Adam Johnstone of Corry,
another brother, was dead in October, 1544, leaving a son, James. William
Johnstone of Newbie and Graitney was dead in 1565. His eldest legitimate
son John, Baron of Newbie, married Marion Carruthers, and another son
became Laird of Cummertrees. William, heir of Newbie, married a relation
of Lord Maxwell, the daughter of John Maxwell of Brackenside or of Hills,
and died before his father, leaving a young son, John. In 1574 a dispute
had arisen between several of the Laird of Johnstone’s followers and the
young Lord Maxwell, which extended to both chiefs, for both aspired to the
Wardenry of the West Marches, which Sir James Douglas of Drumlanrig had
virtually resigned from age and infirmity, though no other was appointed
till after his death. The Earl of Morton, also a Douglas, who became
Regent in 1572, desired the two families to refer their difficulties to
the Lords in Council, and the Laird of Johnstone and Lord Maxwell each
appointed certain noblemen and friends to represent them in Edinburgh, any
four, three, or two on each side being empowered to act for all. Maxwell
selected his own relations and kinsmen. Johnstone also nominated relations
and connections—John Johnstone of Newbie, the Earl of Rothes, Sir James
Balfour, Sir James Hamilton, William Livingstone of Jerviswood, Thomas
Johnstone of Craighopburne, Robert Douglas of Cassehogil, Walter Scott of
Guildlands, and Walter Scot of Tuschelaw. The deputies were to meet at
Edinburgh on the next Feb. 15th, both parties promising to keep good rule
in the country during their absence. John Johnstone of Newbie died in
Edinburgh, Feb. 1577; but the dispute seems to have been settled to the
advantage of his chief, who, the following year was made Warden of the
Borders and knighted, an honour enjoyed by some of his ancestors. He also
came forward as a candidate, though unsuccessfully, for the office of
Provost of Dumfries, which had hitherto been held by the members or
friends of the Maxwell family. His audacity in contesting it gave
additional displeasure to Lord Maxwell, who prevented him and his
followers from entering the town with an armed force. A family feud of old
standing was revived, till Maxwell having quarrelled with the King’s
favourite (Lord Arran) was declared an outlaw by James VI., on the ground
that he protected the robber Armstrongs. Johnstone, in his capacity of
Warden, was ordered to pursue and arrest him, and two bands of soldiers
under William Baillie of Lamington and Captain Cranstown were sent to
assist him. The soldiers were defeated at Crawfordmuir by Maxwell’s
half-brother Robert, and as the Johnstones were a much smaller clan than
Lord Maxwell’s, whose cadets were now established in all parts of
Dumfriesshire, they were also dispersed, and Lochwood Tower besieged and
burned; Robert Maxwell observing as he watched the flames that he would
give Lady Johnstone light to set her hood. Among other losses the ancient
family deeds were destroyed. Johnstone again attacked his rival, but was
taken prisoner, and though released in little more than a year, when a
compromise was made by the King with his rebel subject, he died very soon
afterwards—it is said from shame and grief at his defeat—1586. Maxwell,
with Scot of Buccleuch and a company of Nithsdale men, besides Beatties,
Littles, and Armstrongs, and 340 from Lower Annandale, marched upon
Stirling, and effected their purpose of deposing the favourite Arran, who
was deprived of his title and estates, and of obtaining from the
Parliament a full amnesty for themselves and their allies. Those from
Lower Annandale consisted of Bells, Carrutherses, and Irvings, and a troop
of cavalry furnished by George Carruthers of Holmains and Charles
Carruthers, his son. The tenants of the Newbie, Graitney, and Cummertrees
estates, of course, followed their chief.

After the death of
Johnstone, Maxwell was appointed Warden of the Marches, and formed a bond
of affiance with the young James, Laird of Johnstone, when he married
Sarah Maxwell, the granddaughter of the celebrated Lord Herries, who had
died in 1582. One of Johnstone’s sisters was also married to Sir Robert
Maxwell of Orchardstone; so that for some years there was peace between
the two families. The young Laird of Newbie was married to a daughter of
Sir Alexander Stewart of Garlies (son-in-law to Douglas of Drumlanrig, the
late Warden of the Marches), and lived chiefly in Edinburgh; but five of
his uncles represented the Newbie Johnstones in Dumfriessshire.
