The disputed settlement at
Kiltarlity continued to excite interest in 1823, and another case occurred
in the parish of Croy, which led to several arrests and punishment. In the
first half of the year there was a heavy snowstorm, which affected the
Highland Road less than other parts of the country. The restoration of the
burgh franchise to Inverness excited discussion, and there was an
amendment of the law affecting distilleries, made in the hope of putting
an end to smuggling. The extent to which illicit traffic was carried on is
shown by the fact that at a Justice of Peace Court in Inverness nearly
four hundred persons were fined either for making spirits or selling them
without a licence.
The death of Charles Grant, on the
31st of October 1823, brought to a close a remarkable career. Mr Mackay in
his History of Urquhart traces his lineage, and there is a pretty full
account of his life in the Dictionary of National Biography. Mr Grant was
descended from a younger branch of the Grants of Shewglie. His mother was
a daughter of Donald Macbean, tenant of Aldourie, where the boy was born.
His father, Alexander Grant, was out in the ‘45 and was known as the
Swordsman. He was wounded at Culloden on the very day of his son’s birth.
After a successful career in India, Mr Grant returned to this country,
where he acquired fresh reputation as a Director and as Chairman of the
East India Company. He represented the county of Inverness in Parliament
from 1802 to 1818, and did much to promote Highland interests. Mr Grant
was married to Jane, daughter of Thomas Fraser, younger son of the family
of Balnain, and left two sons, who acquired distinction, namely, Charles,
Lord Glenelg, who was member for the county of Inverness for many years,
and Sir Robert Grant, who represented the Inverness Burghs for a time, and
was in his later years Governor of Bombay.
From the "Inverness Courier.’
January 9.—On the application of Sir
James Dunbar of Boath, his Majesty’s cruiser, the Cherokee, was sent to
the Inverness Roads to receive on board Mr Adam, the Rector of the
Academy, in order to ascertain the practicability of certain observations
at sea. The arrival of the vessel excited great interest. The Cherokee
entered the Caledonian Canal, and lay in the basin at Muirtown, "being the
first of his Majesty’s ships which has passed through the locks of
that great national work." Mr Adam went on board and carried out his
Ibid.—Died at Dumfries, on the 17th
ult., aged 65, Mr William Haig. He had been fourteen years teacher in the
Inverness Academy, and 18 years teacher in Dumfries. Mr Haig was an
accomplished man, versed in the Greek, Latin, and French languages.
January 16.—Three men were tried at
the High Court of Justiciary charged with having assaulted the porter of
the Caledonian Coach Office at Inverness at the gate of a
lodging-house in Church Street, and with having robbed him of a
trunk containing bills and papers. The jury convicted two of the
prisoners, but recommended them to mercy. The Judge sentenced the
prisoners to be executed at Inverness, but promised to forward the jury’s
recommendation to the proper quarter. The sentence was afterwards commuted
to transportation.
January 23.—There was a very heavy
snow storm at this time, general over the kingdom. It was noted as
singular that the Highland road from Perth to Inverness was open, while
the coast road was almost impassable. The mails to the North of Inverness
were carried on horseback.
Ibid.—Died, at his residence, the
Barracks, at the head of Loch-Rannoch, on the 17th ult., in the
82nd year of his age, Colonel Alexander Robertson of Strowan, chief of
Clan Donnachie. In his youth he served in the Scots Brigade in Holland,
and frequently distinguished himself in fighting the battles of the States
General. On the restoration of the forfeited estates in 1784, he came to
Scotland and took possession of his inheritance. Soon afterwards he went
to America as Major in the Duke of Hamilton’s Regiment. "Tired of the
bustle of the tented field, Colonel Robertson returned to his native hills
to spend the remainder of his life in retirement, and in exerting his
influence and his means in promoting the welfare of his clansmen, by whom
he was regarded as a father." His remains were interred with imposing
ceremony, the coffin being carried to the grave by 12 men of the name of
February 6.—At an Inverness County
meeting, communications were read from the proprietors of Kelp estates on
the Western Islands, and on the coasts of Shetland, protesting against the
late reduction of the duty on foreign barilla. The meeting drew up a
petition to Parliament on the subject. Mr Fraser of Culbokie stated that
the last county meeting had come to the resolution of postponing for some
time the consideration of all proposals and plans for erecting a new jail
and court-house, on account of the heavy local assessments and the great
agricultural distress prevailing. Plans for the improvement of the
existing Court-house were submitted, and referred to a Committee. The
meeting had also under consideration a bill for maintaining the Highland
roads and bridges by means of tolls instead of county assessments.
