AND WITCH-BURNER.—The person who held
this “official situation” in Dunfermline at this period, and for
long after it, was the “notorious Pat Mayne.”
Many worthy persons were “manipulated” by him.
MARGARET WILLIAMSON.—“Blasphemous Speech: 29th Sept.:
This day helen
williamson and marg had being
before warnit, and not
comperrand, this day were
ordainit to be
warnit againe
publicklie out of the pulpit for ye
blasphemous speeches an cursing of ye toune
after a most scandalous manner, whishing ye same to be brunt
ouer again. And ordains ye act against
such blasphemers and cursers to be extended upon them, and to be
publishit out of
pulpett the next Sabba for a
worning to all others,
qlk wes
done.” (Dunf. Kirk Session Records.)
WEAVER.—The following minute has been extracted from the
“Dunfermline Weavers’ Minute Book” of this date, to show the
conditions on which early apprentices to the trade were received:
“In the yeare of God 1640 It is agreed
betwixt George Davidsone and Robert
Collear that Robert shall serve George
as an apprentice for the space of three years, and a year for
meate and fille.”
(See also Annals, dates 1596, 1725 and 1732.)
RECORDS OF DUNFERMLINE.—These Records consist of 11 folio volumes
(1842). The first regular entry is dated 30th June,
1640. About 12 years ago the writer copied a great many of the more
curious of the entries in vol. i. 1640,
and shortly afterwards published them in 12mo (see Annals, date
1865), from which small volume several entries will be transferred
to the Annals of Dunf.
DUNFERMLINE.—Peter Law, late oldest bailie,
elected Provost. (Burgh Records.)
THE Provincial
Synod of Fife assembled in the Abbey Church of Dunfermline 6th
October, 1640. (Hist. Scot., &c.)
WILSON’S HOUSE BURNT, with all his Plenishing—Collection
made for him.—“James legat and
thomas elder collected at the Kirk
doore 9lbs.; James
readdie and jon
bennet at the Kirk style 21lbs. ; total,
30lbs., qlk was
deliveret to ye said jon
wilson for his present
releefe.” (Dunf. Kirk
REASTING AND RIOTING.—“Dec. 15th: This day the Act of the
Presbyterie ordaining all persons to
leave of zair
feastening, playing, riotous and wild living on
yulle day, wes
red be the minister.” (Dunf. Kirk
Ses. Rec.)
1641.—THE EARL
OF DUNFERMLINE—Act Retifying his Offices
of the Lordship, &c., of Dunfermline.—In the year 1939 the Earl had
the offices of Lord of the Lordship of Dunfermline and Regality
thereof conferred upon him by Charles I. These offices were
ratified by the Scottish Parliament in 1641
CARNOCK KIRK, &C.—It would appear from a
MS. in the writer’s possession that “the little Kirk of
Carnick being out of
repaire, was helpit,
and a newe ruife
laid on it at the expens of Sir George
Bruce.” (Vide also Chal. Hist. Dunf. vol. i.
p. 289, and An. Dunf.
date 1602.)
DUNFERMLINE—Alexander Clerk, “Laird of Pittencrieff.” (Burgh and
THE KIRKYARD.—On March 9th, it was ordained that “nane
water webbs in
kirkzaird,” and that “if any
webbs be found in bellman must
castt hame
out.” (Dunf. Kirk Ses.
BELL.—“March 2d: This day ordains ameeting
of the haill elders to be upon the next
Sabbath ffor advising the best way how
the Kirk bell may be orderit and rung
with couping, and how that the stock
yron they hing
by may be helpit and
redrest, they being now
verie weak, fearing the fall of both
ym and the bells, and how the man
yt shall undertak
ye wark may be
payit.” (Cunf. Kirk
Ses. Rec.)
SEAT to be Erected next the Bride and Bridegroom’s Seat in the
Kirk.—“5 Sept.: This day
alex. Drysdale,
merchand, desyrit
a seat in the Kirk for his docht to heir
God’s word, and yrfore in licentiate be
ye session to cuase
mek a cew
furme to be set next before ye pulpett
(qr the
brides and bridegrooms yt day
yt they are marriet
used to sit) to be possest be the
sd alex. And
his dochtr. In all
tyme coming.” (Dunf. Kirk
Ses. Rec.)