The will of his
grandfather, John, Laird of Newbie, shows the extent of their lands. "The
Testament and inventory of the gudes, geir, soumes of money, and debts
pertaining to the late John Johnstone of Newby, within the Sheriffdom of
Dumfries the time of his decease, who died on the 10th day of February,
the year of God, 1577, faithfully made and given up by Marioun Carruthers,
his relict, whom he nominated his only executor in his latter will
underwritten of the date, at the lodging of the late Mr James Lyndsay,
within the burgh of Edinburgh, upon the 5th and 6th days of February,
1577, beforesaid, before these witnesses—Robert Johnstone in Cummertrees,
John Johnstone oy (grandson) and apparent heir to the Laird of Holmendes,
John Brown of the Land, and John Johnstone, writer in Edinburgh, and
divers others. . . . The said John Johnstone of Newby being sick in body,
but whole in mind, submits himself soul and body to the mercy of God,
recommending his wife and bairnes to the favour, protection, and
maintenance of the Regent’s grace and the Earl of Angus, Lieutenant and
Warden of the West Marches, which he is persuaded they shall find for the
good and true service that he has made, and always intended to make, under
the King’s majesty for ever if it had been God’s pleasure longer to
continue his days, beseeching the said Earl of Angus that by his
lordship’s means it may please the Regent’s grace to dispone the ward and
marriage of the said John, grandson to the said Marioun Carruthers, his
wife, for the help of his four younger sons. He makes and constitutes the
said Marioun Carruthers, his wife, so continuing in her pure widowhood,
tutrix testamentor to his grandson and apparent heir. He makes Robert
Johnstone, his son, his assignee to his right possession and kindness of
his lands in the town of Annan, except such as is annexed and possessed
with the Mains of Newbie, and wills the said Robert to be good and
friendly to the poor men of Annan, occupiers of the same land. He leaves
to the said Robert his right possession and kindness to the kirk and
tithes of Kirkpatrick-Fleming, and also makes him assignee to his lease to
run of the lands of — within the lordship of Dundrennan, recommending the
said Robert to the favour, protection, and maintenance of my Lord Herries,
beseeching his lordship not only to extend the same to the said Robert,
accepting him in his lordship’s service and continuing him in the lease
and possession of that land for his service, and also to stand good lord
to his wife and remaining bairns. To his son John he leaves his house in
Dumfries and money; to his brother, John Johnstone of Cummertrees, a
portion of his lands of Ryehill, and the remaining portion to his son
Edward; to his fifth son, Abraham, he leaves lands in Middlebie, and to
his son William lands in Stapleton. To his youngest son David he leaves
lands in Robgill, and also the lease of certain lands which had been
settled upon his widowed daughter-in-law and her husband on their
marriage, the said David paying to her thankfully the duty contained in
the said lease during her lifetime."
In 1582 Robert Johnstone
received a grant of the lands of Northfield and Brigholme, near Annan,
from the King, "who followed the good example of his noble ancestors," so
the charter runs, "in rewarding useful lieges, and solicitous for good and
honest holders of the royal lands," hereby infefted "the son of the late
John Johnstone of Newbie" in lands joining his nephew’s property of Newbie
and Stapleton and his own inheritance; one of his neighbours, as the
charter also states, being Christopher Irving, or "Black Christie," on the
land of Galabank, this Christopher being son-in-law to the late Laird of
The Lairds of the West
Marches able to keep order on the Borders in 1587 are given in the 95th
Act of the 11th Parliament of James VI.—"Lord Maxwell; Douglas, Laird of
Drumlanrig; the Laird of Johnstone; Jardine, Laird of Applegirth;
Carruthers, Laird of Holmains; Johnstone, Laird of Graitney; Maxwell, Lord
Herries; the Laird of Dunwidie (an estate lying between Wamphray, Corrie,
and Kirkpatrick-Fleming), and Gordon, Laird of Lochinvar." The same were
appointed Constables on the Borders in 1597, and also Johnstone of Newbie.
A grandson of James Johnstone of Wamphray brought about a serious civil
feud. He was known as the Galliard (a gay, reckless character), and in
1593 was seized by some of the Crichtons while carrying off one of their
horses, and he was hung before his nephew William’s eyes in spite of the
younger Johnstone’s offers and entreaties. This led to a skirmish, when,
according to the ballad of "The Lads of Wamphray," "the Biddes burn three
days ran blood," and the Crichtons, who suffered the most, appealed for
redress to the Warden, Lord Maxwell; while fifteen widows whose husbands
had fallen in the fight went to Edinburgh to lodge a petition with the
King and his council, and caused a great sensation by marching through the
streets carrying the dead men’s blood-stained clothes. The Laird of
Johnstone was summoned to Edinburgh to answer the charge, and was
imprisoned in the Castle, but escaped on the 4th of June, 1593, and
returned to Dumfriesshire to collect his followers. He was proclaimed an
outlaw, and Maxwell ordered to arrest him; but before attempting it the
Warden formed a secret bond of manrent with Douglas of Drumlanrig,
Crichton, Kirkpatrick of Closeburn, and others who agreed to support him.
