ARGYLLSHIRE is one of the most interesting, as
it is one of the most picturesque counties of Scotland, its
scenery combining the beautiful, the grand, and the sublime. The
‘great and wide sea’ which washes its shores; its magnificent
lochs stretching far into the interior, fringed with woods or
surrounded with steep rocks; its lofty and rugged mountains
lifting their grey heads to the skies; its extensive moors, deep
ravines, and waterfalls, and quiet pastoral straths, each watered
by its own clear and softly flowing stream, make Argyllshire an
object of great attraction to the visitor and of strong attachment
to the native. It is also to be regarded as the cradle of the
Scottish race, who made their first settlement in Scotland on its
western shores; and one of its islands, which was designated ‘The
light of the western world,’ ‘The gem of the ocean,’ was the
place whence, in the words of Samuel Johnson, ‘savage clans and
roving barbarians derived the benefits of knowledge and the
blessings of religion.’ The daring Vikings who, a thousand years
ago, ruled with almost royal authority the western shores of
Argyllshire, and whose shattered but picturesque strongholds
attest, even in ruins, the power of their founders, have ages ago
passed away, leaving no representatives, and their successors, the
famous Lords of the Isles, who for centuries reigned in the
Western Isles, as virtually independent princes, have followed,
and even their memory has almost perished. The head of the great
Clan Donald, who claimed descent from these powerful chieftains,
retains only a remnant of their ancient possessions, and the other
old clans of Argyllshire have shared their fate.
The first Lords of Lorne were the M’Dougalls,
descended from Dugal, youngest son of the mighty Somerled; but,
unfortunately for themselves and their country, they embraced the
side of the English invaders
in the Scottish War of Independence, and after a desperate
struggle, in which they oftener than once put the life of Robert
Bruce in imminent peril, they were stripped of their power and
their extensive territory; and now the ruined stronghold of
Dunolly, and an estate yielding only £1,300.00 a year, are all
that remain to their present lineal representative. The M’Dougalls
have, however, in later times, generation after generation, earned
distinction in the service of their country. The heir of the
family, nearly seventy years ago, fell fighting gallantly in
Spain, under the Duke of Wellington—a death, as Sir Walter Scott
remarks, worthy of his ancestors.
The Stewarts of Lorne, a
family of royal lineage, succeeded the M’Dougalls in their power and
vast possessions in Argyllshire, and they in their turn gave place to the
Campbells, who have for several centuries been the predominant clan in
this county. Beginning as simple lairds of Lochaw, the chiefs of the race
of Diarmid have, by dint of remarkable ability, shrewdness, energy, and
good fortune, not only absorbed, one after another, the smaller clans of
Lorne and Kintyre—the M’Naughtons, who once were masters of those
beautiful valleys through which the Aray and the Shiray flow to Loch Fyne,
and the M’Alisters and the M’Fies—but have also ousted the once
powerful clan Donald from the supremacy which they long held in the
Western Islands. ‘It was said,’ Lord Macaulay remarks, ‘that
MacCallum More after MacCallum More had with unwearied, unscrupulous, and
unrelenting ambition annexed mountain after mountain, and island after
island to the original domains of his house. Some tribes had been expelled
from their territory, some compelled to pay tribute, some incorporated
with their conquerors. It was still constantly repeated in verse and prose
that the finest part of the domain belonging to the ancient heads of the
Gaelic nation—Islay where they had lived with the pomp of royalty, lona
where they had been interred with the pomp of religion, the Paps of Jura,
the rich peninsula of Kintyre—had been transferred from the legitimate
possessors to the insatiable MacCallum More.’ Throughout their long
career the Campbells have always been staunch supporters of the cause
which, whatever temporary reverses it might suffer, was sure to win in the
end—the cause of the independence of Scotland against foreign
aggression; the cause of Protestantism against Popery and of freedom
against despotism. Hence, in spite of repeated forfeitures, and temporary
ruin (to say nothing of a spendthrift MacCalian More, whose reckless
expenditure clipped the wings of their extensive patrimony), their
ancestral possessions have descended to their present owner comparatively
The origin of the Campbell
family is hid in the mists of antiquity, and we shall not run the risk of
provoking the ire either of Goth or Celt by pronouncing an opinion either
on the notion of Pinkerton, who affirms that they are descended from a
Norman knight, named De Campo Bello, alleged to have come to England with
William the Conqueror, but of whose existence no trace can be found; or on
the tales of the Sennachies, that the great ancestor of the clan was a
certain Diarmid O’Dwbin, or O’Dwin, a brave warrior, who it is
asserted was a contemporary of the heroes of Ossian. Suffice it to say
that the earliest figure who emerges out of the Highland mist is GILLESPIC
CAMPBEL, or Cambell, as the name is invariably written in the earliest
charters, who married the heiress of Lochaw, and whose grandson, Sir
Gillespie, witnessed the charter granted by Alexander III. to Newburgh,
March 12th, 1266, more than six hundred years ago. His son, SIR COLIN, who
is reckoned the seventh of the chiefs of the Campbells, was one of the
nominees selected by Robert Bruce, in 1291, when his title to the crown
was to be investigated. The story runs that this Sir Colin was so
distinguished by his warlike achievements and the additions he made to the
family estates that he obtained the surname of ‘More,’ or ‘Great,’
and that from him the chief of the clan is to this day styled in Gaelic
MACCALIAN MORE, or the son of Colin the Great. Sir Colin’s second son
founded the earliest branch of the family—the Campbells, earls of
Loudoun. His eldest son, SIR NIGEL, or NEIL, was one of the first of the
Scottish barons to join Robert Bruce, and adhered with unwavering fidelity
to that monarch’s cause throughout the whole of his chequered career.
After the disastrous battle of Methven, Bruce, with a small body of
followers, took refuge in the Western Highlands, and Sir Nigel, through
his influence with Angus, Lord of the Isles, secured a retreat for the
hunted King in the remote district of Kintyre. Sir Nigel shared in all the
subsequent struggles of the Scottish patriots for the recovery of their
independence, and took part in the crowning victory of Bannockburn. He was
rewarded for his fidelity and his important services with the hand of Lady
Mary, Bruce’s own sister, and with a grant of the forfeited estates of
David de Strathbogie, Earl of Athol. Sir Nigel was one of the
commissioners sent to York, in 1314, to negotiate a peace with England—was
one of the leading barons in the Parliament held at Ayr in 1315; when the succession to the crown was settled, and obtained
from his royal brother-in-law a charter, under the Great Seal, of
several estates. By his wife, Lady Mary Bruce, Sir Nigel had three sons,
the second of whom, John, was created Earl of Athol, and succeeded to
the extensive possessions of that earldom, in accordance with the grant
made by his uncle. He fell, however, at the battle of Halidon Hill, July
19th, 1333; and, as he left no
issue, his title reverted to the crown. Sir Nigel’s eldest son—
C0LIN, rendered important service to Edward Bruce in his Irish campaigns, and to David, son of King Robert, in
assisting to expel the English invaders once more from the kingdom. It is
of Sir Colin that the well-known story is told, that when marching through
a wood in Ireland along with his uncle, King Robert, in February, 1317, an order was issued by that monarch that his men were on no
account to quit their ranks. Sir Colin, irritated by the attacks of two
English archers who discharged their arrows at him, rode after them to
avenge the insult. King Robert followed, and nearly struck him from his
horse with his truncheon, exclaiming, ‘Come back! Your disobedience
might have brought us all into peril.’ In 1334 Sir Colin surprised and recovered the strong castle of Dunoon, which had been
held by the English and the adherents of Edward. He was rewarded for this
exploit by being appointed hereditary keeper of the castle which he had
captured—an office that has descended by inheritance to the present Duke
of Argyll.
