1596.—CONSTABLE OF THE PALACE, and Heritable Bailie of the Lordship of
Dunfermline.—Queen Anne, Lady Dunfermline, with the consent and authority
of the King and her Majesty’s counsellors, granted a Charter to Lord
Seton, Lord President of the Court of Session (afterwards Earl of
Dunfermline), appointing him and his heirs-male, “Heritable Bailies of the
Lordship of Dunfermline,” and “undoubted and irrevocable Keepers,
Guardians, or Constable of the Palace of Dunfermline, and edifices
adjacent.” This Charter is dated “15th February, 1596,” and was ratified
by Parliament in 1606. (Thomson’s Acts of Parliament, vol. iv. pp. 348,
352: Chal. Hist. Dunf. vol. i. pp. 106, 107, 259; Mercer’s Hist. Dunf.)
Provinical Synod of Fife was held in Dunfermline, on the 12th of May,
principally for the purpose of amending and renewing the National
Covenant. The renewed Covenant commences thus:--“I take the amended
Covenant, as renewed by the Provincial Synod of Fife, holden at
Dunfermline on 12th May (1596) . . . . made by Mr. William Scott, minister
at Couper, and others,” &c. (Cald. Hist. Ch. Scot. p. 323.)
WILLIAM SCHAW, Master of the King’s Wark at
Dunfermline, wounded by “Buccleugh.”—Buccleuch had made Schaw his second
in a combat with Sir Robert Ker of Cessford, and had wounded him, for
which he was “put ta the horn,” &c. (Moyse’s Mem. Scot. p. 244.)
ELIZABETH, Daughter of James VI., Born at
Dunfermline.—The Princess Elizabeth, eldest daughter of King James VI.,
was born in the Palace of Dunfermline, on the 19th day of August, 1596.
Birrell, in his Diary, notes the birth thus:--“19th day of August,
1596.—The Queen’s M. delivered of ane woman child called Elizabeth.”
(“Diary of Robert Birrell, Burges of Edinburgh,” p. 38.) Moyse notifies
the event thus:--“Upon the 19th day of September, 1596, the Queen’s
Majesty was delivered at Dunfermline of the Princess Elizabeth.” (Moyse’s
Mem. Scot. p. 245; Cald. Hist. Ch. Scot. vol. v. p. 438; Chron. Perth, p.
6.) It will here be observed that Birrell and Moyse place the birth on
the same day of the month, but differ as to the month. This lapsus is
chargeable to Birrell. The 19th August, 1596, was the Princess’s natal
day. It may here be observed that some careless writers, have fixed on
Falkland as the place where Elizabeth was born, which is not correct.
A CONVENTION was held at Dunfermline by
James VI., on September 20, when the resolution was approved of for
recalling the Papist lords who had been banished for conspiracy. (Spottiswoode’s
Hist. Church Scot. p. 417; Mercer’s Hist. Dunf. p. 88, &c.)
Convention (20th Sept. 1596) the baptism of the Princess was taken into
consideration, and it was arranged that the baptism should be celebrated
at Holyrood House on the 28th day of November. (Dal. Frag. Scot. Hist. p.
1597.—GEORGE HERIOT was appointed goldsmith
to the Queen under a writ of Privy Seal, dated at Dunfermline, 27th July,
1597. Birrell, in his Diary says: “1597, the 27 of Julie, George Heriot
maid the Queen’s Goldsmith” at Dunfermline.
THE SCOTTISH PROVERBS were at this period
being compiled in alphabetical order by Mr. David Ferguson, minister of
Dunfermline. (See Annals, date 1644.)
BLACK SATURDAY.—Total Eclipse of the Sun.—On
Saturday 17th February, 1597-98, at about 9:30 in the morning, there
occurred a most remarkable total eclipse of the sun. So dark was the
morning at 9:30 (the middle of the eclipse) that the stars of the first
and second magnitude were visible. Dunfermline lay a little to the west
of the eclipse path, and no doubt its inhabitants, as in other places on
or near the path, would be “struck with terror and dismay.” (See
Melville’s Diary.) In consequence of the intense darkness occasioned by
this eclipse, this Saturday is still generally known as Black Saturday.
