THE first edition of this work having
obtained a degree of favour much beyond its deserts, I have been
encouraged carefully to revise every portion of it. The entire
arrangement has been altered, the department more especially anecdotal
recast, and much new matter added. Besides, the present edition is
produced at a price more suited to the majority of readers.
A CENTURY OF SCOTTISH LIFE is the most appropriate title I can devise
for a work which includes memorials and anecdotes of remarkable Scotsmen
and others during the last hundred years. For a portion of the memorials
I am indebted to my late father, a Scottish country minister, and one of
the best conversationalists of his time. Personally I have had the
privilege of associating with many gifted Scotsmen for the last thirty
years, and I have commemorated those who are departed. My sketches are
short, for I have not attempted biographies. Throughout the work I have
endeavoured to be succinct, preferring to illustrate my subject with
anecdotes rather than with reflections of my own. The present edition is
enriched with contributions from my patriotic friend Mr. Sheriff Barclay
of Perthshire, and other ingenious and obliging correspondents.
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Scottish Life
Memorials and Recollections |