in Albion, New York, September 13, 1853. He is a descendant of the
Perthshire Stewarts, derived from Alexander Stewart, Earl of Buchan and
Lord of Badenoch, fourth son of King Robert II; and the great-grandson of
John Stewart, of Perth, Scotland, and a son of Johnathan Severance Stewart
(born Truxton, Cortland Co., N. Y.) and Ada E. Nichoson Stewart, his wife,
daughter of Orson Nichoson, M.D., one of the earliest settlers in Albion
and the first physician to locate there. He is also descended from the
Severance, McClellan, Fay, Mathews and Morris families of New England.
Robert Morris Stewart, who founded the railway system of Missouri and
built the Hannibal & St. Joseph Railroad, of which he was for a time
president, and Governor of the State at the opening of the Civil War, was
his uncle.
Dr. Stewart was educated at Cortland
County Academy, Homer, N. Y.; Oberlin College, Ohio; Philadelphia College
of Pharmacy, class of 1876; Jefferson Medical College, class of 1879; and
post-graduate University of Pennsylvania. He became a resident of
Philadelphia in 1872, when his father became superintendent of the
American Dredging Company, then constructing the League Island Navy Yard.
He practiced for a time in New York City, where he was a member of the
Hospital Committee and chairman of the committee on Alms Houses of the
County of New York, State Charity’s Aid Association, a member of the Fifth
Avenue Presbyterian Church and physician of the New York Loan Relief
Dr. Stewart has made pharmacology
his specialty, and even in his student days made several important
researches and medical inventions. He has been an earnest advocate of
reform in materia medica and the materia medica supply business, and of
placing the pharmacal and pharmaco-chemical industries under the control
of the national government, so far as the introducing of new remedies is
concerned. As early as 1881, he outlined a complete plan which was
endorsed by Professor Spencer F. Baird of the Smithsonian Institution and
others, and by the American Medical Association in a memorial to Congress,
but it failed to receive the authority of the government. Later he induced
Parke, Davis & Company, Detroit, to establish a scientific department, and
himself became associate-editor of the Therapeutic Gazette,
published by them, in which he issued in connection with scientific
expeditions sent out by that house, working bulletins and reports,
afterward collected into a book of 1307 pages, enitled The Pharmacoloqy
of the Newer Materia Medica. This book was donated to the Smithsonian
Institution and to educational institutions teaching materia medica, and
specimens of the plants investigated were placed in the materia medica
collection in the National Museum, Washington. Dr. Stewart also was
instrumental in bringing about the formation of a Council on Pharmacy and
Chemistry of the American Medical Association, which has done much in
controlling by co-operation with the medical journals the advertising of
objectionable medical preparations; and by his many addresses at
pharmacopceial conventions and contributions to the medical press has done
much toward the standardization of the materia medica. While he has not
been able to bring about his original plan of government control, the Pure
Food and Drug Act of June 30, 1906, recognized the standards of the
Pharmacopoeia, and manufacturers are obliged to conform.
In 1885; Dr. Stewart removed to
Wilmington, Delaware, where he occupied prominent positions in the State
medical and pharmaceutical societies; was electrician of the Delaware
Hospital; leader of the University Extension of the University of
Pennsylvania in Wilmington, and a member of Rodney Street, now Westminster
Presbyterian, Church—first secretary of the Board of Trustees and one of
the committee of three having charge of the first rebuilding of the
In 1891, Dr. Stewart accepted a
position in the Glen Springs Sanatarium, Watkins, N. Y., but resigned in
1894 to organize a scientific department for Frederick Stearns & Company,
manufacturing pharmacists, Detroit. In 1898 he became Chairman of the
Medical Board of Merck & Company, manufacturers of medicinal chemicals,
New York, and first editor-in-chief of Merck’s Archives, remaining
as the head of that journal until 1901, when he went to California to
assist in organizing the National Bureau of Medicines and Foods, proposed
by him as a substitute for government control. The plan was afterward
remodelled and became the origin of the Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry
of the American Medical Association.
Dr. Stewart has served as
quiz-master in Pharmacy and Theoretical Chemistry, Philadelphia College of
Pharmacy; demonstrator and lecturer in Materia Medica and Pharmacy in the
Medico-Chirurgical College, Women’s Medical College of Pennsylvania, and
Jefferson Medical College; Professor of Materia Medica, Botany and
Physiology in the Medico-Chirurgical College; and Professor in the
Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. He is director of the scientific
department of the great chemical house of H. K. Mulford Company,
Philadelphia; chairman of committees on patent law revision appointed by
the American Pharmaceutical Association, Pennsylvania Pharmaceutical
Associations, Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce, and the Association of
Medical Editors; and while in Wilmington he was a founder of the Delaware
Trust Company and the Franco-American Food Company and a director of both.
He is author of Stewart’s Compend of Pharmacy, and editor of
Biochemic Drug Assay Methods, by Dr. Paul S. Pittenger, and
Pharmaceutical Botany, by Dr. Heber W. Youngken, both associated with
his chair at Medico-Chirurgical College. He received the degree of
Pharmacy Doctor from the latter institution in 1914, for distinguished
service in pharmacy.
Dr. Stewart is Historian and a life
member of the St. Andrew’s Society of Philadelphia. He is a fellow of the
American Medical Association; member of the American Academy of Medicine;
organizer of the American Therapeutic Society; member of the Council of
the American Pharmaceutical Association, and ex-President of the
Philadelphia branch; member of the Pennsylvania State Medical and
Pharmaceutical Societies; the Philadelphia County Medical Society and
Medical Club; New York Chemists Club; a thirty-second degree Mason; a
Noble of the Mystic Shrine; and an elder in the Presbyterian Church. He is
a life member of the Stewart Society, an international organization of the
ancient and once royal family of Scotland, of which the Right Honourable
the Earl of Galloway, as titular head of the family, is Honorary
Dr. Stewart married, March 17, 1885,
Mary Ida, daughter of Henry B. Seidel, President of the Seidel, Hastings
Company, rolling mills, Wilmington, Delaware. He has two daughters, both
graduates of Vassar: the elder, Mildred Penrose, graduated 1908, is
instructor in Physiology and Hygiene, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, N. Y.;
the younger, Frances Marjorie Mathews, graduated 1915, is at home in
Germantown, Philadelphia. Dr. Stewart is not only at the head of his
profession but also a voluminous reader and a writer of merit on general
subjects. He is a great lover of everything Scottish and has travelled
extensively through Scotland and has a wide knowledge of its history, and
has many influential friends in Edinburgh and elsewhere. He is of a genial
disposition and always willing to give his advice and help.