Resolutions were adopted with reference to agricultural distress and the
laws relating to distilleries.
February 14.—"Eight of the ten mails
due us from the South have arrived this morning." The delay was caused by
the great snowstorm.
February 27.—There was strong
opposition to the settlement of the Rev. Alexander Campbell, of Dores, as
parish minister of Croy. The new minister and a party of friends were met
on Sunday by a crowd of parishioners posted behind the Church-yard wall,
and were driven off. After "a short but sharp conflict," they retired to
the village of Tornagrain. "There they not only rallied, but actually
turned upon the too rash advanced guard of the enemy, and made prisoners
of two women and three men." These persons and others afterwards arrested
were examined before the Sheriff and committed for trial.
March 6.—A decided improvement in
agricultural prices is recorded after a long depression.
March 13.—"We understand that Mrs
Gibson has resigned the superintendence of the Church Street Boarding
School for young ladies, and that it is no longer the intention of the
Magistrates to make any allowance from the town funds to any one that may
succeed her in that situation."
March 20.—The Right Hon. Charles
Grant had been appointed Vice-President of the Board of Trade. He had
accordingly to come to the constituency for re-election.
March 27.—The Presbytery of Nairn
met the previous Thursday, when objections were heard against the
presentee to Croy. The debate lasted nearly four hours. The Presbytory
resolved to refer the case to the Synod of Moray for advice.
April 3.—Copies were circulated of
the bill brought into Parliament "for erecting toll-gates and levying
tolls on certain roads and bridges in the Highlands of Scotland." The
"Courier" explains why such a measure was necessary. The roads could not
possibly be supported under the provisions of the existing Act. In the
county of Inverness the outlay for 1822 amounted to £2,098; and the
maximum assessment provided by the Act, with the Parliamentary allowance,
amounted to no more than £901 8s 8d, leaving a deficiency of £1196 11s 4d.
In the county of Ross there was a similar deficiency of £673 7s 1d; in
Sutherland of £38 8s 11d; in Caithness of £119; and in Argyll of £52 16s
9d. "All these additional sums fell to be equally divided between the
counties and the Commissioners and the circumstance has been the cause of
just complaint from both parties."
lbid.—The same issue contains the
report of a debate in the House of Commons on a motion by Lord Archibald
Hamilton for production of the Privy Council warrant under which the
elective franchise of the burgh of Inverness had been restored. The motion
was rejected by a majority of 18, the numbers being 51 to 33. In his
speech, Lord Archibald went over the circumstances which had led to the
suspension of the municipal constitution of Inverness for several years.
"At the end of last year," he added, "it had pleased his Majesty, with the
advice of his Ministers, to appoint, by his special warrant, particular
persons to elect councillors for this burgh. Under that warrant the same
persons had been returned to office who had three years before been turned
out by the sentence of the Court of Law." He also mentioned that in the
original action to reduce the election of 1817, the petitioning burgesses
had been compelled to pay the whole expenses, amounting to £1400, while
the Magistrates had defended the action at the expense of the burgh. The
Lord Advocate, in opposing Lord Archibald’s motion, said that the warrant
which he asked for was a warrant granted not by her Majesty’s Ministers,
but by the Privy Council of Great Britain, "authorising these Magistrates
to exercise the right previously exercised by those who had preceded
them—that of choosing their own successors in office"; and he contended
that in issuing the warrant a wise and sound discretion had been
exercised. An editorial article on the question recalls the original
dispute, and concludes as follows —"The sett of the burgh of Inverness
confines the eligibility of Magistrates and Councillors to trafficking
merchants or malt-men. As there are now no malt-men, of course the
eligibility is confined to traffickers. They alone are qualified to sit at
the Council Board and deliberate on the common weal. The lath Magistrates
ventured to extend the privilege a little further, by electing three
persons, who had every qualification but that arising from shop-keeping
traffick. Immediately the hue and cry was raised by the very persons who
are perpetually complaining of the narrow selfishness of the burgh system.
