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By Donna Flood

Before and After Closet Doors

Here are two pictures of before and after on the installing of a new closet in our bedroom.

     These doors were purchased from an organization here in town and, indeed, the nation that was started by President Jimmy Carter to help families have affordable homes. Volunteers donate their time in labor to build the homes. Occasionally a documentary shows President Carter in his work clothes as he assists in the actual manual labor with Habitat Humanity.

    The store here in town is a warehouse to hold  material donated to the project. The materials are recycled and are offered to the public for sale, also.  This money goes back into the organization for more building. I was especially thankful to find these doors at a reasonable cost, one that I could afford.  They are used doors and Rodney had to do some manipulating to make them work but you can see the difference they make. He built a new frame for them and used hinges instead of the slides they had on the bottom and top.

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