The study of the history of the Northwest Coast of North
America carries us back to that period of grand achievement, the sixteenth
century. It was in this brilliant age of new birth and vigorous thought,
when as yet the old had not entirely succumbed to the new, nor the new
completely supplanted the old, that the Pacific Ocean was discovered. The
finding of a new ocean highway marked an epoch in the history of the world
and it had an important bearing on the future relations of the great
nations, as well as giving new possibilities to the continent of which it
formed the western boundary.
Hereafter we witness the Spanish, the Dutch and the
English vying with each other for the possession of the trade routes to
India and the Orient, and as an outcome of this rivalry we see the gradual
decline of the first and the steady rise of the second two as naval powers.
In all cases where nations have attained world-wide
supremacy, we find that that supremacy has rested upon the sure foundation
of naval superiority and command of the sea. Spain was no exception to the
rule. The successes of the Spaniards were entirely due to their unrivalled
maritime resources. The development of her navy was so rapid and her rise so
remarkable that within the short space of three-quarters of the sixteenth
century she had in its last decade reached the zenith of her fame. But the
sun of Spain's prosperity waned, even as it had risen, and the dying years
of the sixteenth century marked the beginning of the decline of Spain's
sea-power and fore-shadowed the passing of
the naval supremacy of the world to the Dutch and the English.
The shouts of acclaim that greeted the tidings of
Balboa's achievements in viewing the Pacific Ocean from the heights of
Panama had scarcely died away when the house of Castile turned its attention
to the examination of the coasts of America to the north and to the south of
the Isthmus of Darien, hoping to find a passage directly leading to the
Pacific Ocean. Many expeditions were despatched with this object in view,
and for seven years the Spaniards persisted in a futile search for the
hidden strait. Then Magellan, the Portuguese, with his compatriot Ruy
Faleiro, offered to find for Spain a western passage to the Moluccas, and
Charles V
was prevailed upon to fit out an expedition
of five vessels for this purpose. In 1520, Magellan, after mutinies, the
loss of several ships and many stirring adventures, discovered and sailed
through the strait which bears the great navigator's name. The Spaniards had
at last found the long sought for opening, but the discovery after all
brought little advantage, the strait being too far south to be used as a
regular route to the Spice Islands and the Orient. Therefore, it early
became the practice to transfer the gold, silver and precious stones
captured in Peru, and the rich cargoes of the Philippine argosies, across
the Isthmus of Darien to the galleons on the eastern coast of this narrow
neck of land. The South seas were not yet destined to become the scene of
commercial activity.
However, obstacles presented by nature could not long
prevail against the intrepid and resourceful mariners of Spain in the day of
her greatness, Cortez, the famous or infamous, according to the canons by
which he may be judged, conquered Mexico and ruthlessly placed a new
dominion under the galling yoke of the Spaniard. Pizarro, with equal daring
and equal deviltry, dethroned the Incas of Peru and forced upon their
unfortunate subjects a tyranny so atrocious that we pale as we read the
story of Spanish prowess in this unhappy land. These events were fraught
with far-reaching consequences.
While the conquest and subsequent pillaging of Mexico and
Peru engrossed the attention of Cortez and Pizarro, hardy mariners were
exploring that portion of the Pacific which washes the coasts of Central
America and the northern portion of the southern continent. Gradually
knowledge of the trend of the land was acquired and the possibilities of
establishing a short route to the far east, by way of the isthmus of Panama,
were recognized at an early date. Then, Cortez, with the remarkable energy
that characterized all his actions, pushed his exploration and conquests to
the western confines of his province, and established the sovereignty of
Spain over the whole land, from the Gulf to the Pacific. His attempts to
colonize the Californian littoral were failures. The hostility of the
inhabitants, the ravages of disease, and the barrenness of the soil, proved
insurmountable barriers, and rendered abortive his ambitious scheming in
this direction. In spite, however, of disasters, Cortez, with indomitable
courage and zeal, undertook the exploration of the Pacific Coast of North
America. He issued instructions for the building of ships on the Pacific
seaboard, and the difficulties to be overcome may well be imagined when it
is remembered that all the iron and much other material needed for the
vessels had to be carried overland to the port of construction. But even
then the difficulties had only commenced, for there was no seasoned timber
available, and skilled labor was scarce, but in the face of all these
drawbacks, several vessels were launched from the crude ship yards at
Tehauntepec. One of these, under the command of Maldonado, sailed northward
and explored the coast for a distance of some three hundred miles, but the
data obtained on this voyage was of no particular value. It is interesting
only as marking the first attempt of the Spaniards to explore the unknown
western coastline of Mexico. In the following years several important
expeditions were despatched to the Gulf of California and its shores were
more or less carefully examined. Of the early voyages along the western
coast of Mexico that undertaken in 1532 by Diego Hurtado de Mendoza, a'
kinsman of Cortez, was relatively speaking of some consequence. Mendoza
reached a point near the twenty-seventh parallel, where, owing to the
mutinous conduct of his men, he was forced to send back one of his vessels,
continuing the voyage in the other. It is impossible to say how far this
pioneer navigator proceeded after parting company with his former
companions, nor have we any record of his observations bearing on the lands
which he visited in the course of his wanderings, for his vessel was cast
away on an unknown reef, and neither Mendoza or any of his men returned to
Mexico to recount their adventures.