For several successive generations, though nothing
worthy of special notice occurred, the chiefs of the Campbell clan
continued steadily to extend their territorial possessions and to augment
their power. Kilmun—the last resting-place of the family—the barony of
Milport, and extensive estates in Cowal, Knapdale, and Arran fell into
their hands in the early part of the fourteenth century. The first of the
family who received the title of Argyll was SIR DUNCAN, the
great-grandson of Sir Colin and nephew of Annabella Drummond, the Queen of
Robert III. He was accounted one of the wealthiest barons in Scotland, and
in 1424 was one of the hostages for the
payment of the expense of the maintenance of James I. during his long
imprisonment in England. At this date Sir Duncan’s annual revenue was
set down as 1,500 merks—a larger income
than that of any of the other hostages, except Lord Douglas of Dalkeith,
whose estates were valued at the same amount. He was made a Lord of
Parliament in 1445, under the title of LORD CAMPBELL. He was the founder
of the collegiate church of Kilmun, where he was buried in 1453. His first
wife was Marjory or Mariotta Stewart, daughter of Robert, Duke of Albany,
brother of King Robert IlI., and Regent of the kingdom during the
imprisonment of his nephew, James I., in England. [One
of the charters which Duncan, Lord Campbell, received from his
father-in-law was witnessed, amongst others, by Henry Percy, Earl of
Northumberland, the eldest son of the renowned Hotspur, who was at that
time a refugee at the Scottish court.]
This was the second intermarriage of the House of Argyll with the royal
family of Scotland. Lord Campbell’s youngest son by this royal lady is
the ancestor of the Campbells of Breadalbane.
COLIN, the grandson of Lord
Campbell, was created EARL OF ARGYLL by James II., in 1457. By his
marriage to the eldest of the three daughters and co-heiresses of John,
Lord Lorne (all three married Campbells), the young Earl put an end to the
feuds which for upwards of two hundred and fifty years had raged between
the families of Lochaw and Lorne, and obtained the undisputed
chieftainship of the county of Argyll. He acquired, in consequence of this
connection, the lordship and title of Lorne from Walter Stewart, Lord
Lorne and Invermeath, heir male of that lordship, in exchange for the
estates of Kildoning, Baldoning, and other lands in the shires of Perth,
Fife, Kinross, and Aberdeen. The galley—the ancient badge of the family
of Lorne— was, in consequence of this acquisition, assumed into the Earl’s
hereditary coat-of-arms. ‘The acquisition of Lorne,’ says Dr. Fraser,
‘was a favourable arrangement for the family of Argyll, as it lay
adjacent to their other lands, while the Lowland possessions surrendered
as an equivalent were scattered over various counties and far distant from
their more important territories.’ The Earl acquired extensive estates
besides in Perthshire and Fifeshire, and the lordship of Campbell, with
its celebrated castle near Dollar, where John Knox visited Archibald,
fourth Earl of Argyll, and preached to him and his relatives. It continued
to be a frequent residence of the family until 1644, when it was burned by
the Macleans in the army of the Marquis of Montrose. At a later period he
obtained a large share of the forfeited possessions of the Lord of the
Isles. The most important offices at Court and in the kingdom were
conferred upon him. He was frequently sent as ambassador to the English
Court, and also to France. He was Master of the Royal Household, Grand
Justiciary of Scotland, and eventually became Lord High Chancellor—an
office which he held for a long period. This dignity, along with the lands
of ‘Mekell and Lettel Pincartoun,’ in the barony of Dunbar, was
probably bestowed upon the Earl in 1483, as a reward for his loyal
adherence to James III. at the time of the conspiracy of Archibald
Bell-the-Cat and other nobles, which led to the murder of the royal
favourites at Lauder, in 1482. Argyll was in England at the time of the
defeat and death of that unfortunate monarch at Sauchieburn, in 1488. On
his return to Scotland he was at once reappointed Chancellor by James IV.,
who also conferred upon him the lands of Roseneath, Dumbartonshire
(January 9th, 1489) which are still in the possession of the family. The
mansion is one of the principal seats of the Duke of Argyll. This powerful
and prosperous nobleman died in 1493. The Lords of the Isles, the
mightiest of all the ancient Highland chieftains, had long possessed
unquestioned supremacy in the Hebrides and throughout the mountain country
of Argyllshire and Inverness-shire. But from this period their power began
to wane before the rising influence of the Campbells. As late as the
fifteenth century these haughty and turbulent island chieftains even
disputed the authority of the kings of Scotland; but their successive
rebellions were punished by successive forfeitures both of their ancient
dignities and their possessions, and now that the house of Argyll had
become sufficiently powerful to enforce the decrees of the King and
Parliament, and had a strong interest in carrying these decrees into
effect, the extensive territories which for many generations had belonged
to the Lordship of the Isles were finally wrested from their ancient
possessors and conferred upon the loyal clans, and especially upon the
Campbells, who could now meet in the field the combined forces of all the
other Western septs.
ARCHIBALD, the second Earl
of Argyll, steadily pursued what may now be termed the family policy. In
his father’s lifetime he obtained a grant of the lands of Auchintorlie
and Dunnerbok in Dumbartonshire, and of Duchall, in the county of Renfrew,
forfeited by Robert, Lord Lyle. He succeeded to the great offices held by
his father of Lord Chancellor of Scotland, Lord Chamberlain, and Master of
the Household. He was also appointed Lord Lieutenant of the Borders, and
Warden of the Marches, and largely increased the possessions of his clan
at the expense of the island chiefs. Sir John Campbell, his third son,
married Muriel, daughter and heiress of Sir John Calder of Calder, or
Cawdor, near Nairn, and became the founder of the branch of the clan now
represented by the Earl of Cawdor.
The second Earl of Argyll
commanded, with his brother-in-law, the Earl of Lennox, the right wing of
the Scottish army at the sanguinary battle of Flodden, September 9th,
1513, and both Earls were left dead on the field.
COLIN, third Earl, added to
the family territories the lordship of Balquhidder, in Perthshire, the
barony of Abernethy, forfeited by the Douglases, and other valuable
estates. He obtained the important office of Justice-General of Scotland,
which, with the office of Master of the Household, was now made hereditary
in his family. He was also appointed Lord-Lieutenant of the Borders and
Warden of the Marches. He was a member of the Council of Regency during
the minority of James V., and was nominated Lieutenant-General over the
Isles, with the most ample powers, which he did not allow to remain unused
in his suppression of the formidable rebellion of Macdonald of Lochalsh,
the heir of the ancient Lords of the Isles. It was Lady Elizabeth
Campbell, daughter of this Earl, whose romantic and perilous adventure is
the subject of Thomas Campbell’s well-known ballad of ‘Glenara,’ and
of Miss Baillie’s drama, ‘The Family Legend.’ This lady had been
married to Maclean of Duart, a powerful and ferocious chieftain, who,
conceiving a dislike to his wife, conveyed her to a small rock, still
called ‘The Lady’s Rock,’ near Lismore, which at high-water was
covered by the sea. She was on the eve of being overwhelmed by the tide
when she was fortunately observed and rescued by some of her father’s
retainers who were passing in a boat. Maclean was allowed to go through
all the ceremonial of a mock funeral, but was, shortly afterwards, killed
in his bed by his brother-in-law, Sir John Campbell of Calder.
John, second son of Earl
Cohn, was ancestor of the Campbells of Lochnellflio have, both in ancient
and modern times, stood next in succession to the earldom.
ARCHIBALD, the fourth Earl
of Argyll, was on his succession to the title, in 1530, appointed to all
the offices held by his father and grandfather, and in 1542 obtained a
charter of the King’s lands of Cardross, in Dumbartonshire, which had
belonged to King Robert Bruce, who died there. Three years later he
received a portion of the lands of Arrochar, part of the confiscated
estates of the Earl of Lennox, an adherent of the English faction in
Scotland. At the death of James V., Argyll attached himself to the party
of Cardinal Beaton, Archbishop of St. Andrews, who granted to him a
charter of the lands of Balrudry, Pitgogar, and Blairhill, in the barony
of Muckhart and shire of Perth. The charter, which is dated at St.
Andrews, on the 17th August, 1543, is signed by the Cardinal, and bears to
have been granted in consideration of the ‘great benefits, assistance,
counsel, and services’ rendered by the Earl to the Cardinal and the
Church, and ‘especially for the protection and defence of ecclesiastical
liberty, at that dangerous time when Lutheran heresies were springing up
on every side, and striving to weaken and subvert ecclesiastical freedom;
and for the like services to be rendered to the Church in time coming.’
