Jean Hay, the daughter of
Lord Yester by the heiress of Smithfield, married George Broun of
Coalstoun, and received as her dowry the famous enchanted pear,
which is still preserved in the family. (See THE RAMSAYS, i.
JOHN, fourth Lord Yester,
was taken prisoner at the battle of Pinkie, 10th September, 1547,
was carried to the Tower of London, and was not restored to
liberty until peace was concluded in the year 1550. He died in
JOHN, fifth Lord Yester, was
deprived by James V. of his sheriff-ship in consequence of his
brother, Hay of Smithfield, having allowed a Border freebooter to
escape out of prison; but he appealed to the Council against this
arbitrary act of the King, and was restored in his office. Though
Lord Yester had supported the Reformation, and was one of the
nobles who subscribed the ‘Book of Discipline,’ 27th January,
1561, he espoused the cause of Queen Mary, was present with her
forces at Carberry Hill in 1567, and fought on her side at the
battle of Langside in 1568. He was one of the noblemen who, in
1570, signed a letter to the English queen, Elizabeth, in behalf
of Queen Mary, whom Elizabeth had held for three years in
captivity. He died in 1576, leaving two sons and four daughters by
his wife, a daughter of Sir John Kerr of Ferniehirst. The Kers of
Ferniehirst were noted even among the Border clans for their
fierce and sanguinary spirit. Sir John was ‘art and part’ in the
murder of Sir Walter Scott of Buccleuch, in the High Street of
Edinburgh. The account which De Beaugue gives in his ‘Memoirs’ of
the cruel treatment of the English garrison, when Sir John, with
the assistance of the French troops under D’ Esse, retook his
castle of Ferniehirst in 1549, is shocking in the extreme. Lord
Yester’s eldest son and successor—
WILLIAM, sixth Lord Yester,
seems to have inherited the fierce and turbulent spirit of his
maternal ancestors, for he was noted even in those troublous times
for his turbulence and violence. On the 30th of April,
1585, a
complaint was made against him, before the Privy Council, by John
Livingstone of Belstane, in the parish of Carluke, on the ground
of a violent attack made upon him by Lord Yester, which put him in
peril of his life. One morning, he alleges, he left his home
before sunrise, meaning no harm to anyone, and expecting none to
himself. He was walking out, ‘under God’s peace and the King’s,’
when suddenly he was beset by about forty people, who had him at
feud, ‘all bodin in feir of weir;’ namely, armed with jacks, steel
bonnets, spears, lances, staffs, bows, hagbuts, pistolets, and
other invasive weapons forbidden by the laws. At the head of them
was William, Master of Yester (a denounced rebel on account of his
slaughter of the Laird of Yesterhall’s servant), Alexander Jardine,
younger, of Applegarth, and a number of other individuals, all
mentioned by name, all of them persons of good position and
influence. Having come for the purpose of attacking Livingstone,
they no sooner saw him than they set upon him with discharge of
their firearms, to deprive him of his life. He narrowly escaped,
and ran back to his house, which they immediately environed in the
most furious manner, firing in at the windows, and through every
aperture, for a space of three’ hours. A ‘bullon’ pierced his hat.
As they departed they met his wife and daughter, whom they abused
shamefully. The perpetrators of these barbarities and violent
deeds were all denounced as rebels by the Privy Council, a
sentence which they seem to have regarded very lightly.
In the following year
(October 8th) the Master of Yester is once more brought before the
council, on a complaint made by Sir John Stewart of Traquair, and
his brother, James Stewart of Shillinglaw, lieutenant of his
Majesty’s guard. They set forth, in the first place, how it is
well known of Sir John Stewart that, ‘having his dwelling-place on
the south side of Tweed, in a room [place] subject to the
invasions of the thieves and broken men of the Borders, and lying
betwixt them and sundry his Majesty’s true liges, whom commonly
they harry and oppress, have at all times himself, his brother,
his friends and neighbours assisting him, dwelling betwixt the
burgh of Peebles and Gaithopeburn, resistit the stouthreif and
oppressions of the said thieves and broken men, to the comfort and
relief of many true men, in whilk course they intend, God willing,
to continue to their lives’ end.’ Of late, however, they declare
‘they have been and is gretumly hindered therein, by reason that
William, Master of Yester, by the causing, direction, at least
owersight and tolerance, of William Lord Hay of Yester, his
father, sheriff of Peebles and provost of the burgh of Peebles (wha
by the laws of this realme aucht to mak his said son answerable,’
but had ‘placit him in the principal house and strength of
Neidpath,’ though he had been denounced rebel for nearly the space
of a year ‘for his inobedience to underlie the laws’ till within
the last few days that he obtained relaxation) . . . had in the
meantime ‘not only usurpit, and taken on him the charge of the
sheriffship of Peebles, and provostry of the burgh thereof, but
ane absolute command to proclaim and hold wappinshawings at times
na wise appointit by his hieness’ direction, to banish and give up
kindness to all persons, in burgh or land, where he pleases, to
tak up men’s gear under pretence of unlaws fra wappinshawings or
other unnecessar causings, never being lawfully callit nor
convenit; . . . and forder it is well knawn to sundry of the lords
of Secret Council that the said Master sought the life of the said
James Stewart, and daily shores and boasts [threatens and vaunts]
to slay him and all others of his kin, friends, allies, assisters,
and partakers.’ On the petition of the complainers, the Council
heard parties, the peccant Master appearing for himself and in
excuse for his father, who was sick and unable to travel. The case
was remitted to the judgment of the Court of Session, to be
decided by them as they might think proper. Meanwhile the Master
was enjoined to desist from molesting the Stewarts and their
friends and dependents between this and the 8th of January next.
On the 20th April, 1587, it
is stated that the King had dealt with these hostile parties, and
had arranged letters of affirmance between them, in order
to secure peace for the future; but the Master of Yester had
refused to subscribe. For his refractory behaviour he was
threatened with being denounced a rebel. On the 12th of May the
King ordered him to enter in ward north of the Tay, and there
remain till liberated; and a few weeks later, on this order not
being complied with, the Master was denounced rebel, and all
persons were forbidden to assist or receive him.
