite a contrary taste. It is true that some of the new houses appear to be
tenanted by people who cannot appreciate the change, yet the foregoing
remarks hold good in the majority of cases. The new houses are supplied with
water, have flower-gardens in front, and kitchen-gardens and coal- houses
behind. The rents charged vary from L.1, 10s. to L.3, 18s. per annum; and,
as elsewhere, the rent is deducted from the fortnightly pay of the men. The
houses at the other collieries in Mid-Lothian are of a mixed kind, and in
the case of many of them, as already hinted, there is urgent need for
improvement. Comfortable houses have a powerful effect in elevating the
tastes and habits of the working classes—a fact which should be borne in
mind by all who have their welfare at heart.
In Lanarkshire a great
majority of the miners' houses are of a very poor kind, and many of them
have only one apartment. They are arranged either in closely-built rows or
confined squares, and the people are literally huddled together in. them. It
is no uncommon thing to find a family of six or seven persons living
together in one room measuring not more than fourteen feet square, and who
yet consider that they have accommodation to spare for one or two lodgers.
The Irish, it appears, are especially given to overcrowding their
dwellings—against the ventilation of which, too, they carefully guard. One
favourable circumstance is that their furniture does not occupy much space.
The sitting accommodation rarely consists of more than two chairs or a
rudely constructed "form." The fire is kept burning continually, its use
during the night being to dry the "pit-clothes" of the men; and as these are
often wet, and always dirty, the vapour they give out adds considerably to
the pollution of the atmosphere breathed by the crowded sleepers. The houses
at some collieries are of very slim construction, and are constantly getting
out of repair. Not unfrequently they are wrecked by the subsidence of ground
caused by the withdrawal of the coal beneath them. For these houses a rent
of from 3s. 6d. to 5s. a-month is charged. At some collieries one-half of
the houses have two apartments, and these are occupied by the better class
of work- people. The usual rent of a two-roomed house is from 6s. to 9s.
a-month. These remarks, of course, apply to the worst class of houses. Some
of the coalmasters have done a great deal towards providing comfortable
dwellings for their workmen, and more is still being done. At Overtown, near
Wishaw, and at Motherwell, a large number of houses of an improved kind have
recently been built; and at Gartsherrie and Govan the workmen have good
houses provided for them. But there is no blinking the fact that, in the
aggregate, the dwellings of the mining population of the west of Scotland
are far from what they should be. On questions of work and wages the miners
are very sensitive, but they have never made any movement for having their
dwellings improved.
A serious obstacle in the way
of sanitary improvement in the mining villages of the west, is the want of
anything like a regular or adequate supply of water suitable for domestic
purposes. Many of the larger villages have had a supply brought to them, but
in the smaller and more remote hamlets great hardship is endured in
consequence of the scarcity of water. In some instances the younger children
or girls of the family have to carry the indispensable element in pitchers
from a distance of one or two miles, and then the water acquires a value
which prevents anything like a free use of it for purposes of cleanliness.
The eaves-droppings are collected in barrels, carefully covered and locked;
but the rain supply is uncertain, and in summer especially, we believe, some
poor families endure great privations. The local authorities under the
Public Health (Scot-land) Act 1867, have ample power to deal with this
matter, and it is to be hoped that they will do something to remove so great
an evil.
Abundant facilities exist for
the education of the children of colliers. In connection with almost every
colliery of any extent there are one or more schools provided by the
coalmasters; and though the schools are only indifferently appreciated by
the parents, the children attend pretty regularly. It appears, however, that
at some of the large works in Lanarkshire it has been found necessary to use
a little pressure in order to get the parents to take an interest in the
education of their children. In several cases the father has deducted from
his wages a certain sum for every child he has who ought to be at school,
whether the child attends or not; and the effect of this rule is generally
found to be, that the father comes to think that since he has to pay the fee
the child may as well be sent to school. The fee charged at the Duke of
Buccleuch's colliery school is 3d. a-week for each child. At the Marquis of
Lothian's schools the charge is 1d. a-month for each branch. In no case do
the fees nearly meet the expenses of the school, but the proprietors
contribute whatever additional money may be required.