The Earl was one of the peers who entered into an association to oppose
the marriage of the infant Queen Mary to Prince Edward of England, ‘as
tending to the high dishonour, perpetual skaith, damage, and ruin of the
liberty and nobleness of the realm.’ His own country suffered severely
in the contest which ensued, and was wasted and plundered by the English
and their adherents. In the year 1546 he received from Queen Mary a
charter of the barony of Boquhan, in the county of Stirling. [A
contemporary indorsation on the charter, and also on the relative precept
of sasine, marks both as granted to Archibald Roy—that is, the
Red; a characteristic also of the celebrated John Duke of Argyll and
Greenwich, and which, as Dr. Fraser remarks, appears prominently in the
present generation of the descendants of Archibald Roy. ] The Earl
commanded a large body of Highlanders and Islanders at the sanguinary
battle of Pinkie (10th September, 1547); and, on the invasion of Scotland
in the following year, he marched with a strong force to Dundee, to repel
the enemy. But at this juncture, for reasons which have not been fully
explained, he changed sides, became a zealous opponent of Mary of Guise
and the French party, and soon after quitted the Church of Rome, and
openly embraced the Protestant faith. He was indeed one of the first men
of his rank in Scotland who took this step. John Douglas, a converted
Carmelite friar, afterwards the first Protestant Archbishop of St.
Andrews, became his domestic chaplain, and carefully educated his family
in the principles of the Reformed religion. The Earl also signed the
famous Covenant against ‘Popish abominations’ in 1557, and, on his
deathbed, earnestly exhorted his son to support the Protestant doctrine,
and to suppress Popish superstitions. From this time forward the house of
Argyll was conspicuous among the leaders of the Reformation, and both by
their great influence and exertions, and by their sufferings on behalf of
the good cause, have contributed more than any other family to the
ultimate triumph of the Protestant religion in Scotland.
ARCHIBALD, fifth Earl of
Argyll, though a zealous Protestant, supported at first the Government of
the Queen-Regent; but on her perfidious violation of the Treaty of Perth,
which he helped to negotiate, he joined the Lords of the Congregation,
became the faithful friend and champion of John Knox, and, along with Lord
James Stewart—the one, as Douglas remarks, the most powerful, the other
the most popular, leader of the Protestant party—aided in the expulsion
of the French troops from the country, and in all the measures which led
to the overthrow of the Romish system and the establishment of the
Reformed faith in Scotland. The Earl’s name appears third on the list of
the nobility who subscribed the First Book of Discipline, and he was
appointed by the Lords of the Congregation, along with the Earls of
Glencairn and Arran, to destroy the ‘remaining monuments of idolatry in
the West.’ On the return of Queen Mary from France in 1561, Argyll was
immediately appointed a Privy Councillor, and appears to have stood high
in the royal favour. In 1565, however, the English ambassador reports that
‘The Queen hateth my Lord of Argyll.’ He was strongly opposed to her
marriage with Darnley, and united with the Earls of Moray and Glencairn
and the Duke of Chatelherault, in an attempt to prevent this ill-fated
match by force of arms. When the other Protestant lords were compelled to
take refuge in England, Argyll retired to his own country. It was ‘a far
cry to Lochaw,’ and he well knew that his enemies durst not attempt to
follow him into the fastnesses of Argyllshire.
The Earl married one of the
illegitimate daughters of James V., with whom he does not seem to have
lived on very happy terms. John Knox, at the request of the Queen, made
repeated attempts to reconcile the jarring couple, but with indifferent
success, and their quarrels and separation caused great scandal to the
Protestant party, and even drew upon them the censure of the General
Assembly. The Countess of Argyll was with the Queen at supper in her
closet when Rizzio was murdered (9th March, 1566), an event which led at
once to the pardon of the banished lords and their restoration to their
estates. Argyll took a prominent and by no means creditable part in the
events which rapidly followed. He was deeply implicated in the plot for
the murder of Darnley; he signed the bond in favour of the Queen’s
marriage with Bothwell; he was one of the noblemen who immediately
thereafter entered into an association for the defence of the infant
prince against the machinations of Mary’s husband; he took part in the
deposition of the Queen, carried the sword of state at the coronation of
her son (29th July, 1567), and concurred in the appointment of the Earl of
Moray to the office of Regent. In the following year he changed sides, and
joined the Queen at Hamilton on her escape from Lochleven, which he was
instrumental in procuring. She appointed him Lieutenant-General of all her
forces by a commission granted on the morning of the fatal battle of
Langside (13th May, 1568), where he was taken prisoner. He was purposely
allowed to escape, however, and retired to his own country. A few months
later he was again in arms, in conjunction with the Hamiltons and Huntly,
to effect the restoration of Mary, but ultimately disbanded his forces and
made terms with the Regent. On the assassination of Moray, Argyll was one
of the noblemen who assembled at Linlithgow, 10th April, 1570, and, along
with Chatelherault and Huntly, was appointed the Queen’s lieutenant in
Scotland. In the following year, however, he submitted to the authority of
Lennox, the new Regent, and was in Stirling attending the meeting of
Parliament (September, 1571) when the town was surprised and Lennox killed
by a body of the partisans of the Queen. Argyll offered himself as a
candidate for the office of Regent, but the choice fell on the Earl of
Mar, and Argyll was sworn a Privy Councillor. On the elevation of Morton
to the Regency in November, 1572, Argyll was appointed Lord High
Chancellor, and on the 17th of January, 1573, he obtained a charter of
that office for life. He died of the stone, September 12, 1575, in the
forty-third year of his age; and as he left no issue, was succeeded in his
titles and estates by his half-brother, Sir Colin Campbell of Boquhan. As
the Earl was the reverse of a weak or vacillating character, the frequency
with which he changed sides during these civil broils must be ascribed to
motives of self-interest and ambition, though, unlike most of his brother
nobles at that period, he seems to have cherished a sincere desire to
promote the welfare of his country rather than the interest of either the
French or the English faction.
COLIN, sixth Earl of
Argyll, soon after his accession to the earldom had a quarrel with Morton,
arising out of his claim of jurisdiction as hereditary Justice-General of
Scotland, and his alienation from the Regent was confirmed by his
demanding the restitution of the valuable crown jewels which the Earl had
obtained either from his sister-in-law, or more probably through his
second wife, who was the widow of the Regent Moray. Athole and Argyll, who
had quarrelled about their jurisdiction, and were on the eve of settling
the matter by trial of battle, learning that the Regent intended to
prosecute them for treason, united in a confederacy against him, and
resolved to effect his overthrow. On the 4th of March, 1578, Argyll
proceeded to Stirling, and complained loudly to the King of the oppressive
and tyrannical proceedings of the Regent, and recommended James to take
the government into his own hands, which was accordingly done, and Argyll
was placed at the head of the Council of Twelve, appointed to assist the
King, who was only twelve years of age, in the management of public
affairs. The crafty ex-Regent, however, overreached his opponents, and in
the course of a few weeks contrived to obtain possession of the King’s
person, and to regain his former supremacy. Argyll and Athole mustered
their clansmen, and at the head of 7,000 men marched towards Stirling to
rescue the King, but by the mediation of Bowes, the English ambassador, a
compromise was effected between the hostile factions. Argyll and Lindsay
agreed to enter the new council, of which Morton was the head, and on the
10th of August following, the former, on the death of Athole, was
appointed Lord High Chancellor of the kingdom. But though the Earl was
apparently reconciled to Morton, he co-operated with Esme Stewart,
afterwards Duke of Lennox, the royal favourite, and James Stewart, who was
subsequently created Earl of Arran, in undermining the influence of the
ex-Regent, and was one of the jury at his trial, in June, 1581.
Afterwards, however, having discovered the ulterior designs of the French
faction against the Protestant faith and the independence of the kingdom,
he confessed to the Ministers that he had been mistaken or misled, and
joined in the bond against Lennox which led to the Raid of Ruthven and the
restoration of the Protestant party to power. But, strange to say, he was
soon afterwards found in the ranks of the nobles who assisted James to
escape from the hands of Gowrie, Mar, and Angus, the leaders of the
English faction (June, 1583). His career was now, however, near an end. He
died after a long illness, in October of the following year.
Earl Colin was succeeded by
his eldest son, ARCHIBALD, seventh Earl, who was then little more than
eight years of age. In 1592, when he was in his seventeenth year, the
young Earl married Lady Anne Douglas, fifth daughter of the Earl of
Morton. Shortly after he became the object of a nefarious plot, which was
directed also against his cousin, the ‘bonnie Earl of Moray.’ The
principal conspirators were the Chancellor Maitland, the Earl of Huntly,
the hereditary enemy of the Moray family, Sir James Campbell of
Ardkinglass, John, Lord Maxwell, and Campbell of Lochnell, a kinsman of
Argyll, and one of his guardians, and next heir to the earldom after the
Earl and his brother. These ‘titled and official ruffians,’ as Tytler
justly terms them, drew up with the strictest legal precision a formal
bond by which they solemnly bound themselves to assist each other in the
murder of the Earl of Moray, the Earl of Argyll, Colin his brother, and
Sir John Campbell of Calder, another of their guardians. It was agreed
that the Campbell of Lochnell should obtain the earldom of Argyll, but
that a considerable portion of its princely estates should be made over to
the Chancellor Maitland. In pursuance of this villainous scheme, ‘the
bonnie Earl of Moray’ was murdered at Donnibrissel by Huntly, and Sir
John Campbell was shot at night through the window of his own house, in
Lorne, by an assassin named M’Kellar, who had been employed by
Ardkinglas to do this foul deed. Argyll was to have been the next victim.
