SCOTLAND'S indebtedness to
the Church for education has been often acknowledged. Before the sixteenth
century much, had been done by the establishment of Universities and
otherwise, but the people had not been reached. The light only gilded the
high places, the glens and the valleys were still in shadow. When the
Reformation took place, the fervour as to religion, was also shown as to
education. Indeed, the two things were held as vitally connected, as may
be seen in the Catechism in common use, which bore on its face the
significant title, "The
A.B.C. and the Shorter Catechism." John
Knox’s devout imagination as to the application of the Teinds was
unfortunately not carried out, but notwjthstanding much was done for the
education of the people. The First Book of Discipline (1560) drawn up by
Knox maintains the duty of the State to be "most careful for the
virtuous education and godly upbringing of the youth of the realm,"
and direction is given as to how this was to be done, "also that
provision be made for those that be poor, and not able by themselves nor
by their friends to be sustained at letters, and in special these that
come from landward." It is significantly added that no father of
"whatsoever state or condition," was to be allowed to bring up
his children ‘‘ according to his own fantasie," but all " must
be compelled to bring up their children in learning and virtue" Seven
years after, the Scottish Parliament ordained that all schools to Burgh
and Laud, "and all Universities and Colleges he reformed, and that
all teachers both public and private be tried by the Superintendents or
Visitoures of the Kirk." This shows that considerable progress had
been made. In 1616 the Privy Council ordered the establishment of a school
in every parish. This Act was confirmed in 1633, with the very important
condition that power was given to the Bishops, with assent of the majority
of the parishioners (if the Heritors, i.e., landed proprietors,
refused to act) themselves to plant the school, and impose a land tax for
its support, right of appeal to the Privy Council being given to the
Heritors. The General Assembly was strenuous in its endeavours to have the
Acts of Parliament carried out. In 1616, the subject was dealt with at a
meeting held in St Nicholas Church, Aberdeen, and from 1638 onwards there
is constant reference in the Acts of Assembly to "the settling of
schools." Thus, in 1642, it is enacted "that every parish have a
reader, and a school where children are to be bred in reading, writing,
and grounds of religion according to the laudable Acts of both Kirk and
Parliament made before." Further, in the same Act, "it is
recommended to His Majesty and Parliament to put in execution the means
formerly appointed for schools of all sorts, and to find out further means
for so good a case, especially that children of poor men (being
very capable of learning and of good genius) may be trained up according
as exigence and necessity of every place shall require." Then in
1704, there is an Act which not only shows the strong desire that existed
to bring education within the reach of all children, but also the growing
conviction that some compulsion would be required for this purpose—so
far anticipating the ideas of our own day: "And application is
appointed to be made to the Parliament and Privy Council, and those in the
Government for obtaining their authority to get said schools erected, and obliging
parents to put their children thereto." In how far education was
free in those times is doubtful, but it is evident that it was desired, on
the part of the State and of the Church, to remove all obstacles and to
place the schools within the reach of the poorest of the people. In an Act
passed by the General Assembly in 1705, it is required that "the poor
be taught upon charity, and that none he suffered to neglect the teaching
of their children to read." Three periods may be noticed in the
progress of education in our parish.
TIMES.—In 1658 there was a petition to Parliament from the Presbytery of
Strathspey, and heritors and wadsetters of the parishes of Abernethy and
Kincardine, "being unite," and of the parishes of Glencharin and
Rothiemurchus, "being also unite," for leave to appropriate
vacant stipends for the erection and maintenance of schools. In this
petition it is stated that these parishes had been vacant, without
ministers, the one for five, and the other for three years, "ilk ane
thereof fywe hundrethe merkes yearlye, and so the people of the respective
parochines frustrat of the benefit of the word and Sacraments;" and
it is urged that the "parochiners of the said parochines being bot
poor, and the rent thereof within the samen of little value, and lying
farr in the Highlands from anie burgh or in cuntrey for the education of
their children, they not being able to plant or prowyd for aine
schoolmaster," the vacant unpaid stipends could not be "more
piouslye nor better disposed upon nor for planting and prowyding of some
maintenance for ane school in ilk ane of the said parochines." The
petition was signed by James Grant of Freuchie, and among others by James
Grant of Achernack; Mungo Grant of Conningeis (Congash); James Grant of
Tullich; and J. Grant of Gartenmore. It was also signed by John Sanderson,
the minister at Abernethy, and Moderator of the Presbytery of Strathspey.
