When Mr. Burns was living
at Kirn, near Dunoon, some years before liis retirement, he was
introduced by the Hon. Arthur Ivinnaird to Captain Trotter and his
family, who were at that time making a prolonged stay in Scotland.
Captain Trotter was a remarkable man in his day, and his influence lives
in the lives of many to whom he was made the means of great spiritual
benefit. George Burns found in him at once a man after his own heart,
and thenceforth they were fast friends till death separated them.
Captain Trotter was thirteen years younger than Mr. Burns, having been
born in 1808. He was educated at Harrow, and in 1825, at the age of
seventeen, entered the 2nd Life Guards, and obtained his troop in 1830.
In 1833 he married the Hon. Charlotte Amelia Liddell, the daughter of
the first Baron Ravensworth, and left the Guards three years afterwards.
He was a young man of great energy and activity, an adept in the art of
skating, a lover of dancing and of the society in which that amusement
was most cultivated; and withal a man of peculiar susceptibility and
deep affection.
In a short biographical notice of him by the late Rev. William
Pennefather of Mildmay, it is stated that in a memorandum-book which
Captain Trotter kept there was found the following entry:
"Converted at Paris, by God’s grace. Feb. 24, 1839.”
One day Mr. Burns said to the present writer :—
Did I ever tell you the story of Captain Trotter’s conversion? it is
very remarkable. His sister was married to Sir Henry Lindsey Betliune,
who was Plenipotentiary to the Court of Persia at Teheran, and whose son
subsequently became ninth Earl of Lindsey. Lady Bethune, during her
husband’s absence, had gone to Paris, and while there was brought under
very deep religious convictions. When Trotter heard of it, he said to
his wife, ‘I must go to Paris to look after my sister.’ His wife
replied, ‘You need not try to do anything to change her views; she is
like the Methodists, you can make no impression on her in the way you
wish.’ However, Trotter was not to be dissuaded, and he urged as a
reason why he should endeavour to rescue her from the associations by
which she was surrounded, ‘I owe it as a duty to Betliune.’ Captain
Trotter went to Paris, and he was so far successful in his mission that
Lady Bethune agreed to return with him to England. She only asked one
favour, which was that he would remain over the ensuing Sunday, in order
that she might once more hear Mr. Lovatt—the Chaplain of the English
Church in the Rue Marbceuf, to whose ministrations her change of Hews
was attributable. Trotter went with her, and there and then he was so
much impressed with what he heard, that he said to his sister, "I stayed
over the Sunday and went to church to please you, and now I have to ask
that you will remain over next Sunday and take me to church this time to
please me.’ They went, and Trotter was again deeply stirred in his
spirit. After the sermon he went into the vestry, and introducing
himself to Mr. Lovatt said, ‘I come to you as an Englishman, to tell you
my feelings and to ask your advice.’ He opened his heart fully, and
ended by saying, ‘Am I mad, or if not, what is the meaning of all this
disturbance in my mind? ’ Lovatt dealt wisely with him, and it ended in
both Captain Trotter and his wife becoming truly converted people.
When he returned home, preparations were in progress for a grand ball to
be given in his house at Dyrham Park, Barnet, to which lie had made some
additions, but instead of the ball a meeting was held for the
advancement of home missionary work.
Dyrham Park soon became a centre of Christian influence and activity.
His first systematic labours were for the poor of his own neighbourhood;
that same year he became Chairman of the Board of Guardians at Barnet,
an office he retained till the end of his life; and the religious
institutions in which he first took an active public interest were the
“Society for Promoting Christianity among the Jews,” and the “Irish
Church Missions.”
He soon began meetings in Soho Square for the study of the Scriptures,
which were attended by many gentlemen of his acquaintance, who derived
much spiritual benefit; while, in the summer months, he instituted a
similar kind of meeting for the farmers on his estate.