An attempt to take him off by poison having failed, a favourable
opportunity to perpetrate the long-meditated crime seemed to present
itself in 1594, when Argyll received the royal commission as King’s
Lieutenant to suppress the rebellion of the Popish Earls of Huntly and
Erroll. Marching into Strathbogie at the head of a numerous but
undisciplined and ill-armed force, without either cavalry or artillery,
the Earl encountered the rebel army at Glenlivat (October 3rd, 1594).
After a fierce and sanguinary conflict, in which the traitor, Campbell of
Lochnell, was killed by the first discharge of Huntly’s artillery, the
Highlanders fled, leaving their young chief almost alone, and he was at
length forced off the field by his friends, weeping with indignation and
grief at the disgraceful desertion of his retainers.
Shortly after, however, the
discovery was made that the cause of his defeat was not the cowardice but
the treachery of some of his captains, who were in correspondence with the
enemy. Ardkinglas, seized with remorse, confessed the plot, and Argyll
having obtained possession of the original ‘bond,’ discovered the full
extent and objects of the conspiracy. Fired with indignation he
assembled his vassals and proclaimed a war of extermination against Huntly
and the traitor Campbell. The most frightful excesses were committed on
both sides, and the northern districts were laid waste with fire and
sword. At length the King, roused to activity by the scenes of bloodshed
and misery which ensued, took vigorous proceedings against both parties.
Argyll and Campbell of Glenorchy were imprisoned in Edinburgh Castle, and
the Popish Earls Huntly and Erroll were expelled the country and took
refuge in Denmark. Eight years later, however, King James, just before his
accession to the throne of England, effected a reconciliation between the
two hereditary enemies, and the eldest son of Huntly was betrothed to the
eldest daughter of Argyll. Their friendship was still more closely
cemented in 1608 at the expense of the Macgregors, against whom the two
Earls were authorised to undertake a joint expedition, which ended in the
almost total extermination of that unhappy ‘broken clan.’ The chief of
the Macgregors surrendered to Argyll on condition that he should be sent
out of Scotland. ‘But,’ says Birrel, ‘the Earl keipit ane Hielandman’s
promise in respect he sent the gaird to convey him out of Scottis ground,
but they were not directit to pairt with him, but to fetch him back agane.’
The ill-starred chief was conveyed across the Tweed at Berwick, but was
immediately brought back to Edinburgh, where he was executed, 18th
January, 1609.
In 1615 the Macdonalds
raised the standard of rebellion in Islay, where, as Lord Macaulay says,
‘they had once lived with the pomp of royalty,’ but which was now the
property of their unrelenting enemies, the Campbells. The Council with
considerable reluctance intrusted to Argyll the task of suppressing this
insurrection, and the Earl, with the help of some soldiers hired at the
public expense, speedily brought the war to a conclusion. He was rewarded
by the King for his services with a grant of the district of Kintyre in
1617, and the deed was ratified by a special Act of Parliament the same
year. On the death of his first wife the Earl, in 1610, married a daughter
of Sir William Cornwallis of Broome, ancestor of the Marquis Cornwallis,
and this lady, who was a Roman Catholic, induced the once-zealous leader
of the Protestant party to join the Romish Church. His defection was kept
secret, however, till the year 1618, when he obtained permission from the
King to go abroad on pretence of visiting Spa for the benefit of his
health. But instead of visiting Spa he proceeded to Spain, where he made
an open profession of the Romish faith, and entered the Spanish service.
He gained considerable distinction in the war which Philip waged against
the States of Holland, but his conduct gave just and deep offence to his
own sovereign, who caused him to be proclaimed a rebel and a traitor, and
compelled him to make over the management of his estates and the
government of his clan to his eldest son. Though released from this ban in
1621, he did not venture to return to Britain till 1638. His death took
place in London in that same year. His son by his first wife succeeded him
in the earldom and family estates. A son, named James, whom his second
wife bore to him, was created Earl of Irvine.
ARCHIBALD, the celebrated
Gillespic Grumach, eighth Earl and first Marquis of Argyll, raised the
house of Campbell to a greater height of political power than it had ever
before attained. This eminent patriot and statesman was born in 1598, and
was early introduced into public life. While yet Lord Lorne he apprehended
Patrick Macgregor, popularly called Gilderoy, or Gillie Roy, who, about
the year 1632, at the head of a band of caterans, plundered various
districts of the Highlands. This noted freebooter and nine of his gang,
who were arrested at the same time, were tried and executed in Edinburgh
in July, 1636. The capture and fate of this bold outlaw has been made the
subject of a well-known ballad and of several works of fiction. At the
time of the Earl’s accession to the family title and estates, all
Scotland was convulsed by the arbitrary and impolitic innovations of
Charles I. and Laud on the worship of the Scottish Church, and Argyll,
whose advice was solicited by the King, earnestly recommended that they
should be withdrawn. Finding that his counsel was not followed, and that
Charles was obstinately bent on carrying out his unconstitutional policy,
the Earl signed the National Covenant and attended the famous Assembly
which met at Glasgow, November, 1638, and abolished the Episcopal form of
government in Scotland. When the Marquis of Hamilton, as High
Commissioner, ordered the Assembly to dissolve under pain of treason and
withdrew on the refusal of the members to disperse, Argyll alone of all
the Privy Councillors refused to follow his example, and at the close
declared publicly his approbation of all their decisive measures for the
restoration of the Presbyterian form of worship. In the following year,
when Charles prepared to crush the Covenanters by force of arms, Argyll
raised nine hundred of his clansmen and marched into the west to secure
that part of the kingdom against the threatened invasion of the Earl of
Antrim and the Irish Romanists. In 1640 he received a commission from the
Committee of Parliament, signed by the Earl, afterwards Marquis, of
Montrose and other leading Covenanters, authorising him to proceed against
the Earl of Athole, Lord Ogilvie, and the Farquharsons in Braemar, to
pursue them with fire and sword until he brought them to their duty or
utterly routed them out of the country. Armed with this ruthless
commission, Argyll proceeded to the north at the head of five thousand
men, and compelled the inhabitants of Badenoch, Athole, and Mar to submit
to the authority of the Parliament. Then, marching eastward into Angus, he
captured Airlie and Forthar, the castles of the Earl of Airlie, who had
left Scotland to avoid subscribing the Covenant. Airlie Castle, which was
defended by Lord Ogilvie, the eldest son of the Earl, and was strongly
garrisoned and furnished with large stores of ammunition, had previously
defied the efforts of the Earls of Montrose and Kinghorn to reduce it. But
on the approach of Argyll it was abandoned by the garrison, and was laid
in ruins by the Covenanters. This is the incident which has been
commemorated in the well-known ballad of ‘The bonnie house of Airlie.’
When Charles visited
Scotland in 1641, the Earl of Montrose, who had originally espoused the
popular cause but had now gone over to the side of the Court, represented
to the King that the removal of the Marquis of Hamilton and the Earl of
Argyll was necessary as a preliminary to the accomplishment of his plans
for the union of the Scottish and Irish forces against the English
Parliament. It was accordingly arranged that they were to be seized and
carried on board a vessel in Leith Roads; but having received timely
notice of the plot against them, they made their escape to Kinneil, a
country seat of Hamilton’s, where they were safe. Charles, thus baffled
in his nefarious scheme, was glad to recall the two noblemen to Court,
and, finding it impossible to crush these powerful and popular magnates,
he tried to gain them and their party to his side, and raised Argyll to
the rank of a Marquis. When the King took up arms against the English
Parliament, Argyll, who was now the recognised leader of the Covenanters,
induced the Scottish Council to make repeated offers of mediation; but
these proposals having been rejected by the King, the Scots at length
resolved to send an army to the assistance of the Parliament. From this
time onward the Marquis took a prominent part in the Civil War; his
influence was paramount in Scotland, where he was popularly known as ‘King
Campbell.’ He became the object of the bitter hatred of the Royalists.
