[Note.—The letters
folio, as far as possible, the order of fating. As Old Style still
prevailed, it was usual to double date an event falling within the
first three months of the year, as 1733 for 1734. The manuscript has
been scrupulously followed even to the extent of retaining a few
repeats of single words. Notice has been taken in the footnotes of
obvious slips or omissions, but these are singularly few. The
letters have been numbered for reference.]
Charles,—It is some
time since I heard from you. We 4 Dec. 1727. have had a very drie
season. This last fortnight we have had it soft and foggy without
ane air of wind or once seeing the sun, but since yesterday morning
we have a great deal of rain from the N. East wch is the first rain
they have had here since you went away, which went into the Ground 3
inches. I wrote to my Bror telling him that Willm the Gardener was
gone from hence before I received your Letter desiring the Seeds he
was to get from Mr. Colebrool^s Gardener, and the best way I can
think of for your getting of them was by writing to your Cousin John
who is still in this neighbourhood, and you know he is acquainted
with the peoplo.at Mr. Colebrooks. A Cook Maid who is going by Sea
to my Brother goes from hence in some days, and I shall send by her
a little of some seeds I have got since you went away. I believe you
carried with you some of each kind I had before. As for a Carrot
hough—Sure you can direct the making of one, it being only a very
small one the shape of a common paring hough with a handle in proportion.
I hope the planting and the Tennents ditchen has gone well on in
this open weather and that the Nurserys are put into some order. I
found Alexr Wight and some others fond of a border w* a hedge in the
middle and Willows of each side, such as he made before his House
behind Willm Cokburne and the Colliers houses, but I fear they will
find themselves deceiv'd if they expect to make a good fence of it
against Cattle, it not having the advantage of a ditch, for cattle
will go through any hedge that is not very old when it is upon a
Levell with them, and they can lay their breasts to it. Tell them
that this is my opinion. I know it is cheaper made, but the best
hedge, even upon a height above cattle, has enough to doe and fear
the willows will prove a small help to keeping of them in or out,
till the hedge grows so strong as to resist them upon a flatt. I
wish I may be in the wrong and not they. You know that I have
advis'd the strengthening of our fences by the way I propos'd of
covering the whole face of the Bank w* white and black thorn, even
to make stronger fences than we made formerly, which is just
contrary to this practice; and I believe in time they will wish they
had follow'd the methode I desir'd you to show them, rather than
this of theirs, tho' theirs costs much less trouble at first. Tom:
fell from the Copper this day se'night when a brewing, and broke his
Legg, but Mr. Evans says he will doe well.
I have sent a good quantity of Melon
Seeds which my Brother or you may make presents of or Exchange for
other Seeds. All that are my own I can answer for being from good
fruit, and I never sent any of them down to Scotland before.
They will be better
some years hence. The other seeds I had directly from the places in
ffrance I have nam'd upon ye papers.
My own Cabbage Seed
of wch you know I had a great deal, was mostly let Shake as was all
the Turnep Seed and most of the onion and Leeks. The Cabbage that
was sav'd was all mix'd, but as it was from good Cabbage of all
kinds, I have sent you some of it. I have put up also Savoys Seed,
but I don't know wch is White and which is Green. I don't know if
the Onion Seed is of the Strasburgh or Spanish or mix'd, for I found
all neglected when I came home, few Seeds of any kind sav'd, and
little left of the Seeds of the former year. Toff,14th Deer. 1727.
Charles,—I wrote to
you of 5th and also to Alexr Wight 17 Jany. 173I. before I received
yours. I have now yours of 7th. I can recollect little about
planting which I did not mention to you in my last or in some
letters I wrot to Alexr Wight before I received any from you. I
would have you prune up the hollys and Yews in the Haining as you
doe other trees, to see how high we can carry them. I told you in my
last my opinion about Alexr Wight's Wood. There has been weather
which allowed of little other work. I hope good use has been made of
itt that way. A Wood to be cutt 3 or 4 years hence will be much the
better for having the good for little trees cutt out now and the
bodys of the trees which are to stand being all good a great way up.