One might imagine that the offence of the Magistrates had been to confine
the eligibility within narrower bounds than the sett prescribed; but it
will scarce be credited that the offence lay in extending the
Ibid.—A paragraph announces that
arrangements had been made for the re-erection and accommodation of the
public in the extensive premises called Geddes’s Buildings in High Street,
by throwing what was formerly occupied as an Athenaeum into a billiard
room and newsroom. Offices were to be established in the same building for
coaches and steamboats. A subsequent paragraph says that the management
was continued as before.
April 10.—"A steamboat for the
Caledonian Canal navigation is now building upon the new construction on
the banks of the Canal near Kinmylies. It is proposed to be about sixty
feet long, and will be finished in the course of two months."
April 17.—The Right Hon. Charles
Grant was unanimously re-elected member of Parliament for the county of
Inverness. His election was moved by Mr Grant of Rothiemurchus, and
seconded by Mr Baillie of Dochfour. The presiding officer, Sheriff Gilzean,
reported that it had been impossible to make intimation of the writ in
four parishes of the Long Island on account of the high winds and
tempestuous seas which prevailed for eight days together. Affilavits on
the point were produced, and a minute recorded. It seemed that the same
thing had occurred in 1782 at the time of the election of General Fraser
of Lovat. On that occasion the matter was passed over in silence, but it
was now considered proper to say that all that was possible to be done had
been done, and that therefore the provisions of the law bad been
substantially complied with. The newly-elected member was not present, but
his father entertained a party of seventy to dinner in the Northern
Meeting Rooms.
Ibid—Great regret is expressed at
the death of Dr M. T. Bethune, Inverness, son of the late minister of
Dornoch, who had been cut off at the beginning of a promising career as a
medical practitioner. He is described as "one of our most distinguished
April 24.—It was announced that a
reduction of duties on Scottish whisky would take place on 11th October,
but that in the meantime Scottish distillers as well as Irish were to be
allowed to bond the spirits without previous payment of the duty.
lbid.—At the Synod of Moray, held at
Forres, great interest was taken in the cases of opposed settlement from
the parishes of Kiltarlity and Croy. The spokesmen for the Presbytery of
Inverness expressed "their perfect readiness to settle the Rev. Colin
Fraser in the parish of Kiltarlity under protest that in doing so they
would be, nevertheless, at liberty to bring to a close their process of
declaration in the Civil Court." This was acquiesced in by the Synod. The
case of Croy led to long debate, but it was ultimately carried unanimously
that the settlement of the Rev. Mr Campbell should take place in July.
Ibid.—At the Circuit Court of
Inverness several persons were indicted for riotous and disorderly conduct
in obstructing the entrance of Mr Campbell to the church of Croy. Counsel
for the defence challenged twenty of the jurymen summoned for the trial,
and the Crown Agent challenged two. This reduced the number of jurymen to
thirteen, so that the Court had to desert the diet. The prosecutor,
however, intimated that he was determined to try the cases, and would
bring them before the High Court of Justiciary in Edinburgh.
May 8.—"The Senatus Academicus of
King’s College, Aberdeen, have conferred the degree of D.D. on the Rev.
Angus Mackintosh, minister of Tain. The friends of Dr Mackintosh must feel
highly gratified by the unanimous and very handsome manner in which this
deserved distinction has been conferred upon him by the University of
which he was an alumnus.
lbid.—"Died, at Brahan Castle, on
Thursday the 24th April, the Hon. Caroline Mackenzie, third daughter of
the late Lord Seaforth; deeply and universally lamented. Her untimely
death was occasioned by an accident in a low carriage, in company with her
sister, which thus terminated in the prime of life her unobtrusive, though
eminently useful and virtuous, career of Christian piety and benevolence.’