The following is an Edinburgh account of it:--
“The 17th Februar, betwixt 9 and 10 in ye
mornening, ane grate darknes, be reasin of eclipes, sic ane darknes hes
not bene sene, for ye hail papell wt Edn. Yat knew not what it was, thot
yt it had bene duims dai. Merchants and otheris yt wer ignorint, steiket
thair buith-doris, and ran to the Kirk to pray, thinkind it had bene ye
last dai.” (Birrell’s Diary.)
That is—On the 17th of February, between nine
and ten in the morning, there was a great darkness, caused by an eclipse.
Such a darkness was never seen, for the whole people within Edinburgh,
that knew not what it was, thought it had been dooms-day. Merchants and
others that were ignorant of the cause, shut their shop-doors and ran to
the Kirk to pray, thinking that it was the last day. (See Annals , date
1598.—MR. DAVID FERGUSON, first Protestant
minister of Dunfermline, died there on the 23rd of April, 1598, in the
65th year of his age and the 39th of his ministry. (Kirk Session Rec,;
Fernie’s Hist. Dunf. p. 31, &c.) Spottiswoode, in his Hist. Ch. Scot. p.
454, says that Ferguson was “a good preacher, wise, and of a jocund and
pleasant disposition, which made him well regarded both in court and
countrey.” The following are a few interesting notes relative to this
eminent man and sincere Christian:--
(Edinburgh Test. Reg. vol. xxxii.)
“The Testament datiue and muentar of the
guides, geir, sowmes of money, and dettis pertaining to vmquhile Dauid
Fargusoun, minister of Godis word at Dunfermeling the tyme of his deceiss,
quha deceist vpoun the xxiij. Day of Aprile, the zeir of God jm vc
lxxxxviij. Zeirs, ffaythfullie maid and gevin vp be him self vpoun the
xxij. day of Aprile, the zeir of God foirsaid, in presens of Mr. Johnne
Row, minister of Carnok, Patrik Stewart of Baith, William Pratous (Porteous),
ane of the baillies of the burgh of Dunfermeling, Mr. James Dalkleische,
scolemaster thair, Mr. Robert Durie, instructor in the said scole, and
Dauid Brown, noter. In the first the said vmquhile Dauid Fargusoun had
the guides, geir, sowmes of money, and dettis of the awaill and prices
efter following pertaining to him the tyme of his deceis foirsaid—viz.,
Item.—His buikis of theologie and human histories, estimate to the sowme
of jclb. Item.—In poiss of reddie gold the sowme of jcxviijlb. Item.—In
vtenceillis and domiceillis, with the abuilzementis of his body by the
airschipe, estimate to the sowme of xxlb. Money. Summa of the Inuentar
ijclxxlb. (viz., £280 Scots). Item.—Thair was awin to the sia dvmquhile
Dauid Fargusoun be . . . . Aitken, relist of vmquhile Johnne Stobie,
portioner of Wester Luscaur, resten of the crop and zeir of God
jcj.vc.lxxxxvij. zeirs, assignit to him in pairt of his stipend for the
price of sex bollis third-pairt furlett beir, the sowme of xllb. xvjs.
viijd. Item.—Be James Dewar aof Nether Lassody, for the teindis of his
landis of Baith, vnder the hill, assignit to him in pairt of payment of
his stipend of the crope and zeir of God foirsaid, thrie bollis beir;
price of the haill, xxjlb. Item.—Be Adame Currie, burges in Dunfermeling,
aught bollis ferme beir, restand of the crope and zeir of God foirsaid;
price of the boll, viijlb.; summa, lxiiijlb. Item.—Be hir Majestie’s
Chamerlanes of the Abbacie of Dunfermeling, for his stipend of the
Witsonday terme, in anno lxxxxviij. Zeirs, the sowme of twa hundredth
merkis money.
“Summa of the dettis awin to the deid, . . .
. . . ijclixlb. Iijs. Iiijd.
“Summa of the inuentar with the dettis, . . . . . .vcxlixlb. iijs. Iiijd.
the Dettis awin be the Deid:--
“Item.—Thair was awin be the said vmquhile
Dauid Fargusoun to . . . . . . . for the Witsondayis termes maill of his
hous occupyit be him in anno lxxxxviij. Zeris and sindrie termes
preceiding xx.li. Item.—To William Angus, seruand, for his hald-zeir’s
fie, in anno foirsaid, iiijlb. Item.—To Janet Burne, for hir half-zeiris
fie, iiijlb. Item.—To Helene Reid, seruand, for hir half-zeiris fie, four
Summa of the dettis awin be the deid, . . .
