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By Donna Flood

Monday, June 30, 2008

Sunday is always a great day for me, the quiet rest is like water to a thirsty person. Monday morning finds us up and ready for a new week.

After watering this morning, I began to tackle the sewing room. The only escape from daily living around here is if I can find a crafts booth at some festival. I keep my craft things packed in plastic boxes and we can easily load them and take off to parts unknown. As we have aged we don’t do this so much, but the memories of past events are with us. Once there was a fair in Dallas, Texas. What fun that was. We were surrounded by Texas country folks. Once we went to LaDonna, Tex, another time, Greenville, Tx., Arkansas City, Ks, Tonkawa, Ok. and on and on. I’ll be judging the artwork for our area at Blackwell, Ok. this year again, and that is the most fun. I get to see one of Rod’s cousins, with whom, incidently, I went to grade school.

Here’s my crafts page at Electric Scotland. By the way, Alastair has the little green words tagged. He tells me he makes around 500.00 a month on those. He’s been so good to me with putting my things up on pages and that allows me to share with you, easier for me. So, if you can at all, click on the links of things I send to Electric Scotland, and if you see something that will benefit one of your friends, by all means send that along to them.

I never make any money at the crafts shows, usually not even enough to pay for the motel and gas, but, sometimes enough for the booth. The money saved from not having to pay a psychiatrist, though, is well worth the effort. <grin> One exception is that if I can rope one of my granddaughters for sales, she is a whiz and always makes good money. She has the touch and will search for what a customer wants until she pleases them. I love to watch her as she joins with the person to make them happy with a purchase.

Here is an Url for the crafts shows in Oklahoma. I notice the dates are old, but the telephone and email addresses are there for contacting them.

Just type into Google for a list of shows in your area.

Todays recipe:

Split Pea Soup

This soup cooks quickly. Split peas are high in niacin and is a help for controlling high blood pressure. When children’s lips are too red this means they are low in niacin and will become irritable.

1 small package dried split peas
1 can chicken and rice soup or chicken broth
1small can carrots, chopped
1 teaspoon garlic powder
Salt as you like

Wash split peas and put in pan with water enough to boil When these are done add the chicken soup, onion, carrots & garlic powder.

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