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Nancy Bellzona's Picture Book
The Joneses - Dora Jones Frenchman

Dora Jones Frenchman

The Joneses - Dora (Doshia) Jones Frenchman, Bartlesville, Oklahoma Died 1903. Daughter of William Stephens and Mary Ann DeWitt, Jones

Dora Jones Frenchman,   sister of Joseph Hubbard Jones. Her death date found on her marker at the cemetery in Caney, Kansas is shown to be June, 23, 1903.

     Dora was adopted by the Cherokees in 1896, roll number page 305, #392, while she was living around Bartlesville, Oklahoma. She was married to COO-WEET-SCOO-WEET, Family name Ross, Edward Frenchman. His roll number on the 1896 roll page 368 was #274. Dawes Roll was #31138. Coo-Weet-Scoo-Weet, Ed Frenchman is listed on the 1880 roll, page 102, #1073. The name Coo-Weet-Scoo-Weet was handed down from ancestor to descendent as in this case from Chief John Ross according to the
archives in Fort Worth the name means, "White Bird That Flies In The Morning."

     Dora is buried at Caney, Kansas,  toward the middle of the cemetery. There is a cedar tree that stands close to her grave. Someone, no one knows who,  planted a white rose bush beside her white marker. Dora had no descendants because her only surviving son, Dennis Frenchman and his wife, Rose, had no children. My father, Lee Otis Jones, his brother, Dennis Homer Flynn Jones and their sister Adah Gertrude Jones Wadley would be her descendants by way of children of Joseph Hubbard Jones, (my grandfather) and brother to Dora Jones Frenchman.

      The  material received from the Fort Worth, Texas  archives,  is lengthy and interesting. It is an affidavit in the words of Dora and the person questioning her. The situation is that of her validating her marriage to Edward Frenchman.  Since Oklahoma was not a state at the time,  and had no state government,  there was no other way she could register their marriage but through the Cherokees and the federal government. This was the official questioning of  her marriage, where it was held, when it was and who presided over it. Her minister was also questioned and his statement regarding the validity of the marriage was also recorded.

       It is, indeed, a strange feeling to be reading the exact words of our ancestor.  We can read between the lines to detect her personality. Typical of the Joneses, she seemed to have a quiet personality. Dora, whose name was actually Doshia,  was humble and anxious to be law abiding by legalizing her marriage. The sadness of her life brought tears when Inez Barbee, then living at Caney, took us directly to her grave. Inez was 92 at the time, but well, and most alert.

     Dora died tragically. The newspaper account of her death was in the Bartlesville library but when I went back,  it was no longer there.  The old newspaper clipping was gone. The story is listed in the historical section of records at Oklahoma City. She also had tuberculosis at the time of her death. Her daughter,  Effie,  died shortly after at the age of sixteen,  also with tuberculosis. Effie Frenchman is buried next to her mother and the reading on the stone in the Caney, Kansas cemetery is sad.  They are matching, large white stones. Dennis Frenchman and his wife, Rose, are buried beside his Mother and sister. Dennis and Rose's markers are low, flat markers. They are matching, also and are black in color.

     Dora's son, Dennis, though he had white blood, showed none. His characteristics were strong Native American,  Delaware. He was law enforcement around the Caney area. Yearly he performed at a wild west rodeo riding a horse full out beside a buffalo, bringing it down with an arrow directly through its heart. The Humane society later stopped this practice.  He drove  the school bus for years and was well acquainted with the citizens in the area. There are people in the Caney Valley close to Bartlesville who still remember him. He was well liked because of his gentle personable ways.  Anyone who remembers him to this day shows respect for him.



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