It was shortly after this
fruitless effort to heal the feud between the Hays and Stewarts
that King James made his memorable attempt to induce the whole
nobility, convened for the purpose at Edinburgh, to bury in
oblivion their mutual animosities, and to promise that they would
henceforth live together in amity. After a banquet at Holyrood,
they were made to march in procession hand-in-hand to the Cross of
Edinburgh, and there, in the presence of the King and a great
concourse of the citizens, to drink to each other, and to pledge
their faith that they would be friends. The Master of Yester alone
declined to comply with the King’s earnest request, and refused to
be reconciled to Stewart of Traquair. He was committed to the
castle for his contumacy, and after a few months’ imprisonment he
at last yielded. The whole circumstances connected with this
affair throw great light both on the character of the Scottish
nobility of that day, and on the lawless state of the country,
when the son of a peer of the realm, and the sheriff of the
county, robbed the people of their goods under the pretext that
they had refused to attend meetings illegally convened by his own
It is a curious and
instructive fact that Father Hay, in his ‘Genealogie of the Hays
of Tweeddale,’ written a century later, precisely reverses the
character and objects of this quarrel. The Master of Yester, whose
nickname it seems was Wood-sword, is described by him as a
vigorous supporter of the laws, and a scourge of the thieves and
broken men who infested the Borders; while the Stewarts of
Traquair were their friends and protectors. The Master, he
affirms, captured and hanged a great number of them, and in
pursuing them received a wound in the face. Father Hay admits that
the Master was at feud with the house of Traquair, but asserts
that it was because they ‘seconded’ the moss-troopers. ‘King James
VI.,’ he continues, ‘being desirous to have this feud taken away,
as all others of the country, and he refusing was committed to the
castle of Edinburgh, out of which he made his escape, and
immediately made some new inroad against the thieves, of whom he
killed a great many, in a place called from thence the Bloody
Haugh, near Riskinhope, in Rodonna; whereupon King James was
pleased to make a hunting journey, and came to the house of
Neidpath, whither the King called Traquair, with his two sons, who
made to Lord Yester acknowledgement for the wrong they had done
him, and thus peace was made by the King. This was witnessed by
one William Geddes, who was my lord’s butler, and lived till the
year 1632.'
This account of the cause of
the feud between these two powerful Border families is no doubt in
accordance with the version of it which was traditionary among the
Hays, but it is unfortunately at variance with the judicial
records of the country. It is not improbable, however, that the
reconciliation, which was undoubtedly effected by the King, took
place at Neidpath.
Lord Yester was one of the
nobles engaged in the Raid of Ruthven in 1582, and was in
consequence obliged to take refuge in the Low Countries. He
returned in 1585, and died in 1591, leaving six daughters, but no
son, by his wife, a daughter of Lord Herries. He was succeeded by
his brother— JAMES, seventh Lord Yester, who obtained from James
VI. a charter to him and to his heirs male of the lordship and
barony of Yester, containing a new creation. The charter is dated
1591, but it had not passed the seals when his brother died, and
Father Hay asserts the Chancellor Maitland extorted from Lord
Yester the superiority of Lethington, and the lands of Haystoun,
near Haddington, before he would pass it. Lord Yester resided at
Neidpath Castle like his predecessors. At this time his wife—Lady
Margaret Kerr, a daughter of the Earl of Lothian—had brought him
no family, and his presumptive heir was his second cousin, Hay of
Smithfield. In connection with this state of matters, a singular
incident occurred— a public judicial combat on Edston-haugh, on
the north bank of the Tweed, near Neidpath—the last of the kind in
Lord Yester had for his page
one George Hepburn, brother of the parson of Oldhamstocks, in East
Lothian. His master of the horse was John Brown of Hartree. One
day Brown, in conversation with Hepburn, remarked, ‘Your father
had good knowledge of physic; I think you should have some also.’
‘What mean ye by that?’ said Hepburn. ‘You might have great
advantage of something,’ answered Brown. On being further
questioned, the latter stated that, seeing Lord Yester had no
children, and Hay of Smithfield came next in the entail, it was
only necessary to give the former a suitable dose to make the
latter Lord Yester. ‘If you,’ continued Brown, ‘could give him
some poison, you should be nobly rewarded, you and yours.’
‘Methinks that were no good physic,’ quoth Hepburn, drily, and
soon after revealed the project to his lord. Brown, on being taxed
with it, stood stoutly on his denial. Hepburn strongly insisted
that the proposal had been made to him. In these circumstances it
was resolved that a passage of arms should be held between the
two, in order to determine the dispute.
‘The two combatants were to
fight in their doublets, mounted, with spears and swords. Some of
the greatest men in the country took part in the affair, and
honoured it with their presence. The Laird of Buccleuch appeared
as judge for Brown; Hepburn had on his part the Laird of Cessford.
The Lords Yester and Newbottle were amongst those officiating.
When all was ready, the two combatants rode full tilt against each
other with their spears, when Brown missed Hepburn, and was thrown
from his horse, with his adversary’s weapon through his body.
Having grazed his thigh in the charge, Hepburn did not immediately
follow up his advantage, but suffered Brown to lie unharmed on the
ground. ‘Fy!’ cried one of the judges; ‘alight, and take amends of
thy enemy!’ He then advanced on foot, with his sword in his hand,
to Brown, and commanded him to confess the truth. ‘Stay,’ cried
Brown, ‘till I draw the broken spear out of my body.’ This being
done, Brown suddenly drew his sword and struck at Hepburn, who for
some time was content to ward off his blows, but at last dealt him
a backward wipe across the face, when the wretched man, blinded
with blood, fell to the ground. The judges then interposed to
prevent him being further punished by Hepburn, but he resolutely
refused to make any confession.
Lord Yester, after this
incident, had by Lady Margaret, ‘who was ane active woman, and did
mutch for the standing of the familie,’ three sons and a
daughter—John, his successor; William, who was the ancestor of the
Hays of Linplum; and Robert, who died young. It was this Lady
Yester who in her widowhood erected the church in Edinburgh which
bears and perpetuates her name.