What the tesult was is not known. The tradition is that the school was
originally erected in the church-yard, that it was moved to Croft Croy,
and ultimately fixed in its present site. The building would be of a very
humble kind. Even a century later there was little advance. This appears
from a deliverance of the Presbytery of Abernethy, in 1748, with reference
to the parish of Kirkmichael. The minister represented that the school had
been for long in "a moveable and ambulatory way, and had been set up
in no less than ten different towns in the parish.
The custom had been for
those that had children to be taught to contend for having the school at
their own door, and they commonly gave an old house to master and scholars
until they got their turn
served, and then they begrudged this pitiful accommodation, and it was
withdrawn." He stated further that for some years past he had allowed
a room in the manse for a school, as no other place could be obtained.
After hearing parties, it was found that different opinions existed as to
where the school should he placed, but "a good number insisted that
it should be erected in the kirk-yard, as was usual in most other country
parishes." Leaving the question of site to be settled afterwards, the
Presbytery took the opinion of sworn tradesmen as to the probable expense
of the plan submitted to them, which was as follows :—" That the
house be thirty-six feet between walls in length, and twelve in breadth,
with a partition for the schoolmaster’s room, and three windows, one
whereof to be glazed. and the other two to have timber brods; two doors
and two locks; two lums of timber; two writing tables, and four forms for
the scholars to sit on." It was also ordered that if the school was
built in the church-yard "the whole walls and gavels were to be of
stone and mortar." In the Abernethy Session Book there are references
to fines being applied to payment of teacher and to the repair of the
school. In 1739, at a meeting held at Garroline, Malcolm Grant was entered
schoolmaster and session clerk, at twenty merks yearly, Scots, "being
his due to be paid out of the penalties imposed upon delinquents." In
1750, James Stuart in Riemore is appointed to cut and lead all the timber
necessary for the school-house, and to bind and set up the couples at his
own charges for his fall in fornication. This school was in Kincardine,
where William Clark appears to have been school master
at the time.
Act OF 1803. — By this Act the Heritors and Minister had the power of
settling the Schoolmaster’s stipend, which might be revised once in 25
years; the minimum was the value of 1½ chalders, or £16 13s 5d, and the
maximum 2 chalders, or £22 4s 5d. They also fixed the School fees ; but
"poor children" recommended by them were to be taught free; The
Presbytery of the Bounds had also considerable powers as to examination of
the Teacher, and superintendence. The first Teacher appointed under this
Act was William Macdonald (1804-1845). Mr Macdonald was a native of the
parish, and was educated at the Academies of Elgin and Inverness. He was
an able and efficient teacher. From a reply to Queries by a Committee of
the House of Commons, 1838, the following facts have been gleaned. The
accommodation was—One room and a kitchen, with bed-closet, all in the
flat over the schoolroom. The salary was £25 13s 3d. The average
attendance, 1836-37, was—Males, 61; females, 30; the ages being from 5
to 20, but some older. The fees were—English, 2s; with Writing, 2s 6d;
with Arithmetic, 3s; English Grammar and Geography, 1s; Mathematics, 5s to
10s; Latin, 5s, all per quarter. Book-keeping from 5s to 10s per sett. The
hours were from 10 to 5 in summer, and from 10 to 3 in winter, with an
hour’s play. The scholars were taught in classes, with the exception of
beginners, who were taught separately. No monitors were employed ; but
assistance was sometimes obtained from advanced scholars. The examination
by the Presbytery was in March, when prizes were given to the most
deserving. Luther’s master, Trebonius, used to take off his hat when he
entered his school-room. "I uncover my head," he said, "to
honour the Consuls, Chancellors, Doctors, Masters, who shall proceed from
this school." Mr Macdonald might have acted in the same way. In the
prize list for 1829, when 87 were present out of 103 upon the roll, the
following names occur, and their after course, so far as known, is
indicated: — James Allan, Manse, afterwards merchant in South America;
Duncan Grant, Broomhill, brewer in England; James Grant, Rhymore, Minister
of the Free Church; John Fraser, Nethy Bridge, solicitor; F. W. Grant,
Rothiemoon, staff surgeon; James Macdonald, Coulnakyle, retired as
Major-General from the Indian service; his son is the present Sir Claude
Macdonald, Her Majesty’s representative in China; James Forsyth, Dell,
for thirty years Manager of the Wolverhampton & Staffordshire Bank;
and among those who were ranked as A.B.C.’s, Donald Macdonald,
Coulnakyle, Surgeon-Major, India; Andrew A. Munro, Manse, retired
Major-General, India; William Forsyth, present parish minister. It is
interesting to note how many of the prizemen went forth to seek their
fortunes in the world, and almost all with good success.
