IRISH TITLES OF HONOUR by Edward Solly. 205 pp., paper (188), repr. 1999. $27.50
This is an index of about 5,750 titles of honour, alphabetically arranged, which gives the
family name for all the Peerages and Baronetages of the United Kingdom, both existing and
extinct at the time the work was originally published. It also shows the date when each
separate title was conferred, the family seat, and the changes which the titles underwent.
Since hereditary titles of honour often are used by direct male descendants, the family
names themselves are little known. Identification of family hereditary honours is thus
facilitated through the use of this index.
Samuel Lewis. 2 vols. 2nd edition. 1,233 pp. (1851), repr. Balto., 1989. Temporarily out
of print.
Every fact of importance that illustrates the local history of Scotland is in this book.
Arranged alphabetically by place (village, parish, town, etc.), it has an accurate
description of all Scottish localities as they were at the time of publication (1851),
showing where a village was located in relation to its parish, or the nearest town or
towns, where a parish was located in relation to its nearest district, and the names of
villages in it, the number of inhabitants of an area, the main landowners, and chief
topographical features. This work enables you to identify a given locality in relation to
a parish and thus the identification of the parish records. So, if you know the place of
origin of your ancestor--the village or town--this gazetteer will show you, in effect,
which parish records to search for births, marriages, and deaths. Modern gazetteers are
useless for this purpose. The civil registration of births, marriages, and deaths began in
1855, at which time all the old parish registers were called in. The LDS Church has copied
the parish registers of every parish in Scotland, from the earliest up to 1855, and has
indexed virtually all of them--all the more reason to know your ancestor's parish.
Volume 1 |
Volume 2 |
Supplementary Volume
HIGHLANDS by Frank Adam. 8th edition. 624 pp., illus., indexed, paper (1970),
repr. 1999. $57.50
This is the 8th edition of the standard work on the Highland Clans, the most accurate
account of Scottish clans, tartans, and fighting regiments ever published. This particular
edition features an alphabetical list of Scottish family names arranged according to the
clans with which they were associated.
An authoritative and beautiful book, ranging across the entire spectrum of Scottish
history and culture, it is primarily an encyclopedia of Scottish clanship, devoted, in the
main, to a discussion of the following subjects: Scottish Highlands, Higland garb, the
tartan, Highland surnames and titles, Highland regiments, coats-of-arms in the clan
system, Highland chiefs and chieftains, badges of clans and families, and lists of clan
septs and dependents.
1625-1825 By David Dobson. Vol. I. 267 pp. (1984), repr. Balto., 1988. $20.00
Based on documents found in British archives and a handful of published sources, this work
has the names of over 5,000 Scottish emigrants appearing in ship passenger lists before
1825. It also has data on about 1,000 Scots who settled in North America between 1625 and
1825. The bulk of the immigrants identified arrived in the U.S. or Canada between 1773 and
The information given on each immigrant varies according to the type of record, but there
is a fair mix of data giving age, date of birth, occupation, place of residence, names of
family members, date and place of arrival, and circumstances of emigration.
AMERICA, 1625-1825 By David Dobson. Vol. II. 216 pp. (1984), repr. Balto.,
This volume, unlike the first, is based largely on previously published material such as
government serial publications, contemporary newspapers, periodical articles, and family
histories. In addition, there is data from some previously unpublished ships' passenger
lists and documents in the Scottish Record Office in Edinburgh.
At least half of the immigrants identified in this volume sailed to Canada or the West
Indies initially, the rest arriving at ports in the coastal states of America. Among them
were doctors, ministers, educators, indentured servants, transportees, merchants, and
ordinary laborers. About 4,000 immigrants are listed. While the data provided varies
according to the records used, there is a general amalgam of information giving age, date
and place of birth, occupation, place of residence, names of spouse and children, date and
place of arrival in North America, and the death date.