He was defeated by Montrose at Inverlochy; his estates were laid waste
with fire and sword, and ‘not a four-footed beast in the haill country’
was left. So ruinous were the devastating inroads of Montrose and the
Irish kernes that the Parliament was obliged to grant a sum of money for
the support of the Marquis and his family, and a collection was ordered to
be made throughout all the, churches for the relief of his plundered
clansmen. Up to this time Argyll had steadily co-operated with the English
Parliament, but on the surrender of the King and the ascendancy of the
Republican party, he separated from them and consulted with the Royalist
nobles, Richmond and Hertford (with the royal authority), respecting the
advisability of the Scottish Parliament and army coming to the rescue of
the King. The plan had to be abandoned as impracticable, and Argyll, with
his usual sagacity, disapproved of the ‘Engagement’ entered into by
the Duke of Hamilton and other Presbyterian Royalists, in the latter part
of 1647, for the restoration of the royal cause, which brought defeat and
death to them and ruin on the King. After the overthrow of the ‘Engagers’
at Preston, Argyll and his friends seized the reins of Government. He
protested, however, against the execution of the King—a deed which
completely alienated the whole Scottish nation from the English
Republicans, and Prince Charles, the eldest son of the deceased monarch,
was immediately proclaimed King of Scotland in his father’s stead. A
series of letters, written by Charles from the Hague, Jersey, and Breda,
and, after he came to Scotland, from Falkland and Perth, showed how much
he relied upon Argyll for his restoration to the throne of his ancestors,
and how earnestly he implored the great Marquis to use his influence in
his behalf. The profuse promises which Charles made of remembering and
rewarding the services of the powerful Presbyterian leader culminated in
the following remarkable letter written at Perth:-
‘24th Sept., 1650.
‘Having taken into
consideration the faithful endeavours of the Marquis of Argyll for
restoring me to my just rights and the happie setting of my dominions, I
am desyrous to let the world see how sensible I am of his reall respect to
me by some particular marks of my favour to him, by whiche they may see
the trust and confidence I repose in him; and particularly I doe promis
that I will mak him Duk of Argyll, and Knight of the Garter, and one of
the Gentlemen of my bedchamber; and this to be performed when he shall
think fitt.
‘Whensoever it shall
please God to restore me to my just rights in England I shall see him
payed the £40,000 pownds sterling which is due to him. All which I doe
promis to mak good upon the word of a King.
He even, it is said, made a
proposal to marry Argyll’s daughter, which the wary chief prudently
At his coronation, on the
1st of January, 1651, Argyll placed the crown on the head of the young
monarch, who seems to have thoroughly deluded the staunch Presbyterians
into a belief that he had sincerely embraced the Covenant. The defeat of
the Scottish army at Worcester and Dunbar laid the country prostrate at
the feet of Cromwell. Still, amid almost universal despair, Argyll strove
to raise the depressed spirits of his fellow-countrymen, and mustered his
clan with the view of resisting the victorious forces of the Commonwealth.
He held out against them for a year amid the fastnesses of his own
district, but a reluctant submission was at last extorted from him by
General Dean, who suddenly invaded Inverary by sea, and surprised the
Marquis while confined to his castle by sickness.
At the Restoration in 1660,
Argyll repaired to London for the purpose of congratulating the King,
lured thither by the cordial reception Charles had given his son; but, on
his arrival at Whitehall, he was immediately arrested and committed to the
Tower. After lying there for five months he was sent down to Scotland, and
tried on fourteen different charges, extending over all the transactions
which had taken place in Scotland since 1638. He pleaded that during the
late unhappy commotions he had always acted by authority of Parliament,
and not on his individual responsibility; that all the public proceedings
of the Covenanters were covered by the Act of Oblivion passed by Charles
I., and by the indemnity granted by his present Majesty at Stirling; and
that as for his compliance with the late usurpation, the entire kingdom
shared in it equally with himself; that it was necessary for his own
preservation; that he did not submit himself till the whole nation had
acquiesced in the rule of the Commonwealth; that his submission to the
Government then existing did not imply a recognition of its original
title, much less a treasonable opposition to the rightful heir while
excluded from the throne. ‘And how could I suppose,’ he added, ‘that
I was acting criminally when a man so learned as his Majesty’s Advocate
took the same oath to the Commonwealth with myself?’ Sir John Fletcher,
the Lord Advocate, was so enraged at this reference to himself that he
called Argyll an impudent villain. The Marquis meekly replied that he had
learned in his afflictions to suffer reproach. The unanswerable defence of
the accused nobleman compelled the Parliament, though filled with enemies
thirsting for his blood, to exculpate him from all the charges in his
indictment except that of compliance with Cromwell’s usurpation. Even on
this point the evidence was so defective that his acquittal seemed
certain; but, after the case was closed, a number of confidential letters
which Argyll had written to Monk were laid before the Court by a messenger
whom the latter had basely and treacherously sent down from London with
all haste on learning the scantiness of the proof against his former
friend. [This fact, mentioned by Burnet, has been denied by Sir George
Rose in his remarks on Fox’s History; but, to say nothing of the
reference to the letters by Sir George Mackenzie, in his Laws and
Customs of Scotland, the originals have recently been discovered among
the papers of the Duke of Argyll, with an indorsation by the Clerk of the
Court, proving that they were produced by the Lord Advocate at the trial
of the Marquis.—See Appendix to
Sixth Report of Historical Manuscripts' Commission.]
Argyll begged for a respite for ten days, in order that his sentence might
be communicated to the King; but when this was refused, he understood that
his fate had been determined by the Court, and quietly remarked, ‘I
placed the crown upon the King’s head, and this is my reward; but he
hastens me to a better crown than his own.’ On evidence thus shamefully
obtained and illegally brought forward, the old nobleman was found guilty
(25th May, 1661), and condemned to be beheaded. The sentence was executed
at the Cross of Edinburgh on the 27th of May.
The Marquis displayed great
calmness and dignity during the closing scene. ‘He came to the scaffold,’
says Burnet, ‘in a very solemn and undaunted manner, accompanied by many
of the nobility and some ministers. He spoke for half an hour with great
appearance of serenity. Cunningham, his physician, told me that he touched
his pulse, and it did then beat at the usual rate—calm and strong.’
‘I could die like a Roman,’ was his remark to a friend, ‘but I
choose rather to die like a Christian.’
There can be no doubt that
the great Marquis was a man of sincere and deep religious feeling. He was
a true patriot, who made the love of his country and the desire for her
good paramount to all personal considerations; and a statesman of great
sagacity, and experience, and consummate address. He was almost adored by
his own clan, and his memory is still held in high veneration by the
Scottish Presbyterians; but his vast influence, and the height to which he
carried the policy of his house, made him equally dreaded and hated by the
neighbouring chiefs of his day. The Campbells were not satisfied—like
their predecessors the old Lords of Argyll, the Isles, and Lorne—with a
sway quite absolute and almost independent over the inhabitants of these
remote and inaccessible mountains and isles of the western Highlands. From
the days of Robert Bruce downward they attached themselves to the Scottish
Court, allied themselves by marriage to the great Lowland families, and
held the highest offices of State. They were the Chancellors, the
hereditary Masters of the Household, and Great Justiciars of Scotland. The
personal character of the successive heads of this aspiring family—combining
unwearied and indomitable energy with a peculiar dexterity and
plausibility of address—had step by step raised them to such a height of
power, that the number of fighting men who bore the name of Campbell was
sufficient to meet in the field the combined forces of all the other
western clans. The Marquis of Argyll, as Lord Macaulay remarks, ‘was the
head of a party as well as the head of a tribe. Possessed of two different
kinds of authority, he used each of them in such a way as to extend and
fortify the other. The knowledge that he could bring into the field the
claymores of five thousand half-heathen mountaineers added to his
influence among the austere Presbyterians who filled the Privy Council and
the General Assembly. His influence at Edinburgh added to the terror which
he inspired among the mountains. Of all the Highland princes whose history
is well known to us, he was the greatest and the most dreaded.’