THE Earl of
Dunfermline was made a Privy Councillor
by King Charles I., with consent of the Estates.
Flesher, Fined for Selling Beef on the Fast Day and for having a
Roast at his fire last Fast Day,--“Dec. 21st: This day
Jon Smart, flesher, being convict for selling a
carkois of beefe, and having a
rost at hes
fire ye last fasting day, is ordainit to
pay 8 merks, qhlk he
payit.” (Dunf. Kirk
Ses. Rec.)
ESPLIN was chaplain of St. Leonard’s Chapel and Hospital at this
period. The Chapel was about half a mile south of the lower end of
CRAFTSMEN OF DUNFERMLINE.—In the year 1642 the
Guildry entered into a contract with the craftsmen of
Dunfermline relating to their trades, &c. (Guildry
Register, 1642.)
MINISTER FOR DUNFERMLINE.—Much discussion amongst the parishioners
regarding the desirability of having a second or junior minister for
Dunfermline. (See An. Dunf. for 1645.)
MAKGILL, 20 years minister of Dunfermline, died in December, 1642.
In the Dunfermline Kirk Session Records there is a note regarding
his funeral –viz., “The Session is
warned to be at Mr. harie
makgill’s thair
late minister’s burial the morne, being
monday, at 10 o’clock.” No ordained
minister in Dunfermline Church until the year 1645, the service
being conducted by “assistant preichars.”
Provincial Synod of Fife assembled in the Kirk of Dunfermline on 4th
anent the Supplying of the parish with a Second Minister, regarding
which the Kirk Session Records have the following:--
“At Dunfermline, 5th
Aprile, 1643.
“Anent the
providing of Dunfermeline wt another
minister, upon the advertisement given be the moderator of the
assemblie of fyff,
sundrie considerable
herioters, parishioners, both in
bru an land came at the
tyme appoynted
and eftir conference wt some of the
sd assemblie
appoynted fry t
sessn, it was found that of all that appeared none were
unwillingto bear burdens
fr the mentenance
of the sd minister except one. As
fr those who did not appear, few were
found considerable, except one gentleman who excused himself by
reason of his weakness, unto whom the assemblie
thot fitt to
send osme of zair
munber, who, efter
conference with him, returned, And in the face of the
assemblie reported that he also was
satisfied, and hade faithfullie promised
to contribute wt ye rest of the heritors in bearing burdens
proportionally fr the
mentenance of the
sd minister. The assemblie
considering the great necessitie of
planting the said congregation wt two ministers, and finding so
great a consent of heritors, hoping also yt
the ryt noble and potent Lord Charles
erle of Dunfermline, the prime heritor
wtin the paroch,
shall liberallie concur to advance so
gude a wark,
doe heartily approve sopious a
designe, thank God for the same, and
earnestlie exort
the heritors and parochiners both of
bru and land to proceed
thairin, Declairing
hereby that the patronage, nominatn, and
presentatn of the
sd minister, now and theireftir,
shall belong to the parochiners and
heritors, founders of the for sd
provision. Extract furthe of the
registr of the said
assemblie and subt be Mr. Jon
moreis, clerk
thairto. Sic subr J. MOREIS,
Clerk.” (See An. Dunf. date 1645.)
BURNT AT THE WITCH-LOAN, and Two others Die in Prison.—This
was a great witch-catching and witch-burning year in Dunfermline. A
staff of officials called, “witch-watchers” and “witch-catchers,”
had been appointed early in 1643 to seize and put in ward (prison)
all reputed witches, in order that they might be tried for their
“horrid and abominable crime of witchcraft.” Accordingly, “a great
many old shriveled-up women, with woe-begone
countenances, were warded, and if any of them used the long staff in
walking, so much the better for the catchers.”
In Dunfermline
Register of Deaths, notice is taken of the poor, innocent
unfortunates. During the month of May, July, and August, it seems
no less than six poor women were burnt for being reputed witches!
Their names were Grissel Morris,
Margaret Brand, Katherine Elder, Agnes Kirk, Margaret Donaldson, and
Isobel Millar.
