THE Earl of Huntly was a prisoner in
England and strictly guarded. The Duke of Somerset, Governor of England,
was well aware of the power and influence of the Scottish personage who
had unfortunately fallen into his hands. Accordingly, it appears that
Somerset made the utmost efforts to bring Huntly over to the side of the
English party. The Earl was very anxious to obtain his liberty and return
to Scotland, therefore he was constantly tempted with promises of release,
if he would only undertake to support the English interest. This will
appear from the following :—On the 5th December, 1548, it was agreed
between the Duke of Somerset and the Earl of Huntly that the Earl was to
have a licence to go to Scotland and stay there for two months and a half
after his departure from the burgh of Berwick; and, in the meantime, he
was to deliver the Countess. of Huntly, his wife; Alexander, Lord Gordon,
his eldest son; George Gordon, his second son; William Gordon, his third
son; and Alexander Gordon, his brother, as hostages for his return at the
appointed time. Also that he should pay the ransoms of certain prisoners
for which he was responsible.
The following day another contract
was drawn, which declared that the first one was of no effect, nor
"binding on any of us—but was devised by me, the said Earl, to be carried
with me into Scotland at my going thither, to be shown to the Governor and
others in Scotland, for a covert of our proceedings, and to the intent
that, by pretence thereof, I might better promote the King’s affairs, and
advance such purposes as I have promised to the Duke, to do my best to
bring to pass." By the second contract the Earl agreed to return to
England within ten weeks, and to leave as hostages the persons named in
the first contract. Yet there seems to have been some suspicion in
Somerset’s mind of Huntly’s sincerity. Though the Earl was permitted to
proceed under a guard to Berwick, instructions were sent to detain him at
Newcastle. Huntly, on the other hand, distrusted the good faith of
Somerset, and therefore resolved to make an effort to escape.
Huntly reached Morpeth on the 22nd
of December, where he was to await the arrival of his Countess and
the other hostages. The Earl, however, aided by George Kerr of Heton, who
provided relays of horses, escaped from Morpeth and arrived at Edinburgh
in the beginning of February, 1549. On his arrival he was warmly welcomed.
For his faithful services he received the Earldom of Moray and the
Sheriffdom of Elgin and Forres.
In 1550 a quarrel arose between the Earl of Huntly and
William Mackintosh, chief of the Clan Chattan. There is no clear evidence
of the cause of this quarrel. He held the office of deputy-lieutenant
under the Earl of Huntly, and he was deprived of this office, apprehended,
and imprisoned. On the 2nd of August, 1550, he was tried by a jury at
Aberdeen. He was accused of conspiring against the Earl of Huntly, Her
Majesty’s Lieutenant of the North, convicted, and sentenced to death. His
execution was delayed for some time, and he was conveyed to Strathbogie
Castle, where he was executed. On the 14th of December, 1557, by an Act of
Parliament, the sentence against Mackintosh was reversed as illegal.
In 1552 the Queen-mother, accompanied by the Regent
Arran, made a judicial progress through the kingdom as far as Inverness.
Huntly entertained the party at the Castle of Strathbogie in such a grand
style that the Frenchmen of the Court suggested to the Queen that such a
great noble should not be tolerated in so small a kingdom as Scotland, and
that "his wings should be clipped."
Huntly was ordered to curb the lawless actions of the
Camerons and John of Moidart, who was elected by the Clan Ranald as their
chief, excluding the rightful heir. In September, 1553, Huntly met John of
Moidart at Ruthven Castle, in Badenoch; and the Earl then received the
said John, captain of the Clan Ranald, and his son Allan, "their kin,
friends, and allies, remitting them and heartily forgiving all offences,
wrongs, and disobedience in times past to the said Earl, or any of his,
and especially the last offence and brake made by them, their friends, and
allies, upon his good friend, Lord Lovat." Moidart, his son, and their
allies, promised to keep good rule within their bounds, to obey authority,
and to continue to be true servants to the Earl of Huntly. They also
promised to endeavour to bring Donald Gormson and all the captains and
chiefs of the North Isles to pass to the Queen
and council as becoming true subjects.
But disturbance again broke out; and in 1554 the Queen
Regent commissioned Huntly to bring John of Moidart to justice. The Earl
mustered an army, chiefly composed of the Clan Chattan and his own
vassals, and advanced into the territory of Clan Ranald. Moidart and his
followers retreated without coming to an engagement ; and the Mackintoshes
declined to follow them into their fastnesses. They then raised such a
tumult in the camp that the Earl was forced to retire, and returned home.
