Je suis désolé mais il est impossible d' en
faire une copie car il s' agit d'un parchemin plié plusieurs fois, mais
je peux vous donner quelques éléments :
Il s' agit des lettres patentes datées de
1669 délivrées par CHARLES II Roi d' Angleterre, à Alexandre STRACHAN
en vue de constater la noblesse de son ascendance par l' établissement
de sa généalogie.
la traduction du parchemin comporte ce
passage qui vous permettra d' authentifier ce document : " En effet, il
est né d' un père de noble race, Sir Jean STRACHAN de MIDMARmaitre es
arts libéraux. son Grand père était Sir Guillaume STRACHAN, maire de
LOGYDURN, son bisaieul, Sir Jean STRACHAN, premier Conseiller Royal à
LEEG et ALFOORD; sontrisaeul, Sir Alexandre STRACHAN? Chef de district
de LENTURL ( de la famille des anciens Barons de THORNTON) " etc ,etc,.
Ce parchemin est rélié au sceau royal de
cire rouge diamètre 14 cms magnifiquement réalisé en haut relief et très
bien conservé, malgré la diparition d' un segment du pourtour détaché
par brisure ancienne.
Veuillez m 'excuser pour la seccheresse de
mon premier mail mais je ne savais pas du tout à qui m' adresser.
9 rue des fleurs
Recevez , Monsieur, mes sincères
salutations, vous pouvez me joindre par mail ou téléphone.
A Bientot
Thanks to Carmen of Edinburgh for the
translation... I
am sorry, it is impossible to make a copy of it because the parchment has
been folded several times, but I can give you some details:
It consists of letters going back to 1669 delivered by CHARLES II King d'
Angleterre, to Alexandre STRACHAN in order to establish the
nobility/purity of his ascent through his family tree.
the translation of the parchment comprises this passage which will allow
you to authenticate this document: "Indeed, he was born from a father of
noble race, Sir Jean STRACHAN of MIDMARmaitre are liberal arts. His
Grandfather was Sir Guillaume STRACHAN, mayor of LOGYDURN, his
Great-Grandfather, Sir Jean STRACHAN, first Royal Adviser with LEEG and
ALFOORD; His Great-great-Grandfather, Sir Alexandre STRACHAN? Chief of
district of LENTURL (of the old family of the Barons of THORNTON)"etc,
This parchment is sealed with the royal red wax seal diameter 14 cms
magnificiently carried out in high relief and preserved very well, in
spite of the disparition of a segment of the circumference detached long
Given the above
correspondence, Jim Strachan (Founder of the Clan Strachan Society, and
author of the book "Was Like Us, Damn Few And They're A Deid!, A
History of Clan Strachan") would like to point out some additional
facts, as well as some inconsistencies in Charles’ letters. We hope you
find his insight interesting and informative.
The translation of the
original letter, assuming the lineage information is correct, the
document(s) were apparently sent to Alexander Strachan, Chief of the
Ancient family of Strachan (1550-1600). Chief of the House of Thornton,
and arguably the entire Strachan Clan at that time. If you’ll note in the
letter it is dated to 1669, however, Alexander died in about 1600. So it
was likely sent to his heir, grandson or great-grandson, both named
Alexander Strachan; or Sir James Strachan of Monboddo (explained later).
Sir Alexander (d. 1600)
father’s name was Sir John Strachan of Thornton (1530-1585). It was John
Strachan of Thornton who purchased the Lenturk lands and baronetcy from
John Strachan of Lenturk (also spelt Lynturk, but not “LENTURL” as is
shown in the letter).
John Strachan of Lenturk
was indicted for the slaughter of Alexander Seytoun of Maldrum and John
King of Bourty, and for besieging Kildrummy Castle, the great fortress of
the Earls of Mar. For this John (of Lenturk) and his kinsmen, William,
Adam and Alexander Strachan, were outlawed. However, they must have had
powerful and influential supporters, for little attempt seems to have been
made to bring them to book. Indeed, 15 years after being outlawed, John
lawfully inherited the barony of Lenturk on the death of his father,
Thomas, in 1546. Almost his first act after inheriting the Lenturk lands
and baronetcy, was to sell the entire barony to his kinsman and namesake,
John Strachan, Baron of Thornton. The deed of sale was witnessed by
several of the Strachan Lairds; John Strachan of Monboddo, John Strachan
of Dullivard and William Strachan of Tipperty.
His Great-grandfather was
Sir George Strachan (1510-1550). He was Steward to the Lord Governor.
His Great-great grandfather
was Sir Alexander Strachan (1490-1550)… Justice Depute and lieutenant to
the Earl of Angus. Was appointed justiciar in 1547 to try the Earl of
Rothes for the murder of the Archbishop of St. Andrews.
As for the lands of the
Barony of Lenturk, acquired by the Strachans of Thornton, they were sold
50 years later by Alexander Strachan of Thornton, to Alexander Irving and
his wife Agnete Forbes, a sale that presumably consolidated the
paramountcy of the Forbes in that area.
Robert’s son and grandson
were both named Alexander. The grandson, Alexander Strachan, died without
issue. He was succeeded in 1659 by an extremely remote relative, James
Strachan of Monboddo, who “impoverished his estate and sold the lands at
Thornton in 1683 for 13,924.” According to Ben Strachan's book (A History
of the Strachans), he suggests that, "Some
speculate that such a remote and tenuous claim to the title and lands, Sir
James decided to sell before his title was challenged!"
Interestingly enough, the
document(s) apparently held by Patrick Henebel in France were dated back
to 1669, fourteen years prior to the sale of the Thornton Estate, AND
during the time Sir James Strachan of Monboddo owned Thornton Castle and
Estate between 1659-1683. Given the letters pertain to lineage, it is
possible that Sir James Strachan of Monboddo's claim to the Thornton
Estate was in fact being challenged.
Clan Strachan Society,
James Strachan, Co-Founder & Vice President
PO Box 890955
Temecula, CA 92589-0955 (USA)
wk. 951-699-8740 Ext. 12
Fax 951-699-8406