These victims,
having been tried and condemned to be burnt, were accordingly carted
east to the loan (witch-loan) near where the railway bridge crosses
the road, there was the institution of
“the witches’ dub.” Sometimes and old frail woman was thrown into
it. If she sank, and was drowned, then it was supposed that
“judgment had found her out;” if she swam on the surface, which by
the bulk of her clothing she might sometimes do, then it was judged
that there was something “no cannie
aboot her,” and on some pretence the
victim got to the flames at last. Determined not to lose their
victim, they appear to have acted on the principle of “Head, I win;
tails, you lose!” Ascending the loan (the witch-loan), and about
100 yards from “the witch-dub” and on the east side of the loan
road, there was a small knowe on which
the witches suffered, and still further up the loan stood “the
gallows” where execution was done.”
The names of the
victims who died “in ward” were Jonett
Fentoun and Isobell
Marr. In the same Register of Deaths their fate is thus
recorded:--“The 20th day, June 1643,
Jonett Fentoun the witch, died
miserably in ward [in prison], and
wes bro to the witch
knowe, being trailed and cared
yrto and castin
into a hole withot a
kist” (a coffin). Being brought out of
prison, “the superstitious bigots” were probably allowed to trail
her along the streets to the hole at the witch
knowe. Finding that a cart at hand would be more convenient
for their work, she was thrown into it, and carted to “the hole.”
Again:--“The 17th day of Augt.
1643, Isobell Marr, being
delaittit [accused] be the rest of her [neighbour]
witches for a witche, and being detained
yrfre in the laiche
thieves’ hole, shoe hangit
hersel and was
cairyed to the witche
knowe and yerdit.”
Let those who sound the praises of “the good old times” take such
doings as these into their “earnest consideration.” Witches, it
seems, made their first debut in Dunfermline in 1627.
LEAGUE AND COVENANT.—The Solemn League and Covenant is thus noticed
in the Kirk-Session Records of Dunfermline, viz.:--“Oct. 29. That
day the Solemne League and Covenant
reformation and defence of religion, the
honour and happiness of the King, and
the peace and safety of the thrie
Kingdoms of Scotland, England and Ireland, was red intimate this
Sabbath be Mr. Robert Kay to the haill
congregation, that nane plead ignorance
thairoff, bot
that they may be prepared to sweare to
it and subscribe the same next Lord’s day.
The League and
Covenant was sworn to, and subscribed at Dunfermline on November 5th,
6th, 7th, 8th, and 12th
1643. It has most of the signatures of those who signed the
Covenant of 1638. It is printed, and contained in a quarto-bound
book, having on the outside of the first board, “For the Kirk of
Dunfermling.” An entry in these records notes, that on “3d March,
1644, there was paid for binding the Covenant and a new cover yr to
The Covenant of
1638 and 1643 are in the possession of the Session of Queen Anne
Street Congregation, Dunfermline. The copies of the Covenant have
come through a number of hands (which see Chal. Hist. Dunf. vol.
i. pp. 273, 278.)
Hetherington, in his Church History,
notes that the Covenant of this date is “the noblest in its
essential nature and principles of all that are recorded among the
national transactions of the world.” (Vide
Hetherington’s Ch. Hist. p. 333.)
THE AULD KIRK.—“Nov. 12th, 1643. it was
licentat and
grantit to the Smythes to
tak doun the
stane wall at the side and
entrie of seate
in the eist end of the
kirk on the north side of, and instead
of that little stane wall, to
mak ane side
entrie of tember
to seate.” (Dunfermline Kirk Session
DUNFEMRLINE—James Reid was elected Provost. (Burgh Rec.)
IN THE KIRK, AND CANDLES.—From the following extract from the Kirk
Session Records, it is evident that those who attended the evening
service during winter had to provide themselves with candles:--“29th
October, 1643.—This day, intimation was made to the people of the
evening prayers to begin this week and to have yer candle in
reddines.” (Kirk
Ses. Records.)
COVENANT.—“28 Novr. 1643, that day it
was declairit, that James Murray, writer
in Edin. had
gotten 37 for his fie, and the lookes of
the Covenant, and of the last General Assembly.” (Kirk Session
the year 1597-98, Mr. David Ferguson, minister of Dunfermline,
compiled the Scottish Proverbs, in alphabetical order. They were,
this year, published in quarto by Andro
Hart, printer, Edinburgh.
