For Britain and Europe, 1817 was the calm after
the storm. Two years before, both had witnessed the unthinkable -
Napoleon’s invincible Old Guard stopped cold in its tracks on the slopes of
Waterloo by British musketry and artillery, and, in the aftermath, the
Emperor whisked away to an exile on a lonely flyspeck of an island in the
South Atlantic.
On this particular summer’s day in 1817, some
veterans of that recent battle, minus legs and arms, sunned themselves in a
courtyard of the Royal Hospital at Chelsea, London. In one corner, under a
shady chestnut tree, a seated visitor was in deep, animated conversation
with a group of older pensioners, all speaking in their native tongue, “the
Erse” or Gaelic language. The hospital was older than the soldiers
present, built 109 years before in the reign of King William of Orange.
Designed and built by Sir Christopher Wren in 1692, the venerable
institution was one of two hospitals maintained for the worn-out and
crippled veterans of Britain’s imperial wars.1
The visitor was obviously a Highlander, dressed
as he was in “the Garb of Old Gaul.” His tight green morning jacket
looked slightly askew, his right arm extending from his shoulder at an odd
angle - an old wound sustained in the desperate storming of an Indian
fortress - a clear indication that he, too, was a veteran. A white goatskin
sporran fronted his red Stewart kilt that ended just above his bare
kneecaps. Below, his bulging calf muscles were encased with white and red
diamond- patterned hose stockings held up by red garters. Silver-buckled
shoes, winking in the sunlight, completed his Highland ensemble.
Every now and then the half-pay officer would
peer myopically into a small blue battered book, small spectacles perched
precariously on the end of a somewhat bulbous nose. It was a kindly face of
ruddy complexion with a caesar’s wreath of white wispy hair above,
encircling an otherwise baldpate. Sometimes he’d write down a line or two
with his left hand in a rolling script, then, look up and ask more questions
in his soft-spoken Gaelic, sometimes laughing, sometimes shaking his head,
but always attentive - a good listener. To the casual passer by, one might
assume the Highlander was a former regimental officer, come for a visit with
his men, but not one of his group looked a day under eighty - all too old to
have fought at Waterloo! All were, in fact, old enough to be the visitor’s
father, a sure indication that these soldiers had campaigned in much earlier
what was the gentleman’s name again, Sergeant?”
he asked.
“Och, Ailean Macpherson wis’nae gentleman,
Colonel,” the white-haired pensioner replied solemnly, the others
chortling and wheezing at this canny pronouncement. Each of the proud
Highlanders present were able to recite their own genealogies going back ten
generations or more, though their recollections of a war fought a half a
century ago and half way around the world were fading and dimly recalled.
“He was the son o’ a cottar like me,”
continued the old sergeant in a conspiratorial tone, “pressed intae the
regiment ‘gainst his will.” The half-pay officer nodded, wrote down the
name of the soldier, but not the conditions of his recruitment, and then
looking up, shut the blue book with a snap and satisfied smile.
“Well, that’s enou’ for today, brother
soldiers,” said their visitor reaching into his jacket pocket and
drawing forth a gold coin. ‘Ye hae been unco kind to put up wi’ me the
whole morning, gentlemen. Here’s a guinea so ye can drink His Majesty’s
A hour later, back in the study of his London
apartments and refreshed with some Darjeeling tea, Lieutenant Colonel David
Stewart of Garth, late of the 73rd Foot and veteran of Maida and
Alexandria, took his pen in his left hand with a flourish and started to
write rapidly, his script an oriental pattern of curves and whorls - heavy
strokes for the consonants and a light feather touch for vowels - weaving
his notes into an useful passage for his book.
The men Stewart had spoken to that morning were
veterans of two North American conflicts, the Seven Years’ War and the
American Revolution - survivors of the Old Highland Regiment, the 42nd
Foot, Montgomery’s 77th and Fraser’s 78th
Highlanders. All had served in North America for the first conflict, some
discharged at the peace with wounds ranging from severe frostbite to
scalpings and eligible by their service for entry into the Royal Hospital,
while others had transferred to more senior regiments that had fought in
the second American war, before they, too, took their honourable discharges
and rewards.
Most of the Gaelic-speaking pensioners were
illiterate and thus spoke from memory, an easy and pleasant enough task for
men who came from a rich oral tradition of songs and story-telling. For
nigh on a year, the Highlanders had plied the half-pay officer with rich
anecdotes and songs of their service abroad in the days of their youth.
Today’s story started to take shape quickly on
the page in front of him, the tale of a intrepid Highlander’s final
encounter with the Coilltich – the treacherous “Forest Folk” –
near the Forks of the Ohio in 1758. The veteran Highland officer smiled as
he finished the anecdote, for the canny Allan Macpherson, lowly son of a
cottar and private soldier of Montgomery’s 77th Regiment of Foot,
had definitely had the last laugh, and, in doing so, had saved his
comrades. Stewart read his longhand scrawl back to himself aloud,
Several soldiers
of this and other regiments fell into the hands of the Indians, being taken
in ambush. Allan Macpherson, one of these soldiers, witnessing the
miserable fate of several of his fellow prisoners, who had been tortured to
death by the Indians, and seeing them preparing to commence the same
operations upon himself, made signs that he had something to communicate.
An interpreter
was brought. Macpherson told them, that, provided his life was spared for a
few minutes, he would communicate the secret of an extraordinary medicine,
which, if applied to the skin, would cause it to resist the strongest blow
of a tomahawk, or sword, and that, if they would allow him to go to the
woods with a guard, to collect the plants proper for this medicine, he would
prepare it, and allow the experiment to be tried on his own neck by the
strongest and most expert warrior among them.
This story
easily gained upon the superstitious credulity of the Indians, and the
request of the Highlander was instantly complied with. Being sent into the
woods, he soon returned with such plants as he chose to pick up. Having
boiled these herbs, he rubbed his neck with their juice, and laying his head
upon a log of wood, desired the strongest man among them to strike at his
neck with his tomahawk, when he would find he could not make the smallest
An Indian,
levelling a blow with all his might, cut with such force, that the head flew
off to the distance of several yards. The Indians were fixed in amazement
at their own credulity, and the address with which the prisoner escaped the
lingering death prepared for him; but instead of being enraged at this
escape of their victim, they were so pleased with his ingenuity, that they
refrained from inflicting farther cruelties on the remaining prisoners.2
The Highland regiments
constitute one of Scotland’s most immediately recognizable but controversial
icons. There is a growing consensus of opinion that the early regiments of
the 18th century, and the dynamic forces that created them, have
been all but buried under a corpus of 19th and 20th
century regimental histories that have overly-romanticized such levies.