JOHN, eighth Lord Yester,
and first Earl of Tweeddale, was noted for his sagacity and active
business habits. He took a prominent part in resisting the
attempts of James VI. and Charles I. to alter and injure the
constitution of the Presbyterian Church. He opposed the Five
Articles of Perth, which were most obnoxious to the people of
Scotland, and voted against them in the Parliament of 1621. He was
equally hostile to the Act passed in 1633, for regulating
the apparel of ecclesiastics, which he saw was intended to prepare
the way for further and more offensive innovations—a step which
made the King withhold from him at that time the dignity of an
earl. He took part, also, in the resistance which was made in 1637
to the introduction of the new liturgy framed by Charles. When the
Covenanters took up arms in 1639, in defence of their rights and
liberties, Lord Yester was appointed to the command of one of the
regiments in the Scottish army. On the breaking out of the second
war, Lord Yester accompanied the forces under General Leslie in
their march into England, and was present at the siege of
Newcastle, but refused to accept of any command. Lord Yester was
raised to the rank of Earl of Tweeddale by King Charles when he
sought refuge in the Scottish camp in 1646. The pecuniary
embarrassments which proved so troublesome to his son and
successor, and so injurious to the family estates, were caused by
the improvidence of this Earl, and the obligations which he
undertook for his nephew, the Earl of Dunfermline, ‘a young man,’
says Father Hay, ‘much inclined to all sorts of gaming, and
careless of his business.’ Lord Yester’s mother had contracted a
second marriage with the Master of Jedburgh, ‘with whom her sone
was necessitated to enter into a treatie and composition for
payment of fortie thousand merks in money, and ane annuity of
eight thousand merks by year, which, with the burthens of the
family, which were not small, and debts contracted by himself in
his travels abroad, and courtship at home, he was necessitat to
sell the barony of Swed in the sheriffdome of Dumfreese, which
came in by the Cunninghams; with Beltoun, and the barony of
Arthearmoor, reserving only the superiority.’ He purchased the
barony of Drumelzier, an ancient possession of the Tweedies, on
which he had heavy mortgages, and assigned it to his second son,
Lord William Hay. From him it passed by inheritance to the Hays of
Dunse Castle, with whom it remained till disposed of in 1831.
In the latter years of Lord
Tweeddale, when enfeebled by illness, the honour of the family was
sustained by his eldest son, Lord Yester, who fortified his castle
of Neidpath against the forces of the Commonwealth, when Cromwell
invaded Scotland. A detachment of troops, probably commanded by
Major-General Lambert, besieged Neidpath, and by battering down
the old peel, which was attached to the fortress, and was its
weakest part, compelled the garrison to surrender.
The Earl was twice married,
first to Lady Jane Seton, daughter of the first Earl of
Dunfermline, his brother-in-law, by whom he had one son, John; and
secondly, to Lady Margaret Montgomery, eldest daughter of the
sixth Earl of Eglintoun, who bore to him four sons and three
daughters, but they all died in childhood, except one son,
William. The Earl was present at the coronation of Charles II. in
1650, and survived till 1654.
JOHN, second Earl of
Tweeddale, was born in 1626. He spent his early years in London,
with his relatives, the Earls of Rothes and Dunfermline, and when
only sixteen years of age he repaired to the standard of Charles
I., raised at Nottingham, at the commencement of the Great Civil
War. His father, however, at this juncture carried him to
Scotland, and in the following year he was appointed to the
command of a regiment in the army levied by the Covenanters for
the assistance of the Parliament in the contest with the King. He
took part in the battle of Marston Moor, which was so fatal to the
royal cause. But after the designs of the Republicans became
apparent, Lord Tweeddale withdrew from their party, and waited on
the King when he took refuge in the Scottish camp at Newcastle. He
joined the army of the ‘Engagement’ raised for his rescue, and
fought at Preston in 1648 at the head of the East Lothian
Regiment, twelve hundred strong. More fortunate than most of the
other leaders in that ill-devised and badly managed enterprise, he
made his escape when the troops in the town were compelled to
surrender, and returned in safety to Scotland. He attended Charles
II when he came from the Continent for the purpose of vindicating
his claim to the throne of his ancestors, and was present at his
coronation in 1657. The Earl does not appear, however, to have
been appointed to any command in the forces under General Leslie,
and did not accompany them in their march into England, which
terminated so disastrously at Worcester. When all opposition to
the sway of Cromwell had ceased, ‘the usurpers,’ as Father Hay
says, ‘being absolut masters of the countrey, he was necessitat to
live under their protection, having a numerous family of childring,
as all others at that time did who were not prisoners.’ His
lordship, however, yielded something more than mere passive
obedience to the Commonwealth, for he consented, in 1655 to
represent the county of East Lothian in Cromwell’s Parliament.
The relations in which Lord
Tweeddale stood to the Protector are made apparent by the
following letter which appeared in No. 2 of the Public
Inlelligencer, a newspaper published at the time in London. It
was, according to the heading, written ‘by the Lord Tweeddale, a
Scottish Lord, to his Highness, upon occasion of a pamphlet that
was published a while since, wherein the said Tweeddale’s name was
mentioned, which pamphlet was entituled, "A Short Discovery of his
Highness the Lord Protector’s intentions touching the Anabaptists
in the Army," upon which there are thirty-five queries propounded
for his Highness to answer:-
‘May it please your
‘Amongst the bad accidents
of my life (as who will excuse himself) I count it not a small
one, that my name is used to a Forgery, wherein many bitter
expressions is cast upon your Highness, and the present
Government; and though God has raised your thoughts above the
considerations of such, that possibly it neither has nor should
come to your knowledge, but for my boldness in the way I take to
vindicate myself, and bear testimony against such an untruth as is
contained in a printed paper relating to a discourse of your
Highness to me, the falsehood of the thing being sufficiently
known to your Highness. All I say for myself is, that if I had
been a persone to whom your Highness had communicat any purpose of
importance in reference to the Government, I wold not have been so
unworthy of your favour as to have divulged it without your
Highness’ order of licens, much less to the prejudice of the peace
and quiet of the people, or fomenting the jealousies of any. I
beseech your Highness to give this charity to my discretione; a
good consciens I desire to keep towards all men, and likewise
excuse the presumption of
‘Your Highness’ most dutiful
and humble servant,
Lord Tweeddale had succeeded
his father in the previous year. He had been reduced to great
straits in consequence of his having become security for the debts
of his uncle, the Earl of Dunfermline. ‘He was forced sometimes to
flee his house, and for the most part necessitat to stay att
Edinburgh to keep his credit, most of the estate being wadsett
[mortgaged] and comprisd; and he, haveing only his relief out of
Dunfermlyn’s, was forced to have led comprisings, and used all
other diligence against it, which occasioned the Earle of Kalendar
to enter into a treatie with him for dividing the debt, and the
relief, which continued till 1654, that his father died.’ At a
later period these responsibilities brought upon the Earl no
little trouble and pecuniary loss.