COVENANT.—“3 March, 1644: That day, givin
for binding of the Covenant, and a new cover
yrto, 46. (Kirk Ses.
OF BLACKWOOD’S WORKS.—This year a corrected edition of the works of
Adam Blackwood, an eminent native of Dunfermline, were published in
French and Latin (Vide Annals, dates
DUNFERMLINE.—James Reid was elected Provost. (Burgh Records.)
extract from Dunfermline Kirk Session Records show the position of
the Abbot’s or Commendator’s seat in the
Church. “21st April: The qlk
day the elders of the Kirk Session of Dunfermline being
convenit, comperit
before them James Esplin, Servitor to
the ryt and potent Lord, Charles Earl of
Dunfermline, and declarit and
shewed to the elders that noble
erl hade seat in the Kirk which of old
pertenat to the Abbot of Dunfermline,
fixed on the South-eistmost pillar of
the Kirk, situate betwixt ye pillar on the eist,
the wryt’s on the west, the laird of
Cavill’s on the south, and Mr. James
Phin’s seat on the north, &c.; and the
James Esplin cravat of the said elders
thair consent and approbation
thair, which was
allowit and approving be them; And they all with
ane consent did
ratifie the same, and ordaint yr
act. To be made and given yrupon.” &c.
SEAT OR LOFT is mentioned in the Dunfermline Kirk Session Records,
viz.—“12 Nov.: That day it is statute
compeirit Johne
hamiltone and
george scott,
lester, and desyrit
licence of the elders for seats in the
Kirk to themselves, to be set and fixt
at the south-westmost pillar at the west
end of the Kirk, under the Schollers’
seat, whilk was granted,” &c. The
Scholars’ Laft was
situate between the south-west and north-west pillars in the
to the first charge, 15th January; Mr. William
Oliphant admitted to the second charge,
15th January. (See Annals Dunf. date 1643.)
properties, hitherto in the parish of Dunfermline, were during the
years 1643-45, disjoined from it, viz.,
Mortlands (or Morelands),
Tinnygask, North and South
Lethans, Beath,
Blairbathie, Whythouse,
Woodend, Thornton,
Cocklaw, Kelty, Houses,
Fouldford, Lassodie,
Dalbeath, Hill of Beath, Urquhart, Logie,
&c., and were annexed to adjoining parishes. (Dunf. Par. Rec.)
MILITIAMEN.—By and “Act of the Estates,”
every Country and Burgh had to furnish a certain number of
militiamen. Dunfermline contributed 12 men, Culross 12, and
Inverkeithing 10. (Domestic An. Scot., vol. ii. p. 163.)
THE Provincial
Synod of Fife assembled in the Church of Dunfermline on 10th
TOWN AND PARISH.—During the greater part
of the year 1645, “the plague raged with fearful violence and
mortality in Dunfermline, as well as in many other places.” “The
mortality was great; many hundreds were cut down, and outlying
places those who died were buried in fields. Until the beginning of
the present century many of these field burial-places were to be
seen covered with throch-stanes. One of
these sad memorials remains in a field adjacent to
Pitbauchlie, about a mile and a half
S.E. of Dunfermline.” Trandition
affirms that the whole family who then resided at
Pitbauchlie were attacked by the scourge
and died on the same day. Regarding this calamitous period, the
following extracts from the Krik Session
Records cannot fail to be interesting:--“19th
October,1645: At this tyme meetings
were not frequent because of the plague of the pestilence which then
was in the parish, and increased in the same, so that many died.”
“25th Nov.: And because the number of the poor did
increase in this tyme of the plague,
many tradismen put to
penurie for want of
ocmercing and handling of geir
and money, qlk was then dangerous to
use, and little alms collectit;
thairfore it was
thot fitt that
meill should be given to the
poore for thair
present help, and that the present collections and moneys which were
in the boxe should pay for the
sayd meill
till after that the Lord of His mercie
withdrew his judgement of the plague,
when uther courses my be
taine for supplying of the
poore, and for restoring of the moneys
again to the boxe.”
In this extract
it will be observed that it is stated that “the handling of
gwir and money was dangerous.”
