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By Donna Flood

Craft Fair November 2009

If Wal-mart and other retailers had an ounce of patriotism about them they would go back into our own country's outback to see how much our own people can and do produce as far as goods. 
    I spent the limit on my budget and still could have done so much more. Rhonda has a beautiful new strong, heavy leather purse.  None of the flimsy stuff usually seen in leather material here.  For myself,  I found heavy oven mitts like I can never buy.  No burnt hands here with these. I have addresses and cards from folks where I can go for gifts, and I plan to do just that.  I found a neighbor, who lives just around the corner from me and she will quilt my baby quilts.  Her hospitality was so genuine I look forward to getting acquainted with her.
    The pride of cowboy country was so refreshing.  I felt like, suddenly, I was in my own world decorated with horse shoe coat hangers, chili seasoning, rustic furniture, intricate hand made quilts, and so much more.  My mind is made up, I won't miss another craft's fair and will save my pennies to buy from my own, who are my neighbors.

Craft Fare
Photograph 1.  The lady on the left, Judy Graves, Tiger is of the Osage tribe. She and her daughter Paula Martinez stopped by my table. Mine is the one with the star quilt.  Judy and I attended Chilocco together.  She and her husband James own a ranch between here and Fairfax.

Craft Fair
2. Mary Lou had the tables to my right.  She teaches school and does this as a hobby.  Her jewelry is all hand worked, beaten silver and semi-precious stones are truly a work of art.
Craft Fair
3. This is Paula Cargal.  She and Lois work on these quilts out of Lois's home, close to me.
Craft Fair
4. My table was covered with Mother's star quilt.  It seemed the thing to do in this world of quilting women.
Craft Fair
5. This is Nannette Hill.  She works out of her home to do exquisite jewelry made from vintage spoons.  She calls her place "Spoon Hill."  The pieces are absolutely a treasure, most desirable to own.
Craft Fair
6. This lady is a floral designer.  This isn't a good photo of her work and you can't see the really clever purses she makes.  We had to purchase one for Rhonda.  Some of them are made from the leather tops of cowboy boots.  Her beautiful, young  daughter came by my table later and while we visited she told me she loves to sew.  I was very impressed to see such a young girl active like this with helping her mother. Their web site is: 
Craft Fair
7.  I  can't tell you how much I enjoyed meeting this lady, Jan P. Spaulding. She is retired from Conoco, Geo-physics department. We were visiting about these precious little fairy dolls she makes and I was telling her about the fairy house Dad built on the prairie where Gramma Bell took flowers and food.
All at once, the sign on the wall dropped to the floor. We had a laugh about that.  I also told her it was Pepper Spaulding Jones of  Dallas, who worked with the Gone With the Wind movie and those little tid-bits of information.

Craft Fair
8. This lady, Lois Huse, was a wealth of information as she told me how she quilts, repairs vintage tops, and makes quilts from bits and pieces of fabric she collects from here and there.  The way she puts her colors together to me is just artwork in motion. She invited me to her home, and guaranteed I will go.
Craft Fair
8. This lady to the far right is Mrs. Leonard Williams who was a teacher in the system as was she.  She was Rhonda's Speical Education teacher years ago. Her involvement with community and this quilter's club, Pioneer Area Quilters Guild keeps her active and alert.  We bought a chance on this quilt hanging behind her for one dollar. 
     My granddaughter said, "Gramma when will you win that quilt?"  How lovely to have youth and positive thinking, something Ms. Williams has never lost, either.
Craft Fair
9. Here Maxine Williams Thompson stands admiring Mother's quilt.  Her father, Parrish Williams,  just recently past.  He was the oldest Ponca and Mother , Velma Jones, was the second to the oldest.  They were only 6 months apart in age.  Maxine is missing her father, too.
Craft Fair
10. The two ladies on the left were from Texas. Nancy, far right, and Linda, in the middle.  Linda's sister is from here and I didn't get her name, regrettably.  Linda creates beautiful jewelry, also,  and showed me how to crochet tiny gold lame thread that looks just like a gold link necklace.  I was grateful for that tip and wanted a piece of her jewelry.  We were spending our money made as fast as we made it though, and I didn't want to spend anymore. Hopefully,  she will see this and send me her address so I can order the necklace of turquoise I so loved.
    By the way I sold all the potholders of the serape and people were coming back by to ask,
     "Do you have anymore potholders made from the horse blanket?"
    I thought that was so funny.  We had so much fun and did our bit for this great fund raising project for the kid's school.

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