May 15.—At the anniversary meeting
of the Inverness Bible Society, it was intimated that since the former
anniversary a sum of £180 had been remitted to the parent Society, and
about four hundred Bibles and Testaments distributed by the Depositary. In
addition to the annual subscriptions contributions amounting to £106 were
intimated from the Inverness Juvenile Society and from district branches.
lbid.—The settlement of the Rev.
Colin Fraser in the parish of Kiltarlity was carried out om the 8th inst.
without incident beyond the reading of a notarial protest in terms of the
agreement arrived at by the Synod.
lbid.—Died, at the Manse of Uig, on
the 1st of May, after a short illness, the Rev. Hugh Munro minister of
that parish, in the 76th year of his age and 46th of his ministry. A high
tribute is paid to his character, which mentions, among other virtues,
that "he was an utter stranger to the malignity of party spirit."
May 22.—Decision was given by the
Court of Session on the question raised by a majority of the Presbytery of
Inverness in connection with the presentation to Kiltarlity. The
Presbytery contended that the presentation granted to Mr Colin Fraser by
Lovat’s Cornmissioner was null in respect of Lovat’s own religious faith;
and, secondly, that the right of presenting had fallen to the Presbytery
through the delay of a presentation by a qualified patron. The defender
maintained three pleas: 1st, that the Presbytery stood committed by having
actually sustained the presentation in question before it bethought itself
of opposition and resistance; 2nd, that even if the presentation by
Lovat’s Commissioner was invalid, the right to present by resolution would
pass, not to the Presbytery but to the Crown, in terms of the very statute
on which the Presbytery itself founded; and 3rd, that at all events the
said statute of Queen Anne, by which Catholic patrons are restricted in
certain cases from exercising the rights of presentation, did not apply to
this case, Mr Fraser of Lovat having neither "signed a presentation" nor
refused any test "tendered to him," which are the only cases or
circumstances to which the penal statute of Queen Anne refers. The Court
(one Judge differing) held that the two preliminary defences were amply
sufficient for the defender’s protection, and therefore that it was
unnecessary to decide the remaining point. Accordingly their lordships
dismissed the action at the instance of the Presbytery, and found the
Presbytery liable in expenses.
May 29.—"James Cumming, millwright,
died here last week at the advanced age of 101. His wife, aged 90, is now
living here. Cumming was a native of Morayshire, being born at Mundole,
near Altyre, and had the merit of first executing many excellent meal and
thrashing mills in the Northern Counties upon the most improved
construction. He had a great genius for mechanics, and there remain many
specimens of his curious workmanship."
Ibid.—"Died, at the Manse of
Glenshiel, on Sunday the 11th curt., having on that day completed his 75th
year, the Rev. John Macrae, 46 years minister of that parish. A man whose
vigorous powers of mind, pure integrity, and great warmth of heart,
secured him the love and esteem of all who knew him."—"At Nairn, on the
22nd ult., John Gunn, Esq., Sheriff-Substitute of that county. He was a
sound and an upright judge, an honourable man; a sincere friend, and an
affectionate relative."
June 5.—"At a Justice of Peace Court
held here [at Inverness] on Tuesday last for the punishment of offenders
against the Excise Laws, nearly four hundred persons from the districts of
the Aird, Strathglass, and Urquhart, were convicted and fined in small
sums. Those detected in illicit distillation were generally fined in
twenty shillings each; and for selling spirits without a licence the
general fines were four guineas."
Ibid.—"Married, at Devonshire House,
London. on the 26th ult., Earl Gower, eldest son of the Marquis of
Stafford to lady Harriet Howard, daughter of Lord Morpeth." The event was
celebrated with great rejoicings in the county of Sutherland.
lbid.—The Society for the
Suppression of Begging held its annual meeting in the Town Hall.
Subscriptions and donations amounted to £251, but the Society had incurred
debt to the amount of £24. Subscriptions in the Landward part of the
parish had fallen off. The number of persons receiving aid was 114.
Ibid.—At the General Assembly the
petition of the Rev. John Fraser, minister of Kiltarlity, was considered.