Some Victorian accounts verge on racial stereotyping, branding all
Highlanders as enthusiastic but undisciplined warriors whose natural
fighting genius only found full expression once they took the King’s
shilling and donned the King’s redcoat.
These simplistic views clash with the many observations made
by numerous visitors to the Highlands a mere century before, one Englishman
in 1724 noting that Britain’s gallant warriors of the 18th century were actually “a source of
detestation to their Lowland countrymen” and “viewed by the English
as veritable savages, even as cannibals.” He added that most English
officers found service along the frontiers of the Highlands “a perilous
and profitless exile, as the legionaries of Rome did” centuries before
The romantic veil thrown over the history of the
early Highland regiments has several progenitors, but it was a laird of
Regency Scotland, Colonel David Stewart of Garth, a former Black
Watch officer and a staunch advocate of Highland dress, who did more
than anyone else, to create the modern image of the Highlander.
His Sketches of the Character, Manners and
Present State of the Highlanders of Scotland, first published in 1822,
(but compiled, researched and written the decade before), has underpinned
every subsequent account of the Highlands to this day. In some cases, long
tracts of his original text were subsumed word-for-word into later
regimental histories of his regiment and others raised for the service of
the British Crown.4
Stewart’s only modern biographer is the first to
admit that the good Colonel was not a very precise or impartial historian,
given that his protagonist was a direct descendant of the fierce and
terrible Wolf of Badenoch, bastard son of King Robert II, and thus imbued
with all his ancestor’s pride of race.
“He is a great authority,” claims James
Robertson, and correctly identifies Stewart’s Sketches as “the
source book for countless works on the history and the customs of the
but, confesses in the same sentence, that Stewart’s “history could now be
thought a little weak.”5
Well-known historian, John Prebble, author of
Culloden and Mutiny, is less charitable, willing to aver that
Stewart’s Sketches are still “rich in knowledge and anecdote”
but, as “history” reek of “the sweet smell of romantic anesthesia
that softened any guilty pain his class may have felt at the manner in which
a way of life had passed.”
Prebble felt that Stewart, writing with hindsight
in the heyday of the Highland Clearances, started 40 years before, had done
a disservice to the early Highland regiments of the mid-18th
century by looking back at them with rosy-tinted glasses and portraying them
as the romantic ideal of Regency England.
“Between him and those first men of the Watch
was a black gulf across which the Gaelic people had been brutally dragged,”
Prebble observed, a gulf etched with “the
spine-breaking blow of Culloden, the despoiling of the glens, the bloody
sewer of the French wars, the coming of the great Cheviot sheep and the
beginning of eviction and dispersal.6
In 1849, Lord Thomas
Babington Macaulay (1800-59), one of England’s greatest historians, was the
first to rail against the revisionist phenomenon known today as
“Highlandism” that swept over Britain towards the end of the 18th
century, proclaiming that old Gaelic institutions and manners had never, and
would never be “exhibited in the simple light of truth.” A true
sketch of the Highland way of life, he claimed, was impossible to comprehend
given recent “fabrications” of Scottish culture by James Macpherson
the poet, Sir Walter Scott the author and Stewart the soldier, their works “executed
with such admirable art, that, like the historical plays of Shakespeare,
they superceded history.” Macaulay mused that the truth must lie
somewhere between two opposing portraits, one “a coarse caricature and
the other a masterpiece of flattery.7
As long as the Highlanders had been the “Gaelic
marauders” before the ‘45, he wryly observed, Saxons and Lowlanders had
perceived them as “hateful vermin who ought to be exterminated without
mercy,” Glencoe being a case in point. But as soon as that
extermination had been accomplished and
cattle were safe in the
Perthshire passes as in Smithfield market, the freebooter was exalted into a
hero of romance. As long as the Gaelic dress was worn, the Saxons had
pronounced it hideous, ridiculous, nay, grossly indecent. Soon after it had
been prohibited, they discovered that it was the most graceful drapery in
Europe. Soon the vulgar imagination was so completely occupied by plaids,
targets and claymores that by most Englishmen, Scotchmen and Highlanders
were regarded as synonymous words. Few people seemed to be aware that, at no
remote period, a Macdonald or a Macgregor in his tartan was to a citizen of
Edinburgh and Glasgow what an Indian in his war paint is to an inhabitant of
Philadelphia or Boston.
[When] artists and actors represented Bruce and
Douglas in striped petticoats, they might as well have represented
Washington brandishing a tomahawk and girt with a string of scalps.8
In Macauley’s mind, the madness and tomfoolery
reached its zenith when a chubby George IV appeared at Holyroodhouse in 1822
dressed in a Highland outfit which “before the Union, was considered by
nine Scotchmen out of ten as the dress of a thief.” David Stewart of
Garth was part of the farce, acting as the monarch’s personal valet,
carefully placing the fall of kilt and plaid about the plump Hanoverian
king’s pink tights.9
Lord Macaulay, in the 19th century,
and John Prebble, in the 20th, are but two examples of historians
who took exception to Stewart of Garth’s version of “history”. For example,
in 1908, a prominent Scottish historian debunked the generally-accepted
theory of the origin of the Black Watch as posited by Stewart, viz. six
Independent Companies were raised in the Highlands in 1729, which a scant
ten years later, formed the nucleus of The Black Watch.