At the Restoration, Lord
Tweeddale, who was at that time in London, waited upon Charles II.
as soon as he arrived in England, and was cordially received by
him. The King ‘was pleased,’ says Father Hay, ‘as a mark of his
favour to change the holding of the greatest part of his estate
from ward to blench, and to name him one of his Privy Council.’
But Lord Tweeddale’s loyalty
was entirely free from that mingled fawning upon the King and
violence against the Covenanters, which was exhibited by the
courtiers of that day; and in the Parliament of 1661 he stood
alone in opposing the passing the sentence of death upon the Rev.
James Guthrie of Stirling, for having declined the authority of
the King in ecclesiastical affairs. It is alleged that some
remarks which he made were misrepresented to the King by
Middleton, and he was in consequence (September 14th) committed a
prisoner, by royal warrant, to the castle of Edinburgh. He was
liberated, however, on the 4th of October, on giving security to
the amount of £10,000 Scots that he would appear when called upon;
but was required to confine himself for six months to his own
house. In some unknown way, probably through his insinuating
address, when the Earl repaired to Court, he was again received
into royal favour, and in 1666 was appointed one of the
Extraordinary Lords of Session. In the following year he was
nominated one of the Commissioners of the Treasury, and in 1668
became a member of the English Privy Council. He was a strenuous
advocate of milder measures with the Covenanters, and employed his
influence with the King in favour of the Indulgence which was
issued in 1669, granting permission, under certain conditions, to
the ejected Presbyterian ministers to exercise the functions of
their office. He held interviews with some of these ministers, in
order to ascertain whether some terms of accommodation could not
be framed which they could accept. With the assistance of Sir
Robert Murray, the Earl succeeded in putting the public finances
on a satisfactory footing, and in paying off the old debts which
the King had contracted in Scotland. It was through Tweeddale’s
influence also that, after the suppression of the Pentland rising,
the standing army was reduced to a small reserve force, greatly to
the dissatisfaction of the prelates, as well as of the military
The success of these
measures and the popularity which they gained for the Earl roused
the jealousy of Lauderdale, who was President of the Council and
First Commissioner of the Treasury, and his alienation was
manifested by his underhand efforts to defeat the project which
Tweeddale had formed to bring about a union of the two kingdoms.
He also changed the destination of his estates, which had been
settled upon his only child, who had married the Earl of
Tweeddale’s son, and were to descend to the second son of that
marriage. At this time Lauderdale’s wife died, and six weeks after
her death he married the notorious Countess of Dysart, who, to
serve her own purposes, induced him to quarrel with his best
friends. Among others, Lord Tweeddale was dismissed from all his
offices, and was even deprived of his seat in the Privy Council.
Lauderdale’s enmity induced him to stir up the Duke and Duchess of
Buccleuch and Monmouth to commence a suit for a reduction of the
settlement made with them by the Earl, with consent of their
curators, and ratified by a decreet of the Lords, in connection
with the Buccleuch estates, which were entailed upon Lady
Tweeddale, a sister of Earl Francis, failing heirs of the Earl’s
own body. The King had bound himself as administrator for his son,
the Duke of Monmouth, for the fulfilment of this contract.
Notwithstanding, Lauderdale induced the Court to set aside this
deed, and thus deprived his former friend of £4,000 sterling.
This injustice, Father Hay
says, with the expense of three or four journeys to Court, and of
two lawsuits, inflicted great loss on the Earl, ‘so that the Duke
of Lauderdale may be justly said to have robbed the family of any
benefit it had by his daughter’s tocher.’ He contrived also to
deprive Tweeddale of the teinds of Pinkie, and to compel the Earl
to repay him £1,000 sterling for the sums which he had received
from them.
On the downfall of
Lauderdale, in 1680, the Earl was restored to his office of
Commissioner of the Treasury, and was readmitted a member of the
Privy Council. He was continued in these offices by James VII.,
though he was well known to be averse to all measures of
persecution. He was still harassed by the debts which he had
incurred on account of his cautionary obligations for the Earl of
Dunfermline, who seems to have been completely bankrupt. There is
a curious printed document in the possession of the Marquis of
Tweeddale, giving a full account of ‘the particular debts wherein
the deceased Earl of Tweeddale was engaged for Charles Earl of
Dunfermline, and which John, now Earl of Tweeddale, present Lord
Chancellor, was obliged and necessitat to pay for preventing the
ruine of his own family and fortune: With a distinct account what
whereof was payed by intermission with the rents of Dunfermline’s
estate, or by the sale of lands or other wayes; and how much
ballance is yet resting to the Earl of Tweeddale of these debts.’