On the death of the great
Marquis, ARCHIBALD, his eldest son, became the head of the house of
Campbell. In accordance with the Celtic custom of ‘fostering,’ Earl
Archibald’s early years were spent under the roof of his kinsman, the
accomplished Sir Colin Campbell of Glenorchy. The foster-mother of the
youthful heir to the chieftainship of the clan was Juliana Campbell,
daughter of Hew, Lord Loudoun, and wife of Sir Colin. An interesting
correspondence between the Marquis and the foster-father of his son has
been preserved, and throws light on the nature and obligations of the
relation of fosterage. The correspondence begins in 1633, with a letter
from Sir Colin to Lord Lorne, expressing his great gratification that the
chief had given him the preference over ‘sundrie of his Lordship’s
friends who were most desyrous to have his Lordship’s eldest son in
fostering, quich,’ he says, ‘I acknowledge as a great testimonie both
of your Lordship’s trust and love; and I hop in God evir so to approve
myself to be most willing and desyrous to deserve both.’ Careful
arrangements were made for the conveyance of the boy to his new home. ‘In
regard,’ says Sir Colin, ‘that I am not weel able to travel! myself so
far a journey, I intend to send my wyfe and some other of my friends to be
his convoy.’ And he requests his Lordship to ‘provyde some discrit
woman and ane sufficient man quha has both Irisch [Gaelic] and Englisch,
and will have a care not onhie to attend him, but sometimes lykewayes to
learne him, and quhat else may concern him, quhill he is in my company.’
Great importance seems to have been attached to the acquisition of the
Gaelic language, for in December, 1637, Lady Lorrie writes to Glenorchy:
‘I hear my sone begines to wearye of the Irish hangwadge. I entreat yew
to cause holde hime to the speaking of itt, for since he has bestowed so
long tyme and paines on the getting of it, I sould be sorry he lost it now
with leasiness in not speaking of it.’ A letter from the youth himself
shows the strength of his affection for his ‘loving foster-father and
respected freind.’
The young chief received an
excellent education under the eye of his father, and travelled in France
and Italy from 1647 to 1649. On his return to Scotland he took the
opposite side from his family in the Civil War, and, attaching himself to
the royal cause, fought for Charles II. at the battle of Dun bar, in
September, 1650. Even after the crowning defeat of the Scottish army at
Worcester, Lord Lorne still continued in arms, and in his zeal for the
interest of the King fought side by side with the hereditary enemies of
his house. After the cause had become desperate he submitted to Monk, who
treated him with great severity, and even committed him to prison in 1657,
where he lay till the Restoration. In return for his services and
sufferings, the King remitted his father’s forfeiture, and restored to
him his hereditary estates and his grandfather’s title of Earl of
Argyll. The greedy and unprincipled Middleton, the Royal Commissioner, who
had hunted the Marquis to death, was bitterly disappointed at this
procedure, and in 1662 procured the condemnation of the young Earl to
death, because, in a private letter which the Commissioner intercepted,
Argyll had commented freely on the intrigues of his potent enemy. The
King, however, interposed, and saved the Earl’s life; but he was
subjected to a long and severe imprisonment, and was not released until
June, 1663, when Middleton had been removed from office. During nearly
twenty years Argyll continued to give a steady support to the Government,
and even to some extent assisted in suppressing the insurrections of the
Covenanters, a step which afterwards caused him deep sorrow and penitence.
In 1681 the slavish
Parliament of Scotland, to gratify the Duke of York, the King’s brother
and successor, enacted the notorious Test of Passive Obedience, binding
the subscriber never to attempt to bring about any alteration in
Government, in Church, or in State without the King’s authority. This
Test was such a mass of inconsistencies and self-contradiction, that it
was impossible for any man to take it bond fide, and even eighty of the
Episcopal ministers refused to subscribe to it, and were in consequence
ejected from their livings. Argyll intimated his intention to resign his
office rather than take this Test, but, at the instance of James himself,
he at length complied; adding, however, the explanation, of which the Duke
professed to approve, that he took it so far as it was consistent with
itself and with the Protestant religion. James, however, saw clearly that
he could not rely on the support of Argyll in his plot for the overthrow
of the religion and liberties of the kingdom, and therefore resolved to
avail himself of this opportunity to destroy him. The Earl was accordingly
committed a prisoner to the castle of Edinburgh, and was tried, on the
18th of December, 1681, by a packed jury, of which the Marquis of
Montrose, the hereditary enemy of the Campbells, was foreman, on a charge
of treason and leasingmaking, or creating a dissension between the King
and his subjects. He was found guilty, and condemned to death. On the
evening of the 20th, however, he made his escape from the castle in the
disguise of a page holding up the train of his step-daughter, Lady Sophia
Lindsay, and, in spite of a keen pursuit, made his way to London, and
thence passed over into Friesland, where his father had bought a small
estate as a place of refuge for his family in case of their expulsion from
their hereditary possessions. Sentence of attainder was immediately
pronounced against him, his estates were confiscated, his titles
forfeited, and a large reward was offered for his head. This shameless
prostitution of justice excited deep indignation among men of all parties
both in England and Scotland. ‘I know nothing of the Scottish law,’
said Lord Halifax, ‘but this I know, that we should not hang a dog even,
on the grounds on which my Lord Argyll has been sentenced.’
Argyll remained in Holland
living in obscurity till the death of Charles II. in 1685, when, at a
meeting of Scottish and English exiles, it was resolved that two
expeditions should be undertaken— one, under Monmouth, to England, the
other, under Argyll, to Scotland—for the purpose of vindicating the
rights and liberties of the nation. The history of the ill-managed and
disastrous Scottish expedition, the causes of its failure, and the
difficulties which Argyll encountered from the wrong-headedness and
obstinacy of his associates in command, the dispersion of the insurgents
and the capture of their unfortunate leader, have all been narrated in
most picturesque style by Macaulay, and must be familiar to all who take
an interest in the history of Scotland. Argyll was conveyed from Inchinnan,
where he was captured, to Edinburgh, every kind of indignity being heaped
upon him during his journey, and he was put in irons in his old place of
imprisonment. It was resolved not to bring him to a new trial, but to put
him to death under the old sentence of 1681. In these trying circumstances
the Earl still displayed the same calm courage and equanimity which had
distinguished the close of his father’s career. He professed deep
penitence for his former compliance with the sinful measures of the
Government, and expressed his firm conviction that the good cause would
ultimately triumph. ‘I do not,’ he said, ‘take on myself to be a
prophet, but I have a strong impression on my spirit that deliverance will
come very suddenly.’ The sight of his peaceful sleep a few hours before
his execution overwhelmed one of his bitterest enemies with remorse and
shame, and has often been portrayed both by the pencil and the pen. On the
day of his execution he wrote a brief farewell to his second son:
‘DEARE JOHNE,—We parted sudenly, but I
hope shall meete hapily in heauen. I pray God blese you, and if you seeke
Him He will be found of you. My wiffe will say all to you. Pray love and
respect her. I am your loving father,
A similar letter was written by him on the
same day to his son James. When the Earl was brought down to the
Council-house, where he was to remain till the hour of his execution, he
wrote the following farewell letter to his wife :—
‘DEAR HEART,—God is unchangeable; He
hath always been good and gracious to me, and no place alters it. Forgive
me all my faults; and now comfort thyself in Him, in whom only true
comfort is to be found. The Lord be with thee, bless and comfort thee, my
dearest! Adieu.’
To his step-daughter and daughter-in-law,
who had formerly saved his life by aiding his escape from prison, he wrote
‘My DEAR LADY SOPHIE,—What can I say in
this great day of the Lord where, in the midst of a cloud, I find a fair
sunshine? I can wish no more for you but that the Lord may comfort you,
and shine upon you as He doth upon me, and give you the same sense of His
love in staying in the world as I have in going out of it. Adieu.’
His farewell speech
breathed the spirit of piety, resignation, and forgiveness. He was
beheaded on the 30th of June, 1685, and his head was fixed on the Tolbooth
of Edinburgh.
His eldest son and
successor, ARCHIBALD, tenth Earl, and first Duke of Argyll, took refuge in
Holland, and accompanied the Prince of Orange to England in 1688. The
Revolution, which expelled the Stewarts from the throne, at once
reinstated the chief of the Campbells in all his ancestral rights and
privileges. The Convention treated as a nullity the sentence which
deprived him of his estates and honours. He was selected from the whole
body of Scottish nobles to make a tender of the crown of Scotland, and to
administer the oath of office, to William and Mary. He was authorised to
raise a regiment among his clansmen for the service of the Crown, who were
employed under Campbell of Glenlyon in the atrocious massacre of Glencoe,
and afterwards served with distinction both in Ireland and Flanders.