If this is done carefully now the bodies will grow a good deal in
bigness in that time, and they will also putt out larger tops high
up. They will cure of the Wounds and in 3 or 4 years be tall well
body'd trees, so I am not for sparing in pruning up high espicially
what is not to be cutt till summer come 4 years. Don't all the trees
in the little Wood by east the Town of Orm: want being prun'd up, to
make them clean body'd and to encourage them in running high.
Chizells with long handles must be us'd both in the old Wood and in
that by east the Town. I don't know who are employed in the Woods or
about the other plantations, neither doe I know what any of the
people's business is who are my Servts there and my advices or
directions have not been comply'd with being thought bad, so I won't
order any thing. What I write is only my opinion to you, but doe you
follow the orders you receive from my Brother, whether agreeable to
what I write or not. I don't know at all upon what foot Ch: Cokburne
is at the Town and how far he is or not my Servc, and if he is my
Servc in what he has been employ'd for I have not heard of his
having been Imploy'd about the planting. If he is my Servc and
working about the planting his business, I believe it will dispatch
business best that you go with him, when any are to be planted by
him that you go down and work with him and keep him to itt and see
that he does right, and the like when he has such a piece of Work as
the sneding of the Wood by east the Town or such other things, and
of the other hand when you have any thing to doe bring him up to
assist you, for when he is alone I fear he will doe little and not
well. I would also have you sometimes be wfc Alexr Cokburne to
assist him, espicially when he has a Piece of Work which requires
dispatch, and when you have some jobb in Garden, Nursery or
otherwise, that you call him and his man to make up for the time you
have helpM him. By this way more bussines will be done and you '1
see to all being done right, for if things are not done right money
and time is lost, and sometimes they had better be lett alone. Alexr
Cokb: his man, Ch: Cokburne, you and your man if you have one would
quickly go through two years cutting of Alexr Wight's Wood, and then
you altogether would soon go through the Wood at the east end of the
Town, and you would be sure all was well done. The like in sneding
or supplying hedge row trees or pruning any of the other Woods, and
so many of you would soon putt a piece of Nursery ground or Garden
ground in order. Don't neglect what I wrote to Alexr Wight of making
Nursery ground good, as far as you can this year but for certain
against next. Plant the tall Horse Chesnutts and Yews as you propose
or in any other place you shall be order'd. You know the Horse
Chesnutts must not be too much expos'd to winds. If you plant
Walnutts the ground must be well wrought for a good depth and also a
large hole for them. Their roots are tender and if they have not
open earth for shooting their roots down in and also round, they
will sitt. Ashes mix'd with the mould will help them much as it will
keep it open. I expect to hear frequently from you and I desire you
will lett me know every time who have been employ'd about planting
in the Wood, Garden or Nursery from your Writing before. I design'd
to have had 1000 or two of young Elms gather'd from Ditches and sent
down, but this hard frost has not allowed of itt, and there is now
no Ship in the River for Leith in case the frost should brake. You
can't plant the Walnutts too young, if they are well fenc'd from
Cattle. They if young may be taken up wi the earth about them
carefully and not a root . . . taking care to putt the spade deep
down to take up the top root without cutting or braking of itt or
any other. I desir'd you last year to speak to Mr. Mathie about firr
seed, his father gott me some Norway and also some Swedish firr
seed, and he will oblige me if he can gett me some of each. Lay
ffilberts and Cobb nutts for propagating.
17 Jany. 173¾
Charles,—I had yours
of 31st Jany. when I went on 12 Feby. 1731. Saturday to Hampstead. I
had left a letter that morning to be putt into the post for Alexr
Wight, a part of which I desir'd him to communicate to you. As I
dont know the post Master of Haddington and how far he may take care
of my letters, I have of late directed to be left at my father's
house in Eden. Lett me know if they have come safe to hand or by
what other direction you think he and you may have them left for the
future. You should gett better Ink for the very direction of yours
was so pale it could scarce be read.
I have sent down into
Hertfordshire to see to get me 1500 or 2000 more Elms out of the
hedges, in order to send them by Captn Man, who assures me he will
sail the 22d of this month. I wrote to Alexr Wight to tell you about
the getting ground ready, and also of my having sent a small vial wi
some hundreds of Crab-Apple Seed. Itt was so late before I knew of
your coming to Orm : that I could get no more. I hope you sent some
of your Asparagus to my ffather.