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By Donna Flood

Bookmarks from Old Photographs

These classy little bookmark can easily be slipped into your cards you are sending as a thoughtful, small gift.  Cut an old unwanted photograph in two pieces.  Punch a hole in the top of one end.  Use a colorful piece of string as a tassel to run through that hole.  I like the tassels to be short. You can just double your strand and push it through so you can make a slip knot at the top. Another knot around that will hold it securely.  On the back you can write a small memory note of two or three lines, date it, and sign your name and place of residence. Don't forget to put the person's name at the top.

    Momentous like these tucked away by my grandmother are what helped me with genealogy in finding dates and places where people lived.  The photograph paper is strong and durable.

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