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By Donna Flood

Easy to Make Carry All Bag


Cut two seventeen inches square pieces.  On one of the squares decorate as you wish. This is the purpose in making the bag in my opinion. This gives you the opportunity to create your own colors, patterns, design, textures and materials to use for a wearable art piece.

From the top, down the side, sew to within four inches on the bottom of the two squares, joining them right sides together. Put a hem in the top of the two squares.  Sew the other side of the two squares down to four inches from the bottom. Sew a seam across the bottom of the two squares. At the end of the bottom seam, open up that four inches you left on the side. Push that bottom seam up to the side seam. You will have formed a square bottom for the bag.

Pin this short seam across and at right angles to the side seam. Sew a seam here. Do the same to the other side. Now you can turn the right side out and it will have a square bottom to it.  I like to press that square bottom there and then sew along the edge of that seam to make it more defined and flat.

For the handles you can decide on how wide you wish them to be and then cut the fabric twice that width. Fold them and make the seam on the top and outside rather than sewing them and trying to turn them to the right side.  Simply sew them to each side on the top making a square shaped pattern in order to hold the handles onto the fabric.  If you wish, you may sew a bit of Velcro on the insides to hold the bag shut.

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