Although he had been guilty of the crime, ‘singularly disgraceful in
him,’ says Macaulay, of intriguing with the agents of James while
professing loyalty to William, the latter created him, in 1701, Duke of
Argyll, Marquis of Kintyre and Lorne, Earl of Campbell and Cowal, Viscount
Lochaw and Glenisla, Lord Inverary, Mull, Inverness, and Tiree. But, as
the historian justly remarks, the Duke was in his personal qualities one
of the most insignificant of the long line of nobles who had borne the
great name of Argyll. He was the descendant of eminent men and the parent
of eminent men, but he was unworthy both of his ancestry and of his
progeny. He was noted for little else than his polished manners; he had no
application to business, and by his careless and spendthrift style of
living he still further involved his estates, which had been greatly
impoverished by the misfortunes of his father and grandfather. He married
a daughter of the notorious Duchess of Lauderdale, with whom, as might
have been expected, he led a very unhappy life, and at last he in a great
measure abandoned public duties and lived with a mistress in a house.
called Clinton, near Newcastle. His death, which took place in 1703, was
both miserable and discreditable. He was succeeded by his son, a nobleman
of a very different character, the famous—
DUKE JOHN—Jeanie Deans’s
Duke—the friend of Pope, who has eulogised him as—
‘Argyll, the States’
whole thunder born to wield,
And shake alike the
senate and the field.’
He was born in October,
1678. On the very day on which his grandfather was executed, in 1685, the
boy fell from a window in the upper flat of Lethington, the seat of his
grandmother, the Duchess of Lauderdale, without receiving any injury—an
incident which was regarded as an omen of his future greatness. Lord
Macaulay declares that this nobleman was renowned as a warrior and as an
orator, as the model of every courtly grace, and as the judicious patron
of arts and letters. Sir Walter Scott says, ‘Few names deserve more
honourable mention than that of John, Duke of Argyll and Greenwich. His
talent as a statesman and soldier was generally admitted; he was not
without ambition, but "without the illness that oft attends it "—without
the irregularity of thought and aim which often excites great men in his
peculiar situation (for it was a very peculiar one) to grasp the means of
raising themselves to power at the risk of throwing a kingdom into
confusion. He was alike free from the ordinary vices of statesmen—falsehood
and dissimulation; and from those of warriors—inordinate and ardent
thirst after seif-aggrandisement.’ ‘Ian Roy Bean’ —Red John, the
Warrior—as the Highlanders termed him, was very dear to his countrymen,
who were justly proud of his military and political talents, and grateful
for the ready zeal with which he asserted the rights of his native
country. Duke John held several high offices in his native land, and in
1705 was appointed Lord High Commissioner to the Scottish
Parliament for the purpose of carrying through the Act of Union. For his
services on this occasion he was rewarded with a British peerage. The next
year he joined the British army under Marlborough in Flanders, and served
in four campaigns. He distinguished himself at the battles of Ramilies,
Oudenarde, and Malplaquet, and all the principal sieges carried out by the
great general, and rose to the rank of lieutenant-general. On the
dismissal of Marlborough, with whom he was continually at variance, Argyll
was sent to take charge of both civil and military affairs in Spain, but
finding that he had been only made a tool of by the Tory ministry, who
were actively carrying on negotiations for the peace of Utrecht, the Duke,
thoroughly disgusted, threw up his command and returned home, with the
firm resolution of joining the Opposition. His vehement and eloquent
attacks on the Government did no small injury to the Tory and Jacobite
cause. On the death of Queen Anne he suddenly presented himself,
uninvited, along with the Duke of Somerset, in the Council-chamber, and in
conjunction with Shrewsbury, frustrated the plans of Bolingbroke and the
Jacobites for the accession of the Pretender to the throne. He was one of
the Lords Justices appointed by George I. to act as Regents before his
arrival in England, and was subsequently appointed Groom of the Stole to
the Prince of Wales, Commander-in-Chief of the Forces in Scotland,
Governor of Minorca, a Privy Councillor, and a Colonel of the Royal
Regiment of Horse Guards. When the Earl of Mar raised the standard of
rebellion in 1715, the Duke of Argyll was sent down to oppose him.
By dint of great activity and zeal he succeeded in collecting a force of
3,300 men, with which he kept in check the Jacobite army of more than
three times that number. The hostile armies encountered at Sheriffmuir,
near Dunblane (15th Nov., 1715), with doubtful result. Argyll himself
broke the left wing of the rebels, but his left wing was in turn worsted
by the clans. The battle in itself was therefore as indecisive as the
satirical ballad represents—
‘Some say that we wan, and
some say that they wan;
And some say that nane
wan at a’, man.’
On being told that his victory was
incomplete, Argyll replied in the words of an old Scottish song called the
‘Bob o’ Dunblane ‘—
‘If it wasna weel bobbit,
weel bobbit, weel bobbit,
If it wasna weel bobbit,
we’ll bob it again.’
All the advantage of the
fight, however, remained with the Royalists. Mar’s advance to the south
was completely checked, and after some weeks of inactivity, during which
the clansmen deserted his standard daily, the rebel leader fled to the
Continent, and the remains of his army dispersed into the inaccessible
wilds of Badenoch.
The services which the Duke
rendered to the house of Hanover at this critical period were probably too
great to be either acknowledged or repaid, and the extraordinary
popularity which he enjoyed among his countrymen was of itself fitted to
make him the object of jealousy at Court. His independent conduct, too,
and somewhat haughty mode of expressing himself in Parliament and acting
in public, were ill calculated, as Sir Walter Scott remarks, to attract
royal favour. His opposition to the Bill which proposed to deprive the
city of Edinburgh of its rights and privileges, on account of the Porteous
mob, gave great offence to the King and his counsellers. Although he was
therefore always respected and often employed, he was not a favourite of
George II, his consort, or his ministers, and in 1716 he had become so
obnoxious to them that he was deprived of all his offices, and went into
violent opposition. Three years later he again joined the Ministry at a
great crisis, and was appointed High Steward of the Household, and was
created Duke of Greenwich. He was subsequently nominated Master-General of
the Ordnance, Governor of Portsmouth, and a Field-Marshal. With the
assistance of his politic brother, Lord Islay, in spite of all the efforts
of the Government to thwart him, he obtained in 1725 the complete control
of Scottish affairs, and might have been termed ‘King Campbell,’ as
truly as was his ancestor, the great Marquis. The readers of the ‘Heart
of Midlothian’ will remember the description there given of the part
which the Duke took against the Ministry on the occasion of the famous
Porteous riot, in 1737. Three years later he was once more dismissed from
all his employments. On the downfall of Walpole, who mortally hated him,
says Lord Hervey, and whom he mortally hated, the Duke, in 1742, accepted
the office of Commander-in-Chief, but resigned it in a fortnight, in
consequence of the appointment of the Marquis of Tweeddale as Secretary of
State for Scotland. His Grace now retired from public life, and devoted
himself to the improvement of his estates, but did not long survive. He
died on the 4th of October, 1743. The Duke possessed a cultivated and
poetical taste, and he is said to have been the author of the well-known
Scottish song, ‘Bannocks of Barley-Meal.’
Duke John left four
daughters, but no son. His English titles of Duke and Earl of Greenwich
and Baron of Chatham became extinct at his death, but he was succeeded in
his estates and Scottish honours by his brother—
ARCHIBALD—who had been
previously created Lord Oronsay, Dunoon, and Aros, and Viscount and Earl
of Islay—’of late his bitter enemy,’ says Earl Stanhope. ‘Never
did such near kinsmen display less affinity of minds. With all his faults
and follies, Argyll was still brave, eloquent, and accomplished, a skilful
officer and a princely nobleman. Islay, on the contrary, was base and
mean.’ ‘His heart is like his aspect—vile,’ says Hanbury Williams.