The substance of his complaint was as follows:—"The Presbytery of
Inverness delayed the settlement of the petitioner till May 1823, although
they were directed to induct him with all convenient speed. A great
majority of the members of Presbytery protested against the settlement,
and not only caused their protest to be recorded, but also to be read in
the Church of Kiltarlity during divine service and on the day of his
settlement; and had caused it also to be published in the public
newspapers, which circumstance, the petitioner complained, had materially
influenced his usefulness and respectability as a minister." The
Presbytery did not put in an appearance, and the majority who were
concerned in the proceedings were enjoined to appear personally at the bar
of the next General Assembly.
June 12.—The Northern Missionary
Society held their twenty-third anniversary in the High Church, Inverness.
Collections and subscriptions amounted to £88 9s.
Ibid.—On Thursday last the
foundation-stone of Anderson’s Institution for the education of the poor
children of Forres, Rafford, and Kinloss, was laid in Forres with the
usual ceremonies. "This Institution is founded and will be supported from
funds left by the late Jonathan Anderson. Esq., of Glasgow, a native of
Forres, who also mortified some feu grounds in Glasgow, which yield about
£100 sterling per annum for the benefit of poor householders in
June 19.—The trial of four men and
one woman for rioting at Croy in connection with the presentation of the
new minister to the pastorate came off on the 9th inst. before the High
Court of Justiciary. The charge against one of the men was found not
proven; all the others were found guilty. A petition was laid before the
Court from Rev. Mr Campbell, praying the Court to inflict as lenient a
punishment as possible, as the prisoners had been betrayed into error, and
the bad spirit was rapidly subsiding in the parish. One of the prisoners
was sentenced to a month’s imprisonment, and the others, including the
woman, to two months, in the jail of Inverness. A second woman who had
been indicted did not appear.
Ibid.—On Tuesday, 17th inst., Thomas
Alexander Fraser of Lovat (grandfather of the present Lord Lovat) attained
his majority. The occasion was celebrated with rejoicing throughout the
Lovat estates. Bonfires and entertainments marked every district. "The
view from Beaufort presented to the assembled company at the Castle one of
the finest scenes that can be conceived. The summit of every hillock, as
well as of every higher mountain, started into a blaze. and the whole line
of country over the brown heather and along the valleys seemed covered
with light and gladness." At Beaufort about one hundred gentlemen sat down
to dinner, for which tables were spread in the Court. The health of Lovat
was proposed by the Marquis of Huntly, and pledged with great enthusiasm.
At Foyers, Mr Fraser, the proprietor, had a bullock killed and distributed
with ale and whisky among his tenantry and neighbours. A splendid bonfire
was kindled on Cairnderg, a mile above the house of Foyers.
[James Barron, the compiler of these
accounts, appears to have confused the Coming of Age celebrations of
Thomas Alexander Fraser of Strichen & Lovat (1802-75) in 1823, who did not
live at Beaufort Castle, with those of his grandson, Simon Fraser 16th
Lord Lovat (1871-1933) in 1892. A family photo taken at the latter event
is included in a biography of the 16th Lord Lovat, written by his
brother-in-law Sir Francis Lindley (1872-1950), as well as a photo of the
present Beaufort Castle under construction in the 1880s.] - See The Old
Lords of Lovat and Beaufort at
June 19 and 26.—On the first date it
is stated that the arrivals for the Wool Market began on Monday, and yet
till the time of going to press (the paper appeared on Thursday) no
definite business had been done. The writer complained that the business,
which towards the end was generally concluded in one or two hours,
occupied many persons from Monday till Friday, and this delay exposed the
parties to much expense and inconvenience. In the issue of the 26th, the
reporter speaks of the character of the market and of the prices. "Five or
six wool staplers and dealers in sheep from the North of England and South
of Scotland come to treat with three or four hundred respectable
individuals; and such is their mutual confidence that bargains for wool
and sheep to the amount of £150,000 and upwards are concluded even without
a sample. Last week our information goes to say that good Cheviot wedders
brought each 18s 6d (clad score). This we believe to be the highest price
obtained; and wedders of the same description, though of inferior quality,
were sold at 14s 6d. Blackfaced wedders fetched from 12s to 16s; Cheviot
ewes from 7s to 10s 6d; and blackfaced ewes from 5s to 6s 6d. Blackfaced
hoggs brought from 7s to 10s; and wadder lambs of the same kind from 4s to
5s 3d. The sales in Cheviot hoggs and lambs were very few—the former
brought 8s 6d and the latter 6s. Cheviot wool was sold so low as 9s per
stone of 24 lbs., and the highest price was 10s 6d. The coarse wool from
blackfaced sheep sold at from 10s to 11s 6d per double stone, or the stone
of 48 lbs. In most of these purchases a reference was made of 6d per stone
of wool, and 6d on each sheep, to be decided by the aspect of the markets,
and the prices that may be given in the South before September, which is
the usual time of delivery. One very important branch of this market is
the purchase of smearing materials, and we understand that one contract of
very considerable amount (upwards of £1500 worth) was concluded much to
the satisfaction of both parties."