AMERICA, 1625-1825 By David Dobson. Vol. IV. 161 pp. Balto., 1985. $17.50
In this volume Mr. Dobson introduces the researcher to little-known source materials--the
Services of Heirs and the Register of Testaments of the Commissariat of Edinburgh. From
the Services of Heirs he extracted all references to North American residents who
inherited land in Scotland, and also to Americans who left land in Scotland. From the
Register of Testaments he provided abstracts of the testaments of all North American
residents who chose to have their wills registered in Edinburgh. All of this data serves
to confirm a relationship between the inheritor and his ancestor.
AMERICA. Vol. VI $15.00.
contains abstracts of data from the Edinburgh Register of Deeds, such as marriage
contracts, powers of attorney, and commercial agreements. The material relates to Scots
living or dying in North America, or having any commerical or legal intercourse with
America, for the period 1750-1825. About 600 Scots and their activities are covered.
AMERICA, 1625-1825 By David Dobson. Vol. VII. 121 pp. Balto., 1993. $17.50
Although the sixth volume of the Directory of Scottish Settlers in North America was said
at the time of its publication in 1986 to be the last in the series, subsequent research
has brought to light sufficient new material to warrant this seventh volume. Largely a
miscellany, this volume draws upon printed books and manuscripts, church records, burgess
rolls, probate records, state records, and public records of every description. Typically,
all 2,000 entries refer to Scots who emigrated to North America or who are reported to
have lived or died there, and they include some or all of the following: place and date of
birth, place of residence, names of parents, occupation, name of spouse, date of
emigration, place and date of settlement, and date of death.
THE BORDER WARS The second edition, by C. L. Johnstone, 213 pp., illus., indexed,
paper, $24.00. Account of the long-established families of this region of Scotland and of
the so-called Border Wars which were waged from the 12th century between dominant Scottish
families of South Dumfriesshire and the English in North Cumberland. Families
includes....Armstrong, Baliol, Bell, Boswell, Bruce, Carlile/Carlyle, Carruthers, Clark,
Corry, Crichton, Cummings, Douglas, Dinwiddie, Fergusson, Fleming, Gladstone, Gordon,
Grahem, Irving, Jardine, Johnstone, Kennedy, Kerr, Kirkpatrick, Laird, Maitland, Maxwell,
Murray, Scott, Sharp, Stuart/Stewart, Trumble and Wallace.
CARIBBEAN SUPPLEMENT, 1611-1707 by David Dobson. 147 pp., cloth, 1999. $25.00
The Scottish connection with the Carribbean started in 1611 with the voyage to the West
Indies of the "Janet of Leith". It was not until after 1626, however, that Scots
actually settled in the Caribbean. In 1627 King Charles I appointed James Hay, Earl of
Carlisle, a Scot, as Governor of the Caribbees, and this led to a steady trickle of Scots
to Barbados and other islands. While there was a degree of voluntary emigration, it is
likely that the majority of Scots in the West Indies had gone there unwillingly. Five
hundred Scots prisoners-of-war were transported to the area by Oliver Cromwell in 1654,
and felons or political undesirables such as the Covenanters were shipped in chains
directly from Scotland. In addition, the English Privy Council regularly received
petitions from planters requesting Scotttish indentured servants. In consequence, a steady
stream of indentured servants sailed from Scottish and English ports to the West Indies.
During the 1660s the Glasgow-based organization, called the Company Trading to Virginia,
the Caribbee Islands, Barbadoes, New England, St. Kitts, Montserrat, and Other Colonies in
America established economic links with the West Indies. By the latter part of the 17th
century Scots merchants, planters, seafarers, and transportees were to be found throughout
the English and Dutch colonies in the Caribbean. It is believed that as many as 5,000
Scots settled temporarily or permanently in the Caribben before the Act of Union in 1707.
1612-1783 By David Dobson. 370 pp., indexed. 3rd printing Balto., 1995. $28.50
About 150,000 Scots emigrated to America before the Revolutionary War, but the records on
them are notoriously hard to find. However, it has been clear for some time that in
archives in Scotland and England there is much information on a number of these emigrants.