Few men ever possessed in a greater degree the art of speaking naturally
upon the deepest spiritual themes; he could talk without preaching, and
being intensely in earnest, his words went as barbed arrows to the
hearts of men. It did not matter whether his hearers were humble
cottagers, waifs and strays of London, or persons holding high position
in society; he spoke to the hearts of all, and told the simple story of
the Cross of Christ with inimitable power and pathos, while every
passage of Scripture seemed to be at his fingers’ ends.
Some of the brief entries in his memorandum-book, from which we have
already quoted, are mul-tinn in darvo records of the great labours in
which he engaged. Thus—
“£10,000 raised for Irish Church Missions” summarises years of toil and
prayer and sympathy for the spiritual woes of Ireland, while the entry,
“Cholera, Tarbert, Limerick, September, 1849,” is the only lecord of his
faithful personal services among the people when they were stricken by
the plague.
He owed a debt of gratitude to Paris; how' he sought to repay it is told
in the entry, “ Paris City Mission, began 1852.” He had loved his
profession, and the brave men who had been his associates, and could “
never see a red coat without his heart yearning over the soul beneath
it.” Here is the record of his energy: “Army Prayer Union organised,
1851.” But the story of wdiat that mighty organisation wTouglit,
extending wherever a regiment of the British Army w'as to be found, can
never be told. As Mr. Pennefather said, “Many gallant officers and
soldiers gave up tlieir lives ii| the Crimean War in the certain hope of
a blessed immortality, whose first religious impressions may be traced
to the interest which Captain Trotter took in their spiritual welfare.”
He was a sound Protestant, and in company with the Earl of Roden and the
Earl of Cavan went as a deputation from England to the court of the
Grand Duke of Tuscany to plead for Francesco and Eosa Madiai, who were
imprisoned in Florence for circulating, and assembling a few persons to
read the Scriptures. On his return he was asked in all quarters (the
incident being regarded with intense interest in Evangelical circles) to
give an account of his journey and of his interviews in the prison with
the Madiai. He did so, here, there, and everywhere, and this became the
means of introducing him to the world as a public speaker. He utilised
his opportunity, and became one of the most influential lay preachers of
his day. One of his constant themes was the enforcement of a diligent
study of the Word of God, and he was wont to say “there is no such thing
as a short cut to a deep knowledge of the Holy Scriptures.”
Of the home life of Captain Trotter, Mrs. Burns wrote to her son, James
Cleland Burns, on one occasion as follows :—
Dyiuiaji Park, Oct. 22, 1850.
. . . We are at present visiting Captain Trotter. Such visits are more
likely to do your father good than all that the world can bestow apart
from religion. "When I look at a family like this, sur rounded by all
the attractions of the world, in wealth and position in society, yet
counting them all as nothing in comparison with those things which
belong to the life to come, I feel surprised at the small amount of
self-denial I or mine have ever made for the sake of that blessed
Saviour who has done so much for us.
Captain Trotter’s influence among men of education and position in
society was incalculable. An illustration may be given here. One day Mr.
Burns showed me a manuscript paper headed, “A Confession of Faith drawn
up by Lord Lyndhurst and submitted to Captain Trotter.”
Lord Lyndhurst (formerly John Singleton Copley) was, as everybody knows,
a man of brilliant abilities, who, from the time when he was called to
the bar, rose in fame and honour until he became in turn
Solicitor-General, Attorney-General, Master of the Bolls, Chief Baron of
Exchequer, and three times Lord Chancellor—a man of whom the Bar and the
Bench were alike proud.
The story of his life and labours, his marvellous ability and his
far-reaching influence, has been told by Sir Theodore Martin.
An important episode in his life has not, however, been included in that
admirable biography, and we therefore give it here. On asking Mr. Burns
what this "confession ” by Lord Lyndhurst meant, he said:—
I will tell you the story as it was told to me by Captain Trotter. At
the house of Lady Gainsborough, a series of meetings was established for
the purpose of gathering together members of the higher ranks of society
who could not otherwise be induced to attend any religious assemblies.
