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Significant and Famous Scots

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  • Dale, David
    eminent philanthropist.
  • Dalgarno, George
    An almost forgotten, but most meritorious and original writer.
  • Dalrymple, Alexander
    An eminent hydrographer, the son of Sir James Dalrymple, of Hailes, baronet.
  • Dalrymple, Sir David
    A celebrated Scottish judge and antiquary.
  • Dalrymple, James
    Viscount Stair, an eminent lawyer and statesman, and the progenitor of many distinguished persons.
  • Dalrymple, John
    Second earl of Stair, was
    a most accomplished and patriotic nobleman.
  • Dalrymple, Sir Hugh
    Born 1700. Invented hollow-pipe drainage. This innovation allowed the drying of water-logged land, bringing large areas into agricultural production.
  • Dalyell, Sir John Graham
    Accomplished student and expositor of Scottish antiquarianism.
  • Dalyell, Thomas
    An eminent cavalier officer.
  • Dalzell, Andrew
    Keeper of the Glasgow University library.
  • Daniel, Robert MacKenzie
  • David I
    A celebrated Scottish monarch, was the youngest of the six sons of Malcolm III.
  • Davidson, John
    An eminent divine.
  • Davidson, William
    Baronet and Privy Councillor and Resident Agent/Ambassador of Charles II in Amsterdam.
  • Deaton, Angus
    Professor and Nobel Prize Winner
  • Dempster, George
    A Notable Member of Parliament.
  • Dempster, Thomas
    A learned professor and miscellaneous writer.
  • Denny, William
  • Dewar. Donald
    First Minister Donald Dewar MSP MP died on 11th October 2000. He is considered to be the Father of Devolution and also the Father of the Nation.
  • Dewar, Sir James
    Physicist and Chemist, born in Kincardine, Fife. Inventor of the vacuum flask.
  • Dick, Sir Alexander
    President of the college of physicians of Edinburgh.
  • Dick (the Reverend) John
    An eminent divine of the Scottish Secession church.
  • Dickson, David
    An eminent Presbyterian divine of the seventeenth century.
  • Dinwiddie, James
    Astronomer in the British Embassy to China, 1792, '3, '4, Afterwards Professor of Natural Philosophy in the College of Fort William, Bengal
  • Dinwiddie, Robert
    Born 1693. Born near Glasgow, was the Lieutenant-Governor of Virginia. He insisted that the colonies should raise money for their own protection. Discovered George Washington's talents and sent him to resist the French. Thus he was an important figure in American History and has been called the "Grandfather of the United States".
  • Doig, David
    A teacher and poet.
  • Donaldson, John
    An eminent painter.
  • Donaldson, John
    A neurological biochemist with a primary interest in the role of trace metals in the brain.
  • Donaldson, Walter
    Professor of the Greek language and principal of the university of Sedan.
  • Douglas, Archibald
    Surnamed BELL-THE-CAT.
  • Douglas, Sir Charles
    A distinguished naval officer.
  • Douglas, David
    Enterprising traveller and skilful botanist.
  • Douglas, Francis
    Author and Printer
  • Douglas, Gavin
    One of the most eminent of our early poets.
  • Douglas, James
    A skilful anatonsist and surgeon, and accomplished physician.
  • Douglas, James
    Fourth earl of Morton, and regent of Scotland.
  • Douglas, James
    Earl of Douglas and a distinguished warrior.
  • Douglas, Sir James
    One of the most remarkable men of the heroic age to which he belonged, and the founder of the great fame and grandeur of one of the most illustrious houses in Scotland.
  • Douglas, John
    Bishop of Salisbury.
  • Douglas, John
    An eminent surgeon.
  • Douglas, Robert
    An eminent clergyman, is said to have been a grandson of Mary queen of Scots.
  • Douglas, Thomas
    The Earl of Selkirk
  • Douglas, William
    Knight of Liddesdale, otherwise well known in Scottish history by the title of the Flower of Chivalry.
  • Douglas, Sir William
    The illegitimate son of Sir Archibald, lord of Galloway, commonly called the Black Douglas.
  • Dowding, Hugh
    Considered one of the masterminds behind the victory in the Battle of Britain - one of the most prominent battles in World War Two. Dowding is seen as one of the more important military commanders of the war.
  • Doyle, Sir Arthur Conon
    Creator of Sherlock Holmes
  • Drummond, George
    Provost of Edinburgh.
  • Drummond, Henry
    Evangelist, biologist, writer and lecturer
  • Drummond, Robert Hay
    Archbishop of York.
  • Drummond, Thomas
    Among the many distinguished engineers of whom Scotland has been so prolific in the present age, the subject of this notice will always hold a conspicuous place.
  • Drummond, William
    A celebrated poet and historian.
  • Drummond, Sir William
    A distinguished scholar and philosopher.
  • Drysdale, John
    Moderator of the general assembly 1773 and 1784.
  • Dun, Sir Patrick
    Physician-General to the Army; and sometime President of the College of Physicians in Dublin.
  • Dunbar, William
    "the darling of the Scottish Muses," as he has been termed by Sir Walter Scott.
  • Duncan, Andrew
    An esteemed physician and professor of the institutions of medicine in the university of Edinburgh.
  • Duncan, Andrew
    The son of the excellent physician whose memoir we have given above.
  • Duncan, Gordon
    The most innovative and influential piper of his generation
  • Duncan, Henry
    An excellent divine, whose life was so distinguished by active practical usefulness.
  • Duncan, John
    An African traveller.
  • Duncan, Lord Viscount
    Scottish Naval Hero.
  • Duncan, William
    A learned writer, was born at Aberdeen, in July, 1717.
  • Dundas, Henry
    Viscount Melville and baron Dunira.
  • Dundasses of Arniston
    This family holds a very conspicuous place in the legal and political history of Scotland for a period extending almost to a century and a half.
  • Dunlop, John
    Lord Provost of Glasgow
  • Dunlop, John Boyd
    Born 1840. Developed the pneumatic tyre which was to improve the comfort of cyclists and later motorists.
  • Dunlop, William
    Principal of the university of Glasgow, and an eminent public character at the end of the seventeenth century.
  • Duns, John De
    that is, "John of Dunse, Scotsman," an eminent philosopher, was born in the latter part of the thirteenth century.
  • Durham, James
    He has long been one of the most popular writers in Scotland.
  • Dykes, Thomas
    Journalist and Author

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