Regarding this there is a tradition that all moneys were put into a
vessel filled with water, and “carefully rinsed” before being
touched, and that at the ports of the town “plague-stanes,”
or dishes, are of stone of a grayish tint, 17 inches in diameter,
and 2 ½ inches in depth, and are rare memorials of Dunfermline in
the olden time. Besides washing the “coin of the realm,”
body-clothes, &c., were fumigated; for it is on record that “clothes
and bed-clothes” were “smockit” in a
closed apartment in the town, by means of “peat
reeke.” &c. Such methods for the protection of the living
were adopted in most places where this plague raged.
Regarding meal,
the same Record states that £240 Scots (£20 sterling) were paid for
forty bolls of meal to “the ordinary and extraordinary poor of the
town.” Again, on “4th December, 1645: That day it was
thought fitt that a
voluntar contribution should be
collectit throw the paroche, both
in brt and land, be the ministers and
elders, once monethlie for the
poore in this
paroche, espicially in this
thair great
indigencie and necessitie, during
this tyme of the plague; which
contribution was collectit for this
moneth of December, first in the burgh
be both the ministers and elders in their awin
quarters accompanying them thair, set
down in a roll conteining the particular
of what was received, and fra
whome, extending in the
haill to 54 lib. 9s. Scots (for £4 10s.
sterling). And next a voluntar
contribution was also collectit in the
landwart be one of the ministers in the
north side thairof, and
ane elder with him; and be the
uther minister, and
ane elder with him, on the south side, set down also in a
particular roll,” &c. “Same day, James Simsone
(one of the elders) delyuerit
xijlib. 14sh. Scots (or £1 1s. sterling)
collectit be him at the Kirk
dore some sabboths
in November, which, with the rest of the collections and
contributions, was not only distribut to
the ordinar poore
in this paroche at this
tyme, but also to many
extraordinair poore
thairin, and for
intrteyning of these prsones in
the moore who were under infection of
the plague, being poore, and
myt not mtteny
nor furnish themselffes, and for paying
of dead Kistes and burials and
vyr necessars.’
This last entry
corroborates a tradition that during this plague
ratton, or rough timber houses were
erected on the town muir,
wherein were lodged those whose “cases seemed desperate.”
Dunfermline was
visited by “raging plagues” in 1439, 1498, 1514, 1529 and 1645.
There have been no “het
sicknes’s” nor plagues in
Dunfermline since 1645.
THE WITCH.—Given to one “James broun, in
the ferrie [North Queensferry], 30s, and
to foure watchers of the
witche marg.
Donald, for five days and five nights, twa
of thame ey
being on the watch at thair
seveall turns to ilk of
thaim for ilk day and ilk
ny vi; total vi lbs. (Dunf. Kirk
Ses. Rec.)
This is a fine specimen of the withc-watching
age of 1640-46.
DUNFERMLINE.—James Reid re-elected Provost. (Burgh Rec.)
1646: This day it was sufficientlie
provin before the Session that
Jonet Wely,
spouse to Robt. Wallis, Baxter, had
slandered grissell
walwood, spouse to Jon alisone,
wright, calling hir
white bird, and heirby also slandering
the dead, qhrby the
Jonet was ordained to pay 4lib., qlk
she did, and to mak
hir public repentance before the pulpet
on a Sabbath aftir sermon
beforenoon, qlk
she did the 15th March instant.” (Dunf. Kirk
Ses. Red.)
PITS.—The “Bawdrig
Coal Pitts” are mentioned in an old deed of this date, coal being “thair
wrocht for hame
use an for exportin.”
DUNFERMLINE.—Peter Law elected Provost. (Burgh Records.)
in the Church for an Unfortunate Warrior.—An
entry in Dunfermline Kirk Session Records, dated 31st
August of this year, notifies that “This day the Session
ordainit a publick
collection to be made next Sabbath for ane
alexander Kirk, in the
gellett, who had his
legg dung fra
him at the warrs in the north. 51lb.
18p. wes
collectit for him.
CARRYING O HIS TRADE IN THE ABBEY.—In the Records of Dunfermline
Kirk Session of 1646, mention is made of “Robt.
Adam, tailor in the Abbay.” His “place
of trade” would likely be in one of the constabulary houses there,
close to the west side of the steeple, or in an apartment of “the
DEARTH.—According to tradition and some MSS., “there was
ane dearthe
in Dunfermline in the year after the grait
plague of 1646.”