It appears from this detailed and minute account that the original
amount due by the Earl of Dunfermline in 1650, for which the Earl
of Tweeddale was responsible, was 176,808 3s. 9d Scots, to which
had to be added £10,865 5s. 8d. for interest and sheriffs’
fees. The sale of lands belonging to Lord Dunfermline, and the
purchase from him of the estate of Pinkie, at one time
considerably reduced the amount of the debt, but it mounted up
again until, at Whitsunday, 1691, there was due of principal and
interest the sum of about £24,220 sterling, exclusive of the
sheriffs’ fees, which amounted to £122 5s. sterling. It was
further alleged that ‘albeit the Earl of Tweeddale paid to the
Earl of Dunfermline a very great and exorbitant price for the
lands of Pinkie and the teinds thereof,’ the Duke of Lauderdale
succeeded in obtaining a decreet of eviction of these teinds
before the Court of Session, and repayment of the sums which Lord
Tweeddale had received from them, and that amount, together with
the rent of the teinds for four years, during which they were
possessed by Lauderdale, making in all upwards of £1,513 lost to
Tweeddale, besides the loss entailed upon him by the failure of
tenants and ‘the bad payment of teinds and feu duties,’ estimated
at £166. It was stated in conclusion that ‘the yearly rent of the
estate which belonged to Dunfermline, and is now possessed by the
Earl of Tweeddale, does not come near the interest of the ballance
which is due. . . . And upon the whole matter it is clearly
evident how great a loser the Earl of Tweeddale hath been, and is
like still to be, of these debts which he is necessitat to pay for
the Earl of Dunfermline, and whereof he can expect no adequate
Reference is made in this
document to the sale of the Earl of Tweeddale’s ‘whole interest in
the shire of Tweeddale,’ for the purpose of paying the Earl of
Dunfermline’s debts. It is mentioned that the Tweeddale estate at
that time yielded upwards of £1,300 sterling of yearly rent, and
that it was sold at twenty years’ purchase. It appears, however,
that the obligations under which the Earl had come for his kinsman
were not the only cause of his embarrassments, for we learn on the
same authority that he had an unfortunate taste for buying land
beyond his means of payment. ‘The Earle of Tweeddale, haveing
purchased the baronies of Linton and Newland, and contracting
considerable debts for them, neare £10,000 sterling, which, with
the old debts of the familie, and cautionrie for the Earle of
Dunfermlyne, brought his debts to so immense a soume as att
Whitsundey, 1686, he was necessitat to sell his whole estate and
interest in Tweeddale to the Duke of Queensberry for about
£280,000 pounds’ [Scots], a sum equal £23,333 6s. 8d.
sterling. The sale of this fine estate, which is now worth £14,315
a year, brought to a close the connection of the Tweeddale family
with Peeblesshire, which had lasted for nearly four hundred years.
The Earl of Tweeddale
cordially concurred in the resolution adopted by the Convocation
at the Revolution of 1688, that King James had forfeited the
Crown, and that it ought to be offered to William and Mary. He was
sworn a Privy Councillor 18th May, 1689. On the 7th of December
following he was nominated one of the Lords of the Treasury, and
on 5th January, 1692, he was appointed High Chancellor of
Scotland. On 17th December, 1694, he was created Marquis of
Tweeddale, Earl of Gifford, Viscount Walden, and Lord Hay of
Yester. In a very critical state of public affairs, when inquiry
had to be made into the massacre of Glencoe, the Marquis of
Tweeddale was selected for the office of Lord High Commissioner to
the Parliament which met at Edinburgh in 1695. In connection with
that appointment of the Chancellor ‘to sit on the throne and hold
the sceptre,’ Lord Macaulay says ‘he was a man grown old in
business, well informed, prudent, humane, blameless in private
life, and on the whole as respectable as any Scottish lord who had
been long and deeply concerned in the politics of those troubled
times.’ He discharged the delicate and difficult duties of his
office with great prudence and impartiality. He was a member of
the Commission appointed by King William to examine fully the
whole circumstances of the massacre, and the report—in all
probability his production—which they prepared and laid before
Parliament, has been justly pronounced highly creditable to those
who framed it: an excellent digest of evidence, clear,
passionless, and austerely just.
But Lord Tweeddale was too
patriotic to retain long the favour of a sovereign who knew little
of Scotland, and regarded its welfare as a matter of secondary
importance. When William Paterson projected a Scottish company for
trading to Africa and the Indies, the High Commissioner gave the
royal sanction to the Act by which it was established (26th June,
1695), in accordance with the unanimous wish of the legislature,
which it was impossible for him to resist; and it was admitted
even by Lord Macaulay, who strongly condemns the scheme, that the
policy of the ‘shrewd, cautious old politician,’ was for the
moment eminently successful, and soothed into good humour the
Parliament which met burning with indignation. But when the
English East India Company and Parliament were thrown into a
frenzy of alarm by the Darien project, and both Houses addressed
the Crown, complaining of the injury which would be inflicted on
English commerce by this new Scottish corporation, William is
reported to have said ‘that he had been ill served in Scotland;
but he hoped that some remedies might be found to prevent the
inconveniences that might arise from this Act.’ His Majesty showed
his displeasure by immediately dismissing the Chancellor and the
two secretaries from office.
Lord Tweeddale spent large
sums of money in improving his estates, and he greatly enlarged
and embellished the castle of Neidpath, the ancient residence of
his family. He died in 1697, in the seventy-first year of his age,
having had by his wife, daughter of the first Earl of Buccleuch,
seven sons and two daughters. One of the latter became Countess of
Roxburgh, the other was the Countess of March. Of his sons,
two—the second and fourth—died young. David, the third, was the
ancestor of the Hays of Belton; Alexander, the fifth, of the Hays
of Spot. The eldest son—
JOHN, who was born in 1645,
became second Marquis of Tweeddale. Father Hay gives a very naive
account of the manner in which he became the son-in-law of the
potent minister of Charles II. ‘Whilst Lord Yester,’ he says, ‘was
going to France, he was engaged by the Earle of Lauderdale, and
the means of Sir Robert Murray, to stop his journey, the plague
being then in London, and to stay till he should be out of danger
of abideing in France in quarantine; and in the meantime he was
advised to writt to his father for his allowance to become a
suitter to my Lord Lauderdale’s daughter, upon whom his whole
estate was entailed. The Duke of Lauderdale, being the sole
Secretarie and Gentleman of the Bedchamber to the King, and in
greatest favour at Court, and showing to the youth his esteem and
so great a passion and affection that he could deny him nothing,
and underhand employing Yester’s friends and acquaintances, to
compass a conclusion, the Lord Yester complied easily, and first
allowed Sir Robert Murray to writt, and then writt himself, so
that his father and mother were at length persuaded to condescend
to the stop of his journey, and follow the youth’s inclination in
that particular, every one representing that it was the greatest
opportunity a man could wish of making a fortune, Lauderdale being
a courteour, and Yester, by that means, in a way to share and
become a partner of all his places and employments. Those weighty
thoughts of makeing an assured fortune engadged Yester to press
his father to come to London, and treat of the conditions. They
were concluded with great advantage, if they had been kept by
Lauderdale, and if he had not wronged the fortune and familie, and
diffrauded his daughter and their childring of their right by the
contract of marriage, some part whereof is yet subjudice.