As the coast line became better known, as the result of
these voyages, the explorers became bolder, and at last in 1539, Ulloa,
after having examined with care the shores of the Vermilion Sea, .as the
Gulf o<f California was marked on early charts, rounded the Cape San Lucas,
at the southern extremity of the California Peninsula, and pointed the way
to the great northwest coast that stretched in one long, irregular line
to the mist-enshrouded waters of Behring Strait, although for many a
long year it remained, as heretofore, a terra incognita, and nothing foreign
disturbed the primeval solitude of that vast region. From the time of Ulloa,
the first European to examine the outer shore of the California Peninsula,
the Spaniards made spasmodic efforts to explore and annex the northwest
coast, but the endeavors to a great extent were rendered fruitless, chiefly
owing to the parsimonious policy pursued by the viceroys of Mexico.
Nevertheless, whatever may be said with regard to the lack of energy
displayed by those responsible for the despatching of exploratory
expeditions, we can, as a general rule, only praise the commanders and crews
of the vessels to whom this difficult task was entrusted. In ships ill-found
and small they bravely sailed away to the unknown northern waters, a few of
them to hand their names down to posterity, many of them to perish at the
hands of savages, or to die miserably from disease, and all of them to
suffer untold hardships from starvation, sickness, and inclement weather on
the rock-bound coasts they essayed to explore.
In 1542 Cabrillo, a navigator of some local fame,
followed in Ulloa's track, and, having rounded Cape San Lucas, commenced the
first systematic survey of the western coastline of California. He advanced
northward in easy stages, charting to the best of his ability, and naming
the bays, capes and inlets, but the nomenclature of this explorer has long
since been superseded by that of later discoverers. Cabrillo unhappily
succumbed to hardships and privation a few months after his departure from
the Mexican port of Navidad. Like many before and after him, he passed away
on a wild and unfrequented coast far from his native land, whither duty
called him. The voyage was continued by the pilot of the expedition, Ferrelo,
who zealously continued the work of exploration. We are informed in the
Spanish narrative touching this undertaking that 'the forty-first parallel
of latitude was attained. Ferrelo probably sighted the promontory later
named Cape Mendocino.
At an early date the Spaniards learned to take advantage
of the prevailing westerly winds of the Pacific, and from Mexican and
Peruvian ports fleets sailed for the Philippines, China and India, but for a
long time no> vessels voyaged from thence to Mexico or South America across
the great ocean, as the constant " trade winds," as they have since been
termed, baffled the efforts of the Spanish navigators to return by the way
they had gone. Therefore, those ships which escaped destruction from storms,
the sunken reefs of the East Indies, or the hostile natives, sailed on to
Europe past the Cape of Good Hope, a route long known to the Portuguese
engaged in the Asiatic trade. The Spanish government was always intensely
jealous of the successes of the Portuguese in India and China, and on more
than one memorable occasion endeavored to wrest from them the fruits of
their lucrative trading expeditions thither. But these expeditions were
generally ill-starred and achieved naught for Spain. At least two important
armaments were launched from Mexico against the Portuguese, one sailing as
early as the year 1526 under Saavedra, and the other in 1542 in command of
Ruy Lopez de Villa-lobos. Both ended in complete disaster.
If we can place reliance in the obscure and
unsatisfactory documentary evidence, which is the only instrument in the
hand of the latter-day historian, we must honor the adventurous Friar
Urdaneta, who had sailed with Magellan, as the discoverer of an eastern
route to the shores of America. He solved the problem which had puzzled his
countrymen for so long and earned their well-merited praise by proving that
it was possible to sail to and from the East Indies from any port on the
western seaboard of America. Urdaneta found that by steering a northward
course from the Philippines a region was entered where the prevailing winds
blew in the direction of the American continent, and thereafter the
Spaniards availed themselves of the peculiarities of the atmospheric
currents, with the result, however, that on the return voyages their ships
would often strike the continent far north of Mexico.
After several abortive efforts in this direction, the
Philippines had been subjugated by Miguel de Legazpi, with whom Urdaneta
sailed as pilot. In this manner the Spaniards gained what they had long
coveted, a secure position in the Far East. The potentialities of the
Oriental trade were soon recognized, and as a natural result, Spanish
shipping rapidly increased and before long the Pacific Ocean became an
important highway of commerce. The authorities at Madrid were jubilant, and
in a few years a lucrative traffic sprang up between Spain and the
Philippine Archipelago, by way of the Isthmus of Darien, where fortified
posts were maintained for the safe-guarding of the treasure and merchandise
which was transferred overland from the shores of the Pacific to the
Caribbean Sea. |