1647.—THE SUM OF
£205 SCOTS to be paid for the Fare of 1000 Horse and Riders and 1100
Foot Solders Crossing at North Queensferry.—Regarding this charge,
the Kirk Records of Dunfermlien has an
entry, viz.:--“5th January, 1647: This day the Kirk
Session gave their consent to pay to Jean Moubray, in North
Queensferry, the sum of 205lb. Scots (£17 1s. sterling) for the
freight of a thousand horse, with their riders, and 1100 foot
soldiers,” &c.
DUNFERMLINE in need of repairs, &c.—“The Session, considering the
ruinous caice of the Kirk, especially of
the roofe and stock of the bells,
liklie to fall
doune, if not no speedie
remeid be provided for preventing the
same,. It is resolved to supplicate the Lords of the Exchequer for
aid to repair it.” (Kirk
Ses. Rec. date April, 1647.)
ESTABLISHED in the Lnadward Part of the
Parish.—A minute in Dunfermline Kirk Session Records notes that on
“This day [2nd May, 1647] the Session , considering the
great ignorance of children and the youthe
of this paroche, especially of the
poorest sort, for lack of education at schools, their parents not
being able to sustain them thereat, whilk
occasions grosse ignorance and great
increase of sin following thereupon: therefore the Session has
thought fit that schools be set up in the several quarters of the
landwart of this
paroche, espicially in those
parts that are remotest, and stand most in need thereof, and fittest
for the same, and that men or women teachers be sought and provided
thereto, recommending the same to the care and diligence of the
ministers, elders, and others who are able in these quarters to see
the same done.” &c.
Dunfermline—James Reid. (Burgh Records._
the Kirk Session Records, of date 21st Sept. this year,
there is an “item to ane old man with
a blew gown, 6s.” The “blew gowns” were
“privileged alms-lifters.” They were permitted by the magistrates
to beg from house to house on certain days of the week, when they
walked about in a blue sort of gown, on “the sleeve of which” was
attached a large circular pewter badge indicating their license, and
having on it in large raised letters round the circumference—
NO 5 1648
(See Annals, dates
1792 and 1820.)
the power exercised by the Kirk Session in 1648, the following may
be interesting:--“5th March, 1648: It is
ordainit that Margaret Nicholson, spouse
of Alexr. Dempster,
the fiddler, shall stand with branks on
her mouthe the next Friday, being the
market day, two hours before noon, for her common scolding and
drunkenness, and that for the publick
example of others.’’ On 22nd October, 1648, “It is
enacted that as Janet Robertson still goes on with her
lownerie and profanity, notwithstanding
the act formerly toun, and market with
ane hot iron, and to be banished from
the paroche, and refers the execution
hereof to the magistrates.” (Chambers’s
“Book of Days”—Branks.)
KIRK in Time of Preaching and Prayer not to be Allowed.—“March 26th:
This day it is thought fitt that public
admonishing be given out of pulpit to those yt
offers and takes Snising in the Kirk in
tyme of preaching and prayer.” (Dunf.
Kirk Ses.
Parish Records of this date has the following minute: “item, to
Katherine Kirk, upon the 5th July, for
furneishing bread and drink to
Marione hutton,
the space she was in the Lymehouse, at
direction of the minister, Mr. Robert Kay,
xlijs.” The Lymehouse appears to
have been some cellar below the Tolbooth
for holding “the toon’s lime,” and, when
empty, used for female delinquents.
CRICHTON, THE WARLOCK, BURNT.—The following minute is from the
Dunfermline Krik Session Records:--“6th
August: This day Wm. Crichtoun
compeired, and being posed upon the
decal given in against him, he was remitted to the magistrates to be
imprisoned, which was done; and some few days
yraftir being straitlie posed and
dealt with be the ministers and watchers, he came to a confession of
sundrie things, and
yt he hade made a paction wt the
Devill to be his
servand 24 zeirs and more since.
He was condemned to be burnt’ and a dew
dayes yraftr
he was burnt”—most likely burnt on the Witches’
Knowe, Townmill Road (Witch
Loan). Probably Crichton was one of the great originals who “came
out in 1627.”
DUNFERMLINE.—Peter Law elected Provost. (B. Rec.)