He had signed an agreement with Johnstone only the previous year, in which
they had obliged themselves to "freely remit and forgive all rancours of
mind, grudge, malice, and feuds that had passed or fallen between them in
any time bygone." The new agreement was, according to Spottiswood, "kept
so carelessly that it fell into the hands of Johnstone of Cummertrees,"
not a vassal of Maxwell’s, as is sometimes stated, and he gave it up to
his chief, who on receiving Maxwell’s formal summons to surrender for
trial scornfully cast it aside and prepared for battle. Maxwell was
assisted by some of the royal troops, and assembled two thousand men under
his banner at Lochmaben; but Johnstone, assisted by his mother’s
relations, the Scots of Eskdale and Teviotdale, the Elliots of Liddesdale,
and the divisions of his own clan, who counted among their retainers the
Bells, Irvings, and Grahames of Graitney, brought more than half that
number to Dryfesdale, where, near a farm and moor called Torwood, the
battle of Dryfe Sands was fought. The young Laird of Newbie seems to have
abstained from taking a personal part in the battle, his maternal
grandfather, Maxwell of Brackenside, being on the opposite side with
eighty followers, as well as his wife’s relations, but his uncle, Robert
Johnstone, was there, two Johnstones of Cummertrees (one of whom was
killed), as well as the Johnstones of Graitney, with the Newbie and
Graitney tenants. The Johnstones were entrenched in a good position when
Maxwell’s army crossed the Annan to attack them, but it is said that they
disdained to take this advantage of the enemy, and came down into the open
plain, where, owing to the skill with which he handled his men, Sir James
Johnstone (for he had been knighted) gained a complete victory. Before the
battle Maxwell had offered a ten pound land to the soldier who should
bring him Johnstone’s head or hand. Hearing of this, Sir James declared
that he had not a ten pound land to give, but he would reward any man with
a five merk land who should bring him Maxwell’s head or hand and the prize
was gained by William Johnstone of Wamphray (the nephew of the Galliard),
who pursued him as he was flying, and struck off the hand which he
stretched out for quarter, while Douglas, Kirkpatrick, and Grierson
escaped by the fleetness of their horses. A story is some times told that
Maxwell finally perished by the hand of a daughter of that Laird of
Johnstone, who had been his prisoner, and who had died in consequence of
shame and grief, but this is generally discredited. Another story states
that this female fiend was the wife of James Johnstone of Kirkton, [Sir
Archibald Johnstone (he spelt it Johnstown) of Warriestoun executed in
1663 for his share in the Revolution, was son of James Johnstone of
Beirholme, who, in 1608, was returned heir to his grand father,
Gavine Johnstone of Kirkton in Kirkpatrick-Juxta. They came of the
Elsieschellis family. The Johnstones of Castlemilk migrated about 1620
from Dumfriesshire to the east borders, where they founded a family, being
previously of Kellobank, a branch of the Johnstones of Elsieschellis who
are found in the 15th century. The old poet-laureate Rare Ben Jonson,
imagined that his ancestors came from Annandale, but there is no proof of
it, and I cannot find the name Benjamin in any branch of the Johnstones.
Born in 1574, the son of a clergyman, he was educated at Westminster
School, and ran away from home to serve as a soldier in the Netherlands to
escape being employed as a builder, which was his step-father’s trade. At
one period of career, as an actor and poet, he did undertake a tour on
foot to Annandale with the hope of finding relations there, but we do not
hear that he succeeded, and Jonson is a very old English name. It
is distinguished from the Scottish Johnestoune as early as Edward
I.] who lived not far from the field, and had come to seek her husband
among the wounded, when Maxwell lying fainting under a tree appealed to
her compassion, William of Wamphray having abstained from putting him to
death, as he was the King’s lieutenant. At any rate, Maxwell, a brave and
well educated nobleman, was killed in carrying out the King’s express
command, and Sir James Johnstone and his companions were at once outlawed,
"no man daring," as a contemporary diarist states, "to take any of them
into his house."