Andrew Ross, The Ross Herald of Scotland, pointed
out that Stewart had got not only got the date for these newly-raised
independent companies wrong (having been established by Royal Warrant in
1725 vice 1729), but had also misnamed each of the company commanders. More
importantly, he successfully argued that the historic succession of the
Black Watch actually dated from 3 August 1667 when King Charles II issued a
commission to John, Earl of Athol, to raise and keep such a number of men as
he should think fit “to be a constant guard for securing the peace in the
Highlands” and “to watch upon the braes.” Ross thought it highly
regrettable that Stewart’s version of the origins of the Black Watch was “accepted
by all succeeding writers as the last word on the subject. Thus Cannon, in
his official record of the regiment, and Keltie and Forbes the modern
historians, each in his own fashion repeats Garth’s narrative” [and
mistakes – author’s note].10
The same year Ross’s
well-researched essay appeared, H.D. MacWilliam, author of A Black
Watch Episode of 1731 (London, 1908) and The Official Records
of the Black Watch Mutiny, (London, 1910), went further in a series
of articles that appeared in Celtic Monthly, each enumerating
the many misstatements and misquotations that appeared in Stewart’s
Sketches with regard to the regiment’s origins and subsequent
historical record. Sadly, not all of Stewart’s “mistakes” stemmed from
When the Black Watch or “Am Frecaidhan Dhu”
was officially authorized as a British line regiment in 1743 and charged to
raise four extra companies by beat of the drum or otherwise “in any
County or Part of Our Kingdom of Great Britain”, Stewart of Garth
evidently thought it humiliating that a Highland regiment was ordered to
recruit anywhere it liked, be it Glasgow, Dublin, or even worse, London. He
ignored the original beating orders for the “Old Highland Regiment” in his
Sketches, and, when he reprinted the portion of the official Royal
Warrant delineating the regiment’s recruiting parameters, he honoured his
Highland ancestry by inserting his own words “the men to be natives of
that country and none other taken.11
The writing of the Sketches had its genesis in an old friend asking
for help. Lieutenant Colonel Robert Dick, commanding the 42nd,
was instructed by the Duke of York to provide a historical record of the
regiment from its raising in 1743 to the end of the Napoleonic Wars. Dick
approached Stewart who was on half-pay, asking if he would take on the
project. Stewart admitted at first to be apprehensive of such a scheme, but
noted in his Sketches introduction that he had warmed to the task:
I did not,
indeed, expect that my knowledge of the subject would enable me,
especially as I had kept no journal, and had never been in the habit of
taking any notes or memorandums of what I had heard or seen: but as I
proceeded, I found that I knew more, and had a better recollection of
circumstances, than I was previously aware of, although, in the multiplicity
of facts I have had to state, some inaccuracies may afterwards be
Stewart initially intended to solely encompass the exploits of the 42nd
Foot, and for his project had many old friends he could turn to. An “auld”
acquaintance enlisted at the outset was kinsman “Jemmy” Stewart of Urrard
who had been wounded as a young company commander at the battle of
Ticonderoga in 1758 and had survived the jungled crags of Martinique in
But Stewart of Garth found that Urrard’s wife, previously married to a
husband who had “joined the regiment
in 1744”,
also had
something to contribute, as she possessed a very “clear recollection of
much that she had seen and heard, and related many stories and anecdotes
with the animated and distinct recitation of the Highland senachies
[from the Gaelic seanchaidhs meaning “historian” or “bard”].”
Stewart also tapped other Black Watch officers and “several Highland
gentlemen who had served as private soldiers in the regiment when first
organized” for information to fill out his skeletal history.13
Whilst engaged in this exercise that lasted from 1816 to 1821, Stewart
rarely left London, taking “a small retired lodging” in Duke Street “within
reach of the Library” so that he could “apply [his] heart and
zeal to the compilation of the military annals of the Highlands.” As he
worked, “it struck me that I could, without much difficulty, give similar
details of the service of other Highland regiments.”14
The Colonel was soon a familiar figure at the Royal Hospital, and if the
memory of the veterans failed them, he interviewed the wives and widows who
had faithfully followed their husbands on their various campaigns. And while
the good Colonel took copious notes from his numerous interviews he
conducted, the information was always softly-filtered and gently
restructured to present the Highlanders in the best light – a pious, sober,
child-like people governed by a strict feudal code of honour and fealty.
These noble Highland characteristics instilled at birth, he claimed, were at
the heart and soul of any understanding of the “marked differences”
between the manners and conduct of the mountain clans and those of the
Lowlanders. “Whatever was repulsive was softened down,” wrote
Macaulay. “Whatever was graceful and noble was brought prominently
Absent from Stewart’s Sketches however, is any serious
discussion of what the Highland regiments and their rank and file actually
became in the 18th century based on those very real differences!
Stewart’s failure to mention or place his study within the context of the
Lowlanders’ long-standing contempt for the Highlanders, the Mi-run mor
nan Gall, (literally “the Lowlander’s great hatred”) render his “history”
in my mind, null and void. In his attempts to salvage all that was noble in
Highland society and to make it part of a larger Scottish identity, Stewart
intentionally avoided any mention of the visceral hatred the majority of
Scotland’s population held towards his subject matter, a scant sixty years
One Lowlander as early as 1685 was inspired by his Muse to put the
prevailing sentiments of his fellow countrymen into a poem entitled “How
the first hielandman of God was maid of Ane horse turd in Argyle” and
published the same year. Lord Macaulay included one verse of this “coarse
and profane Scotch poem” in his magisterial History of England,
though sensible of his Victorian readership he wisely omitted the actual
graphic details of the “Hielandman’s” Creation.
Says God to the Hielandman “Quhair wilt thou now?”
I will down to the Lowlands, Lord, and there steal a cow”
“Ffy,” quod St Peter, “thou wilt never do weel,
An thou, but new made, so sune gais to steal!”
“Umff,” qoud the Hielandman, and swore by yon
“So long as I may get geir to steal, will I nevir work.16
the 1690’s, the Highland clans - a feudal society which could not and
would not change itself to meet a changing world - was seen as a
major obstacle to the complete political union of England and Scotland by
Lowlanders. The Highlanders’ “obstinate independence of spirit –
expressed in their customs, their clothes and their language,” states
John Prebble, “had to be broken and humbled”.
This political necessity, Prebble believes fueled to a large extent, the
massacre of the Macdonalds at Glencoe in 1693, an early demonstration of the
Mi-run mor nan Gall at work. “Lowlanders naturally despised what
they wished to destroy,” he observes, and the destruction of the
Highland clans was seen simply and inevitably as “a virtuous necessity.”
Prebble pronounced: “No Scots or English statesman would have thought
ordering the extirpation of a Lowland or English community but a Highland
clan, [that] was a different matter.”