. . xxxijlb.
Restis of the frie geir the dettis deducet, . . . vcxvjlb. Iijs. Iiijd.
Quotta componitur,
Pro xiijlb. vjs. 8d.
the quot is componit for xiijlb. vjs. viijd.
the deidis, Legacie, and Lettre Will:--
“At Dunfermeling the xxij. daye of Aprile,
1598 zeirs. The quhilk day the said Dauid Fargusoun maid his testament
and letter will as follows—viz., That is to say, he leuis and disponis to
William Fargusoun, his sone, his haill naturall historical buikis, and his
Scottis Cronicle, and nominates for his airchip buikis of theologie, ane
Inglis bybill and ane Latyne bybill allenerlie. Item.—The said Dauid
leuis and dispones to Mr. Dauid Spens, Mr. Johnne Row, and Dauid Ransay,
his sonnes-in-law, wquallie all his buikis of theologie, and ordainis the
saidis Masteris Dauid Spens and Johnne Row to satisfie the said Dauid
Ramsay for his third-pairt thairof, because the saidis buikis can nocht be
proffitabill to him. Item.—He leuis and disponis to ilk ane of his saidis
thrie sonnes-in-law and their bairnes his oyis xlb. money. Item.—Leuis
and disponis to the appotecarie and vtheris quhilkis ministrant curis to
him the tyme of this sicknes thrie crounes of the sone. Item.—To ilk ane
of fis foirnamit seruandis thair feis addettit to thame at Witsonday nixt,
with the doubill thairof; and leuis and disponis the rest and superplus of
all his frie guides, geir, dettis, and plenessing to the saidis Maisteris
Dauid Spens, Johnne Row, and Dauid Ramsay, his sonnes-in-law, and their
bairnes, equallie to be diuidit amangis thame be thrie equal thridis, and
nominates the said Masteris Dauid Spens, Mr. Johnne Row, and Dauid Ramsay,
his sonnes-in-law, coniunctlie his executoris and intromittoris with his
saidis guides, geir, and dettis. Thais thingis war done at xj houris at
ewin or thairby, in the said Dauid Fargusoun’s chalmer, day zeir moneth,
and in presens of the witnesses aboue-written heirto specialie and
togeddir requyret. (Sic Subscribitur.) Ita est ut premittitur Dauid
Brown, notarius publicus in premissis omnibus et singulis cum prenominatis
testibus presens et requistus testante manu propria et signo. We, Mris
John Prestoun, &c., and gevis and comittis the intromissioun with the
samyn to the saids Mris Dauid Spens, Johnne Rowe, and Dauid Ramsay,
executoris testamentaris to the said umquhile Dauid Fargussoun. Reseruand
compt to be maid be thame thairof, as accordis of the law; and thai being
sourne and hes fundin James Dobie, merchand, burges of Edinburgh, cautioun,
&c., as ane Act beiris.”
It may also be noticed, that David Ferguson,
soon after he became minister of Dunfermline, was married to Isobel
Durham. By whom he had nine children, five sons and four daughters. His
eldest, son, William Ferguson, A.M. survived him. His daughter Margaret,
born May 31st, 1562, was married to David Spens, minister at Orwell, on
June 18th, 1581. His daughter Grizzel, born February, 1576, was married
to John Row, at Carnock, in 1595; and his youngest daughter Isobel was
married to David Ramsay (a layman), in April, 1598, a few days before her
venerable father’s death. (See An. Dunf. dates 1571 and 1572.)
Besides his published “Answer to Renat
Benedict,” in 1562-63, he collected and published the “Scottis Proverbs,”
which, in his Will, he calls the “Scottis Cronicle.” He was interred at
Dunfermline in the latter end of April 1598, but in what spot is not
known. Tradition points to a high tombstone, with triangular back, in a
dilapidated condition, with unreadable inscription, that stands on the
edge of the west walk, or road into the Church, about twenty yards to the
north of the “auld kirk porch-door,” as the tomb under which lie the
remains of this venerable and illustrious man.
The following “Carmen,” or ode, was composed
on Ferguson, shortly after his death, by his “brother-labourer in the
word,” Joannis Davidsonii.
mellifluo quantum det nestoris ori,
Aut Demosthenio debeat eloquio,
Ipsi facundo quantum (mihi crede) parenti
Attribuat linguæ turba togata suæ
Nos tibi Fergusi Tantum debere fatemur
Scotanam linguam qui reparare studes.
