Distant view of the Castle from the
Cemetery Wall of St. Monan's Church Yard |

Distant view of the Castle from
St. Monan's Harbour

This small piece of carved wood is the
only surviving piece
wood work from St. Monance.
This was saved by the
owner of
Miller Ship Yards and donated to the
local museum when he
emigrated to Australia. |

Approaching the Doo-cote
on the foot path
from St. Monans

The Castle's Resident Rabbit |
A view from the west when the tide is out

A signpost directing East Neuk walkers to
the village of St Monans, Elie and onto the
high tide foot path, away from the sea,
with the castle's hallway entrance in the background |

St. Monans Castle Signet Seal

In the Hall by the doorway from the Tower
with the Firth of Forth framed by the window
with a
carpet of grass
in the foreground.

Harold Nelson
of the round tower |

Wild flowers with the castle in the distance
Earlier castle vaults in the foreground
with the castle
behind |
A view from the north.
General Sir David's Dutch gables,
unique among Scottish castles,
can be seen on the upper right structure. |
General Sir David Leslie, who brought home
from his military campaigns in Holland,
an appreciation for Dutch gables and red pantiles
for his roof.
(from the art collection of Stalker Castle)
A minor doorway to the castle
beside the gate wall with the vestiges
of an earlier entry above it -
a late joining of disparate parts

The remains of the Principal Entrance created by David Leslie.
Circular stairs led to the great hall and
sensibly straight steps went down to the kitchen

The south wall which overlooks the Firth of Forth.
At the base there is an arch which would
have strengthened the wall but which
also appears to have a flu-like feature.

Harold Nelson
on a landing between the
round tower, the
main hall house and minor entryway |

A pastoral view of the castle
from the North West |
A view of the castle from the
as the tide comes in |

Ancient Monument Plaque
provided by Historic Scotland

Historic Plaque on Toronto Residence. |
A view from the vaults of the earlier castle
looking at the remains of the fireplace and great hall |

Harold Nelson in the courtyard
outside principal entrance |

A view of the tower and
great hall chimney from south
east |

A view from the south east beside original wall

Inside the most damaged vault
- third from the sea |

Inside one of the storage vaults

Evidence of what made the site so defensible is
seen when looking up the stone face of the west
side of the promontory.
Traces of brick works are found on the facing but
their purpose is yet unknown.

The doo-cote is one of the best examples
of the 16th century beehive style to be found in Fife. These homes
for doves/pigeons were only available to the gentry for they feasted on
the neighbours crops as well as their own! |

View from the Tower's exterior wall
through the hallway to the great hall

A view of the east facing
- from near the doo-cote |

Castle viewed from the south on the shoreline

Castle Viewed from the South East
while the tide is out |

Alastair McIntyre of
St Monance and took this picture of the Castle.
Other pictures from his visit can be viewed
here! |