That same utter contempt for the Highlander would take on a
very real and ugly form as witnessed in the brutal atrocities perpetrated by
Lowlanders and British troops alike in the wake of Culloden in 1746. When
the Clearances began fifty years later and the glens finally fell silent
except for the occasional bleating of a “four-legged Highlander” or Great
Cheviot sheep, Mi-run mor nan Gall had finally triumphed.17
David Stewart’s sanitized Sketches thus became a vehicle for
expounding his personal view that the typical Highland soldier - from that
first day of the Black Watch’s mustering as a British regiment of foot on
Aberfeldy Green 75 years ago - had always been imbued with a natural genius
for war and
a hardihood
which enabled him to sustain severe privations. As the simplicity of his
life gave vigour to his body, so it fortified his mind. Possessing a frame
and constitution thus hardened, he was taught to consider courage as the
most honourable virtue, cowardice the most disgraceful failing; to
venerate and obey his chief, and to devote
himself for his native country and clan
emphasis]; and thus prepared to be a soldier, he
was ready to follow wherever honour and duty called him. With such
principles, and regarding any disgrace he might bring on his clan and
district as the most cruel misfortune, the Highland private soldier had a
peculiar motive to exertion¼He
goes into the field resolved not to disgrace his name. A striking
characteristic of the Highlander, is, that all his actions seem to flow from
sentiment. His endurance of privation and fatigue, his resistance of
hostile opposition, his solicitude for the good opinion of his superiors,
all originate in this source, whence also proceeds his obedience.18
Besides Stewart
conveniently overlooking the facts that - the clans had been broken; chiefs
executed, imprisoned or exiled; and, that Highlanders had no concept of
nationalism beyond the bounds of their ancestral lands by the time the early
Highland regiments came into being - he would also have us believe that the
Highlanders with their fast-fading legacy of clan warfare (based principally
on cattle-reiving, blackmail and extortion) were, somehow, in their new
iteration as imperial Highland levies, magically transformed into paragons
of virtue. If we are to believe Stewart’s vision of the 18th century
Highland soldier, they were never cold, never afraid, never drunk, never
mutinous and never deserted.
While this may have been the case before the
outbreak of the Seven Years War which found his own regiment, the 42nd
Foot, enjoying the idyllic fruits of peace in quiet Irish cantonments after
the War of Austrian Succession (1743-1748), this high moral conduct
certainly cannot be ascribed to the lowly privates of the overnight Highland
battalions raised in 1757 for service in North America, the 77th
Foot (Montgomery’s Highlanders) and the 78th Foot (Fraser’s
“Although it is true that
Highlanders feature far less frequently in the General Courts Martial
records than miscreants from [English] battalions,” observes
Stephen Brumwell in Redcoats, a masterly study of the British
soldier during the Seven Years’ War in North America, “it would be wrong
to go to the other extreme and suggest their ranks were filled with plaster
saints.” To do so based on the official records and courts martial of
the day, is a naïve one – particularly given the often lawless nature of
traditional Highland society. It also overlooks the fact that these
regiments had their own internal mechanisms for punishing petty crimes and
misdemeanors, sometimes brutally.
For example, a young private
soldier of the 2nd/42nd was awarded 999 lashes for
leaving his sentry post without permission at Albany, New York in 1760. The
truth be told, Highland officers and men alike during the Seven Years War
would be found guilty of serious crimes ranging from murder and assault to
desertion, extortion and rape.19
interest lies in discovering what the early Highland regiments were really
like. Who were these officers and men from the Highlands who forged such an
enviable reputation for unshakable loyalty and courage in North America
during the Seven Years War, a reputation that would ensure them a permanent
place on the establishment of the British Army for centuries to come? Where
did they come from; what were their backgrounds; did they come willingly;
did they ever get homesick; what were their expectations and how were they
perceived? As no one has ever seriously chronicled the history of the
Highland battalions’ service in North America, these questions merit some
ignoring Stewart of Garth’s “historical amnesia” and “romantic fog”,
(as well as the writings of the numerous regimental
panegyrists that have
slavishly followed his example or shamelessly plagiarized his Sketches),
I hope to discover and capture the real character of each Highland battalion
that soldiered in North America by going back to primary sources.
aim is to offer new and fresh perspectives on the face of battle for these
18th century Jocks. In writing this book, my desire to understand
their experiences has necessitated a close examination of the terrain over
which they traveled, fought and died. The importance of “walking the ground”
in order to gain their “personal angle of vision” is crucial, for as German
military historian Hans Delbruck in the last century demonstrated, many
traditional historical accounts of military campaigns and operations are
outright fiction when subjected to an intelligent inspection of the terrain.
Interestingly, Francis Parkman, as a youth, was one of the first American
historians to religiously visit the sites he would write about in his opus
France and England in North America, his days at Harvard spent
planning “his journeys precisely to recover as far as he could the
direct, physical experience of those whose lives he would one day write”
hunting and pitching tents “ where trappers and their Indian allies, had
stayed” and marching “ along the paths taken by
British soldiers towards hapless ambush or brilliant victory.20
Thus, before even sitting down to write this book, I started
by “walking the ground”, something Stewart was unable to do given the
time, his age and circumstances. Over the course of the last ten years, my
perambulations have sometimes been conducted in tandem with other army
officers and NCOs as part of military “staff rides”, sometimes with
civilian friends canoeing down a river to gain insight into “the personal
angle of vision” one would have approaching an objective from the
water. But most of the time, my explorations have been conducted alone.
I’ve climbed the crags of Signal Hill in Newfoundland where nimble-footed
Highlanders, remnants of the 42nd, 77th and 78th
regiments with other elements of William Amherst’s forces launched a
surprise dawn attack that enabled the recapture of St John’s from the French
in 1762. I’ve examined the landing sites along the surf-pounded beaches at
Louisbourg and have retraced the steps of Fraser’s 78th
Highlanders through the black-fly infested bogs to the walls of that
fortress town they took in 1758.
I’ve climbed the slippery shale cliffs leading to the Heights of Abraham at
Quebec and have heard the unchanged roar of the Montmorency Falls, standing
beside the stone farmhouse that served as James Wolfe’s headquarters at the
siege of Quebec, 1759. I’ve traveled what’s left of Forbes Road from
Bedford to Pittsburgh, carved through the Pennsylvanian wilderness by
Highlanders of the 77th and provincial soldiers, and have
ascended a looming Allegheny Ridge by way of Rohr’s Gap on my way to Fort
Ligonier, Bushy Run and the Forks of the Ohio.
have followed the length of the military roads and portages that formed the
strategic Albany-Oswego corridor to stand on the windswept ramparts of Fort
Ontario, looking out over the lake of the same name where Amherst launched
his 1760 flotillas for the final conquest of New France. Terrain, especially
untouched terrain, can speak volumes.
But what printed sources are available today that Stewart did not have
access to in 1817 (or simply did not bother to find or use in his research)?
Letters and rare journals from various participants of the Seven Years War
come to light everyday. The notices on arrivals, departures, campaigns and
deserters that appeared in the various magazines and newspapers of the day
are a rich source of information as well, though Stewart only appears to
have made minimal use of them in his
For example, he quotes the Pennsylvania Gazette’s
tribute to the 42nd on their departure from North America in 1767
but does not cite any other reports that journal of the day published with
regard to the regiment’s movements or exploits during the war in America.