David Dobson has extracted data from a wide variety of sources including family and estate
papers, testamentary and probate records, burgh muniments, sasine and deed registers,
Sheriff's Court records, Court of Session and High Court of Judiciary records, port books,
customs registers, contemporary diaries and journals, contemporary newspapers and
magazines, professional and university records, Privy Council and colonial records,
records of Episcopalian and Presbyterian churches, monumental inscription lists, and the
1774-75 Register of Emigrants. For each of the 7,000 persons listed, a maximum of
twenty-three points of information is provided: name, date of birth or baptism, place of
birth, occupation, place of education, cause of banishment (where applicable), residence,
parents' names, emigration date and whether voluntarily or involuntarily transported, port
of embarkation, destination, name of ship, place and date of arrival, place of settlement,
names of spouse and children, date and place of death, where buried, probate record, and
source citation.
2520. THE SCOTCH-IRISH Or The Scot in North
Britain, North Ireland, and North America. By Charles A. Hanna. 2 vols. 623, 602 pp.,
maps, indexed. (1902), repr. Balto., 1995. $75.00
This is the basic sourcebook on the Scotch-Irish in America, a massive compilation of
source records pertaining to the Scots who settled in the north of Ireland and their
descendants in America. Volume I describes in detail the conditions obtaining in both
Scotland and Ireland at the time of the Scottish migrations to Ireland and America. Volume
II contains a detailed survey of Scotch Irish settlements in America in the 17th and 18th
centuries, featuring lists and records referring to tens of thousands of individuals. Also
included in this volume are chapters devoted to Scottish names, Scottish families, and
locations of Scottish families in Ireland.
This book began as an effort to validate the family tradition of Jean Stephenson that her
great-great-grandparents emigrated from Belfast to South Carolina under the leadership of
covenanterPresbyterian Minister we Martin in 1772. Her efforts to authenticate the story
but also, in the process, to place nearly 500 Scotch-Irish families in South Carolina on
the eve of the Revolutionary war. The reason for the colonization was the combination of
excessive land in Northern Ireland, sometimes provoking resistance, and the offering of
free land and inexpensive tools and provisions tendered by the colonial government of
South Carolina. For instance, each Scottish coventer was entitled to 100 acres for himself
and 50 acres for his spouse and an additional 50 acres for each child brought to South
Carolina. Rev. Martin persuaded his parishioners that they had nothing to lose by leaving
Ulster, and before long he was in charge of a small fleet of vessels bound to South
Carolina. Genealogists will want to study the land advocates assembled from entries found
in the council journal-authorizations, survey abstracts, wills, deeds and other records
which demonstrate where each family settled or was entitled to settle. The families, which
are grouped under the name of the vessel they traveled in, are identified by the name of
the household head, names of spouse and children, number of acres surveyed, county,
location to the nearest body of water and in names of neighbors, and the source of the
by Charles Knowles Bolton. 39 date pp., illustrated, indexed, paper. (1910), reprinted
1998. $37.50.
This is a study of the emigration from northern Ireland of persons are Scottish and
English descent. Chapters are devoted to the Scotch- Irish settlements in Pennsylvania,
Maryland, South Carolina, and Massachusetts and include valuable lists of early pioneers.
In addition, considerable space is devoted to the settlers of Londonderry, New Hampshire.
Also contains petitioners for transport to northern Ireland (1718); home towns of Ulster
families, with names of the Scotch-Irish in New England from presbytery and synod records
(1691-1718); members of the charitable Irish society in Boston (1737-1743); names of
fathers in the Presbyterian Baptismal records in Boston (1730-1736); and names of ships
carrying passengers from Ireland to New England (1714-1720). Biographical information,
which is to be met with throughout the volume, is rendered instantly accessible by
reference to the index.
