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By Donna Flood

Table Runner

February 4, 2004 find us under several inches of snow and that's okay. It is so white and clean, covering all drab winter terrain. Maybe folks who have to drive to work are not as tolerant.  But,  for me being shut in a warm house is not a problem. My helper came out in spite of the weather and together we tackled the disheveled tiny, eight feet by twelve feet,  craft's room.  The size is actually no more than a large walk-in closet. As it turns out,  this is wonderful. The smaller space gives a more compact, easier to organize place. I cannot take credit for knowing this though. In 1959 while living in Oklahoma City I went with a friend to collect some garments she had altered. We entered a back door of a woman's home. The tiny back porch had been converted to a sewing room. She was a tailor, actually, and worked for one of the finer clothing stores doing alterations. Everywhere one looked in the small area was order. She had used an old door which was padded for her pressing and work table. That taller table rested across from windows and there was a pleasant view for her, too.

Four hands are better than two and in a couple hours my helper and I together had everything back in its place. Fabric sorted and folded, pins in the pin cushion, scissors on their hangers, and so forth.  I am now ready to get back to the winter indoor crafts fun.

The first project was cutting up a very large dress from a beautiful printed pattern in rich colors. It was the perfectly right color for my kitchen table as a runner. The pleasure started with my  shopping garage sales for this type of fabric. If the dress is twenty-five cents, so much the better. Try to choose a fabric that will not fade and is easily washed with  bleach as a disinfectant. The top part of the dress had enough fabric to make these, large,  pin cushions. This will make a nice gift for someone.

The fill  for  large, pin cushions are from saved old pillows. This filling also is easily washed with a strong soap and a little bleach to kill any germs.

What a lot of fun to use the discarded old dress some lady was bored with wearing. The splashy fabric was just the thing to brighten up our day.

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