June 26.—An article on the distillery laws says that a
remission of duty was to be made to an extent quite unexpected, and likely
to have the most beneficial results. The effect of the alterations, it was
anticipated, would "most effectually quash smuggling." One of the
resolutions adopted by the House of Commons was as follows: —"That it is
expedient that every distiller or maker of spirits in Scotland and Ireland
respectively should be permitted to warehouse the spirits made or
distilled by such distiller without payment of the duty of Excise
chargeable thereon; and that the duties of Excise chargeable on such
spirits shall be payable and paid on their being taken out of warehouse
for home consumption."
July 10.—"On Thursday last the Rev.
Mr Campbell was admitted minister of Croy, in presence of a very
respectable congregation. There was happily no occasion for the
interference of the Sheriff or his officers, who attended, no interruption
having been offered to the solemn services of the day."
July 17—"The celebrated Miss
Edgeworth arrived here last week. During a short stay she visited the
Falls of Kilmorack."
July 31.—The Act for the Maintenance
of Highland Roads and Bridges was laid before a county meeting. "The
former bill left it optional for the counties to have tolls; the present
proceeds a step further, and gives the option either to have tolls or to
increase their assessment; and its principal feature is to give option and
to avoid compulsion." It was conceded to the wishes of the Northern
Counties that the mail coach should not be chargeable with any toll
whatever, and that cattle might travel from Bighouse in the heights of
Sutherlandshire, westward and southwards to Fort-Augustus and so over the
Corryarrick Road to Perthshire, without payment of toll, except 10d per
score of black cattle and 5d per score for sheep and lambs, payable once
at the Pitmain Bridge over the Spey. The counties had not as yet resolved
to establish general tolls. A bill was also laid on the table for the
building of additional places of worship in the Highlands and Islands of
Scotland out of public moneys in the Court of Exchequer, the sum not to
exceed £10,000 in any one year, and not exceeding in all the sum of
£50,000. The object of this measure was to provide additional churches for
large parishes.
August 7.—Died, at Deldriggan of
Glenmoriston, on 5th July, Mr Archibald Grant, aged 87 years. His married
life extended to 65 years, and his wife survived him. His remains were
followed to the grave by 65 children and grandchildren.
August 14.—"Married, at Cossy Hall,
in the county of Norfolk, Thomas Alexander Fraser, Esq. of Lovat, to
Charlotte Georgina D. Jerningham, eldest daughter of Sir George
Jerningharn, Baronet." In the next issue there is an account of meetings
held on the Lovat estates to celebrate the happy event.
August 28.—"Died, at Quebec, on the
29th June, Laughlin Smith, Seignoir of St Denis and La Pocatiere. Mr Smith
was a native of Inverness, Scotland, and is supposed to be upwards of 100
years of age. He served as a private in General Wolfe’s army at the taking
of Quebec."
September 4.—The Northern Missionary
Society held its twenty-third anniversary meeting at Tain on 27th August.
Collections, subscriptions, and donations were intimated amounting to £94
Ibid.—The new Distillery Act is
summarised. "We find some differences existing between the present Act and
the substance of it as published in an abstract in the end of June last.