By David Dobson. 322 pp. (1986), repr. Balto., 1994. $25.00
On a trip here from Scotland, David Dobson searched the archives of North and South
Carolina and found a mass of material proving the presence of a large number of Scots in
the Carolinas before and after the Revolution. He located similar records in university
libraries and historical societies, and he also found in the 1850 Federal Census more
information on persons of Scottish origin. In this work--based on a systematic extraction
of data from the above sources--Mr. Dobson presents, for the first time, a comprehensive
list of Scottish settlers in the Carolinas from 1680 to 1830. In general, the details
provided include age, place and date of birth, and often names of parents, names of spouse
and children, occupation, place of residence, and the date of emigration from Scotland.
About 6,000 Scots are identified in this book, and a small number are listed in Dobson's
Scottish Settlers series, but the majority--90% or so--are listed here for the first time.
1476. SCOTS ON THE CHESAPEAKE,1607-1830 By
David Dobson. 169 pp. Balto., 1992. $20.00
While tradition and historical sources indicate a continuous link between the Chesapeake
and Scotland from the early seventeenth century, the specific data that genealogists
require in identifying Scottish ancestors is far from complete. Nevertheless, this new
book by David Dobson attempts to bring together all available references to Scots in
Virginia and Maryland from sources scattered throughout Great Britain and North America.
To develop this information Mr. Dobson conducted research in archives and libraries in
Scotland, England, Canada, and the United States. The result is an exhaustive list of
several thousand Scots known to have been in the Chesapeake region between 1607 and 1830,
including, where known, details of birth, marriage and death, occupation, age, date of
emigration, place of settlement, and family relationships. Only those who have been
positively identified as Scots or likely to have been born in Scotland are included in
this invaluable work.
c9247. SCOTS IN THE USA AND CANADA 1825-1875
By David Dobson. 102 pp., paper, 1998. $19.00
For the new book, David Dobson extends his coverage of Scottish immigration to the period
1825-1875. For the most part, his findings come from Scottish newspapers like the Aberdeen
Journal, Fife Advertiser, Scottish Guardian, etc. The 2,000 Scottish expatriates
identified by the compiler are arranged alphabetically and invariably give, besides the
individual's full name, place of residence (country, state/province, or city), an
identifying date, and the source of the information. In addition, many of the entires
indicate the individual's date o fbirth, father's name and occupation or place or
residence, spouse, or the name of the vessel upon which he or she arrived
By David Dobson. 105 pp., indexed. Balto., 1991. $18.00
The political union of Scotland and England in 1707 led to a rapid expansion of Scottish
economic links with the American colonies, especially on the Chesapeake, where in the
years prior to the Revolution the tobacco trade was controlled by Glasgow-based merchants
and their factors.
Evidence of this economic expansion and the subsequent settlement of Scots in America
exists in a wide range of documentary sources in Scotland, including the records of the
Scottish court system which have been deposited in the Scottish Record Office in
Edinburgh. This present work is a digest of such evidence and is based on the minute books
of the Court of Session (the highest civil court) and those of the High Court of the
Admiralty (which had jurisdiction in all seafaring and maritime cases) for the period
1733-1783. In essence it identifies those people resident in North America who were
engaged in litigation in Scotland and whose cases came before the aforementioned courts.
David Dobson. 165 pp., indexed. (1990), repr. Balto., 1992. $21.50
In Scotland on the death of a landowner, the local sheriff held an inquest to establish
the credentials of any person claiming to be the true and rightful heir to lands which
were in the possession of the deceased at the time of his or her death. The documentary
evidence associated with the inquest--taken by the sheriff to determine identities,
relationships, and claims to property and known as the Services of Heirs--is a
particularly valuable if little known genealogical source. The records of the Services of
Heirs, now located at the Scottish Record Office in Edinburgh, provide authentic and
reliable confirmation of the relationship between deceased individuals and their heirs.
This makes the records an invaluable source for those seeking a trans-Atlantic family
connection, as many of the entries link families in North America with Scotland.