Other periodicals and newspapers closer to home, all containing excerpts of
letters by eye-witnesses and dispatch accounts such as Gentleman’s
Magazine; Scot’s Magazine, the Annual Register; the
London Gazette; and the Aberdeen Journal, he simply ignored.
Stewart claims the biggest problem encountered in compiling his Sketches
was the complete lack of any historical regimental records for the 42nd
Foot, all these documents allegedly lost in a series of misfortunes in the
latter part of the 18th century.
For example, he claimed that a ship carrying “the greater part of the
cargo and baggage of the regiment was lost” off the coast of Ireland in
1771 and “the portion saved, especially the regimental books and records”
were “much injured”. To add insult to injury, he added, the
transports that landed the regiment at Ostend in June 1794 during the
Napoleonic wars carrying the 42nd’s regimental library, baggage “and,
what was more to be regretted, all that remained of the historical records
of the regiment from the period of its formation till the year 1793, fell
into the hands of the enemy.”21
Certainly a disastrous state of affairs for any young regiment attempting to
chronicle its first 75 years of existence - if it were actually true!
were in fact lying in the library of the Royal United Services Institute,
London,” according to Highland dress authority, John Telfer Dunbar, “where
they were discovered in 1913 and handed over to the regiment.” Official
records of the 42nd, including muster rolls from 1759-1776, can
also still be found in the War Office, so one really wonders how diligent
and persistent Stewart actually was in his attempt to write an accurate and
credible history of his regiment.22
now its is my turn, nearly two centuries later, to tell the story of the
Highland battalions’ service in North America during the Seven Years War
using: official reports and returns from the War Office; the succession and
commission books; surviving orderly books such as those of James Stewart of
Urrard, 42nd Foot, kept from 1759 to 1761 or Captain John Nairn’s
1762 Orderly Book for the 78th at Quebec; Gaelic songs and poems
composed before, during and after several of the battles; and maps and
drawings by engineers on the spot; British and North American newspapers and
magazines of the day; and, contemporary oil paintings and water colours by
soldier-artists who were there, providing us 18th century
snapshots as to how their uniforms looked, not to mention the environment
they had to master and conquer in the North American wilderness.
a more personal level, I have used published and unpublished memoirs and
journals of Highland officers, NCOs, and, in one rare case, a private
soldier. Numerous letters sent home by officers and men to relatives have
also survived and many of these found their way into print at the time, or
were printed later in family histories. Many bundles of letters (never
accessible to Stewart) have also been coaxed out of the relative obscurity
of various private family collections and collated for public consumption in
various national repositories such as the National Archives of Scotland, the
National Archives of Canada and the Library of Congress).23
aim then is to discard all three of Stewart’s “Sketches” as they pertain to
the 42nd, 77th and 78th Regiments of Foot
and to present a fresh (and hopefully unbiased) synthesis of new evidence
based on first-hand accounts. Such an approach will help the general reader
better understand the human dynamics at play in these mid-18th
century Highland regiments.
the spring of 1758, the three Highland marching regiments serving in the
American theatre of war totaled four battalions of 4,200 kilted men out of a
total of 24,000 British regulars, nearly one fifth of the army. And
although this history is concerned specifically with these three Highland
regiments, it should be noted that the above numbers of total Highlanders
are deceiving.
For a country whose only exports for centuries had been fish, black cattle
and its men, it is not surprising to discover that many other Highlanders
were already serving in the British army without the benefit of wearing
their native dress, given the famine, poverty and unemployment that stalked
the Highlands after the ’45. Established traditional foot regiments serving
in the “American” army such as the 1st , 22nd,
55th, and 58th Regiments of Foot, boasted high numbers
of Highlanders dressed in breeches, frockcoats and tricorns.
one also considers that one in four officers of the British Army were
upwardly mobile, ambitious Scots taking advantage of the almost permanent
state of warfare during the eighteenth century, one can readily see that
Highlanders were already well embedded in the British army.24
have decided the story of the three Highland regiments in North America is
best tackled with a chronological approach, in lieu of three separate
histories. Though each regiment initially started the war in three
different armies under three different commanders, their paths would
eventually cross as the war progressed.
Each subsequent chapter is based on a year of the war and follows the trials
and tribulations of each unit for that particular calendar year. If two or
more regiments participated on the same campaign, then their shared
experiences of geography, weather and leadership are treated together in
order to avoid repetition.
Thus I start with the 42nd Foot told off for duty in North
America in 1756, and in the following year, address in a separate chapter,
the raising of the two newly authorized Highland battalions, the 77th
and 78th. Though the latter two regiments competed for recruits
and set sail from Ireland together for the New World on the same summer day
in 1757, they parted ways after one week, the 77th (Montgomery’s)
transports heading for the torrid heat of the Carolinas while the 78th
(Fraser’s) convoy negotiated icebergs on their way to Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Their respective arrivals in the New World as well as the movements of the
42nd as part of Lord Loudoun’s aborted expedition against
Louisbourg in 1757 are covered together in the third chapter.
The fourth, fifth and sixth chapters reflect that each Highland regiment was
fated to take part on a different campaign in 1758 due to William Pitt’s
three-pronged strategy to take New France - three separate armies converging
on the colony so as to spread out its limited French and Canadien
defenders. Each regiment and its campaign in this momentous year are
treated in their own dedicated chapter. In the west, the 77th
were allocated to General John Forbes expedition to take Fort Duquesne
(present-day Pittsburgh) on the Forks of the Ohio. In the east, the 78th
were assigned to Major General Jeffery Amherst’s expedition to capture
the centre, the 42nd formed part of General James Abercromby’s
thrust northwards from Albany, New York to capture Forts Carillon
(Ticonderoga) and St Frederic (Crown Point) by way of Lakes George and
Champlain. The same year, a fourth Highland unit, the new-raising Second
Battalion of the 42nd was authorized in July for service in North
America and completed to seven companies by October 1758. They would see
themselves diverted at the last moment to take part in Major General
Peregrine Hopson’s expedition to seize Martinique in the Caribbean.
For 1759, two chapters were required: the 77th joining Amherst’s
army from Pennsylvania and soldiering alongside the First Battalion of the
“Old Highland Regiment” for the second attempt to capture Fort Ticonderoga
and Crown Point. The previously-mentioned Second Battalion of the 42nd
raised the year before, would arrive too late to participate in this
campaign, many of its men still wounded and sick from their arduous
Caribbean detour. The 78th Fraser Highlanders fighting farther
north, as part of General James Wolfe’s victorious army on the Plains of
Abraham, need a separate chapter to chronicle their experience.