One or two medical officers
are attached to each colliery, and all the men pay a small sum weekly for
their services. The employers defray all extra charges on account of
After the coal passes out of
the hands of the miners, its distribution over the country and to foreign
parts gives employment to many thousands of persons, and most railway
companies draw a large amount of revenue from it. At the coal depots of the
principal towns a considerable number of men are employed in removing the
coal from the railway waggons or canal boats, piling it into heaps,
weighing, and filling it into carts. Then a large staff of porters are
required to shovel it into cellars or carry it up stairs. All these men
being unskilled labourers, receive a small wage—not more, we believe, than
from 14s. to 18s. a-week.
The declared annual value of
the coal exported from Scotland is about half-a-million sterling. In 1866 it
was L.515,805, divided over the principal ports in the following proportions
:—Glasgow, L. 51,493; Leith, L.79,777; Greenock, L. 38,835; Grangemouth,
L.50,244; Ardrossan and Troon, L.73,642; Dundee, L.16,101; Borrowstounness,
L.93,671; Kirkcaldy, L.53,528; other ports, L.58,424. The quantity of coal,
cinders, and culm represented by the above would be about 1,500,000 tons.
Our customers for coal are scattered all over the world. Some cargoes are
sent even to San Francisco, though the freight to that port from Glasgow is
50s. a-ton, or more than seven times the cost of the coal at the port of
Colliers and
Colliaries An article from Tait's Edinburgh Magazine c1840
This is an article I found in
Tait's Edinburgh Magazine which I found interesting and so extracted it and
provide it here in pdf format.
How my father gave me a terrifying lesson at
By Bernard Hare
At the age of 10, Bernard Hare's father took him down the mine where he
worked. It was an experience he would never forget.
Sometimes, even now, I wake up with my head throbbing and my ears ringing,
as if my skull has been tightly clamped in a vice all night.
I haven't been to the doctor's about it. It wouldn't do any good. It isn't
depression, or stress. It isn't a migraine, or a hangover. It's nothing
physical at all. It's just a memory - a memory from childhood.
One Sunday morning when I was 10, my dad woke me up by tweaking my nose:
"Come on, son. Gerrup! Ah've a surprise for thi!"
Oh no, I thought. My dad was full of surprises - it was the one thing I
didn't like about him - and he always sprang them on you when you weren't
expecting them.
His worst surprise wasn't even a surprise at all. You knew exactly what was
coming. He normally struck when he was drunk. He would stumble through the
front door, smash one of mum's favourite ornaments, trip over the dog, give
you the beady eye, and shout, "Whiskers!"
Then you were in for it. Your only hope was to get out of the house, but he
knew that, so he would wave his arms about and block the front door.
I don't know why we called it the front door. We lived in a two-up,
two-down, back-to-back terrace and the front door was the only door we had.
Dad knew that if he closed off that route, escape was impossible. You could
try locking yourself in the bathroom, but he would think nothing of kicking
the door off its hinges when he'd had a few.
"Whiskers!" You could hide under the bed, but he would just drag you out by
your heels, or turn the whole thing over on its side. "Whiskers!" There was
no escape. One way or another, he would catch you. Then you got the
These days, it's called designer stubble. In the 1960s, it was called
scruffy. Either way, it hurt like hell. He would grab you, pin you down and
scrape his three-day growth of razor-sharp bristles across your soft,
childish face. It felt like you were being cut to ribbons and your skin was
left looking like an over-used ice rink.
It's a big disappointment to a child when his father turns out to be more
immature than he is. Still, I didn't complain. Many of the kids in our
street were beaten up on a regular basis for the slightest misdemeanour. My
dad was a nutcase, but he was a harmless nutcase (most of the time) and I
appreciated that.
The old man worked on the coalface at the Savile mine, in Methley, a small
pit-village near Castleford.
Every village around Leeds had a pit at one time and each village had a
thousand men and boys to help hew the coal from the ground.
In November 1700, the Aire and Calder Navigation opened between Knottingley
and Leeds, which for the first time made large-scale coal production in the
area economically viable. As this network of canals grew, coal could be
moved cheaply and easily around the country, fuelling the Industrial
The industry grew, developed and flourished over the next 250 years and
Leeds grew with it. Coal was part of the economic lifeblood of the city and
other local industries - engineering, textiles, brewing, chemicals,
railways, and pottery - depended on it for their existence.
Coal brought prosperity to Leeds, but at a cost. My dad was covered in
little blue scars, like tattoos. If you got even the smallest cut down a
pit, the dust got in straight away and turned it blue forever - and there
was nothing you could do about it.