It was a curious result of
the battle of Dryfe Sands that, little more than two years after Sir James
Johnstone had defied the King’s lieutenant and caused his death, he should
have been invested with his victim’s office of Warden of the Marches; but
the Scottish Cabinet had conceived a great dread of the power of England
during Elizabeth’s reign, and avoided nothing more than a breach of their
present harmony. For this it was essential that the outlaws on the Border
should be kept from troubling their formidable neighbour, and the Laird,
under whose banner they had lately fought, was the most likely to be able
to do it. So much were they feared that a law passed in 1587 prevented any
Border man from even entering Fife, Peebles, or Lothian without a pledge,
in consequence of an application to the convention of Royal Burghs from
the town of Peebles, June 4, 1583. "The same day a complaint was given in
anent the great injuries done to them by the four clans of Johnstone,
Grahames, Elliots, and Armstrongs, and what redress may be reasonablest
obtained thereof." Perhaps the King also remembered that the death of
Johnstone’s father was caused by a similar defiance of his delegated
authority on the part of Maxwell, the King having prevented a
reconciliation between the rival chiefs. A letter from the Master of Gray
to Johnstone, dated Stirling, September 4, 1585, informs him "of a report
having reached His Majesty and the Court that all the Johnstones had
appointed with Maxwell." "The King," he says, "disbelieves it, but desires
to be advertised with certainty." William Johnstone, one of the original
students of the University of Edinburgh, where he graduated in 1587, was
presented by James VI. to the living of Lockerbie about 1592. He requested
the Presbytery to give him an exchange, as he "durst not repair to
Dumfriesshire on account of the feud between the Maxwells and the
Johnstones," but his petition was not attended to; and he was killed in
the street of Lockerbie in 1595, being only 29 years of age, merely
because of his name. Those members of the Maxwell, Johnstone, Douglas, and
Scot families of an unwarlike disposition had no resource but to leave
Dumfriesshire; and several went to Edinburgh, where they became merchants,
and were often much richer than the chiefs of their clans. A warrant was
obtained by Sir James Johnstone in 1594, under the King’s sign manual,
directing the Privy Council to grant a respite for five years, Dec. 24, in
favour of Sir James and eight score followers, for the pursuit and
slaughter of John Lord Maxwell, His Majesty’s lieutenant and Warder for
the time, and of sundry other his Majesty’s subjects who were in company
with him, the ruining and burning of the Kirk of Lochmaben, and the
slaughter of Captain Oliphant and others. The names of those respited are
given in the following order:—"Sir James Johnstone of Dunskellie, John
Carmichael, Robert Johnstone of Raycleuch (who was only eleven years old),
Symon Johnston, (half) brother to the Laird of Johnstone, Robert Johnstone
in Brigholme (of Newby), William Johnstone, younger of Graitney, John
Johnstone in Cummertrees, William Johnstone of Elsiechellis, Adam, his
brother, and many other Johnstones, including those of Kirkhill, besides
Irvings, Moffats, Carrutherses, Scots, Elliots, Stewarts, Chisholm,
Grahame, Armstrong, and Murrays." Lord Herries, who immediately succeeded
Maxwell as Warden, paid little attention to this respite, although he was
Johnstone’s brother-in-law, but tried to pursue and punish some of
Johnstone’s followers, till he kept the country in such a state of
confusion that the King ended in superseding him by Johnstone himself. The
Johnstones were certainly regarded with more favour by Lord Scrope and the
English Cabinet than the Maxwell family, who were supposed to be attached
to France. There is a letter preserved in the English Record Office from
Sir James Johnstone to the Earl of Bothwell, 1592, promising "upon his
faith, honour, and truth to support whatever he shall promise to the Queen
of England concerning the forthsetting of religion, the surety of the
King, and the preservation of the amity with England." Another letter from
the English Ambassador to Cecil, [Queen Elizabeth’s Secretary, and
ancestor to Lord Salisbury.] in 1599, recommending Edward Johnstone (one
of the Newbie family), a merchant in Edinburgh, who was going to the Low
countries, and offered to do service there for the English, states that
Edward Johnstone is very "inward"— i.e., intimate—with his
chief, who is one of the "most honest men in these parts."
With the appointment of
Johnstone as Warden of the Middle Marches, and his relation Scot of
Buccleuch as Warden of the East Marches, the Border disturbances seem to
have been compressed into personal quarrels between the chiefs. Maxwell
married Hamilton’s daughter, and this powerful Laird (as well as Douglas
of Drumlanrig) could not forgive their defeat at Dryfe Sands. On July
13th, 1597, there was a fight between the Laird of Drumlanrig and
Johnstone, and "their assisters," and shortly afterwards Johnstone was
again deprived of the Wardenry, but it was given to his ally, Sir John
Carmichael. Birrell, the Edinburgh diarist, writes, May 27th, 1598—"The
Laird of Johnstone’s picture was hung at the (market) cross of Edinburgh
with his head downwards, and declared a mansworn man, and upon June 5 he
and his accomplices were put to the born and pronounced rebels at the
cross by open proclamation." This appears to have been in consequence of
Johnstone having failed to seize "John and Jock Armstrong and others," as
he had been directed by the Privy Council, June 29, 1597; so his enemies
accused him of collusion with them. A letter from the English Ambassador
to Cecil, Oct. 12, 1599, alludes to this faction against Johnstone. "On
Tuesday last the Council going to the King to Linlithgow for resolution
about the Border causes, the Earl of Angus, the Lord Hamilton, and sundry
others being there in Johnstone’s contrary, and the Lord of Buccleuch and
others there in his favour, the matter was hardly reasoned that day and
the next day forenoon, Angus (for now the cause is his against the Lord of
Johnstone) alleging he could get no sufficient pledges of the Johnstones;
and Johnstone that sufficient pledges were offered him, and needlessly and
wrongfully he raised these troubles in Annandale. But the trial thereof is
continued till Tuesday se’ennight, and George Murray, one of the King’s
chamber, sent to receive Lochmaben Castle for the King, Johnstone being
directed to write with him to that effect. This George Murray is
Johnstone’s own. In all appearance the day of trial and confronting the
lieutenant and Johnstone will be exceeding great, and may well breed a
great stir, which I verily look far. In the meantime Angus is not to
meddle with the Johnstones." On November 12th, 1599, the Ambassador writes
again. "On Thursday the Laird of Johnstone brought in most of his pledges,
and is gone to bring the rest of Thursday next, and thereafter to be freed
and go hence; the Laird of Buccleuch staying only to see him at good peace
hath brought the matter between him and Sanquhar and Drumlanrig to end in
effect, Johnstone having subscribed an assurance, and they two to do the
like, or the King to strait them, but they have promised the King to
subscribe; the Laird of Buccleuch hereon hath taken leave of the King and
Queen and gone by sea."