1760, all three Highland regiments would meet for the first and last time
during their existence, and the chapter for this year will follow their
respective armies converging on the last defended city of New France in
September 1760. A separate chapter will deal with the six companies of the
77th Foot detached to fight the Cherokees in South Carolina in
spring 1760 as part of the force assigned to their lieutenant-colonel
commandant, “Colonel-in-America” Archibald Montgomery.
The winter of 1760-61 soon dispersed all three regiments, the eight
companies of the 77th remaining with Amherst’s army at Montreal
going to garrison Halifax, Nova Scotia, the 78th returning to
Quebec City and its dependencies, and the two Black Watch battalions staying
put in Montreal.
One chapter will follow all three regiment’s movements for 1761, eight
companies of the 77th, including their South Carolina
detachments, sailing from Halifax to New York in April 1761 to join Lord
Rollo’s expedition to take Dominica, while five companies would remain to
garrison lonely Nova Scotian outposts such as Lunenburg, Annapolis Royal and
Fort Cumberland. The two battalions of the 42nd that remained in
Montreal until mid-summer 1761, were ordered to New York via the Lake
Champlain-Hudson river corridor to participate in a pending expedition
against the French and Spanish, arriving at Staten Island in the early fall.
The 1762 chapter follows the trials and tribulations of the 77th
and 42nd Regiments in the Caribbean, both Highland units losing
more men by disease than by shot or shell. A separate chapter will deal
with the relatively quiet garrison life of the 78th Frasers left
behind in Quebec City during 1762, as well as showcasing the little-known
story of how men of the 77th and 42nd recovering from
the Caribbean campaign in New York hospitals found themselves fighting to
repel a French force from St John’s, Newfoundland.
In 1763, with the peace and the reduction of the 77th and 78th
regiments inevitable, the next chapter relates the 77th ‘s last
battle alongside their comrades of the 42nd Foot at an obscure
place named Bushy Run in the Pennsylvanian wilderness. In the spring of
1763, the western frontiers were ablaze as the Ottawa war chieftain Pontiac
took up the war hatchet and many disaffected tribes joined his uprising. The
remains of the 77th and 42nd Highlanders recovering
from the siege of Havana on Long Island, New York, as well as the survivors
of the short campaign to retake Newfoundland, found themselves brigaded
together under the command of the famous Colonel Henry Bouquet, and fighting
for their lives a day’s march from the besieged Fort Pitt. Almost
immediately after this small sharp engagement, the 77th were
finally ordered disbanded as were the 78th in Quebec.
The next chapter will focus on the 42nd’s role during the 1764
Muskingum expedition and the downsizing of the regiment to a peacetime
establishment. Included in this chapter will be the forgotten episode of
how the remnants of the 77th were assigned a one last perilous
and thankless known task whilst still wearing the King’s redcoat – the
protection of the Moravian or Christianized Indians of Pennsylvania from
mobs of frontier folk enraged by the recent Indian uprising. Dozens of
mission Indians were shot down in cold blood or lynched causing an outraged
Benjamin Franklin, a citizen of Philadelphia at the time, to condemn such “inhuman
shocking murders”. He would however, heap unreserved praise on the
hard-bitten Highlanders of the 77th Foot, veterans of Bushy Run,
who escorted the terrified missionaries and Indian families out of
Pennsylvania as far as Perth Amboy in New Jersey before crossing over to New
York to take ships home.
The final chapter will cover the last two years of the 42nd’s
stay in North America including Thomas Stirling’s expedition down the Ohio
River and up the Mississippi in 1765 with 100 Highlanders to take possession
of Fort de Chartres in the Illinois country. It will conclude with the
Royal Highlanders returning to Philadelphia in 1767 in order to take
transports back to Ireland after ten years hard service in North America.
This book is aimed at the general reader who already has a broad
understanding of the Seven Years War, for I do not spend much time on the
strategic and operational aspects of the war, except where there is a need
for context.25
other words, this is a history of the regiments, pure and simple, not a
history of the Seven Years War with its attendant causes and effects. While
this might be considered a fairly narrow approach, I make no apologies. I
wish to focus on the direct experiences of the Highland soldier in battle -
what British historian John Keegan has termed “their personal angle of
vision”. This book will hopefully not only reveal the physical
conditions of their fighting but their behavior and emotions generated by
battle, their will and ability to fight, and most of all their resilient and
proud character.
much of my material is appearing in print for the first time, I have chosen
to include short endnotes to allow the interested reader to identify and
explore the many useful sources that I and others have been pulling together
over the last 20 years from a diverse range of published and unpublished
manuscript sources.
order to minimize the size of these endnotes, however, I have put all
biographical references, including the register roll of the 340 officers who
served in the three Highland regiments between 1756 and 1767, in a separate
annex at the end of the book.
With the same thought in mind I have also included additional annexes (B &
C) with detailed essays on Highland dress, weapons, specialist officers
(chaplains, surgeons, etc.) and specialist soldiers (pipers, hatchet men,
grenadiers, light infantrymen, etc.). My intention was to avoid lengthy
discourses on these equally interesting topics within the body of the main
text in order to keep the historical narrative flowing.
The title of the book is taken from one of the verses of the song The
Garb of Old Gaul, the music composed by Captain John Reid, 42nd
Foot, in 1756, an accomplished flautist and composer in his day. The words
were added later, circa 1760, and are attributed to Sir Harry Erskine, a
close friend of Reid and the Colonel of the Scots Greys at the time.
Here then, is the story of the Highlanders of the Seven Years War who
soldiered far from their mountains, glens and braes to fight in North
America and the Sugar Islands. The conduct, success and subsequent
reputation of the three North American Highland regiments in a large measure
were a strong catalyst in propagating a wider acceptance of the Highlander
as an integral and important addition to the British army. They went, in a
relatively short span of years, from rebels to renowned red-coated
regiments and became a national “icon” for their homeland.
The scant few that returned to Scotland on disbandment of their regiments
were greeted with great applause and acclaim by their proud kinfolk. The
words of a Badenoch bard, singing joyfully of the Fraser Highlanders’ return
home to Scotland in 1764, could apply to any one of the three Highland
regiments that had soldiered in North America
thousand warm welcomes
To the most manly soldiers
who have routed the enemies of our country.