OF CHARLES I.—The unfortunate Charles was
beheaded at Whitehall, London, on Jany.
30, 1649. There is no minute in any of the Dunfermline Records
touching this lamentable occurrence. There can be no doubt,
however, that when the news of his violent death came to
Dunfermline—“his ain town” as it was
styled—the great body of the inhabitants would, with the nation at
large, “express their sympathy for his untimely end, mourn his loss
and esteem him a martyr;” while others who went in with Cromwell,
would refer to his “unrighteous war, his insincerity, and his
bigotary.” His last word on the
scaffold was, “Remember,” part of an unfinished, short ejaculation.
The following is a copy of the Death-Warrant of King Charles I.:--
“At the High
Court of Justice for the Tryinge and
Trial off Charles Stewart, King of England, January
xxix. Anno.
Dom. 1648.
“Whereas Charles
Stewart, King of England, is, and Standeth
convicted, attaynted, and condemned of
High Treason, and other high crimes: And
sentance upon Saturday last was pronounced against him, by
this Court, to be put to death by the severinge
of his head from his body: Of which sentance
execution yet remayneth to be done:
These are therefore to will and require you to see the said
Sentance executed, in the open Streets
before Whitehall, upon the morrow, being the thirtieth Day of the
instante month off January, between the
hours of ten in the morninge and five in
the afternoone off the dame day, with
full effect. And for so doing this shall be your sufficient
warrant: All these are to require All Officers and
Soulders, and other good People of this
Nation of England, to be asistynge unto
you in this Service.—Given under our
Hands and Seales.
Collonell ffrancis
Lyaik, Collonell
huntlie, and Lieutenant-Collonel
Phayre, and to every of them.”
(From Lithograph
Fac-simile, by T.
Tegg, London: also, vide “The Portfolio,” vol.
i. p. 386.) The original is in the
Bodleian Library, Oxford. Then follow
in seven perpendicular short rows the signatures of 59 of those
constituting The Court of Justice, with their seals appended:--
Rc. Deane
Tho. Horton
Grev Robert
Tichborne J. Jones
O. Cromwell J. P.
Edmonte John Reme
Edw. Whalley
Daniel Blagrave G.
D. Linessy
Owen Rowe G Gilbt.l
John Clay
Wilton T. Steured
J. Dauers
As. Scrope
Robt. Lilburburn
Jo. Bourchier
James Temple Will Gay
H. Preston J.
Carland Anth.
Edm. Ludlow
Gre, Norton
Waller Henry Martin
Tho. Challoner
John Blakiston
Dnl. Potter
Tho. Wogan
J. Hutchinson Wm.
Constable John Denn
Will. Goff Rich.
Ingoldsby Gregory Clement
T. Horusse
Will. Cowley Jo.
Temple J. Barketead
Tho. Wayte
T. Harrison
Isac Ewer
Tho. Scott
J. Heweson
John Dixwell Jo.
Henry Smythe
Valentine Wanton Miles
Pet. Pelham
Symon Mayne
The Warrant is
addressed for execution to Colonel Francis Hacker, commander of the
troops at the Execution.
after his decollation a great many books, pamphlets, and leaflets,
in prose and verse, were published for and against him. In one of
these works, entitled “Reliquiæ
Anitquæ,” there is an epitaph based on
his initials of “C. R. the First,” or “C.R.I.,” of which the
following is a copy:--
doth lye C. R. I.
Read those letters right, and ye shall find
Who in this bloody-sheet
lyes here inshrin’d
The letter C his name doth signifie;
Roth express his royal
And by the letter I is this great name
From his sad son’s distinguished; the same
Three letters, too, express his sufferings by
Cromwell, Rebellion, Independency.
Then join them in a word, and it doth show
What each true loyal subject ought to doe—
CRY, cry—oh, cry aloud!—
Let our crys outcry his blood.”
(Reliquiæ Antiquæ,
p. 21.)
The opinions of
writers regarding the actions and the sufferings of Charles are so
numerous and so various, that, for full details, the reader is
referred to such works, and Histories of Scotland.
As before noted,
Charles I. was born in the Palace of Dunfermline, on 19th
November, 1600; consequently, when he was beheaded, he was in his 49th
year. It may be further noticed that, at this period, the English
New-Year began on March 25th; in Scotland, on Jan. 1st.
