Way up
north, where the wind blows its icy breath across the land lived a
little boy named Kimo. He and his family lived in an igloo, made from
carved blocks of frozen snow. They dressed warm and always wore gloves,
boots and heavy coats whenever they went outside.
morning Kim and his father went fishing. Since everything was frozen
solid, they had to cut holes in the ice to catch the fish. Sometimes
they would see penguins waddling about and now and then they'd see a
polar bear with her cubs running across the ice.
morning Kimo's father cut a hole in the ice as he usually did. “You sit
here and watch this,” he said to his son. He handed Kimo a stick with a
line on it. “See that cork? If a fish nibbles on the bait under the
water, the cork will bob up and down. Pull the stick up and bring the
fish onto the ice. I will be watching and come to help you if you need
sat on the ice and held the fishing pole. He waited and waited and
waited, but the cork didn't move. One yawn after another escaped his
then the cork bobbed way down into the water. Kimo tugged the stick.
Instead of catching a fish, a big brown seal poked its head up through
the dark water. Kimo dropped the stick and ran to his father.
the matter, Kimo?” Father held his son out in front of him. “It's only a
seal.” He took Kimo by the hand and walked back to the fishing hole. The
seal had jumped out of the water and lay on the ice. It held a fish in
its mouth. “See, Kimo, the seal caught a fish. Now you try.”
sat next to the seal and put the fishing line back into the water. A few
minutes later it bobbed up and down. He pulled the line and a huge fish
flew onto the ice. The seal also saw the fish and it waddled over to the
fish and ate it. “Father! The seal ate my fish. It was huge and could
have fed us all day long.” The seal slid off the ice into the water and
disappeared under the ice.
came running to Kimo. He sat on the ice. “I'll show you how it's done.”
Soon he'd caught five fish. “Let's go home, Kimo.”
Father, I caught one and the seal ate it,” Kimo tried to tell him.
shook his head back and forth. He didn't believe Kimo. When they got
home Kimo told his mother about the fish and how the seal stole it.
Mother looked at Father, who shook his head and winked at her.
feasted on fish for breakfast. Kimo gobbled his down and then lay on the
blanket to take a nap. His face smiled as he dreamed of the fish, the
seal and the ice.