They are the expert men….26
Lt.Colonel Ian Macpherson McCulloch
St. Andrew’s
Day, Virginia Beach, USA

1. The Royal
Hospital Kilmainham in Dublin designed by William Robinson and built in
1680-86 pre-dated Chelsea. For an excellent article on the attitudes
towards army veterans of mid-Georgian Britain and the provisions made for
them, see Steve Brumwell, “Home from the Wars”, History Today,
(March 2002) 41-47; also Brumwell, Redcoats: The British Soldier and
War in the Americas, 1755-1763, [hereafter Redcoats],
(Cambridge, 2002), 298-303.
2. Colonel
David Stewart of Garth, Sketches of the Characters, Manners and
Present State of the Highlanders of Scotland with details of the Military
Service of the Highland Regiments, Vol. II, [hereafter
Sketches, I or II], (London, 1822, [reprint: Edinburgh, 1977]),
16-17n; For an actual eye-witness account of prisoners of Montgomery’s
Highlanders being tortured by their Indian captors after the botched Fort
Duquesne raid, see Private Robert Kirkwood’s account in Ian McCulloch & Tim
Todish, eds. “’Through So Many Dangers’: The Memoirs & Adventures of
Robert Kirk, Late of the Royal Highland Regiment”, [hereafter
TSMD](Limerick, 1775,[reprint: Fleichmanns, 2004]), 41-2.
3. Quoted in
John Laffin, Scotland the Brave: The Story of the Scottish Soldier,
(London, 1963), 11.
4. Two more
readily come to mind: an ancestor on my mother’s side, James Macpherson, the
Scottish poet of Ossianic fame who created an epic traditional culture for
the Highlander where one did not exist before; and, Sir Walter Scott, with
his widely popular tales of Rob Roy and Waverly.
5. James
Irvine Robertson, The First Highlander: Major-General David Stewart of
Garth, CB, (East Linton, 1988), 82-91; 124-134.
6. John
Prebble, Mutiny: Highland Regiments in Revolt 1743-1804, (Harmondsworth,
1975), 27.
7. Lord
Macaulay, The History of England from the Accession of James the
Second, Vol. II, (London, 1873) 30-32; For a modern account of
“Highlandism and Scottish Identity” see T.M. Devine, The Scottish
Nation, 1700-2000, (London, 2000), 231- 247. “This strange
development was part of a wider process, which was all but complete by the
end of the Napoleonic Wars, through which (mostly) imagined and false
Highland ‘traditions’ were absorbed freely by Lowland elites to form the
symbolic basis of a new Scottish identity,” writes Devine. “This
‘Highlandism’ was quite literally the invention of a tradition.”
Ibid., 32.
Ibid., 32; Also see Prebble, The King’s Jaunt,
(London, 1988); and Robertson, The First Highlander, 131-140.
10. For the
most complete discussion of the genesis of The Black Watch see Andrew
Ross’s, “The Historical Succession of The Black Watch”, in A Military
History of Perthshire 1660-1902, [hereafter MHP]
Marchioness of Tullibardine, ed., (Glasgow/Edinburgh, 1908), 28-53. The
three 19th century regimental histories Ross refers to are: Richard Cannon,
Esq., Historical Records of the British Army, (London, 1837);
Sir John Scott Keltie, A History of the Scottish Regiments, Scottish
Highlands and the Highland Clans and Regiments, 8 vols., (Edinburgh,
1889); and, Archibald Forbes, The Black Watch: The Record of an
Historic Regiment, (London, 1896). Numerous quotes and excerpts
from the above 19th century books that plagiarize Stewart verbatim can be
found on the many web pages that clutter the Internet, all sadly purporting
to be the accurate “histories” of the three Highland regiments that served
in North America.
11. Prebble,
Mutiny, 35.
12. Stewart,
Sketches, I, vii-viii.
13. Ibid.,
viii; David Stewart to Alexander Irvine, 27 April 1817, NAS GD
1/53; Other 42nd officers included Grenadier Captain John Peebles who kept
extensive journals during the American War of Independence and the nephew of
Major-General Thomas Stirling. Stewart wrote to Peebles 16 May 1816 to thank
him for his communications regarding the 42nd Regiment’s battles
and campaigns during the war and asking for further details. He also
informed him that Graham Stirling of Airth was endeavouring to find a
journal of his late uncle’s expedition down the Ohio and up the Mississippi
to take possession of the Illinois country from the French in 1765,
NAS GD 21/500. Peeble’s journals were published in 1998. See
John Peeble’s American War. The Diary of a Scottish Grenadier, 1776-1782,
Ira Gruber, ed., (Stroud, 1998).
14. Stewart,
Sketches, I, xx.
15. Macauley,
History of England, II, 33.
16. Quoted in
Ibid., 30.
17. Prebble,
Glencoe, (Harmondsworth, 1966), 9-10.
18. Stewart,
Sketches, I, 235.
19. Brumwell,
Redcoats, 280-1.
20. Simon
Schama, Dead Certainties: Unwarranted Speculations, (New York,
1992), 50-51.
21. Stewart,
Sketches, I, vi-vii.
22. See “Muster
Rolls of the 42nd Foot, 1759-1776”, in WO 12/5478; f. 96; John
Telfer Dunbar, History of Highland Dress, (London, 1962),
23. For
example, the complete correspondence of General James Grant of Ballindalloch,
a major in the 77th Foot during the Seven Years War, was recently
transferred to the National Archives of Scotland in Edinburgh, where
officials agreed to house and microfilm them. Robert Clyde, author of
From Rebel to Hero and an expert in 18th-century Scottish history,
was engaged to organize the collection and oversee its filming. The project
has now been completed and the Library of Congress has received 50 reels of
microfilm representing more than 12,000 items in the James Grant Papers,
conveniently organized for consultation by researchers.
24. For
example, in the 1st Foot (The Royal), 462 of 1124 men (41%) were
listed as “Highlanders”, 22nd Foot, 183/1060 (17%), 55th
Foot, 421/754 (56%) and 58th Foot, 51/569 (9%). See Table 5,
“Ethnic composition of rank and file and non-commissioned officers of
British Army Units in North America, Summer 1757” in Brumwell,
Redcoats, 266; Another example of Highlanders not wearing plaid were
the 90 Fraser Highlanders drafted into the 35th Foot, an
Irish-speaking regiment, on December 1757, in order to bring it up to
strength after its heavy casualties suffered at the siege and aftermath of
Fort William Henry; Linda Colley, Britons: Forging the Nation,
1707-1837, (New Haven, 1992), 126.