Sermonem patrium ditas, inculta verustas
Horret qua longe barbariemque fugas.
Adde etiam neque abest facundis gratis dictis
Respondet verbis materia apta tuis,
Quod satis ostendit nobis tua concio præsens,
Qua nihilin lucem doctius ire potest,” &c.
Davidson, author of the foregoing ”Carmen,”
a native of the parish, was remarkable for his “wise sayings and
predictions.” The following is a specimen of one of these predictions:
“Being at Dunfermline in the time of Synod, immediately after the death of
David Ferguson, minister thereof, gibing thanks after dinner, among other
things uttered by him, he thus expressed himself:--‘Lord! thou hes now
removed thy worthie and faithfull servant, who laboured their among thys
people in the gospel, . . . . . but, Lord! who shall succeed him in his
ministrie thow knows! Many are gaping for it, and using moyen at Court to
gain it, but it will be Jok up-a-land; it will die in thy hand (pointing
at Mr. Andro Foster, who, at the tyme, with sundrie other ministers, wes
sitting at the table with him, having dyned there); therefore, the backe
shall beare the saddle-band,’” &c. (Row’s Hist. Kirk Scot. p. 463.) Mr.
John Fairfoul succeeded David Ferguson, but was minister for a short time
only. Whether he was pressed to resign by the favourites of Andro Foster
or was deposed, is not known. In an after-note it will be shown that
Foster, his successor, was minister of Dunfermline for about 17 years;
that he fell into gross sins, and was deposed and disgraced, and “his back
did bear the saddle-band, and the charge died in his hands,” (Chal. Hist.
Dunf. vol. i. p. 419.)
minister of Dunfermline, in 1598, as successor of Mr. David Ferguson,
lately deceased. (Kirk Ses. Rec.; Fernie’s Hist. Dunf. p. 32.)
MASONIC GUILD.—It would appear from the
“Schaw Statutes” that there was a Mason Guild in Dunfermline as early as
the year 1598. In connection with said “Statutes” of this date are the
names and status of several of its members, viz.: “Thomas Robertsoun,
Warden of the Ludge of Dumfermling and St. Androis, and takand the burding
vpoun him for his bretheren of ye masoun craft within they Ludges, and for
the Commissionars eftir-mentionat, viz. . . . . Andro Alesoun and
Archibald Angous, Commissionars for the Ludge of Dumfermling,” &c.
Dunfermline, Robert Pest. (Lyon’s Hist. Lodge Edin. p. 59; An. Dunf.
BUILT.—Two lofty houses were built this year close to the west side of the
Old Church Steeple, as residences for the High Constable, Mayor, and
Serjeant, and for the Heritable Bailie of the Regality of Dunfermline;
The “date stone,” which was over one of the doors of these buildings, is
still to be seen, lying on the top of the gate of the Dunfermline entrance
into Pittencrieff policy.
minister of Dunfermline after a short ministry of about eight months; but
whether he resigned or was deposed is not known.
MR. ANDREW FOSTER (Forster, or Forrester),
third Protestant minister, inducted minister of Dunfermline Abbey Church
this year. (Fernie’s Hist. Dunf. p. 32; Kirk Ses. Rec.&c.)
of the Abbey books, with this title, commences with the year 1600, and
ends with 1611. (Vide Print. Regist. Dunf. pp. 496-504.) From this MS.
book several extracts have been made, and entered in Annals of
second son of King James VI., was born in the Royal Palace of Dunfermline
on the 19th day of November, 1600. (Calderwood’s Hist. Ch. Scot.;
Maitland’s Hist. Scot. vol. ii. p. 1308; Ab. Scot. Chron. p. 93, and all
the Histories of Scotland.) Birrell, in his Diary, alluding to the birth,
says: “20th day of November, the Queen’s M. deliuerit of ane child, at
the pleasure of Almighty God, at qlk tyme the canons schott for joy.” The
late Dr. Robert Chambers, in his Picture of Scotland, vol. ii. p. 164,
second edition, relates an old tradition, which he says he heard in
Dunfermline (circa 1828), viz.: “Charles was a very peevish child, and
used to annoy his parents dreadfully by his cries during the night. He
was one night puling in his cradle, which lay in an apartment opening from
the bed-room of the King and Queen, when the nurse employed to tend him
suddenly alarmed the royal pair by a loud scream, followed up by the
exclamation, ‘Eh! My bairn!’ The started out of bed at hearing the noise,
and ran into the room where the child lay, crying ‘Hout, tout, what’s the
matter wi’ ye, nursie?’ ‘Oh!’ exclaimed the woman, ‘there was ane like an
auld man came into the room and threw his cload owre the cradle, bairn,
and a’ awa’ wi’ him. I’m fear’d it was the thing that’s no canny.’
