This is an article at
the time when the Herring industry was in full flow and thus makes
interesting reading.
The capture and cure
of the herring is now the largest, in point of extent, of all our
fisheries, and with the single exception of agriculture, the most
valuable branch of our productive industry. As an article of food,
the herring is at onoe a welcome visitor to the table of the rioh
and the humbler board of the poor. Exported to foreign countries, it
has proved an increasing source of wealth to the nation; but its
chief value undoubtedly is in the means of employment and
subsistence which it affords to many thousands of our poorer
population, rearing a hardy and enterprising race of seamen, who in
time of peace are usefully employed in adding to the industry of the
country, and in time of war supply our fleets with able and
experienced sailors. These advantages, so well understood at the
present day, appear to have escaped the attention of the legislature
and the country until a comparatively recent period. For more than a
century prior to 1749, the herring fishery on our coasts was in the
hands of the Dutch, then onr great commercial rivals. The extent to
which they availed themselves of this permission, may be estimated
from the fact that, at one time, no fewer than 1,600 burses, or
herring vessels were despatched to our shores, and so great has been
the wealth derived from these fisheries, that it mainly contributed
to the maritime greatness of Holland, and it has long passed into
proverb with the Hollanders, that the city of Amsterdam was founded
on herring bones. It is difficult at the present day to account for
the supineness of the nation in regard to its coast fisheries at
that time, or to reconcile this state of things with the energy and
enterprise of the British people. It may be accounted for, partly,
by the fact that the Dutch had acquired a footing in the trade, and
the art and mystery of curing herrings in such perfection as, even
at the present day, to maintain their superiority in the markets of
In the year 1749, the attention of Parliament was directed to the
subject, in a speech from the Throne; and a Committee of the House
of Commons having recommended a vigorous effort to explore and
cultivate this hitherto neglected field of industry, a corporation
was formed, called "The Society of the Free British Fishery,” with a
subscribed capital of half a million. The Prince of Wales was
appointed Governor, and men of the highest rank and fortune enrolled
themselves as patrons and supporters of the new Society. A remission
was obtained of the duties on salt, and an extravagant tonnage
bounty was offered to each buss fitted out for the deep sea fishery.
But the Society defeated its own objects and hastened its own
destruction by the very lavishness of its encouragement, for the
bounty became, in course of time, a much more eager object of
pursuit than the fish, and vessels were fitted out, of the requisite
size and tonnage, with no other purpose than to u catch the bounty.”
In 1759, the incredible sum of £159 7s. 6d. was paid as bounty for
each barrel of herrings produced, an article which at the present
time may be purchased for twenty shillings.
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