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By Donna Flood


These little light wooden boxes I purchased at Hobby Lobby for a dollar each.  The broken tile makes them heavy and more epensive feeling.  The tile was glued on with a good good glue. Be sure to put it on the top and bottom, else the lid will not stay open.

The children enjoyed doing these.  The insides were painted with acrylic paint. One box has river gravel glued onto it.  You can get this for 1.00 a package.  These came out of our drive.  After the glue has dried you can mix grout and put it on with a pallette knife.  Let the grout dry about 30 minutes or until it is firm and then take a lightly dampened cloth and begin to wipe the grout off the tile (or rocks).  When this is well dried then put a heavy coat of a good clear plastic on it.  You can spray the box all over easier than anything with this heavy plastic protector.  You want to buy the one that has a high gloss to it.  There are all kinds of stones for sale.  I used the river rocks just to try to encourage the children to learn to save their pennies.

The little box on the right has no stones on it but is painted with two colors of acrylic paint. I wanted these done this way so the children could learn to use painter's tape to mark off their little design on top.  You can see how attractive the acrylic paint makes the inside of the box on the left.

It is all just for fun.  To see the plain little unpainted wooden boxes turned into something else is always a pleasure for the kids (and myself). 

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