The dust got in to your lungs too. My dad coughed a lot, but not as much as
my granddad. Granddad's knees were shot too, due to 50 years kneeling and
crawling in damp conditions at the coalface.
No-one ever spoke about it, but we all knew that sometimes nobody came home
from work at all. 1825: Explosion, Middleton, 25 men and boys lost. 1872:
Explosion, Morley Main, 36 men and boys lost. 1896: Explosion, Peckfield, 68
men and boys lost.
Even the pit ponies were blasted to oblivion in the Peckfield explosion and
90 children, mostly from one village, were left fatherless. When it went
wrong down a pit, it went wrong big time and every member of every family
involved in the industry was acutely aware of it.
Strange then that on this particular Sunday the old man should have taken it
into his head to take me down the pit with him that day. I don't know how he
wangled it. It would never be allowed in today's litigious and
safety-conscious times. It was the maddest thing he'd ever done.
Who in their right mind would take a 10-year-old boy down a working coal
mine? I knew it was dangerous because I overheard things.
Uncle Goldie, dad's brother, often called round to our house and the two of
them invariably got talking about the pit. "Ah see Leetning lost three on t'
thutty-niners t' other week, Poke. Bloody belt'll kill some'dy sooin, tha
We caught the rickety blue Castleford bus and sat on the long front bench.
I'd been to the pit top dozens of times, usually on a Friday when the men
picked up their wages.
We spoke the Queen's English in Leeds, but Methley was out in the sticks.
There, they spoke a bizarre, musical language full of strange words and
They cared more for the sound of a sentence, rather than what it actually
said. I was picking it up, slowly but surely. Poke was my dad. Leetning was
my dad's best mate.
Each coalface had a number and they were working on "thutty-nine" at the
time. Conveyor belts took the coal from the face to the surface. The miners
weren't supposed to ride on them, but they did. Fingers were often forfeited
along the way. Leetning lost three. I didn't really want to go down the pit
and I had no idea what the old man thought he was playing at.
Dad often threw a sickie once he had the cash out of his wage packet and the
day would be spent at the miner's welfare club with my granddad. It was
always a good day out in Methley, but this time it was different. This time
I was going underground.
The old man, perhaps sensing my reservations, put his arm around me and
pulled me close. "Stick wi' me, son. Tha'll be reet."
Eventually, we got to the pit. My dad was more popular than I'd imagined.
Everyone at the pit top from the gateman to the engine driver greeted him as
though he were a friend and brother.
"Hey up, Poke. Is that thy lad?"
Then to me: "Hey up, Young Pokey. Is tha barn darn t' pit?"
"Aye, sither. Ah'm barn darn t' thutty-niners wi' t' fa'ther."
"He's a cheyky young bleeder. Tha wants to gi'im thick end o' thi belt."
I was brought up in Leeds and they knew I didn't talk broad Yorkshire. They
must have thought I was taking the mick. I wasn't, though. I was just trying
to fit in and be like my dad.
We got changed, donned donkey jackets and miners' helmets and soon we were
stood before the lift shaft with a dozen other men. Everyone said "Hey up,
Poke" to my dad.
We all crammed in the cage and snuggled up against each other. "Dad," I
said. "Why d' the' all call you 'Poke' when your name's Bernard like me?"
"That's me nickname," he said. "Everyone gets a nickname at t' pit." Nodding
towards a workmate, he said, "Tha knows Leetning, dun't tha?"
"Course, but why's he called Leetning when his name's Harold?"
"Cos he's an idle swine," my dad explained, "who never does no wuck."
Leetning prodded my shoulder with his newly deformed hand. "Aye, sither, but
even then Ah still do bart twice as much as thi fa'ther."
I gasped as the floor fell away. They just let the cage drop until it got
near the bottom of the shaft and only then applied the brakes.
I didn't know that, of course. I thought the cable had snapped and started
screaming with all my might. I wanted to make one last big noise before I
Aeons later, when we reached the bottom, everyone in the cage, including my
dad, was doubled up with laughter. They obviously enjoyed playing this trick
on innocent children. It must have livened up an otherwise dull day down the
I thought that was my surprise, but I was wrong. That was nothing.
We walked for 30 minutes along a narrow tunnel. Pitch black, with only the
meagre light from your helmet to guide you. The roof was 6ft high at best
and the men had to bow their heads as they walked along. Twisted spikes of
metal stuck out from the roof and walls at obscure angles, threatening to
take your eyes out if you weren't extremely careful.