Among those who were always present was Lady Lyndlmrst. Captain Trotter
was in the habit of addressing the meetings, and on one occasion Lady
Lyndlmrst came to him and said that she was earnestly desirous that he
would come to her house and speak to Lord Lyndlmrst. Trotter replied
that he could not think of doing so unless he had an invitation in the
regular way from Lord Lyndlmrst, with whom he was not acquainted. It was
not long before Lady Lyndlmrst had exerted her influence at home, and
had contrived to get the proper invitation for Captain Trotter, who
immediately responded, and went with the direct purpose of broaching
religious matters. On his first visit he laid down plainly his intended
plan of campaign, saying, ‘I have not come here, my lord, to argue, but
simply to take the Word of God, and to found upon it whatever I may have
to say to you.’ For six months Captain Trotter visited Lord Lyndlmrst at
regular intervals, and lost all heart, for he fancied that he was making
no impression upon him whatever. When he was there, numbers of carriages
would arrive, but the visitors were informed that Lord Lyndlmrst was
engaged, and some of them would say, ‘Oh, he’s with that man Trotter
again! ’ In course of time a change seemed to be coming over Lord
Lyndlmrst. but frequently, when Trotter was ^peaking from the Bible, he
would say, ‘ Oh, you have told me all that before ! ’This was
disheartening, but Trotter persevered, and some time afterward, when he
was at Tunbridge Wells staying with a gentleman whose name I forget, he
had a large meeting upon the lawn, and was surprised and pleased to see
Lord Lyndlmrst wheeled in, and sitting amongst the audience.
I should mention that Lord Brougham, although differing from him in
politics, was a sincere friend, and at a meeting of the British
Association in York spoke in very warm terms of his great iutellect, and
said ‘that lie reverenced the Scriptures, and constantly testified his
delight in them.’
For some time before his death, Lord Lyndlmrst was becoming blind in
both eyes from cataract. During this period the subject of religion
occupied much of his thoughts, and he made an earnest study of the
Evidences of Christianity. He employed much time in getting by heart the
daily services of the Prayer Book, and the greater part of the Psalms.
“One morning,” lays Miss Stewart, a lady who lived as governess and
companion to Lord Lyndhurst’s daughters, and whom he held in high
regard, “I went into his room with some message or request, and was
witness to a scene that I shall never forget. He was in his easy-chair,
with a grave, almost a solemn expression on his face, so intent on his
employment that my presence was unnoticed. Before him, the Church Prayer
Book held open by both her small hands, stood his youngest daughter of
seven or eight years of age, hearing him repeat the prayers, and now and
then prompting and correcting him. The old man, the judge and statesman,
and the little child, so occupied, made a picture that could not be seen
without bringing tears to the eyes. He liked no one to hear him his
lessons, he said, but his little girl.”
He died in the autumn of 1863, at the age of ninety-two, and his last
words, in reply to a question whether he was happy, were ‘‘Happy? yes,
happy!” and then with a stronger effort he added, “supremely happy!”
Lord Lyndhurst’s “Confession of Faith” submitted to Captain Trotter was
as follows :—
Man, as created, was liable to sin ; our first parents committed sin,
their descendants have continued sinful. God, loving man, whom He had
created after His own likeness, resolved to raise him from this sad
state, and so take away the sins of the world. God sent His beloved Son
as a sacrifice (and who offered Himself as a willing sacrifice) for the
accomplishment of this benevolent purpose. God has declared that those
who sincerely believe in Jesus, and in His suffering for man’s
redemption, shall inherit everlasting life. This we cannot fully effect
by our own unaided efforts, but only by the grace of God, and through
the influence of His Holy Spirit. Through faith so attained, we may hope
to be accounted worthy of the Kingdom of God, and shall be led to the
performance of good works, and to abstinence from sin. It wall give us
the assurance of God’s love and the love of His blessed Son our Saviour,
and as a natural consequence be followed by man’s love of his Maker and
of his Redeemer. Thus, through God’s grace and favour, is opened to us
the blessed hope of everlasting life in its fulness of joy and
blessedness unspeakable.
A well-known and much-loved man in his day, was the Lev. John East, of
Bath. He was very intimate with the Rev. W. H. ITavergal, of St.
