ON the north-eastern shore of Loch Maree, about
three miles above the place where the river Ewe leaves the loch, is
situated Ardlair, than which no lovelier spot can be found in all the
range of Highland scenery. There are groves of different kinds of trees,
and a belt of them skirts the shingly shore of the loch ; smooth grassy
glades are interspersed among the woods, behind which rise a series of
marvellous precipices, unclimbable, except in two or three places, save by
sure-footed deer or goats. Below the steep background lie here and there
great masses of rock, which ages ago have fallen from the cliffs above.
About a quarter of a mile to the southeast of the present Ardlair House,
and rather nearer to the house than a small tarn nestling there beneath
the cliffs, is a large cairn or assemblage of enormous rocks, heaped and
piled upon each other in fantastic confusion. Ash trees and wild roses,
heather and ferns, grow in tangled medley among the debris, and,
concealing the interstices, render access extremely difficult. But the
persevering searcher will discover a roomy cave, formed by a mighty block
of rock lying slant ways over other fallen blocks. The entrance to the
cave is well concealed, and can only be got at by climbing on to a ledge
that forms a narrow platform in front of it. After groping two or three
yards along a low narrow passage a dark chamber is reached in which one
can stand upright. The floor is level, and perfectly dry. The cairn is
about a hundred and fifty yards from the shore of Loch Maree. This cave is
called by old Gairloch people now living " The cave of the king's son," a
name that it owes to the following story, the opening scene of which is
laid here. No date can be assigned to the events narrated, but they
cannot have occurred later than in the thirteenth or fourteenth century.
A worthy
old woman named Oighrig (Euphemia) lived near Letterewe with her only son
Kenneth. They had a pet goat called Earba {i.e. a roe). The goat failing
to yield the usual supply of roilk was watched by Kenneth, who with much
trouble and difficulty traced her at length to " the cave of the king's
son," about three miles distant from their home. Here the goat held
possession of the small platform in front of the entrance, and would not
allow Kenneth to climb to it. He went for a rope, and throwing it over the
goat's horns secured the animal. A beautiful little boy now appeared on
the scene, and uttering sympathetic cries hugged the struggling goat. At
first Kenneth thought that the child was a fairy, but he soon discovered
his mistake. A young lady of great beauty came forth from the cave on
hearing the cries of the little boy. It now appeared that the couple had
taken refuge in this cave, where they would have perished from hunger had
they not enticed the friendly Earba to supply them with her milk. Kenneth
reported all the circumstances to his mother, who seeing that the helpless
couple in the cave must ultimately die of want and cold if they remained
there, went and persuaded them to come and live at the humble cottage near
Letterewe. The young lady's name was Flora, and she told them that the
boy's Christian name was Eoghan, or Ewan, but she would not reveal either
of their surnames, so the boy was called Eoghan Mac Gabhar, Le. Ewan the
son of the goat, to his dying day. They all lived happily together. Earba
brought them kids of her own, which the little Ewan herded and fed. Flora
grew more lovely than ever, and Kenneth astonished even his own mother by
his success in hunting and fishing for the maintenance of the increased
family. Kenneth naturally fell in love with the beautiful Flora, though
his mother strongly dissuaded him from his suit, pointing out that Flora
was doubtless of royal lineage, being probably, though much older, the
sister of Ewan, who from the sword and mantle that Flora with much care
preserved for him, was probably the son of a king. The mantle was a robe
of state of scarlet velvet bound and fringed with pure gold, and the sword
had a hilt of gold and ivory, and some mystic characters engraved upon it.
As young Ewan grew, his lordly disposition and commanding presence
confirmed the belief that he was of royal birth.
Matters continued thus
until one day the great lord of Kintail came from Eileandonain Castle to
hunt the mountains of Letterewe. He came unexpectedly to Oighrig's
cottage, and entering without ceremony jocosely blamed Kenneth, who was
one of his foresters, for not being at the hunt. Then seeing Flora and
Ewan he began to inquire who they were. Evasive answers were returned, and
Kenneth and Flora pretended they were man and wife. The lord of Kintail on
hearing the name Ewan Mac Gabhar exhibited surprise and even alarm, for he
recalled a well-known prophecy about " the son of the goat," which had
been erroneously interpreted as unfavourable to the destinies of the house
of Kintail. Failing in persuading Flora to go away with him, his lordship
left his kinsman Hector Dubh to watch the family. Flora and Ewan growing
anxious under such circumstances soon afterwards resumed their concealment
in the cave. On this Hector, suspecting that he was duped, hastened home
with the news to Kintail. Fearing Lord Mackenzie's sleuth-hounds, the
whole family decamped and went down to Poolewe, and Earba followed with
her two kids. Next evening a vessel came to Poolewe and sent a boat
ashore. Kenneth and Flora went down hand in hand to ask for a passage to
the islands. As the boat approached they saw by their tartan that the crew
were from Eilean-donain Castle. They fled like deer, but the ground was
rough for Flora, and they were soon overtaken, captured, and carried off
in the vessel. Oighrig and Ewan remained disconsolate, protected by
friends near Poolewe; their store comprised the three goats, three
baskets, and a small locked chest containing Ewan's sword and mantle and a
few jewels. The captain of a vessel, which shortly came in to Poolewe,
promised to take them to Eileandonain, where Oighrig wished to go in
search of her son; but, whether by chance or design, the hapless pair were
conveyed instead to the country of a great chief named Colin Mor
Gillespie. Oighrig and Ewan were there taken ashore. The captain
searched their baggage, and found the mantle of state and the royal sword.
