Someone wanted to know who
were the Cherokees of my class of '55. My old yearbook has been bled dry
from "friends" snitching pieces from it. I can't even find some of my own
pictures in it. Off the top of my head I can remember: Mose July, Leonard
Ross, Galedia Adair, Monty Lee Rogers, Sandy..........
Here is what I have so far but I will keep searching. Really someone like
Ken Ellis, Trent Tilly or one of the alumni would be better for this. James
Edwards, past president could be more informative.
Donna Jones Flood, Class of '55
I have:
1. Richard Downing, '54,
Cherokee, son of Mrs. Mary (Downing) Silversmith of Picher.
He was salutatorian and Annual King. Printing trade, Editor in chief,
Journal, Vice President, Type Tusslers club, Group Leader, Baseball,
Basketball; Lettermen's Club, Journalism Club, National Guard ' 52-3-4.
2. Gayle Joann Foster
Cherokee, Miss Chilocco 1953. Associate editor, Journal, Student
Council, Honor Society, vice-president, sub-deb club, member of the choir
3. Heawatha Collier is a Cherokee from Tulsa. Elected Chilocco
Princess 1954-55.
Arts and Crafts club, the Honor Society, Choir and Girls Double Quartet
Class of '54
Juanita Bean, Cherokee,
Long Beach, Ca. Home Ec. Editor in Chief, Chiloccoan Cheerleader, Student
Council '51-'53, Class secretary, vice pres. Pep Club Secretary F.H.A.
Club, Honor Society, Band; Dance Band, Script writer, Home Ec. Play,
Honorary Student Council; Reparter '51-2-3-4.
Betty Creekkiller, Cherokee-Spavinaw, Cafe Management, Program
Chairman, Sub Deb Club; Museum and Guides Club
Jeff Creekkiller, Cherokee-Spavinaw, Painting, Group Leader, 2 years
Trades Club Firemen's Club, Band; Dance Band.
From the annual of 1956 I have that is completely intact:
Shawn Bradley, Cherokee-Duncan. Printing, Choir; Boy's Chorus; Track,
Wrestling, National Guard, Co. "C"
Rosie Marie Bullock. Cherokee-Arkansas City, Kansas, Cafe management,
Sub-Deb, Vice president-, Jr. Red Cross
Jennie Collier, Cherokee, Claremore, pre-nursing. Game leader, 4-H
club, Band
Tommy Hathcoat, Cherokee- Chilocco. Printing Track, 1 1/2 Senior
Maxine Little, Cherokee, Borger, Tx. General Home Ec. Student
Council, Choir, Sextet, Double Quartet; Honor Society: Secretary, Sunday
School: Journalism club; picture committee, and Navajo committee chairman,
Chiloccoan; future Homemakers of America; Associate editor, Indian School
Journal; Prom Queen, National Guard Sweetheart attendant.
Leah Matheson-Ute-Cherokee-Ft. Duchesne, Utah. Cosmetology, Animal
Husbandry, Aggie club
Ida McElhaney, Cherokee-Porum, General home economics, Choir; Merry
Homemakers' club; Jr. Red Cross; Reporter, Indian School Journal;
Journalism club; typing committee chairman, 1956 Chiloccoan, Honor Society
David H. Sixkiller, Cherokee-Watts Printing, Choir: Boys Chorus,
Manager, Wrestling, Type Tussler's club; Associate editor, 1056 Chiloccoan,
Honor Society, President Baptist Training Union; Ass't supt., Sunday School
Harold L. tyner, Cherokee-Tulsa, Carpentry, National guard, Co "C"
Explorer Scouts; Trades club; Vice president Carpentry club, Honor Society
Dru Ella Welch, Cherokee-Tulsa. Cafe management, Band 4 years, Jr.
Red Cross; 4-H club, 4 years Honor Society.
Robert Whitekiller, Cherokee, Tulsa, Ok. Dry cleaning and pressing,
Football, Basketvall, Baskietball Letterman's club; Vice president Senior
class; President Student Council, Honor Society, Boys club editor, Indian
School Journal; National Guard, Co. "C"
Leon England Cherokee-Chilocco.. Enlisted in Navy
Donna Jones, Ponca, Shawnee, Cherokee,'55,
Choir, Sextet, Octet, Soloist, Merry Homemakers, Home Ec. Student
Council, Journalism Club, Art Editor, Journal Editor, Prom Queen attendant |