St Monance, or
St Monans, and
Because of our interest in all
its incarnations --
not merely its “New Wark”,
we have chosen to return to the name of Saint Monance,
which has been associated with many of its other incarnations.
Inverie, the name of the wee creek flowing past the village kirk on its way to the sea was an early title to the property.
“Monance” is merely the manner in which the possessive was spelled in
an earlier time:
but preferred by
us to Monans, without the apostrophe, which is the current usage of the village.
Newark, is a modern
contraction of New Wark (Work), an addition or restoration to an earlier
residence or castle. Inasmuch as there are three other Newark castles in
Scotland and one in
England, to differentiate the Fife New Wark, we chose to restore the site to its
pre-16th Century name.