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By Donna Flood

A Puff Quilt Pad

Cement floors, as far as I'm concerned, are a torture chamber, and I think I'm able to testify to that since I've lived on them for thirty years. They beat at your feet first, then  your legs and last your whole body. The worst thing about them though is that they are so cold in the winter time. Becauce of allergies we cannot use carpet, although we do have area rugs. Area rugs, though, are never have as much cushion as a carpet.

In order to give the two year old a warmer more comfortable place on the floor where she likes to be as she watches the children's show I decided on the puff quilt pad.

To make one this size cut out 64 seven inch squares of fabric. In order to tie the scrapes of fabric together I purchased one fourth yard fabric with these little farm animals and characters on it. By mixing them with the other scrapes of matching colors there was a design of sorts. I used them on the front only since there weren't very many on only a fourth of a yard.

Sew the squares right sides together on three sides to make a small pillow.  Stuff that pillow with fiber fill.* Turn the fourth side down maybe a quarter of an inch or so and sew a top seam. The thread will be visible but this is okay because when you sew the squares together this will be covered up.

To sew the little "pillows"  together I used red yarn here. If you use a light weight cotten fabric it is easier to get the needle through the fabric. You will use a larger upholstery needle but be sure you get one that is very sharp and is only big enough to accommodate the size of the yarn. If it is too big it is harder to pull through the fabric. This is why you will wish to use a lighter fabric. Embroidery thread can also be used.

These are good too for children in pre-school who have to use a mat for a nap. Also, I plan to make one out of a very beautiful softer fabric for the older granddaughter.

*I save the fiber fill out of old pillows. After you have washed this for two or three times with a good soap it comes out as clean as new.

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