“Tis fit that
we should do our part,
Becoming, that mankind should learn
That we are not to be surpass'd
In fatherly concern.
Wm. Wordsworth
WRITING on 1st
January, 1882, Mackay says, “Once more we are spared to open a new year. May
it be more of God than the last, and whatever it brings with it, may the
kingdom of our Lord Jesus be more advanced, and His blessed name much more
fully known and believed in, in this heathen land. The work is great and the
time is short, but the strength is not of man, but of God.
“Jan. 8th.
- Had a pleasant afternoon with my young men, studying two of the Psalms.
Oh, how welcome is Sunday when it comes round, bringing a few hours' leisure
to obtain some spiritual refreshment in this land of carnality!”
Much secular
work continued to be prosecuted during this year. Mackay finished his
wonderful house, and the fame of it spread far and wide, so that high and
low, rich and poor went to see it. Windows! and hinged doors with locks! a
double storey, and a stair with a balustrade! Such things had never been
dreamed of. Then, more strange still, “the white man had made an oven in
which he baked bread.” The consternation of the native potters knew no
bounds when Mackay got two clay pots and cut a square door in the side of
each, and a hole for a chimney in the crown of the larger one. He allowed
them to bake the curious-looking sherds in their own way, after which he
contrived to make a very practical oven, by building the two one over the
other with fire below, and the smoke passing up between. He also made a
brick-kiln, and having at last succeeded in getting his steam machinery from
Kagei, where it had been lying rusting for years, chiefly owing to the
intrigues of hostile Arabs, who were especially jealous lest he should build
a better boat than their own, he erected a steam saw-mill. But the wonder of
wonders was the cart, which he painted brightly in red and blue.
One day, when
Mr. O'Flaherty was at court, and there was some talk on wealth, and what the
wealth of a country consisted in, he told the king that he ought to
cultivate his land, and work his iron, and make a market where people could
buy and sell daily, adding, “This seems to be the last country in the world
that God made, for everywhere else people buy and sell, and have markets,
and become rich thereby, but here there is nothing of the kind.”
Immediately it
was decreed that, there and then, an enclosure was to be built in the palace
grounds where people could buy and sell; but so ridiculous were their ideas
of barter, that the court not only decreed that anyone selling anything
anywhere else would be chopped in pieces, but they agreed at this sitting
what was to be the price, in cowries, of every article!
Mackay having
broken in a couple of bullocks to pull the cart, set off one day to the
market, three miles distant, to buy a load of plantains. When he got there,
it was raining heavily and no one about, so he unyoked, and went to see a
young elephant which had just been caught. Meantime the king, to whom every
trifle is reported, heard that Mackay had come to market and had left
disappointed, so he ordered his wives to go at once and sell plantains, and
to take a good look at the cart so as to be able to tell him all about it!

The Wonderful
After an
amusing description of the native curiosity as to how he fastened the oxen
in, most believing that he tied them on by the tail, he continues: “Off we
went, and the crowd after us, down the steep hill, when I clapped on the
brake, and thus kept the cart from overpowering the oxen. At the foot I
jumped in amid the delighted yells of all. At every step the crowd grew, and
yelled, and screamed with delight, and at every yell the oxen increased
their pace; but all ran along, before, beside, and behind, until I had a
roaring retinue a thousand strong, a procession quite as great as if the
kabaka himself had headed it. Panting and breathless they followed to the
swamp, or more than a mile. Here we had to outspan and cross with care, but
with no mishap. Yoked again, and drove home, when a new crowd collected, and
it was difficult with their noise to prevent the oxen from being injured by
going so fast.”
A few days
after this adventure, Manoga, a chief, the king’s tailor and factotum,
called on Mackay and remained to dinner. He said that “they had been talking
in court about the journey in the cart, and that the king had been told that
the vehicle was a most formidable affair, that it was uncontrollable and
killed people!”
Mackay put the
chief in the cart and drove him along the walk in front of the
Mission-house, with his own hands. He was delighted, and expressed his
wonder that people should say such things about the cart, seeing that it
could be made to go slow or fast, at will.
One wonders at
such childishness, but he had ever such idle suspicions to contend with.
Whether he drew water from the depths of the earth, and made it flow through
a pump, or whether he showed them how to catch the sun’s rays in a lens,
until they danced and screamed with delight, sooner or later the majority
were sure to attribute the marvellous powers of the white man to witchcraft.
Still, as such secular work awoke the interest of the natives, and helped to
educate them, he did not allow himself to be discouraged, but continued to
prosecute all kinds of works for the public weal. He made them bridges and
viaducts, which excited as much astonishment as Stephenson’s railway over
Chat Moss did the English public. He spared no pains to prove to them that
he had their interest at heart; and time removed suspicion and enabled them
to see that he who did so much for their temporal needs must be in earnest
when he pressed home Divine truths also.
Writing to a
German friend, he says: “As to the opinion that a missionary’s life is
richer in faith and nearer to God than the lives of other Christians, I
believe that this ought to be so, but in actual life everything seems to
join in preventing this from being the case. Though we may do much, our
teaching is feeble, the example of our daily lives feebler still. God be
praised, who in spite of our unworthiness and feebleness can and does bless
His own word!”
When his
friends pressed him to return to England to recruit, he replied: “I cannot
forsake my work till God gives me some indication that the time for that is
come. With our present feeble force, and work of many kinds growing in our
hands, I have no right to leave while I have strength left me.”
fruit began to be gathered in the spring of 1882, and on the anniversary of
the arrival of Mr. O'Flaherty, five young men, whom the missionaries
believed had received the truth, were baptised. In his journal is the
following entry:
“18th March,
1882. - The week is over, and I feel glad, not only that it is so, but also
for the events which have transpired.”
“Several days’
hard work I had in cleaning out the house and rearranging the rooms, so as
to receive our guests to-day. For not only would our house be full at the
dinner, but we expected some of the Frenchmen also, while a suitable place
had to be prepared for a sort of chapel in which the candidates should be
“Five lads
were to-day enrolled in the visible Church of Christ, through baptism, by
Mr. O'Flaherty.”
“1. Sembera
Kumundo, who received the Christian name of Mackay.
“2. Mukasa
(same name as the lubare), who received the name of Edwardo, after
Mr. Edward Hutchinson.”
“3. Mukasa,
who received the name of Filipo, as Mr. O'Flaherty is generally
called here.”
“4. Buza
Baliao. He has received the name of our beloved late friend, Henry
Wright (spelt Henri Raiti).”
Mutakirambule. He has received the name of Yakobo.”
“Our earnest
prayer is that these lads, all of them grown up to manhood, may be baptised
not only by water, but by the Holy Ghost and with fire. Lord Jesus, make
them all-in-all Thine own, and may they be indeed the seed of Thy Church in
this land. We have long looked for this day. Now that we have seen it with
our eyes, may we give our Lord no rest until He will give these young
Christians His grace and Spirit.
“There are
many other lads reading here regularly, and who are candidates for baptism.
Many of our best pupils have gone to the country also.”
“The Baptismal
Service we translated into Luganda during the week. The service was over
early. All forenoon I had plenty to do in getting dinner ready for about
thirty lads. M. Pere Levinhac made himself very pleasant. I had baked a loaf
and made a raisin pudding or dumpling. We slaughtered a cow yesterday, and
made a good brew of banana beer. Two days ago I went to the market with the
cart, and brought back eighteen large bunches of plantains. I had four large
potfuls boiled, besides two pots of beef. So all had enough and to spare,
for there remained over, and all seemed delighted with their treat. Our
female servants and guests were not forgotten either, and came in for a
share of the beef, bananas, and beer.” |