Indeed, David Dobson, the well-known Scottish authority, has found 2,657 trans-Atlantic
links in the records--links providing irrefutable evidence of the relationship between
families in America and families in Scotland. Taken directly from the records of the
Services of Heirs, his new work contains abstracts of every Scottish-American connection
found in the records in the 200 years between 1683 and 1883! As a rule, the abstracts
give, for the deceased, his name, occupation, residence in Scotland, date of inquest, and
relationship to heirs; for the heirs, name, occupation, place of residence in America, and
relationship to the deceased. For convenience the abstracts are arranged alphabetically by
the name of the deceased, while all other names mentioned in the abstracts are listed in
the index. As far as Scottish genealogy goes, this is so good it's almost cheating!
David Dobson. 134 pp. Balto., 1991. $20.00
Between the years 1650 and 1900, over 2,000 Scots, resident in North America, chose to
have their wills registered and confirmed in Scotland rather than in the Prerogative Court
of Canterbury, which traditionally had jurisdiction in probate matters affecting British
subjects who died overseas. This book is essentially an index to those wills, with
supplementary data extracted from a government publication titled Index to Personal
Estates of Defuncts, 1846-1866. Information given with each entry includes the name of the
testator, his place of residence in North America, his occupation (where known), sometimes
his former place of residence in Scotland, and the date of his death or the date the will
was registered.
by David Dobson. 105 pp., paper, 1998. $24.00
Prior to 1855, gravestone inscriptions represent almost the sole source of death
information in Scotland. When one considers that a number of these gravestone inscriptions
contain references to family members who died abroad, as well as those who died in
Scotland, Scottish gravestones taken on even more importance for North Americans. These
facts have not been lost on the indefatigable Scottish researcher, David Dobson, who,
drawing upon both published and unpublisshed sources, has compiled this new colume of
death records. There are more than 1500 death records in this volume, arranged
by David Dobson. 52 pp., illus., paper, 1998. $15.95
Mr. Dobson continues in a series of booklets pertaining to unexplored aspects of Scottish
genealogy. The first of these new titles "Scottish Quakers and Early America",
the aim of which is to identify members of the Society of Friends in Scotland prior to
1790 and the Scottish origins of many of the Quakers who settled in East Jersey in the
FRANCES MCDONNELL. 78 pp., paper. 1999. $17.00
The reign of the House of Stuart came to an end in 1689 when the pro-Catholic monarch,
James VII of Scotland fled from London into France. In exile in Rome and Paris, adherents
to the cause of the restoration, who were known is Jacobites of, worked to regain the
throne of the Stuarts. Since the great Scottish landowners of Perthshire were either
Anglican or Catholic, Perthshire was an area to which Prince Edward Stuart looked for
support in 1745, notwithstanding the unsuccessful Jacobite campaigns of 1715 and 1719 .
The Jacobite campaign of 1745 ended in the disasterous defeat at Culloden in April. Using
the papers at the Public Record Office at Edinburgh.. Arranged in alphabetical order, over
1000 combatants are included.
C 9246. SCOTS IN THE WEST INDIES, 1707-1857
by David Dobson. Scotland has had direct social and economic links with the West Indies
for nearly 400 years. Settlement started in 1626 when James Hay, the Earl of Carlisle, was
appointed proprietor of Barbados, an event which led to a number of Scots making their way
to the Island After the union of Scotland and England and 1707 and the leading of
restrictions entree between these two countries, Scotland's trade with the island's
expanded and so did a stream of emigration through the West Indies. To a large extent that
elsewhere, the Colonies of the West Indies attracted Scots with skills or money to
invest.. Scotsman figured prominently in the Indies sugar cane, Cotton, and
tobacco-growing businesses, which promoted trade between the Indies and the mainland ports
of Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Charleston, and Savannah. In d' of course, families
moved between these various locations, and links were established. The Scottish population
of the West Indies also increased when many Loyalists took refuge their during the
American Revolution. David Dobson combed the archives and libraries in Scotland, England,
and Denmark to heal the first listing devoted to Scottish inhabitants of the waste Indies
for the period between 1707 and 1857. Arranged alphabetically by Surname, many of the
entries in this volume came from Scottish newspapers like the Aberdeen journal, in which
notices would appear seeking to employ managers and servants. Nearly 3,000 Scotsman are
identified by full name, Island inhabited, date, and source of information, and sometimes
by occupation, name of parents, and education. 150 pp., illustrated, paper. $18.50.