In that abstract it was stated that the duty on every gallon of spirits
made from malted corn was 2s 6d, at a strength of 10 per cent. over proof;
but instead of that we now find that the duty is 2s on every gallon
hydrometer proof. Distillers are allowed to warehouse spirits without
payment of duty, the strength of such spirits to he either 25 or 11 per
cent. over proof; and where a sale of spirits is realised the quantity
taken out of the warehouse, when for home consumption, must not be less
than the content of the original cask (100 gallons), upon which the duty
is only then payable; and a warehouse rent for report of the revenue is
chargeable at the rate of one penny per 40 gallons a week. Distillers from
malted corn must produce two gallons of spirits from every bushel of malt,
or 12 gallons proof spirits from the standard of Linlithgow boll." After
mentioning other points, the article concludes:—"The spirit duty on eight
pints Scots (or, as this quantity is called, the Scots gallon) amounts to
8s on proof spirits, which is about 12 per cent stronger than is commonly
retailed in this country; and the malt duty on the same quantity at the
same strength is 1s, making 9s of spirit and malt duty on eight Scots
pints. The former duties on the same quantity amounted to 22s, thus giving
a reduction of 13s per Scots gallon. From the weakness of the wash allowed
to be used, joined with the liberty of warehousing the spirits, in a short
time there is no doubt that a superior spirit can be produced; and the
effect of the whole is that we find travellers for spirit dealers in the
South are at this moment offering to supply our market here, by the end of
October, with spirits at 5s per English gallon, or at the rate of 2s 6d
per Sects pint."
25.—At the municipal election this year, James Grant of Bught was elected
Provost, Mr Robertson of Altnaskiach remaining a member of Council.
October 2.—"It would appear from the
population returns made up from the Government abstracts of 1801, 1811,
and 1821, that the Highland counties of Ross and Cromarty present the most
numerous instances of longevity in proportion to their population—in every
2156 there being one above 100 years, and one above 80 years in every 93.
Comparing the population of England and Scotland in this respect the
number above 100 returned from the former country is only 168 out of a
population of 11,261,437; whereas from the latter the number is 102 in a
population of 2,093,459."
Ibid.—On the previous Monday the
Constables of the town were sworn into office for the ensuing year, in
presence of the Magistrates, when Provost Grant addressed them at some
length on the duties and importance of their office. Sergt.-Major John
Mackenzie, Castle Street, was elected head constable, and each constable
was furnished with a copy of instructions and a baton. These constables
were a force distinct from the police and town officers, and were
instructed to co-operate with them in preventing crimes and offences.
Their authority did not extend beyond the Royalty, and on duty they had
always to carry their baton. A copy of their instructions is published in
this issue. We reproduce the two following :—"The character and good order
of the town are so much concerned in a due and strict observance of
decency and propriety on the Sabbath Day, that the Magistrates require the
constables to be particularly careful to correct any improprieties which
may occur on that day." "The constables are enjoined to maintain a uniform
and exact regard to sobriety, decency and civility in their own conduct;
bearing bad language and even reproach from persons in liquor when they
appear to have no bad intentions; and exercising all the humanity
compatible with the due and firm discharge of their duty." After meeting
with the constables the Magistrates disposed of the Common Good of the
burgh, which then included the shore dues and anchorage at the harbour,
and tolls on the bridges. The shore dues and anchorage came to £620, and
the total, including these, to £971 14s.
Ibid.—What is called a "new corn
market" was opened at Inverness on the previous Tuesday. Upwards of 200
bolls of grain were offered for sale. An address to the Inverness Farmers’
Society led to the establishment of the market. This address stated that
while some farmers had regular customers, the majority had to repair to
the streets of Inverness on market days, and diligently look out for
customers, sometimes for weeks in vain. "Thus the time passes, necessities
accumulate, engagements require to be implemented, and the unfortunate
farmer is compelled to treat with the smuggler, the mealmonger, or other
individuals on terms highly disadvantageous, but frequently considered by
the purchaser as favours bestowed on the seller." Many transactions had
also to be "managed in the whisky house, by means of a tipple and a drink.