25. If the
reader is new to this period of history, they should first read Fred
Crucible of
War. The Seven Years’ War and the Fate of Empire in British North America,
(New York, 2000)
or Tim Todish’s useful (and much shorter) primer, America’s First
First World War, (Fleichmann’s,NY, 2002).
26. Michael
Newton, We’re Indians Sure Enough: The Legacy of the Highlanders in
the United States, [hereafter, Indians], (Richmond,
2001), 38-9.
Book Review
Ruby G. Campbell, Ph.D., FSA
Scot, CCS(NA) Genealogist & Librarian
Ian Macpherson McCulloch.
Sons of the Mountains: A History of the Highland Regiments in North America
during the French & Indian War, 1756-1767. 2 vol. Purple Mountain Press
and the Fort Ticonderoga Museum, 2006.
The Black Watch! Fraser’s
Highlanders! Montgomery’s Highlanders! Names familiar to all serious
historians, genealogists, history buffs, and re-enactors as well. The story
of these three regiments of Highland soldiers (the 42nd, 78th
Foot, and 77th Foot, respectively) whose exploits in the North
American continent during the mid-eighteenth century helped shape the future
of both the USA and Canada and provided the background for many heroic tales
found in books and film is presented in Volume One of this two volume work
by Ian Macpherson McCulloch, CD, a native of Halifax, Nova Scotia, himself a
lieutenant colonel (1963) in command of The Black Watch (Royal Highland
Regiment) of Canada in Montreal, Quebec.
The text embodies first hand
accounts of the everyday lives of the soldiers and the plans and insights of
the men who led them into battle. Working from actual documents, diaries,
and letters which are liberally quoted throughout the text, McCulloch takes
the reader from the establishment of the regiments, to the departure of the
transports across the stormy Atlantic "haughty, full of peaks and
valleys, thundering, rendering, boisterous, flashing" and the arrival of
the ships [the last being the snow, Duke of Argyle, which had run
aground off Sandy Hook (New Jersey)] in New York where the citizens sent "a
very Handsome Refreshment . . . down to the Officers and private Men
consisting of Oxen, Sheep, Fowls, Strawberries, Cherries, Pease, etc. which
proved a very acceptable Present," and on through every battle, field
experience, and personal accomplishments and tragedies until the units were
either disbanded or recalled to Britain after the fighting was over.
Told in a lively,
entertaining manner, often using the men’s own words, Sons of the
Mountains covers all theaters of war from Newfoundland, to Ticonderoga,
the Great Lakes, and to the swamps and cane fields of the "Sugar Islands" in
the West Indies. In additions to incidents of battle, here are descriptions
of the women who followed the troops, the foibles of the bad leaders ["the
most Shilly Shally, Whistly Wally, Jacky Wagtail that ever my Eyes beheld. .
. .He gives our Serjt Major half a dozen Contradictory orders of
a morning and at last gives out none at all. . . . "]
and the sensitivity of the good ones, the attitudes
toward the French and the Indians, plus many other topics seen through the
eyes of the Highland soldier.
The text is well illustrated
with art work, maps, contemporary prints, and portraits from the collections
of various museums in the USA, Canada, and Scotland.
Volume Two is a genealogist’s
delight. Here are biographical entries of every officer of the Black Watch,
Fraser’s Highlanders, and Montgomery’s Highlanders who served in North
America. The officers are listed in order of their regimental seniority
during the Seven Year’s War instead of alphabetically, but it is not
difficult to manoeuver through this section. Over 350 officers from all the
major clans are listed, many with parentage and/or other relationships
A sample of one of the
(shorter) entries is shown below:
Campbell, [3] yr of Melfort (1730-1790) (whose portrait appears
on the front cover)
Lieut: 30 July 1757, 77th Foot; appointed adjutant, 77th Foot, 11
July 1759; resigned adjutancy, 1 February 1763; transferred on promotion;
Captain: 1 February 1763, 42nd Foot; half-pay, 24 October 1763;
Major: c. 1779, Argyll (Western) Fencibles.
and heir of Archibald Campbell and Annabel Campbell, sister of John Campbell
of Barcaldine. Nephew of Major Allan Campbell, 42nd Foot (see
above) and first cousin of Major Alex Campbell and Captain Mungo Campbell of
the 77th Foot (see 77th Register). Came to North
America as a lieutenant in one of the 77th’s Additional
Companies. Participated in all major campaigns of Montgomery’s Highlanders,
including the capture of Montreal in 1760. Transferred to the 42nd
Foot on promotion to captain while recuperating at New York after the
grueling Caribbean campaign. Out on half-pay, October 1763. Was second-major
in the Argyll (Western) Fencibles along with first major, Hugh Montgomerie,
(another former 77th officer - see Register), when that regiment mutinied at
Edinburgh in October 1779. Considered a popular officer amongst the men, it
was Melfort’s calm actions along with support from Montgomerie that quelled
the disturbances. He married his cousin in 1767, Colina, daughter of John
Campbell of Achalader and Isabella Campbell, daughter of Patrick Campbell of
Barcaldine. He died at Bath in 1790 at the age of 60.
CBs; SBs; BALs;
"List of the Officers of the 42nd or Royal Highland Regiment
according to seniority dated December 29th, 1762", BL Add.
MSS. 21634: f.178c; Stewart, Sketches, I-II, in passim.
In addition to the
biographical entries, Volume Two includes several appendices dealing with
Highland dress (hairdressing, sashes, shirts & kilts, footware); weapons
(dirk, broadsword, muskets, pistols, powder horns, bayonets, tomahawks);
equipment (belts, cartouche boxes, tents, flags, weapons cleaning kit,
etc.); the role of the specialist officers (surgeons, adjutants,
quartermasters) and soldiers (pipers, grenadiers, women); and assorted
regimental muster rolls and returns.
Sons of the Mountains
is a very important work covering the story of the Highlanders and their
regiments who fought in North American during the Seven Years’ War.
Thoroughly documented, it’s a fast-moving narrative, even to those who are
not particularly interested in military matters. It is highly recommended
for personal, public, and school and university libraries.
Due for publication in May
2006, a "sneak preview" may be found at the Electric Scot website at
http://www.electricscotland.com/history/scotreg/mcculloch/index.htm while
ordering information is available at the Purple Press website at
http://www.catskill.net/purple/order.htm or from Purple Mountain Press,
Ltd., PO Box 309, Fleischmann’s NY 12430-0309, phone 1-845-254-4062. |