Oighrig told him all the tale, and he repeated it to Colin Mor, who placed
Oighrig in a hut beside his castle, provided well for her goats, and gave
her a cow. He took Ewan to his castle, and brought him up with his own
sons as a warrior and a gentleman. Meanwhile Kenneth, after gaining the
favour of the lord of Kintail by his prowess in warfare, had found means
to escape from Eileandonain with Flora; they married, and ultimately
discovered Oighrig, who lived with them to a good old age. As for Ewan
Mac Gabhar, he grew up a strong brave man, and none could match him in
warlike exercises. Orders came from the Scottish king for the prosecution
of a great war against a realm which included the island of Mull, and was
then under the rule of the queen widow of Olamh Mor, who had been the
renowned monarch of that land. Colin Mor was joined by the lord of Kintail
in this great enterprise, and with their allies they mustered an army of
twenty thousand men. Ewan Mac Gabhar was all fire and eagerness for the
glorious war, and was entrusted with the command of a thousand men. During
the. bustle of preparation a Highlander came and proffered his services to
Ewan as page. Ewan at first rejected the offer, on the ground of the
slender form and small stature of the man; but every day the page was in
waiting, and proved so handy, that Ewan at last engaged him and entrusted
him with his baggage.
The invading army succeeded in taking possession
of the whole of the large island of Mull, which they plundered and burned.
They then proceeded to the mainland in a vast fleet of vessels, and
anchored in a long arm of the sea that extended twenty miles into the
country, apparently Loch Sunart. Here they anchored, and the soldiery
immediately began to burn and plunder without opposition. .
At night the
chiefs and some of their followers returned to the fleet as a safe and
comfortable retreat. The main body of the army encamped at a considerable
distance, having seen no appearance of a foe. But before daybreak the
forces of the queen, who had quietly entered the loch in the night,
surrounded the fleet of the invaders, and boarding the vessels, made
prisoners of all the chiefs and of such of their followers as were with
them, except a small number who were slain in a fruitless attempt at
resistance. Colin Mor was taken, with two of his sons and Ewan Mac Gabhar.
The lord of Kintail and three of his brothers, with sixty other gentlemen,
were also made prisoners. The army on shore was surprised at the same
time, and routed with great slaughter.
The nobles and chiefs were taken
before the gallant and ruthless queen, who made a vehement speech charging
them with being the slaves of a tyrant and with having persecuted and
destroyed her royal race. She declared for vengeance, and in accordance
with the savage usages of the times, ordered that next morning at nine
o'clock the whole of the prisoners should be brought into her presence and
hanged by sevens at a time, beginning with the youngest, so that the
fathers might behold the dying throes of their sons.
The hour arrived,
and the seven youngest prisoners were led forth to make their obeisance to
the queen before their execution. When the queen saw them she began to
shew signs of emotion, her colour went and came, her lips quivered, and
she shrieked out, "O God! what do I see? Stop the execution! stop!" and
then she fell down in a swoon. Her maids came to her assistance, and now a
hundred shouts rent the air, "Mac Olamh Mhor! Mac Olamh Mhor! " (the son
of Olaf the Great); and instantly all the queen's chiefs and kinsmen were
kneeling round one of the condemned prisoners. He was a tall and goodly
youth, clothed in his father's royal robe and with his father's ancient
sword of state girded by his side. The reader will have guessed the name
of the young king; he was none other than Ewan Mac Gabhar! Soon the
enthusiastic shouts of the people seemed to rend the rocks, and Ewan was
borne aloft on the shoulders of his kinsmen and seated on his father's
throne. When the queen recovered, she began to doubt the sentiments of her
own heart, and required proof that Ewan was indeed her beloved child who
had long ago, as she believed, been foully murdered in his bed, along with
her own sister, by the conspirators who had planned the destruction of her
royal seed. The evidence was soon forthcoming. Ewan's page was none other
than Flora, who was herself the youngest sister of the queen. She had,
unrecognised, accompanied Ewan to the war, and, having charge of the
mantle and the sword, had that morning arrayed him as his father was wont
to be, certain of the effect. She explained how at the time of the
conspiracy she had given up her bed to the wife and child of one of the
conspirators who had intended to slay her and the infant Ewan. but who in
the darkness had murdered the others instead; and how she had then escaped
with her precious charge to "the cave of the king's son" at Ardlair on
Loch Maree. Thus Ewan Mac Gabhar was established in his kingdom. His
first act of authority was to release all his condemned associates, whose
joy and astonishment may well be conceived. He entertained them gallantly
at his castle for many days, and a friendly league was formed that long
preserved the peace and tranquillity of those realms. Ewan was greatly
assisted in his kingdom by Kenneth, who had become a renowned warrior, and
who with his beloved Flora came and resided at Ewan's castle. Ewan married
Mary, youngest daughter of Mackenzie lord of Kintail, and by his
friendship helped to increase the dominions of that great house, so that
the old prophecy about the son of the goat (already referred to) was
literally fulfilled :—
"The son of the goat shall triumphantly bear The
mountain on flame and the horns of the deer,— From forest of Loyne to the
hill of Ben Croshen, From mountain to vale, and from ocean to ocean." |