‘Suspected of having betrayed Walpole at his fall, I believe unjustly,
yet seldom on any occasion swayed by gratitude or generosity.’ Macaulay,
however, takes a more favourable view of Islay’s character, and speaks
of him as ‘distinguished by talents for business and command, and by
skill in the exact sciences.’ His private life was not as untarnished as
his brother’s; he was more subtle and pliant, and altogether seems to
have been morally of a lower stamp of character, probably derived from his
grandmother, the notorious Duchess of Lauderdale. He held at various times
the offices of Lord High Treasurer of Scotland, one of the Commissioners
for the Union, one of the Extraordinary Lords of Session, Lord
Justice-General for Scotland, Lord Chief Registrar, Keeper of the Privy
Seal, and Chancellor of the University of Aberdeen. Dr. Alexander Carlyle,
in his autobiography, gives a very graphic description of the Duke’s
habits, and says he detested the ‘High Flying,’ or Evangelical, party
in the Scottish Church. But he was both a statesman and an accomplished
gentleman and scholar, a humorist, and was possessed of very remarkable
colloquial powers. ‘He never harangued or was tedious,’ says Carlyle,
‘but listened to you in your turn. He had the talent of conversing with
his guests so as to distinguish men of knowledge and talents, without
neglecting those who valued themselves more on their birth and their
rent-rolls than on personal merit. The Duke had a great collection of fine
stories, which he told so neatly and so frequently repeated them without
variation as to make one- believe that he had wrote them down. He had been
in the battle of Sheriffmuir, and was slightly wounded in his foot, which
made him always halt a little. He would have been an admirable soldier, as
he had every talent and qualification necessary to arrive at the height of
that profession; but his brother John, Duke of Argyll, having gone before
him with a great and rising reputation, he was advised to take the line of
a statesman.’
Duke Archibald was a great
favourite with Sir Robert Walpole, and governed his native country as
representative of that powerful minister with such authority as to be
styled ‘The King of Scotland.’ Under his ‘liberal and partial
patronage’ the Campbells attained to a degree of wealth and power
superior to that of any other surname in Scotland. On the abolition, in
1747, of the hereditary jurisdictions of the great landed proprietors,
Argyll received £21,000 as compensation for the office of Justiciary of
Argyllshire and the Western Islands, the Sheriffship of Argyll, and the
Regality of Campbell. The Duke remained at the head of affairs in Scotland
till his death, which took place while he was sitting in his chair at
dinner, April 15th, 1761, in the seventy-ninth year of his age. It was he
who pulled down the noble old Gothic castle of Inverary, which, Sir Walter
Scott says, ‘with its varied outline, embattled walls, towers, and outer
and inner courts, so far as picturesque is concerned, presented an aspect
much more striking than the present massive and uniform mansion.’ To
meet the great expense of the new structure, the Duke sold the fine estate
of Duddingston, near Edinburgh, which came from his grandmother, the
Duchess of Lauderdale.
It thus appears that no
fewer than four Earls of Argyll held the office of Lord Chancellor of
Scotland, and that the high judicial office of Lord Justice General, which
was conferred upon the third Earl, was hereditary in the family for
upwards of a century, till it was resigned by the seventh Earl into the
hands of Charles I. The third, fifth, and seventh Earls were Masters of
the Royal Household. Besides these great offices of State, the Earls of
Argyll held the heritable office of Justice-General within the whole
bounds of Argyll, and in that capacity exercised jurisdiction within the
whole islands of Scotland (excepting Orkney and Shetland), and within the
lands of Morven, Knoydart, Moydart, Morar, and Arisaig. The office of
Hereditary Sheriff of Argyll was also vested in the family. They were
lords of the regality, lordship, and barony of Campbell, which
comprehended the baronies of Roseneath in Dumbartonshire, Menstrie, in
Clackmannanshire, Boquhan in Stirlingshire, Glenelg, in Inverness-shire,
Lundie in Forfarshire, and Muckhart in Perthshire, with the privilege of
holding courts. The Earls of Argyll likewise held the heritable office of
Bailey of the Isle of Tiree, and lands in Islay and Jura, and the office
of Bailery and Stewartry of the earldom, lordship, and barony of Argyll.
To the Argyll family also belonged the heritable office of Constable and
Keeper of Dunoon and other fourteen castles in the shire of Argyll. [See Report
by William Fraser on the Manuscripts of his Grace the Duke of Argyll,
fourth report of the Royal Commission on Historical MSS.]
The third Duke left no
legitimate issue, and was succeeded in his family titles and estates in
Scotland by his cousin—
grandson of Archibald, ninth Earl of Argyll. He attained the rank of
general in the army, and served both in Germany and in the rebellion of
1715, as aide-decamp to his chief, Duke John; but his career was marked by
no event worthy of special notice, and he is best remembered as the
husband of the beautiful and witty Mary Bellenden, Maid of Honour to Queen
Caroline. His eldest son, JOHN, fifth Duke, served against the Highlanders
at Falkirk and Culloden in the ‘45, was made Field-Marshal, and in his
father’s lifetime was created an English peer, as BARON SUNDRIDGE, the
title by which the present Duke sits in the House of Lords. Boswell gives
an amusing account of the visit which Dr. Johnson paid to this Duke at
Inverary in 1773, of the respect which the amiable nobleman showed to the
philosopher, of the impertinent behaviour of Bozzy himself to the Duchess,
and of the stately contempt with which she put down his impertinence. Her
Grace was one of the three Gunnings, whose extraordinary beauty was so
often celebrated both by painters and poets. She had been previously
Duchess of Hamilton, was the mother of four dukes—two of Hamilton and
two of Argyll—and was created, in 1776, Baroness Hamilton of Hameldon,
in Leicestershire—a title which on the death of her son, Douglas, Duke
of Hamilton, fell to his half-brother, GEORGE WILLIAM, sixth Duke of
Argyll, a handsome man of pleasure, and a friend of the Prince Regent,
whose extravagances deeply injured the family estates, and alienated
Castle Campbell and other outlying possessions of the house.
His brother, JOHN DOUGLAS,
who succeeded him in 1839, as seventh Duke, was a man of no political
position, and will be remembered mainly as the father of GEORGE DOUGLAS
CAMPBELL, the eighth and present Duke of Argyll, who has attained a high
reputation both in politics and in literature. An old Highland prophecy
foretold that the ancient power and honour of the house should be restored
by a MacCalian More, whose locks would be of the same hue as those of the
famous ‘Red John, the Warrior,’ Duke of Argyll and Greenwich; and his
own clansmen believe, and not without reason, that this prediction has
already been fulfilled in the person of the present Duke, the father of
the Marquis of Lorne, and the father-in-law of the Queen’s daughter, the
Princess Louise. His Grace, who is Hereditary Master of the Royal
Household, Scotland, Chancellor of the University of St. Andrews,
President of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, and Lord-Lieutenant of
Argyllshire, has held the office of Lord Privy Seal three times, and of
Postmaster-General, and Secretary for India. He is the author of ‘A
Letter to the Peers from a Peer’s Son,’ 1842; a brochure ‘On
the Duty and Necessity of Immediate Legislative Interposition in behalf of
the Church of Scotland, as determined by Considerations of Constitutional
Law;’ ‘A Letter to the Rev. Thomas Chalmers, D.D., on the Present
Position of Church Affairs in Scotland, and the causes which have led to
it,’ 1842; ‘Presbytery Examined,’ 1848; ‘The Reign of Law,’ ‘866;
‘Primeval Man,’ 1869; ‘Antiquities of lona,’ 1870; ‘Relation of
Landlord and Tenant,’ ‘877; ‘Eastern Question,’ 1879.
The family estates in the
counties of Argyll and Dumbarton, according to the ‘Doomsday Book,’
comprise 175,111 acres, with a yearly rental of £50,842.
The following Memoir was written by Lady
Louisa Stuart, daughter of the Earl of Bute, Minister of George
III., for the purpose of giving to Caroline Lucy, Lady Scott, an
account of her great-grandfather John Duke of Argyll, and of his
Lady Scott was descended from the Duke, through her mother (Lady
Louisa’s very dear friend), Lady Frances Scott, second wife of
Archibald Douglas of Douglas, created Baron Douglas.
Lady Frances Scott was sister of Henry Duke of Buccleuch, and
posthumous daughter of Francis Earl of Dalkeith, by his wife,
Lady Caroline Campbell, eldest daughter of John Duke of Argyll
and Greenwich. Lady Dalkeith married secondly the Right
Honourable Charles Townshend, who died Chancellor of the
She was created Baroness Greenwich, with
remainder to the issue male of her second marriage; but, a
daughter only by Mr. Townshend surviving her, the title became
extinct at her death.
The accompanying genealogical tree shows Lady Scott’s descent
from the Duke of Argyll, and also Lady Louisa Stuart’s
connection with the family.
July, 1863.
Some Account of John
Duke of Argyll and his Family
By his Great-Niece Lady Louisa Stuart (1863) (pdf) |