There was a dank, fetid odour, the likes of which I haven't encountered
before or since - a combination of exotic gases and rotting meat.
In my bones, I could feel the hundreds of feet of solid rock pushing and
crushing down on me from above. Dank, smelly, sweaty, claustrophobic, I
hated the foul, festering hell-hole the moment I set foot down there.
It suddenly occurred to me that my dad was a hero, coming down every day
just to feed my mam, my brother and me. Spiritually and philosophically, it
might have been better to let us starve.
Eventually, we approached the coalface. The noise began as a slow, distant
rumbling, built into a loud, throbbing buzz, and finally became a crashing,
tumultuous screech. The roof got lower and lower as the noise got louder and
We had to crawl through a space no more than 4ft high to get to the
coalface. All the while, the cacophony was unbearable. It was impossible to
hear yourself think.
In the distance, a monstrous wheel of metal with a thousand sharp, jagged
teeth spun wildly, tearing at the coal, sending shards of black rock
bulleting through the air. That's if you could call it air. It was more like
dust. It seared your lungs as you breathed it in.
When the machine stopped, I understood the deeper meaning of the phrase
"silence is golden". The relief was majestic, like waking from a nightmare.
"I want to go home," I told my dad.
He hadn't shifted more than a couple of yards from me throughout the
expedition. I knew he wouldn't let any harm come to me, but I'd had enough.
I wanted to go home. I'd made my mind up. I liked it better at home.
"But thy an't had thi surprise yet," he said, ominously.
To our left was a progression of metal chocks - giant hydraulic jacks which
held the roof up. These went back some distance. My helmet light could only
pierce the gloom for a matter of feet, so I had no idea how far, maybe
yards, maybe miles. An intercom, which had been rigged up along the coal
face, crackled into life. Crrrck. "Poke's lad darn yet?"
"Aye ... cheyky little bugger ..." Crrrck.
As they cut the coalface, they moved the chocks along and allowed the roof
to collapse behind. "Reet oh. Ah'll start droppin 'em. Watch thi'sens."
Then I got my surprise. There was a long, wailing ululation, like the sound
of a thousand anguished voices screaming in the darkness, followed by a
bellowing, full-throated roar. Then the real noise began - a thundering,
reverberating explosion, which almost shattered my eardrums.
This time I knew I was dead. Unless I missed my guess, the whole roof was
collapsing. A black shockwave hit, knocking me from my knees and on to my
side. I was left a terrified wreck.
When the dust settled and I came to my senses, the old man was hugging me
like a baby. "Sorry, son," he said, trying not to laugh. "I'm sorry. Tha
wain't say nowt to thi mam nar, will tha? This is just between us men."
I was shivering and shaking uncontrollably. He'd put the fear of God into me
with his stupid surprises.
Almost 20 years later, during the miners' strike of 1984-85, I bumped into
Leetning in the Nag's Head in Leeds town centre while I was out having a
I'd finished college, got my degree and had a highly paid job in social
work. I was therefore in a position to stand him a drink or two, even though
I was also helping my family make ends meet through the year-long strike.
Over a beer, I told him that I'd never really forgiven my father for the
humiliation he put me through that day.
Leetning, who always had a kind of leering grin
on his face, looked serious for a moment. "But tha knows why he done it,
dun't tha?"
"Because he was a nutcase," I said. "He was always doing stupid things. He
used to throw the dog's water bowl over me once or twice a week, just to
keep me on my toes, cos he knew how much it wound me up. I know you love him
like a brother, but you didn't have to live with him."
"Nay, lad," Leetning said, shaking his head. "Thi dad had to grease a few
palms to get thi darn t' pit that day, tha knows. Nar look at thi. Tha
passed thi Eleven Plus, tha's bin to college an' tha's got a reet good job,
an't tha?"
"So?" I said. "I've worked hard to get an education. I decided that day that
I'd never end up down the pit like my dad. I decided that day I'd never set
foot in a pit again as long as I lived. I decided that day I wanted
something better."
Leetning, grinning again, tapped his single digit on the end of his nose.
"Exactly! Sither nar, sunshine?"
He didn't say anything else. He didn't need to. I'd seen the light. "Yes,
Harold," I said, suddenly ashamed of my self-centredness and stupidity. "I
see now."
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