Lauderdale did then often profess that he was so well satisfied to
have my Lord Yester for his goode sone, that he did absolutely
forget that ever he had a sone to succeed him, and that the loss
of his son was abundantly made up by this alliance. So the
marriage was made publick, and the King delivered the bride.’
Lauderdale continued on the
most friendly terms with his son-in-law and daughter until Lady
Dysart obtained a complete ascendancy over him, and set herself,
only too successfully, to alienate the savage old persecutor from
his own family. It was no doubt at her instigation that, when his
first wife was on her death-bed in France, he obtained a warrant
from the French king to seize her jewels and plate. ‘Not satisfied
therewith, he was no sooner arrived in Scotland than he sent his
daughter and Yester a summons to hear and see it found by the
Lords of Session that all my Lady Lauderdale’s plate and jewells,
which he had seased by warrand, were exhausted by debts. This
summons occasioned so much grief and trouble to his daughter, that
she contracted thereby a melancholy, whereof she never recovered.’
So bitter was the enmity of this rapacious Duchess to her
husband’s son-in-law, that, no doubt through her means, he
dismissed him from the Council, and deprived him of the command of
the East Lothian militia regiment. Disheartened by this unworthy
and unnatural treatment, Lord Yester travelled in France and Italy
for two years, but on his return ‘he found Lauderdale as badly
disposed against him as before, and so continued till the day of
his death, which happened anno 1681.’
After the sinister influence
of Lauderdale was at an end, Lord Yester was restored, in 1683, to
his seat in the Council, and in the descent upon Scotland by the
Earl of Argyll in 1685, he was appointed to the command of the
regiment raised in East Lothian to assist in the suppression of.
the rebellion. Like his father, he cordially concurred in the
Revolution of 1688. He was sworn a privy councillor of the new
sovereigns, and appointed Sheriff of East Lothian. In the
Parliament of 1695, of which his father was Lord High
Commissioner, Lord Yester sat and voted as High Treasurer of
Scotland. He succeeded to the family titles and estates in 1697,
and was continued a member of the Privy Council by Queen Anne in
1702. Prior to the opening of the parliamentary session of 1703,
the Marquis of Tweeddale and the Duke of Hamilton, accompanied by
the Earls of Marischal and Rothes, made a personal application to
her Majesty for the dissolution of the Parliament, which was
virtually the Convention of Estates that had framed the Revolution
settlement. They contended that by the fundamental laws and
constitution of the kingdom ‘all parliaments do dissolve by the
death of the king or queen.’ Anne, however, issued a proclamation
for the assembling of Parliament in the usual manner. When it met,
Hamilton and Tweeddale protested against anything that might be
done by it, and left the meeting, followed by about eighty of
their adherents. The Court, though very angry at this step, felt
it necessary to give way, as the country party not only disputed
the authority of the ‘Rump,’ as the remnant were termed, but began
to refuse payment of the taxes which they imposed. A new
Parliament was accordingly summoned, in which a strong party, led
by the Marquis of Tweeddale, who were hostile to the proposed
union of the two kingdoms, insisted on indemnification for the
losses sustained by the Darien expedition, and on the punishment
of the authors and agents in the massacre of Glencoe. The Marquis
was appointed Lord High Commissioner to the Parliament, which, 5th
August, 1704, passed the famous ‘Act for the Security of the
Kingdom.’ On the 17th of October, the same year, he was appointed
to the office held by his father, that of High Chancellor of
Scotland, in the room of the Earl of Seafield, but on a change of
Ministry he was displaced, on the 9th of March, 1705, and Seafield
was reinstated in his office. In the Parliament which passed the
Treaty of Union the Marquis of Tweed-dale was the head of a party
who held a middle position between the supporters of the
Government and the Jacobites. Occupying an independent position,
they did not adhere steadily to either party, but shifted from
side to side according to circumstances. Hence they were termed by
the Jacobites the ‘Squadrone Volante,’ or flying squadron. The
intrigues that were carried on at this time in the Scottish
Parliament, at the last stage of its existence, were endless, and
by no means creditable either to the integrity, or the patriotism
of the great body of the members. The leader of the ‘Squadrone
Volante,’ however, was too sagacious to accede to the proposal of
the Jacobites that he should unite with them against the Court. He
declared that the object for which his followers had been
formed—to mediate between the contending parties in Parliament,
and to support only those measures which were likely to be most
beneficial to the country—made it impossible for him to co-operate
with the enemies of the Revolution settlement. The Marquis and his
‘squadron,’ therefore, supported the Union, which without their
aid could not have been carried. He was one of the sixteen
Scottish peers chosen to represent the nobility in the British
Parliament in 1707. He died at Yester, 20th April, 1713, in the
sixty-first year of his age.
Mackay, in his curious
contemporary work entitled ‘Memoirs,’ describes Lord Tweeddale as
‘a great encourager and promoter of trade and the welfare of his
country.’ ‘He hath good sense,’ he adds, ‘is very modest, much a
man of honour, and hot when piqued; is highly esteemed in his
country, and may make a considerable figure in it now. He is a
short, brown man towards sixty years old.’ Scott of Satchells, in
his dedication to the Marquis of his ‘History of the House of
Scott,’ compliments him on his poetical abilities. He is the
author of the original song entitled ‘Tweedside,’ which must have
been written at Neidpath before 1697.
