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Scottish/Celtic Music

I started this section because of the many emails I'd received asking me to do an introduction to Scottish and Celtic music.   Like myself these people knew almost nothing about the music, knew none of the so called big names and found it very difficult to find any music to listen to on the Web. This is thus my attempt at bringing you some of the music and background to Scottish and Celtic music.

The March of the Cameron Men Wandering Willie
The March of the Cameron Men  |  Wandering Willie

Scottish Celtic Music with Beautiful Scenic Relaxation Views of Scotland
Enjoy an hour of original Scottish Celtic music sure to stir your innermost being.

Electric Scotland Community
You can watch loads of videos of artists and groups within our community and taking out a free membership you can add information on your own favourite artists.

Listen to Scottish Community Radio from Australia
We have some 50 x 40 minute shows for you to listen to all with a great collection of Scottish music. Jock has been the Scottish DJ in Australia for loads of years and he puts together his shows and then tapes them for us to record onto the site. You'll also find a 14 episode compilation of the "Saga of Scotland".

Scots Language, Poems and Stories in Real Audio
Since around the year 2000 the Scots Independent Newspaper have been producing real audio productions of Scots words that you will read in any of the many Burns poems. They have also been reading many poems and stories for you to listen to as well as special productions of a Burns supper and Tartan Day tributes.

Scots Minstrelsie: A National Monument of Scottish Song
A 6 volume collection of Scottish songs along with the sheet music for each song.

The Scottish Songs
Collected and Illustrated by Robert Chambers (1829)

Poems by the Bard of Banff
These are recordings of his poems

A Little Breath of Scotland
A weekly radio show from Ontario, Canada from Dennis Snowdon who has been hosting the show for some 44 years. You can now listen to his weekly podcast at any time during the week.

Radio Programs from Scotland
I discovered some Scottish radio programs and snippets on the Internet Archive so here are some of them to listen to...

BBC Scotland
Listen 24/7 to BBC Radio Scotland. A mix of news, shows, music, sport, etc. Comes up in a new window where you can then minimize it and listen while you work or play.

Weel Kent Scottish Songs
A wee medley of well known Scottish Songs
Scenery & Songs of Scotland
An old book with songs and sheet music and some really excellent drawings of the scenery of Scotland.
Fisher Folk Songs
A compilation from the book Dark Birthright
Videos from Scotland
Found some wee videos about Scotland.
Scottish & Highland Dancing
Sheet Music and Steps
Bagpipe Music
Some unusual musical scores.
John's Scottish Sing-Along
Old Scottish Songs
Early Scottish Melodies
By John Glen
The First Hundred Years of the Accordion in Scotland. 1830 - 1930 by Stuart Eydmann
Classical Music in Scotland
New Lease of Life for "Auld Scots Sangs"

William "Billy" Connolly
Comedian, Actor, etc.
Balmoral Reel Book
A Collection of the most admired Reels, Strathspeys, Country Dances, Schottisches, Jigs, Quadrilles, Hornpipes, Polkas, etc., arranged for the Violin (pdf)
Songs of tbe Hebrides
For Voice and Celtic Harp or Piano by Patuffa Kennedy-Fraser (pdf)
Ancient Ballads and Songs of the North of Scotland
Hitherto unpublished with Explanatory Notes by Peter Buchan reprinted from the Original edition of 1828 in two volumes (1875) Volume 1  |  Volume 2

The Lament of the Border Widow
Highland Music Trust
A Scottish charity established for the preservation of Scottish National and Traditional Music.
Gems of Scotland
(Caprice de Concert) Julia Rive-King musical score (1878) (pdf)
Islay Reapers Song
By M. Kennedy-Fraser and Kenneth MacLeod (pdf)

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