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By Donna Flood

Tile on Our Bathroom Floor

If only you could have seen the tile on our bathroom floor in a before picture. Hopefully this ceramic tile will last for the rest of the time we are here. The broken tile around the edges, again, allowed us to put it down without having to rent that saw to cut tile. The floor was a bigger job than it should have been.  If there is a next room I will do the whole thing and not be dragging someone else into it. This could have been like the movie where the whole house falls in while the couple is fighting over the repairs and then their marriage ends up in divorce.

At least I won't be embarrassed about having guests go into my bathroom.  I can't tell  you how wonderful it feels to finally get a job done after several years of looking at the other floor tile as it came up, piece by piece. All's well that ends well and there are no permanent emotional scars, only something to  joke about with my friends.

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