Branches: see below
Motto: Nobilis est ira leonis (Latin : Noble is the
wrath of a lion); (Appin) Quhidder will zie (Whither will ye); (Earls of Galloway)
Virescit vulnere virtus (Latin : Courage gains strength from a wound)
Septs of the Clan: Boyd, Garrow, Menteith,
Monteith, Carmichael, Hunter, MacMichael. Stewart, Appin: Carmichael, Combich,
Livingston, Livingstone, MacCombich, Mackinlay, Maclae, Maclay, Maclea, Macleay,
MacMichael. Stewart, Atholl: Crookshanks, Cruickshank, Duilach, Gray,
Macglashan. Stewart Lennox: Howkins
Names associated with the clan:
Bhoid Bod Bodha Boed Boht Boid Boyd Boyde Boyt Dennison Denniston
Dennistoun Dog Doig France Garro Garroch Garrow Gerrow Glay Gley
Lennox Lenox MacGaraidh Mentayth Menteath Menteith Mentheth
Monteath Montecht Monteith Munteith Muntethe Mynteith Mynteth
Myntethe Phinney Prince Charles Edw Sprall Spreall Spreuile
Spreuill Spreul Spreule Spreull Sprewell Sprewile Sprewill Sprewl
Sprewle Sprewyle Sproul Sproule Sproull Sprowl Spruell Spruill
Spruyle Spruylle Steuarde Steuart Steuarte Steward Stewart Stiuard
Stiubhard Stiward Stuard Stuarde Stuart Stuerd Stuward Victoria Stewart Of Appin: Appin Cachoune Cahoon Cahoun Cahoune Cahun Cahund Cahune Calhoon
Calhoun Calquhoun Calquhoune Calwhone Carmechele Carmichael
Carmichaill Carmichel Carmichell Carmigell Carmighell Carmitely
Carmychale Carmychall Carmychel Carmychell Cayrmichel Cayrmichell
Chombeich Chombich Choquoyn Clay Cohune Colchoun Colechon Colfune
Colhoun Colhoune Collquhone Colqhoun Colqhuen Colquhone Colquhoun
Colquhoune Colquhowne Colquhyn Colqwhone Colwhone Colwhoun Combach
Combich Conlay Conley Cowquhowne Culchon Culchone Culchoun
Culquhone Culquhoun Culquhoune Culqwhone Culqwon Culqwone Culwone
Donleavy Donlevy Dunleavy Dunslef Fuccatour Fuckater Fugater
Fugatour Fuggatour Fuktor Fuktour Futtor Kelquon Kermychell
Kilwhone Kulwoon Kulwoun Kylkone Leavack Leavock Levack
Levingestoune Levingstone Levingstoune Levistone Levynstoune
Levystone Lewingstoune Liuistone Livingstone Mac- A-Chounich
Mac-A-Chonnick Mac-A-Chounich MacAnally MacAnnally MacCannally
MacChombeich MacChombich MacChomich MacClae MacClay MacCleay
MacClew MacCole MacColl MacCollea MacCombich MacComiche MacComick
MacConlea MacDimslea MacDonleavy MacDonnslae MacFaktur MacFuktor
MacFuktur MacGillemhicheil MacGillemichael MacGillemichel
MacGillemitchell MacGillemithel MacGillenan MacGillimichael
MacGillmichell MacGillmitchell MacGilmichal MacGilmichel
MacIlchomich MacIlmichael MacIlmichaell MacIlmichall MacIlmichell
MacInally MacInnocater MacInnowcater MacInnowcatter MacInnugatour
MacInocader MacInuctar MacInucter MacKeandla MacKillimichael
MacKillmichaell MacKilmichael MacKilmichel MacKindlay MacKinla
MacKinlay MacKinley MacKnockater MacKnocker MacKnockiter MacLae
MacLay MacLea MacLeay MacLey MacMichael MacMicheil MacMichell
MacMigatour MacMitchel MacMitchell MacMuckater MacMuncater
MacMuncatter MacMungatour MacMychel MacMychele MacNally
MacNaucater MacNowcater MacNowcatter MacNucadair MacNucater
MacNucator MacNucatter MacNuctar MacNuicator MacOlmichaell
MacOnlay MacRob MacRobb Makgillemichell Makgilmichel Makinnocater
Makley Makmychell Nucator Steuarde Steuart Steuarte Steward
Stewart Stiuard Stiubhard Stiward Stuard Stuarde Stuart Stuerd
Stuward Valker Waker Walcair Walcar Walcare Walcer Walkar Walker
Waulcar Stewart Of Ardshiel: Ardshiel Stewart Of Atholl: Athol Atholl Camach Camacha Conachar Conacher Concher Connachar
Connacher Duilach Dulach Dullach Galashan Glas Glashan Glashen
Glashin Glass Glasse Gray Grey MacClachan MacClachane MacClathan
MacGilleglash MacGlashan MacGlashen MacGlashin MacGlassan
MacGlassin MacGlasson MacIlleglass MacKglesson MacLglesson
Steuarde Steuart Steuarte Steward Stewart Stiuard Stiubhard
Stiward Stuard Stuarde Stuart Stuerd Stuward Stewart Of Galloway: Carmechele Carmichael Carmichaill Carmichel Carmichell Carmigell
Carmighell Carmitely Carmychale Carmychall Carmychel Carmychell
Cayrmichel Cayrmichell Cree Gallaway Gallouay Galloway Gallowaye
Gallowey Galoway Galowey Kermychell MacGillemhicheil
MacGillemichael MacGillemichel MacGillemitchell MacGillemithel
MacGillimichael MacGillmichell MacGillmitchell MacGilmichal
MacGilmichel MacIlmichael MacIlmichaell MacIlmichall MacIlmichell
MacKillimichael MacKillmichaell MacKilmichael MacKilmichel
MacMichael MacMicheil MacMichell MacMitchel MacMitchell MacMychel
MacMychele MacOlmichaell Makgillemichell Makgilmichel Makmychell
Steuarde Steuart Steuarte Steward Stewart Stiuard Stiubhard
Stiward Stuard Stuarde Stuart Stuerd Stuward Stewart Of Garth - Perthshire:
Crewschank Crewshank Crokeshank Crokeshanks Crookschank Crookshank
Crookshanks Croukschank Cruckshank Cruckshanke Crucshank
Cruickshank Cruikank Cruiksank Cruikschank Cruikshank Cruikshanks
Cruischank Crukeschank Cruksank Crukschank Crukschanke Crukshaink
Crukshank Crukshanke Crushank Cruxschank Stewart Of Urrard: Urrard
[We're always looking for more information
on your clan. Should you have any information we can use or you have a web
site devoted to your clan or know of a clan event then use our "Contact Us" Link (on the top menu above) to get in touch.]