C. 9247. SCOTS AND THE USA and IN CANADA, 1825-1875
by David Dobson. Although is difficult to estimate the figure accurately, experts believe
that 100,000 Scots immigrated to the United States or Canada during the middle of the 19th
century. The majority of these immigrants were skills, educated workers from urban
industrial backgrounds whose expertise was in great demand in the rapidly industrial Isaac
cities of North America. Mr. Dobson extends his coverage of Scottish emigration to the
period 1825-1875. For the most part, his findings come from Scottish newspapers like the
Aberdeen journal, Fife Advertiser, Scottish Guardian, as well from a handful of documents
in the Scottish Record Office and other archives. Arranged alphabetically they provide the
individuals full name, place of residence (country, state, Providence, or City), and
identifying date, and the source of the information. In addition many of the entries
indicate the individuals date of birth, fathers name and occupation or place of residence,
spouse, or the name of the vessel upon which he or she arrived. In all, Mr. Dobson
provides information of 2,000 Scotsman who were residing in North America during the early
Victorian era. 102 pp., paper. $14.00.
17th and 18th Centuries by Stephen M. Millett, 234 pp., paper. $25.00. Originally
published in thirteen installments of U. S. Scots magazine, Dr. Millett's account of
Scottish emigration to Colonial America is the best introduction to its subject.
by David Dobson, 52 pp., illus., paper. $10.95. Identifies many of the Scottish Quakers
who settled in east Jersey in the 1680s. Describes 500 Quakers, name of parents, marriage,
spouse, etc.
1748-1783 by David Dobson, 49 pp. $24.00., 750 references, subjects covered are
banishment of felons to the Plantations, shipping links, advertisements for indentured
servants, news of events in the colonies, details on Scottish regiments fighting in the
French and Indian Wars or Revolutionary War, reports of privateers, letters from America
and obituaries of American emigrants.
C9129. COLONISTS FROM SCOTLAND, Emigration in North
America , 1707-1783 by Charles Cargill Graham, 213 pp., indexed, paper. $23.00.
Chapters devoted to Lowland and Highland emigration, forced transportation of felons and
the drafting of Scottish troops to the colonies, etc.
Kathleen B. Cory. 228 pp., indexed, wrappers. 2nd edition, Balto., 1997. $16.95
This is the most practical, the most up-to-date, and the most informative guide to
Scottish ancestry ever to come on the market. Packed with information and advice on basic
research techniques, it focuses on the holdings of the two principal Scottish record
repositories, the General Register Office at New Register House and the Scottish Record
Office, both in Edinburgh. With records of births, marriages, and deaths before and after
1855 and census returns from 1841 to 1891 at the first-named location, and wills,
testaments, deeds, and church records at the other, the author guides you, record by
record, to a successful conclusion of your search. With chapters on other records and
repositories, five useful appendices (including one that lists every parish in Scotland by
district number, county and commissariat), and various maps, this publication will be
welcomed by everyone interested in Scottish genealogy.
Works of Reference on the History and Genealogy of Scottish Families. By Margaret Stuart.