Notwithstanding the
dilapidation of the Duke of Lauderdale’s property by his rapacious
duchess, and the jeremiad of Father Hay over the manner in which
the Duke ‘robbed the family of any benefit of his daughter’s
tocher,’ it appears that her husband inherited of the Lauderdale
estates the barony of Steads, comprising the farms of Snowdon,
Carfrae, and Danskine, which still belong to the family, though
this was a small portion compared with the property which might
have been expected with the lady who, at the time of her marriage,
was reputed the greatest heiress of her day in Scotland.
The Marquis had three sons
by Lady Anne Maitland, and two daughters. The eldest son, Charles,
succeeded him. The second, Lord John Hay, a distinguished military
officer, was colonel of the Royal Scots Greys, fought at the
battle of Ramilies, and attained the rank of brigadier-general.
The grandson of Lord William, the third son, became seventh
Marquis of Tweeddale.
CHARLES, third Marquis, was
appointed, in 1714, President of the Court of Police, and
Lord-Lieutenant of Haddingtonshire. He was chosen one of the
sixteen representative peers, 3rd March, 1715, and died on the
17th of December following. He married Lady Susan Hamilton, second
daughter of the Duke of Hamilton, and by her had four sons and
four daughters. The third son, Lord Charles Hay, entered the army,
served at the siege of Gibraltar, and fought at Fontenoy, where he
was wounded. He was appointed aide-decamp to the King in March,
1749, and major-general in February, 1757. Three months after
receiving this promotion he was sent out to America as second in
command under General Hopson. The Earl of Loudon,
commander-in-chief there, was a weak and irresolute man. He had
eleven thousand soldiers under him, supported by thirty-three
ships of war and ten thousand two hundred seamen, with whom he was
to undertake an expedition against Louisberg. But on receiving
some exaggerated reports of the French force, he lost heart and
gave orders to retreat. ‘He is like St. George upon the
sign-posts,’ said a Philadelphian to Dr. Franklin, ‘always on
horseback but never advances.’ When Lord Charles Hay arrived at
Halifax, he found the incapable commander idly amusing himself by
employing the powerful force entrusted, to him in a series of sham
fights, instead of active operations against the enemy. The
indignation of Lord Charles was so roused at such misconduct, that
he could not refrain from expressing his dissatisfaction with the
want of spirit displayed by his superior officer. He was in
consequence put under arrest, and sent home to England. Although
the incompetent Earl of Loudon was recalled in 1758, Lord
Charles was tried by a court-martial in February, 1760; the case
was submitted to the King, but no decision was given regarding it,
and Lord Charles died at London two months afterwards.
JOHN, fourth Marquis of
Tweeddale, was an able and accomplished statesman, and possessed
considerable knowledge of law. He was appointed one of the
Extraordinary Lords of Session in 1721—the last who held that
office; was chosen one of the Scottish representative peers in
1722, and was afterwards several times re-elected. On the downfall
of Walpole, in February, 1742, Pulteney, to whom had been
entrusted the arrangement of places in the new Government,
insisted that the office of Scottish Minister, which had been in
abeyance since 1739, should be revived, and the Marquis of
Tweeddale was appointed Secretary of State for Scotland, and
Principal Keeper of the Signet. Erskine of Tinwald, who at this
juncture resigned the office of Lord Advocate, wrote to a brother
lawyer—Craigie of Glendoick—2nd March, 1742, ‘You have been
mentioned to the King by the Marquis of Tweeddale as my successor.
You are happy in having to do with a patron who is a man of truth
and honour.’ The period of four years during which his lordship
held the office of Scottish Minister, was a time of great trouble
and anxiety. The English members of the Government were not only
grossly ignorant, as usual, of the state of feeling in Scotland,
but they were by no means willing to receive accurate information
on the subject. They rejected as utterly incredible the idea that
a Jacobite insurrection was at hand, and thought it quite
unnecessary to make any preparations to resist and suppress it.
Lord Tweeddale, who was in London at that time, shared to some
extent in their feeling of incredulity, and even after he was
aware that the Highlanders had left Perth in their march to the
south, he wrote to the Lord Advocate, ‘I flatter myself they have
been able to make no great progress.’ On the very day on which
this letter was written, Prince Charles entered the Palace of
In February, 1746, when the
rebellion was still raging, a ministerial crisis took place. On
the refusal of the King to admit Pitt to the Government, Mr.
Pelham, the Prime Minister, along with those members of the
administration who supported him, resigned office. Earls Granville
and Tweeddale attempted, unsuccessfully, to form a Ministry. On
their failure Pelham resumed office; Granville and Tweeddale were
left out of the reconstructed Government, and the office of
Secretary of State for Scotland was a second time abolished. Lord
Tweeddale resigned at this time his office of Keeper of the
Signet. In 1761 he was appointed Justice-General of Scotland, and
was also sworn a member of the Privy Council. He died at London in
The Marquis married Lady
Frances Carteret, daughter of the Earl of Granville, and had by
her four daughters and two sons. The eldest son died in infancy;
the younger, George, became fifth Marquis, and died in 1770, in
the thirteenth year of his age. The title then devolved on his
GEORGE, sixth Marquis of
Tweeddale. He was noted for his strict economy, and accumulated a
large fortune, which he bequeathed to trustees to be laid out in
the purchase of lands, to be entailed on the Tweeddale title. He
died without issue in 1787, and was succeeded by his cousin,
GEORGE HAY, grandson of Lord William Hay, of Newhall.
GEORGE, seventh Marquis of
Tweeddale, married a daughter of the seventh Earl of Lauderdale.
He was appointed Lord-Lieutenant of Haddingtonshire, and was
chosen one of the Scottish representative peers. On account of his
delicate health, the Marquis and Marchioness went to the Continent
in 1802, and were among the British subjects who were detained in
France by the discreditable act of Napoleon Bonaparte, when war
with Great Britain was renewed in 1803. The Marchioness died at
Verdun on the 8th of May, and the Marquis on August 9th, 1804.
They left twelve orphan children to lament their loss.
The eldest son, George,
succeeded to the family titles and estates. The second and fifth
sons entered the army, in which they attained high rank. Lord John
Hay, the third son, joined the royal navy, and, after many
distinguished services, rose to the rank of rear-admiral. In 1846
he was appointed one of the Lords of the Admiralty, and in the
following year was elected Member of Parliament for Windsor.