Nicholas, Worcester, and with Captain Trotter, by whom he was introduced
to Lord Ashley when he was staying at Roseneath in 1850, and thus became
acquainted with Mr. Bums.
Between him and Mr. East there was a warm friendship, and long after the
latter had passed away, Mr. Burns used to tell interesting stories of
his former friend.
One incident in his life is very striking (says Mr. Burns) ; it was told
to me by himself. "When he was a young man, a candidate for ordination,
he and several others met in the drawing-room of the Bishop of Bath and
Wells. The young men generally were chatting with the young ladies—the
Bishop’s daughters. Mr. East sat apart, very silent and thoughtful. Many
years afterwards, when travelling, he attended service in a church—the
place and name of the incumbent I do not remember. He was so pleased and
satisfied with the sermon that he went into the vestry and introduced
himself to the clergyman, from whose conversation he soon perceived that
he was an earnest and devoutly Christian man. Then the clergyman said to
Mr. East, ‘ If I know the gospel at all, or preach it acceptably, it is
to you that I am indebted for being able to do so.’ Mr. East opened his
eyes in amazement. 'How is that?’ he asked. 'Well,’ answered the other,
'you may remember a time when a number of young men were assembled in
the Palace of Wells, waiting to go in to the Bishop; they were all very
merry, save one who sat apart, thoughtful and quiet. That made a deep
impression upon me, and I said to myself, there must be something
earnest and serious in the religion of that man. The impression never
left me, and, under the teaching of the Holy Spirit, it was the means of
awakening me to a knowledge of the Truth, as I now see it.’
Mr. East died in 1856, full of years and of honours, and up to within
five days of his death he was actively engaged in the service of his
Mr. Havergal preached his funeral sermon. They had been schoolfellows
together, and, as hoys in a strange place, Havergal had said to him,
“East, do you love home?” That was the bond of their friendship, tlie
altar on which they first swore fidelity to one another. The last
audible sound on John East’s lips was “Home, home!”
Between Mr. Burns and Mr. Havergal there was a hearty mutual friendship.
They believed in each other, and each loved the other’s gifts. Mr.
Havergal was a true poet of the sanctuary—his sermons were models of
natural, unaffected eloquence, rich in poetic feeling. He knew nothing
of the modern theologies. When he left Astley, where he had ministered
for nearly twenty years, he said, in his farewell sermon, “I am not
conscious of the slightest change of sentiment upon any topic of
importance since the day I first came among you,” When he resigned the
living of St. Nicholas, Worcester, where he laboured for fourteen years,
he might, with equal truth and propriety, have uttered the same words.
Another member of this circle of mutual friends was the late Earl of
Roden. Every one who knew him well, recognised at once those amiable
qualities which distinguished him. He was a country gentleman and a
genial friend. At the same time he was an Irish politician of the old
Orange school, a staunch champion of those principles of Protestant
ascendency associated with “the immortal memory of William III.” and the
crowning victories of Aughrim and the Boyne. He always regarded the
Irish Protestants as the bulwark of the Throne, and looked with
suspicion on united Ribbonmen acting under the influence of Romish
The great turning point of his life, when heart and character were
changed and he stood forth as a soldier and servant of the Lord,
occurred when he was in his thirty-sixth year. He was walking through
the streets of Dublin on the anniversary of a Bible Society, and idle
curiosity, as he supposed, led him to enter the Rotunda where the
meeting was being held. He sought a quiet corner, for he was rather
ashamed of the company he was in, and as he sat there he heard opinions
delivered and sentiments declared which were altogether strange to him,
and he said to himself, “If these opinions be true, then I am wrong; if
these sentiments are founded on the Scriptures, which I profess to
believe, then I am in error.”
The arrows had hit their mark. He went home and prayed for light, and
light came. Henceforward he was "on the Lord’s side,” became an active
supporter of all the leading religious societies in Ireland, and used
his heart-stirring eloquence not only on great platform occasions, but
as lay-preacher in his private chapel at Tullymore in Ireland, at Hyde
Hall in Hertfordshire, and as Sunday school teacher and cottage visitor
on his estates.