NOW.—In 1838, 1845, and Acts were passed which led to considerable
improvements as to schools and education. In our parish the master’s
salary was increased, and in 1871 a new school-room was built more in
accordance with modern requirements. Then in 1872 came Lord Young’s Act,
and this Act, with some amendments, is the law under which education has
been since administered. While the old Parochial School system had much
that was excellent, it cannot he denied that in some respects it was
deficient. In our parish, as in many others, there was not sufficient
provision for the scattered population, though something was done by
General Assembly and
adventure schools, and this evil had to be remedied by the establishment
of additional schools at Tulloch, Dorback, and Glenbrown. The Public
School at Abernethy, which took the place of the Parish School, was also
improved by the addition of a class-room, and the appointment of a female
teacher, while an excellent house was provided for the master. In these
and in other respects many improvements have been effected. There have
been losses as well as gains under the new system, but the gains
predominate. Comparing the present with the past, the following things may
be noted. There is better provision of education as there are more schools
and under stricter registration, and by enforcement of the compulsory
clauses of the Act, a larger and more regular attendance has been secured.
Then, it may be said, there is fairer treatment of the scholars, as not
only the clever, but the dull have their chance. Justice so far as
possible is done to all. Further, from the better accommodation, the more
systematic teaching, and the more liberal equipment and appliances, work
is carried on under more favourable circumstances, and more effectively.
And as another very important matter, Education is now free. Mention
has been already made of the fees charged in 1838, and from this it will
be seen what a heavy burden fell upon parents, especially where there were
large families. This burden has been removed. So far as the law is carried
out, there is now a place for every child, and every child in its place.
Wordsworth’s "glorious time" may be said to have come,
excepting, perhaps, as regards religion, when "this imperial
realm" has bound
"Herself by
statute to secure
For all the children
whom her soil maintains,
The rudiments of
letters, and to inform
The mind with moral and
religious truth—
Both understood and practised—so that
However destitute, be
left to droop
By timely culture
unsustained, or run
Into a wild disorder;
or be forced
To drudge through weary
life without the aid
Of intellectual
implements and tools,
A savage horde among
the civilised—
A servile band among the lordly free."
The following is a list of
the Schoolmasters who have taught at Abernethy, so far as known :—Lachlan
Shaw, 1711, afterwards Minister at Kingussie, Cawdor, and Elgin, the
historian of Moray; Patrick Grant, 1730; Malcolm Grant, 1749; Francis
Lauder, 1752; George Dempster, 1754; Duncan Cameron, 1760; John Vass,
1780; William Pine, transferred to Grantown, 1803, taking with him the
Cock-fight Crown, which was never returned; William Macdonald, 1804-45;
James Grant, 1845-70; Donald Grant, M.A., 1870-76, now Minister of
Dornoch, Sutherlandshire; George Sorrie, MA., 1876-80, now Master of the
Grammar School, Stonehaven; Andrew Steele, M.A., 1880, the present
Teacher, assisted by Margaret Taylor, certificated Mistress. For four
years, 1892-96, the school was recognised as a Centrical School for
Secondary Education, and a grant of £40 was made to it annually by the
Inverness-shire Secondary Education Committee. During this time an
additional Master was employed, and under pressure from the Department and
H.M. Inspector, the School Board were put to large expense in enlarging
the accommodation, but the grant, having been withdrawn, the staff had to
be reduced. The highest grants earned were, in 1896, £191 13s 6d.
Last year, 1897, with a lower attendance, owing to a decrease in the
number of children within the school limit, the grants obtained were £139
11s 6d.