GEORGE, eighth Marquis of
Tweeddale, was born in 1787. He received his early education at
the parochial school of Gifford, where he distinguished himself
more by his physical strength and prowess than by his intellectual
attainments. He entered the army in 1804, the year in which he
succeeded to the family titles and estates, when he was only
seventeen years of age. He had the good fortune to receive his
first training as a soldier under the gallant Sir John Moore, at
Shorncliffe. Two years later he went out to Sicily as aide-de-camp
to the general commanding the English army in that island. There,
having got his company, he exchanged into the Grenadier Guards,
only, however, to re-exchange into a regiment on active service.
He served through the Peninsular war as aide-de-camp to the Duke
of Wellington, was honourably mentioned in the Duke’s despatches
for his personal bravery, was wounded at Busaco, and a second time
at Vittoria, where he acted as quartermaster-general, and received
a medal for his services in that decisive engagement. He was the
third man in the army to cross the Douro, and attack the French
forces under Soult at Oporto—one of the most famous exploits of
the Great Duke. Shortly after being gazetted as a major, when he
was in his twenty-seventh year, the Marquis was invalided, and
returned home. But impatient of enforced inactivity, before his
health was completely restored he rejoined his regiment, which was
at that time stationed in Canada. On reaching it, at the Falls of
Niagara he found the drums beating, calling the men to go into
action, and though he was labouring under a fit of ague he joined
the regiment in the encounter, but was once more, almost at the
outset, severely wounded. In two months, however, he was again on
foot, and obtained the command of a brigade, which he retained
till the close of the war, in 1814. Lord Tweeddale’s distinguished
services were rewarded by steady and well-merited promotion. He
attained the rank of general in 1854, was nominated colonel of the
2nd Life Guards in 1863, and ten years after was created a field
marshal. On the termination of the war with France the Marquis
took up his residence on his paternal estate, married in 1816 Lady
Susan Montagu, third daughter of the fifth Duke of Manchester, was
appointed Lord Lieutenant of Haddingtonshire in 1824, and set
himself with characteristic energy and zeal to discharge the
duties of that office, and to improve his estates. In 1842 he was
appointed Governor of Madras and Commander-in-Chief of the
Forces—a union of offices unprecedented at that period, but
carried out by the Duke of Wellington from a conviction that Lord
Tweeddale possessed special qualifications for restoring the
discipline of the army, which had been allowed to fall into a
somewhat relaxed state. He did much to improve the condition not
only of the soldiers, but of the people also, and to draw out the
resources of the country.
On his return home, in 1848,
the Marquis resumed the operations which he had previously
commenced for the improvement of his estates. He led the way in
tile-draining, in deep ploughing, and in other agricultural
experiments, which he conducted at a considerable expense. He was
also the inventor of several eminently useful agricultural
implements now in general operation. His tile-making machine and
celebrated Tweeddale plough have conferred an important boon on
the farmers of Scotland, and will long make his name a household
word amongst them. His lordship took a great interest in
meteorology, and was a proficient in mechanics. The eminent
services which he had rendered to the agricultural interest were
acknowledged by his election to the office of President of the
Agricultural and Highland Society.
Lord Tweeddale was
conspicuous for his stature and strength; and numerous anecdotes
have been told of his gallantry in the field, and of the terrible
effect with which he wielded a sabre longer by a good many inches
than the regulation weapon. He was a famous boxer—one of the very
best—and when provoked gave practical proof of his prowess. He was
an excellent horseman, was long known as ‘the Prince of the Heavy
Bays,’ was a most skilful whip, and once drove the mail-coach from
London to Haddington at a sitting.
The extraordinary strength
of Lord Tweeddale’s constitution, invigorated as it was by
athletic exercises, in which he was a great adept, bade fair,
notwithstanding his great age, to prolong his life a good many
years beyond the period at which it was unexpectedly brought to a
close through the effects of an unfortunate accident. After having
been undressed by his valet, he was left alone in his room, and,
rising from his chair to ring his bell, he fell between the fender
and the fire, and was severely burned on the back. For a time he
seemed likely to recover from the effects of this accident, but
the shock had been too great for his enfeebled vitality, and his
strength gradually sank till he quietly passed away, 10th October,
1876, in the ninetieth year of his age.
The Marquis was the father
of six sons and seven daughters, six of whom were married. The
eldest daughter was the Marchioness of Dalhousie; the fifth is the
Dowager-Duchess of Wellington, and was a great favourite of her
illustrious father-in-law; the youngest is the wife of the present
Sir Robert Peel. George, Earl Gifford, the eldest son of the
Marquis, was a man of great ability. He was for some time Member
of Parliament for Totness, but his invincible shyness prevented
him from taking a prominent part in the debates of the House. The
illness of which he died, in 1863, was caused by his exertions to
save the life of a workman who was in imminent danger of being
crushed by a tree which he was cutting down in the vicinity of the
ruins of the old castle. Shortly before his death, Lord Gifford
married the Dowager-Baroness Dufferin, one of the beautiful
Lord Tweeddale’s second son,
ARTHUR, Viscount Walden, succeeded him as ninth Marquis. He died,
29th December, 1878, leaving no issue.
son, the present Marquis, was created a British peer in 1881 by
the title of Baron Tweeddale of Yester. His immediate younger
brother, Lord John Hay, a gallant naval officer, for several years
held the command of the Mediterranean fleet. He was recently
raised to the rank of admiral, and is at present the first naval
officer of the Admiralty.
According to the Doomsday
Book, the Tweeddale estates in the counties of Haddington,
Berwick, and Roxburgh, comprise 43,027 acres, with a rental of
£23,832 6s.
‘It is to be observed,’ said
Father Hay, ‘that the whole fortune of this familie came by
marriages, and whatever hath been purchased was by the selling of
lands that had come that way; in consideration whereof Charles
Hay, present Lord Yester [third Marquis of Tweed-dale], made the
following verses—
‘Aulam alii jactent, felix
domus Yestria, nube,
Nam quæ sors aliis, dat Venus alma tibi.’