George Burns greatty admired the character of Lord Roden, and found
infinite pleasure in his society. He had headed the deputation to
Florence for the release of the Madiai; he had attended the Evangelical
Alliance at Geneva, and had been brought much in contact with Malan,
Gaussen, Merle d’Aubigne, Troncliin, and others. He had known sorrow,
too—the death of his eldest and beloved son, Viscount Jocelyn, in 1854,
and that of Lady Boden in 1801, dissolving a union of forty-nine years.
Towards the later years of his life, Lord Boden was in frequent
correspondence with Mr. Burns. In one letter written in 1807, after
deploring that “from the crippled state of his limbs, which would make
him only a burden as a visitor,” he could not accept an invitation to
Wemyss House, he adds:—
I am rejoiced to hear of tlie improvement in our dear friend Captain
Trotter’s health, lie is indeed a bright and shining light, and a
blessed witness for our dear Master. I trust his health will be long
continued, and that there will yet be many who will, under God’s
blessing, be benefited by his example and ministration. It is wonderful
how our Lord blesses the most simple means to comfort and enlighten His
people. 8ome years since, I had a visit from dear Dr. Marsh. He wrote
four lines which I pasted up over the chimney-piece in my room; my
friends coming in to visit me, were led to read it, and I had the great
happiness of hearing afterwards that one of them, an elderly man and a
general in the army, had been converted by this simple occurrence. The
clergyman who attended him on his death-bed, wrote me word that my
friend charged him to write to me and tell me that those few lines,
which at the time I made him learn by heart, had opened his eyes to the
Truth, and were the last words he uttered previous to his dissolution.
This encouraged me to get the lines printed on a little card, which I
have widely distributed, and I have heard of continued blessings which
have followed it. I enclose you one of them herewith as a proof how God
even by such simple means effects His purpose of mercy to naturally
ignorant sinners. . . .
The card bore these words :—
“In peace let me resign my breath
And Thy salvation see;
My sins deserve eternal death,
But Jesus died for me.”
| St. Luke ii. 29, 30 ; Psalm xxiii. 4 ; Psalm xxxi. 5 ;
1 Corinthians xv. 55, 5G, 57 ; St. John xiv. 2, 3.
t Psalm li. 3, 4, 5; Isaiah xliv. 6; Daniel ix. 5; Isaiah liii. 4, 5, 6;
St. John I. 29; St. John iii. 14, 15,
16, 17, 18 ; Acts xiii. 38, 39 ; Galatians iii. 3-13.
Mr. Bums could not acknowledge that Lord Boden would, under any
circumstances, “be a burden as a visitor,” and in September of that same
year he had the pleasure of welcoming him as a guest at Wemyss House.
Referring to this visit, Mr. Burns says :—
Lord Roden was very infirm in his limbs, and was carried upstairs by his
own servant and my butler Walker. He was a strong Protestant, as you
know, and I said to him, jokingly, ‘I have a number of Roman Catholics
working for me here ; if I brought them in to carry you, they would
perhaps let you fall.’ ‘No, no,’ answered Roden, ‘they would not do
that; Roman Catholics have always been very kind to me.’
He had his house at Tullymore open every evening at nine o’clock for
reading the Scriptures and for prayer, and all living round Dundalk and
neighbourhood were welcome to attend.
On one occasion, when Dr. Marsh was staying with him, he said one
morning at breakfast-time to Lord Roden, ‘ I’m glad, so far, your
coachman was not here this morning.’ ‘Why?’ asked Lord Roden. ‘Because
he was so terribly out of tune last night in the singing.’ Lord Roden
said to me, ‘ He did not know it was myself! ’
Lord Roden told us- that when he had Dr. Wolff of Bokhara staying with
him, knowing his peculiar habits, he took him along the corridor of the
bedrooms, and showed him particularly the one he was to sleep in,
saying, ‘If you sit up to a late hour, as we hear you do, you will have
no difficulty in finding your room.’
