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By Donna Flood

Table Centerpiece

I love the country western song by Loretta Lynn for its lyrics all about the woes of a mother. She winds up by saying, "one needs a lickin" which is referring to the kid's bad behavior. Unfortunately in my world I seemed to be surrounded by bad behavior and it usually comes over the television. To go on to complain about all the little demons of insurance, car tags, driver's licenses, seat belts, car break downs, needed repairs for this and that around the place, extended family's struggles, flu and having to go to work with it, and on and on it is only then I stop and acknowledge everyone in the whole world has the same old cross to bear. Then and only then, I go back to what Dad used to call, "Rat Killin' which was simply taking care of the immediate.

Winter seems to bring out the worse for depression. My folks are all saddled with high utility bills but here again so is everyone else. I heard one woman despair over a $600 dollar a month bill. She lives up on the hill where the bigger homes are located.

During January and February I do everything possible to go with a double edged sword against that depression's whip. In a small way like this table setting I fight back. This bright, strong blue bowl I picked up at an antique store a year or so ago. I loved the color. So here we go with an artist's tool. The bowl did cost me a bit, probably around 19 dollars. That is more than I would pay for something in the dollar store but this reminds me. I did find some dishes the exact same color in the dollar store. On the checked green and white tablecloth with this silver vase I also found at a garage sale last summer there is a small nice arrrangement. I try to get this set up the night before so that when we get up, there it is.

The table arrangement in the kitchen I change no less than every four days. Small lace placemats from the dollar store also make an attractive place setting.

My husband could care less and I don't think Rhonda worries too much about it but for me it is the lift I need to stave off winter's doldrums.

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