"The Lord-lieutenant Angus
came not with his pledges, but excused the same, and is to bring them this
week; the country they mean thus to quiet, and that Carmichael shall be
Warden, and Johnstone to assist him."
Johnstone’s "assurance,"
above mentioned, is signed by himself and by his pledges, John Johnstone
of Graitney and Gilbert Johnstone of Wamphray. On July 2, 1600, he was
solemnly acquitted, and "restored to his honours," writes Birrell, at the
cross of Edinburgh by the proclamation of a herald and four trumpets. The
same year he was again made Warden, Carmichael having been murdered by
some of the Armstrongs as he was going to open a court at Lochmaben. [In
1602, James Johnstone of Westraw pledged himself for William Irving, the
younger of Kirkton, and Robert Carlile of Bridekirk, while Sir James
Johnstone of Dunskellie guaranteed James Carlile of Soupilbank. The heirs
of the Carliles of Bridekirk possess the monument of their ancestor who
was buried in Annan Churchyard. On it he is called Herbert, yet the
printed Acta Dom.Con, always call him Robert. He married Margaret
Cunningham. "Heir lyes the body of a worthy gentleman Herbert Carliell,
Laird of Brydekirk, who lived in credit and commendation among his
friends, and died in Christ Sept. 1632, of his age 74." The arms are
On March 14th, 1600,
Nicolson writes to Cecil that "Johnstone has twice stayed the Armstrongs
very honestly," and that he begins "to smell" that he has been put in fear
of Borders breaking by device. In another letter he alludes to the anxiety
felt for James VI. to succeed Queen Elizabeth on the English throne, as it
was thought that otherwise Scotland would be certainly annexed to England
by conquest. The Scots, he said, were greatly disheartened by their losses
in the last war with England.
An uncle of Sir John
Carmichael had entered the service of Muscovy, and assisted the Czar, Ivan
the Terrible, in 1569 to subdue the rebellious towns of Novogorod and
Pleskof. He was made Governor of Pleskof.
Since the reformed Catholic
religion was established in Scotland in 1560 the alliance with France had
been much weakened. It was clear to the Scottish leaders that their
country could not long continue to maintain its independence, and if it
were to be annexed by one or the other, of course the reformers preferred
England, who was doing them good service by keeping their unhappy Queen in
prison. In the French archives a deed is preserved, dated April 14 (Easter
Eve), at Fontainebleau, evidently obtained from the youthful Mary under
pressure from her future father-in-law, Henry II., and her other
relatives. It is endorsed in French. "Act by which the Queen of Scots,
considering the great expenses made by the late King, Francis I., and by
the reigning King, Henry II., to protect the Kingdom of Scotland against
the English, and after having taken counsel of her best and special
friends, the Rev, and Illustrious Cardinal Lorraine and M. le Duc de Guize,
her uncles, declares, wills, and ordains that, in default of heirs of her
body, the King of France, who is or will be, shall have and enjoy the
Kingdom of Scotland, its revenues, &c., till the payment of a million of
gold for the cost of maintaining the kingdom." Just a year later Mary was
married to the Dauphin, afterwards Francis II., who died in 1559.
The subsequent rigour of
the Scottish Government against Roman priests, who were liable to
execution if found in Scotland, while any accused of attending their
ministrations, or of even professing Romanism, were exiled, is explained
by the constant intrigues carried on by the Pope and his allies in France
and Spain against Elizabeth and James for the sake of re-establishing the
Roman supremacy where it had been lost, and as a faithful daughter of the
Roman Church, Mary could hardly avoid sharing in them. It is easy to
imagine the horror with which the news of the suppression of the
monastries, the confiscation of Church property, the execution of the
abbots and priests who refused to acknowledge Henry. VIII. instead of the
Pope as the head of the Church, and the prohibition of the Mass was
received by devout Churchmen on the continent.
The reign of Mary I. in
England had been long enough to restore a large portion of its confiscated
property to the Church, so the State could no longer be pointed out as the
recipient of stolen goods; but Rome had not the distribution of them, and
the Pope saw that Elizabeth’s comparative tolerance was more fatal to his
cause than the avaricious ferocity of the King, whom his predecessor had
styled the Defender of the Faith.
In 1586 Robert Bruce, a
Scotsman, wrote to invite Philip II. of Spain to occupy Scotland, and "in
this way bring back, the Catholic faith in the end also to England and
Ireland; for in Scotland heresy would be destroyed at its root, the
English would be expelled from the low countries, and France would thus
obtain the key to their kingdom."