Wolff did sit up long after all the rest had retired to their beds. When
he went upstairs he had entirely forgotten the geography of the house,
and opened first the door of one bedroom, and then of another, and so
on, finding each one occupied. At last he went into a room in which
there was a gentleman lying in bed very soundly asleep, and as there
chanced to be a large bearskin-rug on the floor, Wolff determined to
take up his quarters there, wrapped the bearskin-rug about him, lay down
before the fire, and fell asleep. In the morning, when the gentleman
awoke, he saw a figure covered with a huge bearskin, and in surprise,
not to say alarm, he gazed upon the object, totally unable to make out
what it could be. The gentleman in question was the Duke of Manchester.
In 1809, Lord Roden sent a very pressing invitation to Mr. and Mrs.
Burns to visit him at Tullymore, but owing to the illness of Mrs. Burns
they were unable to accept it. In his letter to that effect, Mr. Bums
It would be pleasant and profitable also, but we receive it as of (rod’s
appointment that we cannot avail ourselves of your and Lady Roden’s
invitation. We have lately had many visitors good and pleasant. My son
John has a large steam-yacht, which was a source of great enjoyment to
our friends. Now we are alone—the last of our visitors, Lord and Lady
Charles Clinton and family, left us this week in the yacht, to be
deposited on a visit to friends in the Highlands. They enjoyed our
little chapel services and the faithful preaching of the gospel. We had
also Canon Conway and his family visiting us and joining in little
My wife has never been able to go to church to hear Dean McNeile. I have
been telling her he is not the McNeile we used to hear more than thirty
years ago in Liverpool, but what he wants in vigour is made up in
matured Christian experience. . . . Miss Trotter is at present staying
with my son and his wife at the Castle. It is only during an interval of
relief that she is able to be absent from the vicinity of her father.
When we saw him in London he was comparatively bright, but afterwards
relapsed, and was ordered to go to the Continent for a year. Mrs.
Trotter and he got as far as Ostend, when they were obliged to return by
an increase of his illness. He is now at Lowestoft, but none of his
family can see him but Mrs. Trotter and one of his daughters; therefore
Miss Trotter is better here. In spring he was wheeled about for a little
at Bristol in a Bath-chair. A friend of ours met him, to whom he said,
‘I am in the same school, but now you see the Lord has put me on a
higher form.’
That same year Lord Roden went to Edinburgh to have the advice of the
celebrated physician, Sir James Simpson, and there, in March, 1870, he
died, leaving behind him a bright example of pure religion, consistent
and unsullied.
Six months later Captain Trotter, around whom so many of these
associations cluster, also died. In 18G8, in the midst of abundant
labours, he had been smitten down with illness. It was said of him “that
the earthly house of this tabernacle in which he dwelt was taken down
pin by pin.” His strength gave way, his spine became affected, and
gradually he lost the power of one limb after another, until the whole
frame was paralysed. It was this that brought him, as lie said, into “ a
new class in God’s school;” the once active, energetic man became
helpless as a little child, and to the last he retained the Christian
simplicity of a little child.
While Captain Trotter was staying in Scotland in 1850, and a short time
after he had become acquainted with Mr. Burns, he wrote to him the
following letter:—
Tarbet, Ayr. 10, 1850.
Let me express my very hearty thanks for your great kindness to us, and
for all the trouble you have taken. I have received both your letters,
and look forward, please God, very much to have the pleasure of seeing
you to-morrow.
We have Lord and Lady Ashley here with us for two days from Roseneatli,
where they are living at the Duke of Argyll’s. I have been telling him
about you, and he wants much to know you and have some conversation. I
don’t know your plans, but could we not go over from Dunoon on Monday to
Roseneatli direct, on to the Duke’s new pier? I have arranged with him
to do this on Monday or Tuesday, and they will not be taken by surprise
if the weather is line. You ought to know him. He is a devoted man of
God, and just now making such a noble stand about the Lord’s Day.
Yours very truly,
And obliged greatly,
J. Trotter.
This letter dates the commencement of a friendship which lasted through
life, and which demands at our hands a separate chapter. |