Scottish Pkwter Ware and
Pewterers. By L. Inglcby Wood. Pp. xii. 223. With 36 full-page plates.
4to. Edinburgh : G. A. Morton, 1904. 15s. nett.
This is an admirable book
of its kind, well arranged, and excellently illustrated. The subject has
a peculiar interest as a historical description of the rise and progress
of an important industry, which, though now-obsolete, was once a
recognised craft in all the principal towns of Scotland* Its
applications in the domestic economy of our forefathers were many and
various, and it had also a very considerable vogue in the ecclesiastical
furnishings of Scottish churches. In these circumstances it is not
surprising to find that the pewterers’ art had a development in Scotland
which is of distinctively Scottish character and interest. For, as Mr.
Wood says, * There is some truth in the idea that a race shows its
character in the design which it imparts to articles of everyday use,
and the Scottish pewter ware is, in a measure, characteristic of the
people who made it, strong of line, and entirely devoid of any
superfluous ornament.' Prior to the sixteenth century, however, the use
of pewter ware must have been more or less of a luxury confined to the
wealthier classes, the common people contenting themselves with eating
and drinking vessels of wood, leather, or horn. Probably the earliest
pieces of pewter remaining in Scotland are a chalice and paten of
fifteenth-century work buried with an ecclesiastic at Bervie, and now
preserved in the National Museum of Antiquities at Edinburgh. A pair of
candlesticks are noted among the furnishings of the high altar of St.
Giles in 1559. In a domestic inventory of somewhat earlier date pewter
dishes and salt-cellars, a basin and laver, candlesticks and pint-pots
are enumerated, but the oldest domestic pewter now known to exist is at
Slains Castle, and is probably of sixteenth-century date. Wear and tear,
and the natural desire for the renewal of old furnishings, are of course
responsible for the disappearance of much of the earlier domestic
pewter; but during the civil wars of the seventeenth century it was
freely requisitioned by the forces on both sides for musket and pistol
bullets. Montrose's troops ransacked the country houses for their
pewter, and in the plunder of the house of Torrie by the other side in
1654, pewter vessels are enumerated to the amount of £230 (Scots), and
valued at 18s. (Scots) the pound. The ecclesiastical pewter was also
subjected to various vicissitudes in consequence of the frequent changes
of ecclesiastical authority and custody. Thus anything earlier than
eighteenth ccntury in domestic pewter, or earlier than the middle of the
seventeenth century in ecclesiatical pewter, is now rarely to be met
with. It is curious that so much of the oldest ecclesiastical pewter
still surviving should owe its preservation to the Episcopal churches.
Mr. Wood's chapters on church pewter show the prevalence of the use of
this material for ecclesiastical purposes, including communion cups of
various shapes, flagons and plates; lavers and basins for baptism,
collection plates, and occasionally small cups and quaichs for
collecting the tokens, and the tokens themselves. An interesting chapter
on tokens is followed by one on beggars* badges, which were sometimes
issued by the ecclesiastical authority of the parish, and sometimes by
the municipality. The only other piece of pewter that can be called
municipal is the Dundee ‘pirley-pig,' a money-box for the fines exacted
from absentees, dated 1602, and engraved with ornamental scrolls and
shields of arms. The list of marks on Scottish pewter, and lists of
freemen pewterers with their dates, as well as the lists of pewter
pieces now preserved in museums, or belonging to the Episcopal churches,
will be of special advantage to collectors. What may be called the
historical part of Mr. Wood’s book, as distinguished from the technical
and descriptive part, is also very well done. Beginning with a general
statement of the early relations of the Crafts with the Merchant Guilds
and the municipalities, he describes the causes which led to the
separate incorporation of the Hammermen’s Craft, and gives a short
sketch of that incorporation, which included the pewterers, in each of
the principal burghs. This section of the work is the result of
considerable research among the records of the various bodies, and will
be found useful for historical purposes, whether of merely local or of
more general interest. A word of commendation must be given to the
illustrations, which are by photography, the best medium for this
Joseph Anderson.
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