THE late John McNeil was born in Perth, Scotland, July
6, 1842, the son of John and Mary McNeil. He was educated in the High
School, Perth; and afterward apprenticed to Hamilton & Hardie, Chemists,
Dundee. In 1861 he removed to St. John’s, Newfoundland, as assistant to
the late Thomas MeMurdo, who in 1823 had established the present house of
Thomas McMurdo & Company in St. John’s. In 1870, Mr. McNeil became a
partner in the firm, and in 1880, on the death of Mr.
McMurdo, succeeded him as head of the
Mr. McNeil married Miss Mary McMurdo,
daughter of Thomas McMurdo. Their eldest son, T. M. McNeil, is the present
head of Thomas McMurdo & Company and the able successor of his father. Mr.
Hector McNeil, a half brother of Mr. John McNeil, an auditor of the Reid
Newfoundland Company, also resides in St. John‘s. |