To Which is Prefixed An Essay On How To Write The History Of A Family. By Sir James
Balfour Paul. 386 pp. (1930), repr. Balto., 1994. $25.00
This book is a time-saving and comprehensive guide to family histories contained in books,
pamphlets, periodical articles, and manuscript collections up to the year of its original
publication in 1930. The coverage is exhaustive, embracing references to approximately
6,500 families. The families are listed in alphabetical order and, thereunder, where
necessary to distinguish families of the same name, by residence, seat, or estate, the
citations giving the title of the publication in which the genealogy is found, the author,
date of publication, and, where appropriate, volume and page number.
Moody. 219 pp., indexed., paperback. (1989), repr. Balto., 1994. $18.95
This work advocates a broader, more searching approach to family history than mere
genealogy. Based on the author's experience as a local history librarian in the East
Lothian district of Scotland, he examines the Scottish family in relation to the great
movements of local history, while providing instruction on the sources and techniques
needed for successful family history research. Trades, professions, religions, clans and
surnames, migration and emigration, labor and industry, kin and community--all are dealt
with in the intimate context of family history. So, too, are the conventional sources of
genealogical data such as church records, memoirs, and government records. A manual for
the researcher into family history, this is also a history of the family as it has
developed in Scotland from the time of the clans to the present day. This work is both
scholarly and readable.
178 pp., indexed, paperback. (1989), repr. Balto., 1994. $18.95
This, the first fullscale study of Scottish local history, is an exhaustive survey of the
vast body of documents available to the researcher in Scottish archives, libraries, and
record offices. The introductory chapter is on Scottish local history in general and the
basic study techniques. The next two chapters describe the records available in public
libraries and record offices (local and national), and how to use them for best results.
Three chapters then show the methodology of local history by examining the following
themes: The Family and the Community (with emphasis on family and oral history); Dwellings
and Buildings (land records, deeds, property registers, etc.); and Settlement Studies (the
history of individual villages, towns and parishes). Following is a chapter on writing and
publishing the results, and the book then concludes with an appendix setting out the
development of local government functions from 1825 to 1975, with detailed information on
further reading and sources of information.
By James Taylor. 2 vols. in 1. 410 & 431 pp., indexed. 2nd ed. (1889), repr. Balto.,
1995. $55.00
One of the great genealogical compendia of Scottish families, Taylor's Historic Families
of Scotland has been in constant demand since its original appearance at the end of the
19th century.
According to one review, it would be welcome by those who valued high standards of
genealogical research and delighted in the romance of history. Equally important, from the
genealogist's point of view, is the fact that the fifty or so main families selected for
inclusion are thoroughly representative in character and are the progenitors of untold
numbers of people living today. As might be expected of such a work, the narrative traces
the families from their earliest recorded origins all the way up to the end of the 19th
century. "Dr. Taylor has written a work fitted to interest and fascinate a public as
wide as the Scottish people. . . ."-- The Scotsman
c9207. SCOTS-IRISH LINKS 1575-1725 In Two
Parts, David Dobson. 2 vols. in 1. 59 pp., paper. (1994,1995), repr. 1997. $15.00.
The purpose of this book is to help person make the linkage first to Ulster and then back
to Scotland. identifies some 12000 Scotsmen (in two alphabetically arranged lists) who
resided in ulster between early 1600s and early 1700s.
C9085. JACOBITES OF 1715 AND 1745 NORTH EAST SCOTLAND by Frances McDonnell. 2 vols
in 1, 96. pp. in all. paper (1996), repr. 1997. $12.50
In 1715 and again in 1745 a significant number of rebellious Scottish Jacobites could be
found in the North East, an area dominated by Episcccopalian landowners allied to the
House of Stuart. Identifies 2,000 North East Jacobites of 1715 and 1745.
SURNAMES by Clifford S. Sims, 122 pp., paper. (1862), repr. 1995. $17.50
Mentions name of family founder, coat-of-arms. Sims' surname derivations are based on
localities, baptismal names, trades, offices, professions, etc.
EARLY AMERICA, 1607-1707 by David Dobson. 211 pp. 1998. $22.50.
Contains completely new information gleaned from recent research
found in source material located in both the U. K. and the U. S.
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