The agitation on the
Scottish Borders was undoubtedly sustained by the imprisoned Queen’s
emissaries, but at last, in November, 1587, her fate was sealed. On the
23d she wrote to the Spanish Ambassador in England after her condemnation
thanking him "for the last time" for the interest he had taken in her
captivity, and esteeming herself "happy to die for the Catholic religion,
though her enemies say that she is dying for having wished to murder the
Queen." A general mourning was ordered throughout Scotland, and it was
openly said that nothing but war could wash off the blot from Scotland’s
shield. This feeling was so strong on the Borders that in addition to the
irritation caused by the Reformation, there was a pretext for constant
bickering where the English and Scots came so closely in contact. A letter
is preserved with the signature in cipher addressed from Greenwich to a
counsellor of James VI, March, 1588. It seeks to prove to him that "the
King of Scotland ought not to undertake to avenge the death of his mother,
but, on the contrary, to do everything possible to bring about the union
of the two crowns, for if for that occasion he tries to make war against
this kingdom, he must consider two points—first, if the war would appear
just and honest in the sight of any one, and of the means of persevering
in it, and what would be the conclusion and end; and secondly, that his
pretensions to the succession might fall in the struggle." The author of
the letter, after a long dissertation on each of these points, concludes
that the end of the war would be the ruin of Scotland, and begs the King
not to attempt it.
Another letter of 1597 from
Queen Elizabeth to James VI., preserved in the London Record Office,
contains a sharp rebuke; the King having opened his Parliament with a
speech in which he complained of the wrong done him in the death of his
mother, holding back his annuity, and efforts to deprive him of his title
to the Crown of England. "When the strange blast of flying fame," she
writes, "first pierced her ears she thought that it had brought report of
some untruth, but when the records of his Parliament were witness of his
pronounced words she wondered what evil spirits had possessed him to set
forth such infamous devices void of any show of truth. She is sorry that
he is so fallen, and will need throw himself into such a hurpoole of
bottomless credit. She never yet loved him so little as not to moan his
infamous dealings, but he must be assured that he deals with such a King
as will bear no wrongs, nor endure infamy, and that without large amends
she may not and will not slupper up such indignities." This letter
produced an apology from King James, but it shows that he was not quite so
indifferent to the fate of his mother as was affirmed by Queen Elizabeth’s
enemies, who had hoped that he would cast off the English alliance and the
Reformed faith as soon as he came of age. The Spanish Ambassador, writing
to the King of Spain in 1587, thinks that James had a secret preference
for the Roman faith. "The King of Scotland," he writes, "arrived on the
12th of April at Dumfries to put his hand on Maxwell’s collar." But the
last, who was the prop of the Roman faith in Dumfriesshire, "had gone the
preceding night, being warned by the great lords." He suspects it to have
been by order of the King himself.
When the Roman priests were
dismissed from the country no one took their place in some instances for
thirty or forty years, and even more, on the Borders. Early in the 17th
century James VI. issued a proclamation to appoint clergy throughout
Annandale. "The inhabitants thereof," says this document, "are for the
most part wild heathen men," and for at least a generation they had no
chance of being anything else. John Johnstone of Newbie, from his will in
1578, seems to have outwardly embraced the Reformed opinions, like his
chief; but his grandson was outlawed in 1593 and 1602 for hearing Mass,
and having his children baptized by Roman priests; and in 1595 the Laird
of Johnstone, Robert Johnstone of Newbie, and Charles Murray of Cockpool
were charged with the same, and for entertaining Roman Catholic priests.
The Church lands had been sold to laymen, and the monastic estates
distributed among the King’s favourites. Graitney had been for years
without divine service, till Murray obtained a charter of the Barony of
Dundrennan, and it was stipulated that he should pay the parson of
Graitney an income of 400 marks. The zeal or half-heartedness with which
the Border chiefs threw off Romanism had undoubtedly much to do with their
success at that time; and while the Buccleuchs, Griersons, Douglases,
Murrays, and some others, who were staunch Protestants, received honours
and lands, the Johnstones of Newbie and Graitney, and a few more who were
secretly Romanists were spoiled.
It is often forgotten that
Presbyterianism did not immediately succeed Romanism, but that the
Episcopal Church remained in Scotland for nearly a century simply divested
of certain Romish principles. So late as 1649 Acts of Parliament were
passed forbidding the use of meat in Lent. The Courts of Justice were
generally held on Sunday morning, showing a laxity which perhaps accounts
for the reaction in that respect when the second Reformation was
established. [Speed (temp. James Vi.) describes the Scottish gentry and
nobility as very studious of learning, for which end they not only
frequent the Universities, but also much addict themselves to travel in
foreign countries.]