Hence the cause of the distinction 1648-1649. Charles suffered on
January 30th, 1648, according to English reckoning,
January being then the 11th month of their year; but,
according to the Scottish, the present mode of reckoning, the event
occurred on Jan. 30, 1649.
BROOMHALL—Sir George Clark, of Carnock,
was elected to the dignity of a Lord of Session in 1649, under the
title of Lord Broomhall, and was at the
same time appointed one of the Commissioners for revision the law
and the Acts of Parliament. (Chal. Hist. Dunf. vol.
i. p. 291.)
NETHERTON BRIG—The Kirk Session Records notify that “this day, 6th
Feb., Mr. James Phin gave in a
compt of timber and
uthy charges furnished and sustenit
be him in building of Legates-brig, and the brig at the
nethyton end.” Would these bridges at
this period be timber bridges?
SYNOD OF FIFE assembled in the Church of Dunfermline, April 1st,
WITCHCRAFT.—Supplication of the Presbytery of Dunfermline for the
Parliament.—Notwithstanding the very
severe measures hitherto taken by the ministers, magistrates, and
ruling elders of Dunfermline, &c., the “sin of witchcraft” continued
to flourish. The following is a copy of an endorsed “Supplication
of the Presbytery of Dunfermline for the Parliament.” It speaks for
the Rycht
Honourabill the Estates of Parliament, presently
convenit of Edinburgh,
humblie supplicates—
“We, the
moderator, reuerant
breithren, and rweling elders of
the Presbyterie of
Dunfermlane, and more particularlie
the parishes Innerkeithin and
Dalgatie: That, whereas it
pleaseth the Lord for his
owne glorie,
and the good of his charge, dailie more
and more to discover among us the works of
darknes and the seurvantis of
that prince who rewles in the
childrene of disobedience, whereof the
most part are so depauperit, that they
have nothing to intertain themselves in
prison, especially in these tymes of
dearth, nor to enterteine men to attend
in seiking [and paying]
dailie commissions: Therefore wee
humblie supplicat
your L. that yee will be
pleasit ather
to command ane of the justice
deputis to attend in the
forsaid Presbyterie
and parishes above written, ffor holding
of justice courtis, and putting to the
tryell of ane
assye such as are or shall be found
gwiltie of the
sinne of witchcraft, as they shall be
desyrit, or to graunt
ane standing
commissione of --------gentlemen as your L. shall
judge----------the withine----------parishes
thereof--------effect foresaid, especiallie-------ane
overtoure of the
Generall Assemblie in
anno j. v. fowritie
thrie (J. vi.
fowritie thrie) 1643: That
standing commissionis shall be
supplicat for in
scuh exigencie, or at least it
may please your L. that wee may have
commissionis gratis, lest throu
the want of mone this
worke, which the Lord
hes so miraculuslie
begunne, and so
wiselie theirtofore carried on,
perish in or hand. And your Lo.
Gracwas answer wee
humblie expect.
“Mr. Geo.
Colding, Moderator,
In name of the Brethrein.”
The original is in
the General Register House, Edinburgh.
WELL.—This well, like other saints’ wells in the district, continued
to be decorated with flowers on their saints; days annually, when
they were visited by hundreds of persons “with song-singing and
superstitioys awe,” until about 1649,
when kirk-sessions interfered and put a
stop to the holywell annuals, in virtue
of the following order of the General Assembly, held at Edinburgh on
4th April, 1649, viz.:--“The
Assemblie, being informit that
some went superstitiouslie to
wellis denominat
from Saints, ordains Presbytries to take
notice thairof , and to censure these
that are guiltie of that
As previously
mentioned, St. Margaret’s Well is about a mile to the north-east of
Dunfermline. On St. Margaret’s Day (19th June), this
well was decorated with flowers, and a procession of monks and
“religious inhabitants” visited St. Margaret’s
Well “in joy, praise and song.”
DUNFERMLINE.—William Walker elected Provost. (Burgh Rec.)
the Hangman, &c., received orders from the Kirk Session to keep
beggars from entering into the “kirkyard,
and that they be not sufferit to stand
at the collect to hinder the alms
fra y. (Kirk Session Records.)