It is quite notorious that many of the buyers will not determine without a
dram, and perhaps half-a-dozen may be required to produce the desired
effect." To obviate these untoward circumstances, the attempt to establish
a new corn market was made. It was proposed to effect the sales by
samples; and with the concurrence of the Magistrates a booth was to be
erected on the Exchange every Tuesday and Friday from 12 till half-past
two o’clock. The samples of grain were to be displayed under the
superintendence of an intelligent attendant, who was capable of concluding
transactions in the absence of parties. A scale of fees, varying from a
penny to sixpence, was to be paid to the attendant.
October 2 and 9.—These issues
contain reports of the Northern Meeting. Races were held at Duneancroy.
October 9.—The county meeting at
Inverness resolved meantime to support the roads by assessment instead of
by tolls. They also adopted a resolution in favour of bringing the mails
by the Highland Road from Perth.
November 6.—This issue records the
death of Mr Charles Grant, long member for the county of Inverness, in the
representation of which he was succeeded by his son. "Mr Grant did
business at the India House, on the evening of Thursday last. As he was in
the practice of managing his extensive correspondence during the quiet of
the night, it appears that he did not retire to rest till four on Friday
morning, about which time he was seized with spasms in the stomach, which
at six o’clock terminated his valuable life." The notice proceeds:—"Mr
Grant went out in early life to India, with few advantages save those
which his own talents and conduct procured for him. The intimate knowledge
which he soon acquired of the Company’s affairs, his integrity, capacity
for business, and that indefatigable perseverance which never left him to
his latest hour, soon opened up to him an honourable career. He obtained
several situations of great trust in Bengal, which paved the way to the
important offices which he afterwards filled at home as Deputy Chairman
and Chairman of the Court of Directors. In 1802 he was chosen member of
Parliament for his native county, which he continued to represent till he
was succeeded by his son, the present member. Mr Grant was a very kind
relation, a zealous friend, and in the kindly and Scottish sense of the
phrase, ‘a good countryman,’ as well as in the more unlimited acceptation
of the word. It is mentioned in the London papers that Mr Grant was
upwards of 80 years of age. He was in his 78th year, having been born in
the memorable year of the Rebellion. He received the then beloved name of
Charles from the Jacobite partialities of his family."
Ibid.—The same issue records the
death of Mr Peter Anderson, solicitor, who was so generally liked and
esteemed by his fellow-citizens that his death was felt in Inverness as a
private sorrow, as well as lamented as a public loss. "Mr Anderson was
still in the prime of life, and of a constitution which promised length of
days and the enjoyment of vigorous health. Early yesterday morning he
became indisposed, and by seven o’clock he had ceased to live. The
frankness of his courtesy, and a facility of benevolence which made him
the ready listener to all sorts of grievances, and the ready friend of all
sorts of men who were in want of assistance—and these have not been few of
late years—formed a character peculiarly calculated to gain on the
kindliest sympathies of the heart; and we may truly say that as no member
of our community was ever more universally liked than Mr Anderson, no one
was ever mourned by high and low with grief more unaffected and genuine."
Ibid.—Mr Adam, Rector of the
Inverness Academy, had just returned from a ten days’ cruise on board the
Clio. His experiments were meant to determine the situation of a ship by
obtaining the altitude of any of the heavenly bodies where the horizon was
obscured. The results were said to be more satisfactory than on any former
December 11.—A county meeting was
held at Inverness on the 5th inst., and resolutions were adopted
expressing cordial appreciation of the distinguished services of the late
Charles Grant during his long connection with the county. Mr J. P. Grant
of Rothiemurchus, M.P., was in the chair. The chief resolution bore that
"during the last twenty-one years, being the period of the public
connection of the late Charles Grant, Esq., with this county, the
attention of the Legislature has been directed to the cultivation of the
natural advantages of this northern part of the Kingdom, in a
greater degree than that which any Government has ever bestowed on a part
of its dominions so remote, and contributing so little to its revenue."
Several absent members wrote complaining that too short notice had been
given of the meeting, but the attendance numbered nearly forty, and it was
resolved to proceed with the business rather than adjourn. The resolutions
were adopted with acclamation, and copies were ordered to be transmitted
to the Right Hon. Charles Grant, and to be advertised in Inverness,
Edinburgh, and London newspapers.