The want of money in
Scotland, and the love of war and adventure which characterised her hardy
sons, induced many of the younger members of the Scottish families to take
service in the armies on the Continent, particularly during the reign of
Oliver Cromwell and after the accession of William III., when political
reasons deterred some of them from accepting a commission under the
Princes whom they considered to be usurpers. To be a Scotsman was
undoubtedly a drawback to promotion in England till the reign of George
III. or later, and the British army was very small compared to what it is
now, and a commission and outfit more expensive than in a foreign force. A
journey by land to London cost more than from Leith to Holland or Bremen
by sea. But the sons of Scottish ministers till far into the present
century crowded into the ranks of the Scottish regiments, and were
distinguished for their courage and steadiness. There was not space in
Scotland for the number of educated men who annually left the colleges in
search of employment, so the list of the pioneers in India, America, and
the West Indies is filled with Scottish names, and every army on the
Continent, including the Turkish, contained officers of Scottish birth.
One instance was Patrick Gordon, who entered the Swedish army under the
grandfather of Charles XII. In a war with Poland he was captured by the
enemy, and as the Poles in the days seldom exchanged prisoners, he took
service with the King of Poland, who was then at war with Russia. He was
impressed with the miserable condition of some Russian prisoners of war in
a dungeon in Warsaw, and did his best to keep them from starvation; and in
a subsequent battle with the Czar Alexis of Muscovy (father to Peter the
Great), when he fell into the hands of the Russians, the Czar sent for him
to thank him for having, as he had heard, "been kind to his poor subjects
in Warsaw," Thereupon Gordon offered his sword to Muscovy. He and his son,
and another Scotsman named Bruce, assisted the Russian armies throughout
the reign of Peter the Great, and the younger Gordon published by far the
best work on the reign of that monarch.
Admiral Gordon, in the
service of Catherine I., was employed by Prince James, the old Chevalier,
as the English Jacobite envoy at the Russian Court. Christopher Carlile,
one of the Cumberland Newbie branch, commanded the Russian navy when
Carmichael was governor of Pleskof, under Ivan the Terrible. He had
married a daughter of Sir Francis Walsingham, and, as befitted the
descendant of crusaders, he wrote a book against the commercial treaty
which was formed between the Turks and England at that period. He pointed
out the great risks that the traders incurred from the piratical Barbary
States, on the north of Africa, and that it cost them £2000 a year in
presents alone to secure even partial safe These pirates, he added, were
equally dreaded by our Italian traders, and our sailors were forced to pay
enormous ransoms to the Algerians for their rescue from slavery. Many
petitions appear at that time, and later, among the Scottish records from
prisoners captured by the Turks and Moors for assistance in paying their
ransoms. One as sent from Algiers by Alexander Sanders, George Anderson,
and Andrew Monro. They state that, they cannot repeat to Christian ears
all the horrors they have suffered, and the scenes they daily witnessed
while held in chains, the Lords in Council directed that an offertory
should be made in the churches on their behalf.
In Monypeny’s Chronicle,
published in 1587, sixty-five lairds and gentlemen are enumerated as
residing in Dumfriesshire, and the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright. Nine were
Johnstones, viz., the Lairds of Johnstone, of Newbie, of Graitney, of
Wamphray, [Wamphray is described in an act and decreet, 1611, as a
"gentleman of very mean rent—nothing like a great baron," and his brothers
"but young gentlemen without any rent or means of living."] of Corrie, of
Corhead, of Craighopburne, of Newtone, and of Kirkton. Six were Gordons,
viz., Lochinvar, Traquhair, Barskeoche, Airdis, Skernaes, and of the Cule.
Murray of Broghton; Glendyning of Portoun; Maclellan of Bomby, and of
Mertoun; Dalbeattie; Lindsay of Barcloy; Lidderdaill of St. Mary’s Isle;
Herries of Madinhoip, and Herries of Mabie; eight were Maxwells; Rorison
[The Rorisons were M’Rories, Lords of Bute, which devolved on a son of
Robert II. when the old family were deposed.] of Bardannoch; four
Douglases; Macnaught of Kilquhanatie; Stewart of Fintillouche; Livingston
of Little Ardie; Macnaught of that Ilk; two Crichtons; Menzies of
Castlehill, and of Auchensell; Maitland of Auchencastle; Kirkpatrick of
Closeburne; Kirkmichael; Grier of Lag; Charteris of Amisfield; Broune of
the Lande; Cunningham of Kirkshaw; Fergusson of Craigdarroch; Hunter of
Balagan; Kirk of Glenesslane, and the Gudeman of Friar Kerse; Jardine of
Apilgirth; Murray of Cockpool, and of Morayquhat; Carruthers of Holmendes,
and of Wormanbie; the Laird of Knock; and the Gudeman of Granton and of
Boidisbek. There were also twenty "chief men of name, not being lairds,"
Adam Carlile of Bridekirk, Alexander Carlile of Eglisfechan, Edward Irving
of Bonshaw, Lang Ritchie’s Edward, John, the young Duke, Chrystie’s Dick,
Chrystie the Cowquhat, Willie of Gretna Hill (all these were Irvings),
Roger Rome, Mickle Sandie Rome, David Gass, John Gass, Michil’s son in
Rig, George Grahame, Arthur Grahame, Richie Grahame, Will Bell, John Bell,
Andro Bell, Matthie Bell, Will Bell of Redkirk, Young Archie Thomson, and
Sym Thomson. A gudeman was a tenant who did not own the estate on which he
"The Sheriffdoms,
Stewardships, and Bailiwicks of Scotland," wrote Speed, in the reign of
James VI., "are for the most part inheritary unto honourable families."