‘Friend, nor he had ta’en the girnin brat clean awa!’ said King James,
whose demonological learning made him at once see the truth of the nurse’s
observation; ‘gin he ever be King, there’ll be nae gude I’ his ring; the
deil has cussen his cloak owre him already!’ This story is generally told
(says Chambers), and in the same manner, by the more primitive portion of
the inhabitants of Dunfermline, and the latter part of the King’s
observation is proverbial in the town, it being common to say to a
mislear’d or ill-conditioned person, ‘I daresay the deil has cussen his
cloak owre ye!’” This traditional anecdote is now worn out—never now
heard of. (See also Annals Dunf. dates 1649.)
“THE DUNFERMLINE BARNS.”—An old building of
two storeys, with a broad outside stair in front of it, known as the
“Dunfarlin Barns,” and which, until 1873, stood on the north side of East
Queen Street, near its jundtion with Inglis Street, had “an initialed
date-stance,” of which the following is a copy:--
It is not known to whom these initials refer.
This stone is now fixed into the front wall of the new building on the
same side. The two first initials may refer to John Kingorne, who, about
this period, was clerk of the Regality of Dunfermline; if they do, then it
is probable that the barns belonged to the Regality.
KIRK.—An ordinance of Council passed this year, ordaining that, “on the
Thursdays of ilk ouk, the masters of households, their wives, bairnes, and
servants, should compeer ilk ane within their awn parish kirk, to their
awn minister to be instructed by them in the grunds and heads of
catechisms, and to give as they should be demanded ane proof and trial of
their profitying in the said heads.” (Chamb. Domes, An. Scot. vol. i. p.
356.) An old MS. notifies, that the Thursday lessons were pretty well
attended in the Auld Kirk at first, but through time they were given up.
1600, a new palace was erected for the Queen on the site of the former one
(which stood on the north-east end of the King’s Palace), adjacent to the
entrance to Pittencrieff. Part of the west end of the wall of its pend,
or archway, which went under it, is still to be seen on the west side of
the street adjoining Pittencrieff Lodge. The new erection was built in a
modern style, was very high, consisted of three stories, and had, of
course, many convenient apartments, but how many is not now know. Having
been built by Queen Anna, it was always known by the name of the ‘Queen’s
House,” or “Queen Anna of Denmark’s House.” A long, narrow pend went
under it, leading to the main courtyard of the palatial buildings.
Immediately over the south key-stone of this pend, there was a large sheet
of copper, secured to the wall by copper bolts, having on it the following
inscription if Latin:--
Translation:--This porch, and the house built above it, having through age
and the injuries of time fallen down and come to ruin, have been restored
from the foundation, and built on a larger scale by Queen Anne, daughter
of Frederick, the most august King of Denmark, in the year 1600. (Vide
Fernie’s Hist. of Dunf. p. 70; Mercer’s Hist. of Dunf. p. 86. For full
particulars, see Chal. Hist. Dunf. vol. i. pp. 105-109.)
in his “Antiquities of Scotland,” at pp. 285-288, has two views, which
show the upper parts of the Queen’s House, drawn in 1790. That fronting
p. 288, taken from the New Inn window, Bridge Street, shows the whole of
the western gable, and about a half of the upper part of the north front;
the other view shows a small portion of the upper part of the east side.
The writer has in his possession several sketches, copied from Pen-and-Ink
drawings, by John Bain, civil engineer, Edinburgh, done in 1790. These
‘pen sketches” embrace several views and plans of the Church, the ruins of
the Monastery, the Palace, the Queen’s House, and the Tower, done with
great accuracy. From some of these drawings, and other engravings, the
writer made a composition view of the north front of the queen’s House,
the Bailie and Serjeant Houses, the Kirk Steeple, &c., and had the view
lithographed. (See Annals Dunf. date 1864.) In the year 1855, the writer
made a composition view of the same old buildings as they appeared from
the south, near “the Pends.” (See Chal. Hist. Dunf. vol. ii. p. 129.)