Huntly’s opponents at once seized the opportunity to
magnify his failure; and the Queen Regent caused him to be imprisoned at
Edinburgh. The Earl was deprived of the Chancellorship, and compelled to
resign his tacks of the Earldoms of Ross, Mar, and Moray. He was confined
for some time, and had to pay heavy fines to the Government before he
obtained his liberty. After his imprisonment he usually resided upon his
own estates.
In 1557 Huntly was again restored to favour. On the 5th
of August he was appointed Lieutenant-General of the Kingdom. At this time
the Earl of Huntly was recognised as the head of the Roman Catholic party
in Scotland. He gave a general support to the Queen Regent in the struggle
between her and the Reformers, and occasionally interposed between her and
the Lords of the Congregation to prevent hostilities. Huntly disapproved
of the presence of the French troops in Scotland, and regarded them as a
disturbing element in the kingdom. He had a great stake in the country,
and accordingly acted with caution amid the revolutionary movement.
Naturally Huntly became suspicious of the good faith of
the Lords of the Congregation, and asked them to promise that they would
maintain him and his friends in their lives and possessions. To this they
replied that they were obliged to defend each other in the event of
attack, and that they would defend him if he joined them. Upon this
assurance, on the 25th of April, 1560, Huntly rode into the camp. The
Queen Regent and the Lords made efforts to come to terms, but could not
Huntly was not present at the Parliament which was held
at Edinburgh in 1560, and which abolished the Roman Catholic religion in
Scotland. It also appears that the proceedings of Lord James Stewart, and
the Earls of Argyle and Athole, raised a suspicion in his mind that they
had formed some plot against him; and, indeed, these Earls entered into a
bond "to bridle the Earl of Huntly if he intended any mischief."
When it became known that Queen Mary of Scots, after
the death of her husband, the King of France, had resolved to return to
the home of her ancestors, there were many indications of the approaching
struggle for office and power. Lord James Stewart, Prior of St. Andrews,
was appointed by Parliament to proceed to France on a mission to Queen
Mary; while at a secret convention of the Catholic nobles, headed by the
Earl of Huntly, John Lesly, the parson of Oyne, and afterwards Bishop of
Ross, was deputed, in April, 1561, to proceed to France, and represent the
views of the Catholic party to Queen Mary. They earnestly entreated her to
land at Aberdeen, where she would find an army of 20,000 men ready to
protect her and convey her in triumph to Edinburgh. But before embarking,
the Queen intimated to the leading men in Scotland that she expected them
to exercise the virtue of mutual forbearance, and not fly at each other’s
Mary landed at Leith on the 19th of August,1561 and the
Earl of Huntly came post with sixteen horses to welcome her. As Lord
Chancellor, he was present at the meetings of the Privy Council. On the
22nd of December he was present at the Convention in which the questions
affecting the ecclesiastical revenues were discussed. Lord James, the
Queen’s half-brother, was placed at the head of the Government, and
Maitland of Lethington was appointed Secretary of State.
The quarrel between the Gordons and the Ogilvies of
Findlater reached a crisis in July, 1562. Alexander Ogilvie of Ogilvie and
Findlater married Elizabeth Gordon, a daughter of Adam Gordon, Dean of
Caithness, third son of Alexander, first Earl of Huntly. Alexander Ogilvie,
owing to the conduct of his son, James of Cardell, thought fit to
disinherit him. Accordingly, he granted to Sir John Gordon, third son of
George, Earl of Huntly, the Barony of Ogilvie and Findlater, reserving his
own and wife’s life rent Sir John Gordon was to assume the name and arms
of Ogilvie, and, failing his male issue, the succession was to devolve to
his brothers, William, James, and Adam, with remainder to Sir Walter
Ogilvie of Boyne, Sir Walter Ogilvie of Dunlugas, and James, Lord Ogilvie.
After the death of Alexander Ogilvie, Sir John Gordon
married his widow, Elizabeth Gordon. This marriage appears to have been an
unhappy one. James Ogilvie thought that he was unjustly disinherited. In
July, 1562, the case was to come before the Court in Edinburgh, and Sir
John Gordon was there, and met James Ogilvie in the street. A fight
ensued, in which Ogilvie was wounded. Gordon was imprisoned; but on the
25th of July he escaped from prison. This affair became associated with
the series of incidents and events which issued in the eclipse and
overthrow of the Huntly family for a time.
Huntly had not changed his religion, and various
incidents and circumstances indicated that Lord James Stewart, the Queen’s
half-brother, had resolved to crush him. It became known that the Earldom
of Moray was to be detached from Huntly’s possessions and conferred on
Lord James. The Queen was in the hands of Lord James and the Protestant
Lords. Huntly was coldly treated by the Queen; and in the winter of
1562 he retired from the Court to the north.