Early in the year 1600 there was a constant interchange of letters
respecting the incursions of the Grahames and Armstrongs on both the
Scottish and English territories, and Johnstone had interviews with Lord
Scrope and his deputy, Mr Lowther, to concert measures for their arrest.
On the 7th of April, 1601, Nicolson informs Cecil of the redress he had
demanded of the King of Scots for Border disorders, and encloses this
letter from James VI., to Johnstone, dated Holyrood House, March 31,
"Right trusty friend, we
greet you heartily well. Albeit by sundry our former letters, we earnestly
willed you to keep good rule and quietness in the country, and specially
to stay all attempts by the broken men and thieves within your bounds upon
England to the disturbing of the peace now in the dangerous time; yet
perceiving you not to be so careful therein as your duty and charge
required, in respect of the continual complaints still made to us of the
daily incursions of the broken men committing burnings, thefts, taking of
prisoners, and such like attempts in England, we cannot but impute the
blame to you, who neither stayed the same nor gave us any advertisement of
your inability so to do, that we ourselves might have taken care and order
therein. We cannot be content that those people our neighbours shall be
overcome with such rated thieves and rebellious sinners, and that the
peace shall be endangered, and therefore we have given liberty to your
opposites (the English Wardens) of the Middle and West March to take the
opportunity of the outlaws, and rebel murderers of our late Warden, and of
all such other notorious sinners, disturbers of the peace and countries,
of such incursions within England, for whom you will not answer and give
justice, and to pursue, take, or stir them at their advantage either in
England or Scotland, without having any answerable or honest subject
unless in their own default of being in company, assisting or defending
the rebels, who in that case we will not hold our subjects which we have
thought good to signify to you, and according to our former directions to
desire you to concur with your opposites in that case, and in all other
things that may stay and repress the unhappy and wicked course of these
rebellious outlaws about which we look yet for a better proof of your care
and good will, pursue them with fire and sword, and forbid them rest or
comfort within our realm under pain of death, for we have promised to your
opposites to cause the same be done by you with all diligence, and so
resting persuaded to find your amendment in anything ye have overseen or
lacked hitherto in your matters touching us so nearly as ye tender our
favour and good will, and other ways will be acceptable to us upon your
duty and obedience, we commit you to God. "JAMES R.."
Nicolson also wrote to the
Laird of Johnstone, and received this answer from him:—"After my
commendations in lawful manner, I received your letter wherein I perceive
ye think I do not my duty in meeting your officers for the taking of good
order anent the punishment of six malefactors as trouble both the
countries. I assure you it has been the thing I have been most careful of
ever since I accepted this office, and to that effect have craved oft and
divers times meetings of my Lord Scrope, and could never get none as yet,
but ever deferring answers which I sent to his Highness, the King’s
Majesty, both my request and his answers, which I doubt not you have seen.
His Highness nor ye neither can put no fault to me, for I assure ye, the
Lord Scrope is the wite of all done since my acceptance of office, and
about meeting them that he left behind him in his room, I can have no
certainty, because they are changed every fifteen days, and if ever I get
a meeting set down with them that wrote to me last those are changed and
others put in their room; wherefore I must earnestly desire you to cause a
special man to be appointed that will remain still, and that the Border
fears, for they will do nothing, for none of them that has been in my
lord’s room. I have taken some special Border men of the clan of
Armstrong, and have them in sure custody, and that for the performance of
such attempts as they have committed against England, and have likewise
charged the whole Borders to be before me on Saturday to come, where I
shall take such like order as His Majesty has given direction, providing
that I may receive the like; so I commit you to God.
"Of the Loughwood, 9th
April, 1601, your friend in lawful manner, "JOHNSTONE."
Nicolson enclosed this
letter to Sir Robert Cecil, asking him to "take care of the West Border,
for if your Honour do not it will breed worse. The Laird writes for a
resident and a man that will be feared, Johnstone hath done great service
in taking these men, and he would be thanked. He hath sent the word of it
and prays him to send warrant to keep them, and not to deliver them unless
for justice to England, notwithstanding any warrants to be after written
in the contrary; a square and honest meaning in the Laird. I beseech your
honour consider well of those Borders; my Lord Scrope thinks much for my
plain writing, and will think more if he knows I send this. Would God he
had been as his father was, then I had had his favour the more if I had
made him such service."